Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 430: Critical person

Chapter 430 Critical Person

It is very dark and white, and it is both dull and dazzling. It is like nothing, but it is like a thousand.

The grass under the stars, the waves in front of the reef, the ruins on the palace wall, the ruins in the deep sea... countless scenes flashed in front of you.

His mind was slightly stagnant and then slowly turned.

He has been here.

As always, he forgot something, but remembered something.

Forget about those secondary, innocuous and cumbersome things.

Remember the magical, real and important existence.

But this is not the most important.

The important thing is that he is here.


With his thoughts whirl, the end of the world, the power of nature, the heat of the sun, the undercurrent of the underground, the active life, the silence of death, everything is in front of his eyes, without reservation.

Very comfortable and very free.

It’s like letting go of all the restraints, getting rid of all the shackles and unloading everything heavy.

No gravity, no time, nothing else.

Nothing can limit his thoughts.

Only he is in this place, such as the wild horses that are galloping freely, letting the flying birds fly, and swimming in the deep sea.

He is in the world.


No scruples.

Until he becomes the whole world.


A slight discomfort flashed through his heart.

But that doesn't matter, just like facing all other unimportant things, he didn't care.

There is only one feeling, and he is tenaciously accompanying him.


not enough.

This impulse suddenly rose and was unacceptable.

not enough.

His feelings rose with faint urgency.

Far from enough!

He wants more.

Want to know more, learn more, get more!

With the advent of this idea, he began to rise.

It’s amazing.

He is like a rising sun, with unlimited light and heat, rising to the endless sky.

taller and taller.

faster and faster.

And what you see, what you smell, what you see, what you feel... are more and more.

faster and faster!

Until the edge of his senses, there was an endless deep sky.

Dark, silent, clear.

So beautiful, magical, unspeakable, as if in the center of everything.

Let him indulge.

But that is not the most attractive to him.

At that moment, he saw a fog in the deep space, the fog was gray and dark, and the shadows were heavy, but there were innumerable dazzling white light, and the light flowed like water, flickering.

what is that?

He just came up with this idea, and the mist that permeated the white light moved slightly!

If they have life, they will spread to him.


He looked at the fog in the dark deep space and felt the distance between them slowly shrink.

Why... so kind?

It's like—he looks at the fog that is flowing toward him, and suddenly there is a faint excitement—just as they are calling me.

he wants.

Want to cross the white light, enter the fog, and discover the things inside.

This thought was born, and his heart suddenly felt like a million ants scratching his heart, could not help but get close to it, into the darkness, into the fog, the white light.

It seems that there is the biggest spoils there.

The magical feeling reappears: As he approaches the fog, his feelings about the world become clearer and he is more determined about his own.

He dropped his view and found that everything in front of him had settled from the sea to the water droplets, from the forest to the veins, from the earth to the soil, from the perspective of life to existence.

He is ordering the world to show itself in a new way.

The deep space is getting closer and closer, and the fog is getting closer.

And he... more and more... perfect?

He wants to laugh, but finds that laughter is far from summarizing his feelings. He also wants to sigh, but he is no longer in the emotional shackles. He still wants to open his arms, but here, even the body is no longer important.

he wants.

Want it!

A few gaze swayed from the dark deep space, far from the man who was on the road.

But that doesn't matter, isn't it?

At this moment, there is only the fog in the deep space in his eyes!

Just want to open it and enter it!

As for everything else, it is no longer important!

He is getting closer and closer.

The deep space is getting more and more real, and the fog is getting more and more friendly.

He believes that they are only a stone's throw away!

Get it and find it, you can become even more... perfect.

Just a stone's throw away.


He should have come, isn't it?

Why have you waited so long?

He should be here early, enter the dark deep space, and open the fog of light to face a better self.

A stronger, higher, more versatile, more perfect self!

He is about to reach the deep space, and the gaze in the darkness is getting stronger, but he doesn't care!

