Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 433: Toros Mill

Chapter 433, Toros Mill

Listening to the other party's words, Tellston is a glimpse.

"get ready."

The stranger came to Tyres and slowly extended his right hand.

Tyres subconsciously stepped back, but eventually stopped and stood up.

I can't be afraid.

I have to……

have to……

The dense fog in the criticality is getting thinner and thinner, and the darkness before the sweep is dark.

The stranger's hand touched the face of Tells, and there was a cold touch.

"Be careful."

"Even if you feel that you have taken control of it..."

Tyres looked at him slyly and first realized the weightlessness.

Just like the ground suddenly disappears.

Then he felt it again: he started to fall.


Tyres forced the tension and controlled the limbs that shivered slightly, silently.

"Even if you feel that you are doing the right thing..."

"Even if you feel that the power of the magician is in your hands, it will be the sword of justice..."

The stranger still mysteriously stood still in front of him, stroking his face, motionless.

As if there is no entity.

The surrounding light began to flow, and the scene changed from a vaguely blurred picture to a rapidly changing defocus scene.

"It still can't be taken lightly."

"Sometimes, the means you resort to for noble purposes will be unconsciously anti-customer."

The words of strangers seem to hide in endless meaning, and the mysterious eyes of the shimmer are like the night road, which is the only thing that Tells can see in this world:

"For example, the debate is for the sake of clarity, but too many people are immersed in the thrill of winning and vanity; for example, violence is to maintain survival, but too many people are lost in pure violent impulses."

The feeling of falling is getting stronger and stronger, and the surrounding pictures are getting more and more confusing, as if the color and shape have lost their meaning.

The words of strangers are lightly:

"For example, magic, magic is for..."

Having said that, he seems to be unable to say anything.

Tyres looked at him like this, and his heart was inexplicably stunned.

"I know." The prince answered comfortably.

The stranger snorted and shook his head indifferently.

"you know?"

He took back his palms, raised his fingers, and tapped on Tels's forehead.

Just listen to strangers and plainly:

"You ‘I think' you know.”

The silver radiance flashed from the prince's forehead and seemed to echo the fingers of strangers.

Tyres just stared at him.

The stranger gently spit out the next words, and the lines in each sentence seem to have deep feelings, causing Taylors to think infinitely.

"Just like a hero, he never never compromises with evil."

“Just like the Lord believes that having wisdom and power can correct mistakes.”

"Like the strong believes that he is the master of power, the instigator of weapons."

"Just like the famous, I believe that as long as we continue to win, we can bring peace."

“It’s like the Masters think that as long as the knowledge expands and the craft progresses, all the problems in the world will be puzzling.”

“As the changers think, as long as they are noble, have great goals, and act unselfishly, they will eventually make the world a better place.”

Taylors stunned.

Hero... Ming Lord... Strong... Famous... Master... Transformer...

Tyres tried to stare at each other and wanted to see something from the blurred face of the stranger, but ended in failure.

They are falling faster and faster.

When the stranger stopped his words, the mysterious gleam in the eyes gradually faded.

"Keep in mind, child," he said in his words with a rare emotion:

"Be careful."

"Don't let them easily immerse you, encroach on you, and capture you," he said as a wise man who witnessed thousands of vicissitudes, impermanence, and whispered his own voice:

"Even if they sound so clear and plausible."

The radiance of the two people flickered and took off all the light.

As if they had entered the tunnel in the mountain's belly, it was dark and dark.

Finally, the thoughts of the hard-working Tyres can no longer hold back the thoughts in my heart, impulsively blurted out:

"who are you?"

This "person" suddenly appeared in the criticality.

This... magician.

He is the leader of Ahidah. He calls the double emperor a "girl" and can still pass their eyes and ears.

He is so powerful that he can go freely in the 'critical'. He knows the silver shadow people under the city of Longyan. He does not seem to belong to any group...

The stranger was silent for a moment.

Immediately, he sighed in the more rapid fall:

"My Natoros Mill."

Taylors stunned.

Where did he hear the name?

That is……

The mysterious man named Toros continued: "The glory and shame of the magic tower, the savior and disaster of the empire, the truth and the end of the world..."

"I am lucky, but also sin."

His words harbor a sorrow of liberation.

Let Taylors feel the untold heavy weight.

Glory and shame, savior and disaster, truth and end, luck and sin...

Just listen to Toros whispered:

"I am your earliest predecessor."