At that moment, the long-lost madness and joy, the impulsiveness and the thrill of the simultaneous rise.

As if the once confused and confused thoughts found the center, his speed approaching the deep space is accelerating.

As if the desire is constantly being met, step by step approaching the ultimate step he expects.

As if he appeared here, it is for this moment!

He has felt this magic, isn't it?

Just a while ago.

The state that makes people want to stop, the power that overrides everything, just like he is the **** of the world, the ruler of everything in the universe, the supreme one -


Suddenly, a strange and familiar male voice rang from the bottom of my heart.

Elegant, self-sufficient and relaxed.

It is like a cold water that is chilling and rushing, and it is pouring over his body!

His progress is slightly slower.

This is a must-have, such as the deep space and the fog in the palm, it seems to be free to go out, from a mile away, once again become the end of the world.

No, no.

His heart gave a disappointing lament.

Don't stop.

Don't stop.

He really... still wants...

If he has an arm, he must try to extend and reach the fog in the deep space.

[What is the god...]

The male voice rang again.

As if the whisper of the ghost is looming, sometimes there is no.

He is trying to "reach his hand" and he is slightly stunned.

What... What?

He suddenly panicked.

The fact that this panic does not know where it came from makes him even more confused.


Once again, the elegant male voice screamed like a mutter.

[What is the world...]

At that moment, he seemed to be hit hard!

His vision trembled violently, his senses shattered, and he flashed through the picture in front of him, knowing everything and suddenly disappeared from consciousness!

Even the dark deep sky far away from the sky has become blurred.

As he was abnormal, he shot from the deep air, and the eyes cast on him revealed a doubt.

As his doubts.

what is that?

Doubt, incomprehensible, stunned, misunderstood and unfamiliar, lost the confusion and fear of belongings, and instantly hit the heart.





More and more words invade his mind and flash back and forth.

what is this……

He is very upset and uncomfortable.

Is it a bit familiar?


[When you think of the gods, what is the first thing that comes to mind? 】

It was the male voice, and it sounded incomparably clearly. When he heard it, he was not afraid of the night!

At that moment, his enthusiasm and unrestrained thoughts suddenly fell!


If he has a voice, he must be screaming.

What is the god?

he does not know.

But there is already another voice in my heart, and I answered it silently.

[It is incompatible with us, and it is relatively distant. 】

The voice was thick and dry, like a duck, with a touch of intolerance, like an immature teenager.

Between the inexplicable question and answer, he suddenly became very flustered.

No, not like this!

The god, the **** he envisioned, the **** that this state tells him, is clearly... obviously...

[Benevolence Creator? Amount, or a omnipotent cold guy? Oh, no, I just think...that, the sunset goddess looks very cold, but the moon is...

[The controller of the puppet, silently observing in the dark? Yes, I want to ask, is the magician like to peek like you... cough, I mean secret observation...]

[Maybe they are advanced creatures of another world? That, Ashida, are you sure that you are born to a local human? I mean, your mother may have encountered a flying saucer when going out for a walk one day, and then there is a handsome man on the flying saucer like you... ah ah, teacher, I am wrong... forehead, empty, air, I need, air ......

[The meaning of the ritual of the moon is like that the goddess sometimes responds to the prayers of mortals, sometimes not, so I am thinking, is the **** a group of experimenters? It’s wearing a white coat, cultivating samples like us in the box, and then they discuss outside the box about terrorist plots like “What to eat at noon today...”

The hateful, ignorant, and self-righteous male duck screamed more and more frequently.


What is it?

He trembled a little and suddenly found with fear:

he does not know.

This discovery, like a mount, causes him to fall from the edge of the cliff and fall into the abyss.

The question and answer is not over yet.

[What is the world for you? 】


The sound in the ear is getting louder and louder, more and more, more and more complicated, and the elegant male voice and the suspicion of the male duck are more and more frequent.

But he is not very good.