"The worst example."

He pressed the index finger on the forehead of Tyres and pushed forward.

"And... the worst future."

In the next moment, in the light of re-lighting and the rising heat, Thales glanced in front of him and breathed a stagnation.

He knew that he was out of the threshold.

Then sink into the deep sea.

I will never return.



In the fast flashing picture, he proudly stretched out his hands - no, it was the tentacle of thinking, touching everything.

The thin flesh is not enough here.

He felt the sense of completeness, accomplishment and satisfaction that came again.

The sky is high and the sky is quiet and far away, the snow-capped peaks are solitary, the broad grassland is infinite, the numbness of the vast desert is dead, the undercurrent of the deep sea is hidden, the epic of the ancient city is magnificent, and...

He slowly lifted his gaze and felt the flicker in the distance.

It is above the sky, the mystery of the stars.

He took a sigh of relief and felt everything.

The whole world.

It’s all in front of me.

Show me.

Well, the world?

[When you think of this world, what is the first thing that comes to mind? 】

The nice and annoying male voice rang.


He shook his thoughts, took out the boring words, and continued to feel the magical state of this moment.

Of course, this is not enough...

He needs more and needs to reach the supreme place in the dream...

So he began to rise - just like before.

And this time.

Nothing can stop him...

Touched the ultimate step.

When he thought about it, he looked up gently.


He gave a sigh of satisfaction.

Yes, it is still the dark and silent void.

It appeared in front of him again.

He saw it very clearly. What was revealed to him in the void was still the mysterious gray fog. They flowed far away, and they rushed toward him in the endless white light.

Just like the gray fog, consciously, spread his arms to him.

Like the most formal invitation.


He continued to rise, feeling more and more wonderful omnipotence and omniscience, while watching the piece of fog that continued to spread to him, his heart was clear.

That is the call.

In the fog, there is something... calling him, eager for his arrival.


In the middle of the night, he even felt the faint call of the fog.



A familiar desire and impulsive rendering.

He felt: in the fog, there is something he wants most, the most intimate, and the closest.


He rose faster and faster, getting closer and closer to the strange dark void, and getting closer and closer to the fog that was stained with white light and flowing.


He couldn't help but growl.

Hurry up, let me enter that void...

I met the fog...

Only in this way.

Only in this way……

I can be more perfect.

Can truly have this world.


His rising momentum suddenly broke.

【world? Probably all people, Ahidah, your time, the era of the Empire and the Magic Tower... What is the world like? The echo of the past is like a whisper.

Ah, ah!

It’s the **** duck!

Do not!

Go away...

Get out!

[I guess, in fact, it’s not big, right? After all, for us, the world is just a small piece of cognition... probably where we are, and everyone we know, and their mouths, The world in the eye, the body around us... We thought we saw the world. In fact, what we saw was only our own retina. 】

He is no longer rising.

No, no!

He growled in pain and his head began to hurt.

This is this!

Male duck!

It is it! Hinder him from continuing...

He swears, waiting for him to rise to the top, waiting for him to be perfect, waiting for his omnipotence...

He must shred the owner of the male duck! Grinding! Burst!

Cut him into the finest and most sinister dust...

Let this small existence that blocks the progress of its great progress...

Bear the most terrible, painful, unimaginable ultimate punishment in the world!

Even if it is to destroy the world, even if it means the demise of its own, even if all things are over, he will have to pay the most arduous and difficult price!


[Are you gone, Aichda? class has ended? Ahida? Mr? Ahida small... cough, small, puppy? Small and stupid? 】

[Call, it seems that it is really gone, **** is like this... Why don’t you change your name, called Bruce Wayne?]

[Hey, what is the world? You may not know... but in those unfamiliar memories, what I have to do is to look at the world from another angle... to discover problems we have never discovered, to doubt the principles that are correct by default, go Break the external shackles in which you don't know..."

[This is not an easy thing, as Plato said, once you walk out of the cave, see the sun... call, hehe...]

[We used to laugh and laugh at the middle two diseases in those anime... But sometimes, when you look at the world again and again from the perspective that others are not aware of, you will find out...]

[Maybe, maybe it’s really not me...]

[It's the world. 】

[Right... Hey, old horse, what do you say? 】

His head is getting more and more painful.

Oh, ah!

Damn, don't, you **** don't block me!

I need it……

I need that piece of emptiness, that piece of fog...

I need to rise!

I need to have it!

I need this world!

The next moment, Tyres is like a drowning man, and wakes up painfully!


A strange and huge thunder.



Tyres gasped and gasped, looking up...

He was confused for a few seconds and felt like he had forgotten something again -

I suddenly felt that I was falling in an instant!

Then suddenly, suddenly, stop without warning!

Almost dizzy him.

But this is not over yet...

He seems to be caught by a gust of wind, throwing up and rising again!


"Hey! Boom!"

At the moment of picking up to the apex, Taylors tried to open his eyes and immediately stunned!

He found that what appeared in front of his eyes was a storm visible to the naked eye.



In the next moment, he was immediately slanted down by a strange wind!

Just feeling, it is he who is in an uncontrollable ups and downs in this fantasy and horrible endless storm!

What to do -


The wind here is colored.

They scrape the dark black in the air, such as the smooth blade of ink, thousands of ink blades, sometimes scattered, and sometimes gathered into huge waves, such as the tornado sweep, pulling the horrified Tyles back and forth!

Just like... flying a kite.

From the light in the air, the same dark black light flashed from time to time, accompanied by a huge thunder that almost shattered the eardrum.


Every thunder makes the dark black storm even more crazy!

Taylors is in the midst of the illusion of the illusion, suffering from the pain of the wind knife, and feeling the weightless panic...

Oops, bad...

Tyres trembled, trying to catch a piece of ink, but found himself in the horror without body!

Here is the end...


He waved his imaginary hands, but he couldn't grasp the point.

His gaze drifted with the storm, and he turned to the whole person—if he was still a personal person—in the air, he was dragged back and forth by the storm, and there was no stopping!

As you can see, it is all ominous dark black.

The smell in the ear is a terrible scream.

The sinister is even more lonely.

"Oh, bang!"

Damn it!

He was stabbed up by another storm.

Tyres feels that he is going to breathe.

But he didn't see the ground, he didn't see the sky, he could only feel the upper and lower ends, and the left and right sides were all boundless, ruthless and cold ink storm!

"Booming -"

He tried to scream and replied, but there was no response, and even his own echo could not be heard.

This is the scene that he has never encountered before, the first time he lost control, and even after the first time!

This is the truth about... out of control magic?

Magical...the sea?

He thought with trepidation.

[When you wander in the magical sea, you feel the threshold rise and fall, and the impact is far more than your flesh...] The words of Toros sounded in your ear.


Crazy, horrible, fierce, unrestrained, endless, uncontrolled storms, constantly plaguing Taylor's senses.

Compared with the first sense of beauty... He really doesn’t want to stay here.

And as this thought rose, Taylors only felt a smog in front of him.

He seems to be in a state of drunkenness in an instant, and feels like the magical state of omnipotence and omnipotence...


It’s amazing...

I saw the world again...

And I want more...

Tyres thought so, subconsciously showing a smile.

Do not!

But the next moment, Tyres shook his head and tried to wake himself up!


A thunderstorm started!

A glimpse of the illusion in front of him, he was briefly awake, and returned to the dark storm of terror.

With the ups and downs.


The torture of the ears and the senses made him try to gather the only will left.

He knows that the classroom training of Eichda made him briefly get rid of the psychedelic state and avoid continuing to rise to the threshold, but obviously, his current state is far from the "things" stage that Toros said!


As the mysterious Toros said, he can't get lost there, lost in desire and impulse!

He must cross the past!

Ah! Fuck!

Tyres roared in his heart, concentrated, and tried not to think about the illusion.


The dark storm snarled again and pulled him back into the terrible air.

Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it!

Taylors is trying to get rid of those comfortable and beautiful illusions, the feeling of power that feels everything...

However, the more he wants to get rid of it, the more he can't help but think of that feeling.

The harder you try not to think, the more you can't help but think of it.

Think of the thrill of the threshold, the excitement of the upcoming trick...

Think of the kind of state that wants to enter the dark void, to touch the gray foggy desire...

That kind of omniscience, that kind of omnipotence, that is, he is the whole world, that is, everything, that is, everything, that is, the grandeur of the truth! By then, he will be free from restrictions, no restrictions, no direct dissonance - damn!

In the ups and downs of the storm, the singer swayed his thoughts and struggled to make this tempting idea.

No no no no!

Don't think about it!

Stay sane... keep... self...