At that moment, he suddenly climbed into the carriage of the speed increase, climbed the cloud that was out of control, and sat on the boat with the torrents!

And he suddenly found that he could no longer control the direction of progress and feel the accomplishments of controlling everything and the world.

The darkness in front of the sky is getting farther and farther, and the fog disappears.

He is falling.

He discovered this with horror.

Just like he used to be like a rising sun, now he, like a rolling avalanche, goes straight with the irreversible trend!

He can't stop it, and he can't think about it.

Can only despair to raise the eye.

Watching the distance from him, the dark deep sky filled with endless secrets, watching the fascinating fog and wonderful white light that was at your fingertips...

It is no longer gone.

Damn, the **** cockerel is still lingering...

【world? Oh, maybe all things in the world really have their own power, but they must be ignorant, not cold or hot... heaven and earth are not benevolent, material is material, objective is objective...]

[But I suddenly realized...]

[The world we live in, the world of understanding... It is not a cold material, nor a gray object. It is a painting intertwined with our reflections from the outside world... In this perspective, it must have Color, temperature. 】

[It will make sense to us. 】

Ah, it’s so uncomfortable...

That male duck... He didn’t die soon!

[I saw the world, but I don't know how far I see the difference from the "de facto" - if there is an objective world there...]

[Or, the world I saw was because of me... Hey, Ashidah? Mr. Sackn? what happened to you? You are a teacher, can a magician be distracted? It’s raining, and the beauty has passed by... I’m back! Ah, don't, don't, I don't mean it... that, breathe... give me...air...]

As he fell, the eyes that had been locked on him slowly changed.

No longer fierce, no longer doubts.

It is full of anger.

It seems to be extremely dissatisfied with something.

He continues to fall, falling like a high altitude.

Weightlessness, dizziness, panic, suffocation, and an instant attack.

Just like he used to be a black sword, falling from the sky cliff of Longyan City.

and many more?

He was shocked.

Who is the black sword?

Where is Longyan City?

Why... Why do I know?


Who am I?



The next moment, Tyres suddenly woke up from the world of jealousy!

As if from the deep cold ice, he pierced a small hole for breathing.

Let him take a breather.


Taylors looked around subconsciously.

Where am I?

But what he saw in his eyes, up and down, left and right, there was only a blurred scene, as if hidden behind a heavy water curtain.

After the glory of Yu Guang, it seems that there is a brilliance of light, and the secret is deep, but when you look up, you don’t see anything, and you are all silent.

I was originally... Where is it?

He asked himself in confusion.

But he can't remember.

But Taylors is still falling - this is his only feeling.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

How to do……

His heart rate has increased dramatically, and the fear and confusion that once faded have come.

What is wrong with this...

Taylors is getting scared.

He doesn't know where he is.

I don't know how I came.

I don't even know what I am doing.

He was like a patient with amnesia, woke up in a strange bed in the hospital.

Damn... What is the hospital?

The surrounding scene is still blurred.

He is very confused.

Just like the hard journey of the past, he felt lonely when he walked in the desert.

and many more.

Taylors shook his head.


That is... where?

At this time, Taylors only felt that his forehead was cool!

The inch of silver shines, such as the fluorescent light, overflowing from his body.

There was a slight tinnitus in his ear, and it was followed by a soft whisper, a few unspeakable.


[Never lost. 】

Taylors is a spirit!

this is……

At the moment of hearing this strange slang, his momentum of decline will stop!

It seems to hover in the air.

Tyres’s thoughts were frozen for a moment.

But soon, the silver radiance spread like a starlight, flashing a brilliance in the vague mid-air, leading to the distance.

Just like a road.

Thales looked at the road of light, and although he was still confused and even lost, he knew:

This is the right way.

How do I go?

This thought just came out, and Tyres was shocked!

At that moment, he seemed to return to the shadow path, and the blurred vision was slowly blurred. (Oh, what is the path of the shadow? When I think of it, I will be so familiar, still so... impatient?) , turned white.