At this moment, his brain seems to have been smashed into two halves.

Half in the perfect world like a fairyland, feeling the satisfaction and beauty of the fullness of the ability, feeling the truth and secret of the world, infinitely eager - fuck! Again!

The other half of the brain, in the black storm of horror and tyranny, suffers from the pain that seems to be torn, flipping back and forth, drifting!

and many more!

This is not the way, can't go on like this!

"Oh la la la -"

A blast, accompanied by the humming in the black storm, thrown him again in the air!

Right, the way!

When Tyres felt that he was about to hold on, he remembered the words of Toros.

The magic can make a second appointment.

Be self-sufficient.

The previous illusion and storm filled his body and mind, leaving him innocent memories, waiting for the moment to recall, and found that he lost too much memory in the state of loss.



Tyres touched the seemingly faded memory and thought about it.

Anchor point!

Yes, find the anchor...

Anchor point, pointing to the self...

Pull me back...

Get rid of this damn, terrible storm.

From this false, seductive, comfortable, cozy, full of expectations, infinitely beautiful dreams of the threshold... ah, for the sake of it, he can give up everything, just to invest in his arms, and then become supreme - Nima! Come again?


I can't even control my own thinking!

Tyres feels like he has been working for a day, panting, exhaustingly returning home, and struggling to write up the boring writers...

Strong self-supporting spirit, but as long as you are slightly careless, you will fall into a sweet dream, and you will never return...

Wake up the next day with an empty screen...


Tyres, who cursed everything in his heart, was once again rushed by a hurried cyclone.

When I was dizzy, I was struck by three ink blades.


Anchor point!

Tyres struggled and tried to search for the memory that was damaged again, trying to find the answer...

Really, I was prepared before, but when it was over, I found out that the preparations I had made before were not useful at all!

Worse than thesis defense!

The anchor point I have set, the self I understand... what it is!

Just at this time.

[Have you ever thought about what you are? 】

There was another psychedelic in front of his eyes.

But not the same as before.

This time, what appeared in front of Taylors was a palace of shackles.

In the north, in a room in a snowy palace...

An elegant young man faced another pale boy, pressing hard, and the slender fingers slowly erected as if pointing the boy’s heart:

[When you are stripped of all the definitions of others, leaving everything that you have existed, what are you left? 】

The scene is full of ripples, such as water waves.

Taylors stunned.

The definition of others...

By the existence of the situation...

Anchor point...

Anchor point!

"Booming -"

In the boundless storms and thunder, he slowly recalled the dialogue between Toms and Toros.

"So, to anchor yourself, what you really need is actually to remove all external labels..."

"Remove what you said, 'things confused by others.'"

Tyres is out of the blue.

What is "the thing that is confused by the other"?

What is "the thing that is not confused by others"?

What is... the anchor that really points to the self?

"Hey--oh! Boom!" The thunder and lightning flashed around, never stopped.

He is confused and confused.

As if to forget that I still toss back and forth in the terrible storm, torment.

Point to the anchor of the self, to be realistic.

Is his unique... magic power?

Is it the sin of the prison river?

Is it the JC dagger who saved him in distress several times?

Or is he called the kingdom blood?

Or is it... what he calls wisdom?


No, no.

The point of these anchor points, he feels wrong.

Unconfused by others...

Or, the anchor points are focused, concentrated, and shorter?

Like himself.

Like Tyres?


Second prince?


Still - he paused when he thought of the name - Wu Haoren?


"Hey! Hey--" The storm is still the same, he is like a rain in the rain, once again being scraped open.

No, the anchor point is not the same...the one that is not confused by the abstract.

So, the anchor is his will? The spirit of not admitting in this world?

Is it the memory and knowledge he gained from another life?

Is it everything I have been born to now, perception and understanding?

It's a bit close, but, really?

Anchor point...

The anchor can really point to him and Toros from the things... how many...self?

Unconfused by others...

Just at this time.

"Hey - Boom!"

An unprecedented thunder of lightning, accompanied by another weird black lightning, straight to the body of Taylors!

He was beaten in a shock, like a sack, constantly rolling in the air!

Acute pain.

Even the consciousness is also trembled.

But for a moment, Taylor suddenly saw it.

His answer.

Why is it so late today?

Because there are two more today!

Every six thousand words!

And there is no anti-theft! Surprise is not a surprise, accident is not unexpected?

(End of this chapter)

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