No, it is not the outside world.

It is a white light that occupies his vision!

Tyres thought dumbly.

This strange white light permeated from his body, holding the road that Taylors flew to the silver glow, and shuttled in the blurred air.

Thales's eyes widened—he suddenly remembered that he couldn't see his body—feeling that his brain could not load the current strange sight.

With the strange white light, and slowly progressing along the silver, his head was a little faint.

Until the silver and white light disappeared, Taylors finally stopped in a colorless void in the same blurry and quiet, no longer, no longer.

Tyres is bitter in his heart.

Here is the end...

"This is the threshold of the first threshold," an indifferent voice suddenly appeared: "One step forward is the trick, entering the state."

"After one step, it falls back to the entity."

Tyres was shocked!

He quickly turned his eyes and found the source of the sound.

That is a figure.

A strange figure that is equally ambiguous, dull and colorless, and only distinguishable from the strange space at the edge.

He is like a statue, standing silently behind him, not moving.

Just like...

Just like playing a mosaic?

The brain of Tyres is a pain!

What is mosaic? hateful……

But the indifferent figure once again opened:

"Since ancient times, very few magicians can stay here," he said faintly:

"Where to the place, such as going against the water, or following the magic to pursue the threshold name, go straight to the state of the door, or rush to the threshold to leave the threshold and return to the entity."

Taylors stunned.


These ones……

Speaking of this, the blurred figure brought a bit of seriousness, and Tyres inexplicably felt that he seemed to observe himself silently behind the scenes:

"Until you appear, child."

Thales stared at him in confusion, so it was unknown.


He is like a stupid, stupid child, staring at the figure in front of him.

The figure paused and seemed to be watching him.

"I can see that Ahidah taught you well," he said, the indifferent voice:

"He gave you something to the point, just protecting you, pulling you back from the edge of the rush door, not losing yourself, falling into it and being unable to extricate yourself."


Tyres felt a sigh, and in his heart, there seemed to be a smashing break.

The magician of the gas, Aishida Sakken.

He suddenly realized that his memory was slowly coming back.

"who are you?"

Tells looked around and didn't distinguish anything, like standing still, and like a blurry void of brilliance, subconsciously blurted out: "Are you a magician?"

"What is your threshold name?"

"Which faction do you belong to? Radicals? Moderate? Confused? Double emperors?"

The figure did not answer directly, but a slight meal.

As if thinking about something.

"Very good, Eichda teaches you a lot, and it is very realistic." After a long while, the figure was silent:

"Although it is the first time, it is about the leader."

"He is still competent."


Tyres’ attention has gradually concentrated, and more and more memories have been recovered.

I was just in... in a dark underground... a cell...

An anxious feeling slowly rose.

"You, do you know Ahidah?" Tyres resisted a headache and gritted his teeth.

The figure was silent for a while, and nodded lightly, it seemed to have a feeling.

"He could have been a good teacher. Ehida was originally the most promising and talented mage apprentice, and he followed the most prestigious master Ge Geli." The figure slowly shook his head, the words were not fast, not slow, not high. low:

"His achievements are no worse than many official mage. If Eichda continues, maybe one day he will become a master... The Tower of Soul will be proud of him."

"But a pity..."

He did not say anything more.

Thales frowned and couldn't listen to anything. The inexplicable anxious feeling had been afflicting him.

It’s like...he has something important to do, forgetting to do the same.

But what exactly is that?

"So who are you? What happened to me?" Tyres forced the pressure, but the tone gradually became unkind.

Just at this time.


Dull voice.

Tyres seemed to be aware of it, and he looked up in a hurry, but he still could only see a vague void.

Coincidentally, the strange figure raised his head at this time.

"Do you feel it too?"

The figure looks into the distance: "You fall back at the moment of the door, disappear, and let their wishes fall through."

He paused for a second, his gaze falling from the horizon, as if he was helplessly sighing:

"Girls... very angry."

(End of this chapter)

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