Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 434: select

Chapter 434 Selection

On the far side of the other side.

The narrow, spartan but warm and bright bar cellar...

[I probably can't escape, but they can survive...]

A ragged, bruised boy clenched his fists.

He looked up and looked at the opposite side, the red-haired girl with a pair of knives in his legs, a handsome and slightly surprised, and a reluctant smile:

[I should have set off. 】

[Go to Hongfang Street. 】

That is……

He thought with ambiguity.


In the giant mine, his thoughts were clear, and then he saw another scene again.

It was a magnificent and semi-circular hall. It was full of luxurious clothes, solemn expressions, and sturdy and powerful.

Similarly, it is the boy who looks like a Chinese costume, but the inside is still scarred, standing on the stone steps...

[Yes, Duke Kevin Dil... I saved your life...]

He barely and resolutely bit his lip, facing another young, round-faced man with a sly face:

[So, you owe me a thank you. 】

this is……

Taylor's breathing has tightened, and he seems to have a certain emotion in his heart.

He only felt the trepidation of consciousness, and the illusions that had been confusing appeared again, and the realm that can be touched by gently tapping his hand.




That tempting call.

But those temptations have been unable to shake what he saw before.

Tyres only slightly blurred the line of sight for a second, and he shook his head firmly and opened them.

【Wait! 】

Still the voice of the boy.

This time, he was gray-faced and tied with his hands, but he still sat on a black coffin with a smile and smiled at a woman who was charming and glamorous, but extremely dangerous.

[I heard that there is a magician here? Still the one that can be released? 】

The boy kicked the kicker coffin board with pride:

[I don't want to see him? 】

The dangerous woman froze her smile and revealed her fangs.

is her.

Tyres, who was ups and downs in the storm, smiled.

it's me.

It's us.

The next moment, the roar of the wind and thunder sounded again, but they were seamlessly replaced by another similar but different sound.

It is shouting killing.

The shouting of the sky, in the blood, in death, in the fight, one after another, over the sky.

[Sonya’s choice is a dilemma anyway...]

In the killing of countless people who died and lost their sorrows, the boy stood in the encirclement of the crowd, hurriedly breathing, nervous and difficult.

[Only by us, choose for Lord Satherley. 】

[to eliminate her hesitation and hesitation. 】

In the surprise of others, the boy stared straight at the horrible man in front of him who was full of smoldering breath, like a volcano.

He stared at the silver-black bow behind his opponent, pointing to the flag of the sky in the north, biting his teeth:

[Prepare, break through. 】


Feeling the pain of the body and the pain of his thoughts, Taylors clenched his teeth in the black storm, but smiled.


in this way.

【enough! 】

A decisive and decisive roar breaks darkness and silence in memory.

In the rough hall burning the brazier brazier, the boy’s expression was a lot steady. At this moment, he stepped firmly and stepped forward, passing through the pale man with his face cold and carrying the blade. The old man wearing a crown and a powerful silence.

Going to the girl who was kneeling on the ground, crying in pain in the palm of her hand, the glasses girl with horror, did not hesitate to hold her arm.

Pull her behind her.

[So far... Tonight, she has to stay with me! 】

[A group of madmen! 】

Looking at these past, Taylor's smile is getting bigger and bigger.

The flame in my heart is burning more and more.

[The name of this sword is called the head of the world...]

In a ruin of ruins, the boy stood in front of the man holding the black sword, looked at the red dagger, sighed softly, and smiled when he looked up:

[Let's go, see the lovely big sister. 】

[Trying luck. 】

The picture flashed.

In the solemn and solemn temple, the boy looked at the girl in front of her in a bitter and decisive manner.

[small slick...]

[If we just leave this and leave everything behind, the burden will make me feel breathless...]

[We can't go, we can't escape...]

The cockroaches in memory re-emerged: in a very difficult situation, on the rough and rough carriage, the boy swayed and smiled at the middle-aged uncle who smoked the pipe.

[Whether you believe it or not, Putier...]

[I figured it out, on the unique battlefield, only I can contend with him...]

[Take me to the Palace of the Spirit and send it back to Rumba. 】


In the black storm, Tyres, who is about to hold on, takes a deep breath.

He knows.

He understood.

Not confused by others.

It turns out... so!

【is that enough! 】

In the battle of the blade and the shouting and killing, it is still the **** hall. In front of several pairs of Chinese men who slayed and killed, the boy climbed to the table and screamed with a small fist:

[You guys in the north... I have listened carefully to me! 】

[I have an idea, compared to the end of the two losses ... to be a lot better! 】

As a picture flashed in front of him, the consciousness of Thales became clearer and clearer, and the spirit became more and more vigorous.


Thunder loudly!

At that moment, in the darkness of the ink storm, Tyres, who could not resist, lightly bite his roots.


The wind rushed and blew him to the heights where he did not know.

The storm is still roaring, and the ink blade is still sore.

But at that moment, Tyres was firmly in the center of the storm.

No longer going back and forth with the wind, suffering and ups and downs.

It seems that this terrible storm can no longer move him.

But Taylors slowly lifted his gaze and gave a light smile.

He looked down, looked at his empty body, and extended his left hand in consciousness.

"Boom!" The black flash of lightning reappeared.

Hit on his side.

With this fierce electric flash, the ink lines of the ink converge as if they were life, and rush to the left side of the taylor.

They break down into innumerable particles and re-aggregate.

The shape of the arm.

The storm seemed to get the order, roaring and screaming more and more!

Tyres does not move, and does not look at the new left arm.


Another terrible thunder that broke through the tympanic membrane!

The storm surged with the anger, and the black wind shrouded Tyres and rolled back and forth.

Taylor's heart is clear and clear-minded.

He knows his anchor.

Not confused by others.


"Hey!" The black storm roared, and the tales in the eye closed his eyes gently.

As an anchor, the name Teres is only acquired, relying on the contextual label.

The surname of the comet, the identity of the prince, is only a moment, no time, no one else gives it, others take it back, and can't stand the time to destroy things.

The sin of the prison river, magic power?

These seemingly unique and powerful forces, in fact, **** is not - according to the black sword, even the strengths and weaknesses are undecided, not to mention the so-called power blindly pursued by all beings?

They are just decorations that are icing on the cake in life. Since they can be obtained and used, they can be defeated and abandoned at any time.

Not to mention foreign objects - JC, the head of the world, and even the slick glasses.

These are not hiss.

And his thoughts? His knowledge? His wisdom?

Those who are not his, are also instilled in the day after tomorrow.

As for Wu Haoren, the identity of the passer-by? What do he think of in another world? No, the same reason, even in another world, that is not his.

These are not his anchors.

Nothing points to his ego.

In the ear of Tyres, there is nothing to say.

[One day, you will face an important choice again. 】

It is still the quaint and solemn temple, the voice of the female sacred sacred around the veil:

[At that time, when you stand in an angle and height that cannot be imagined by any existence, when you think beyond the mortal thinking...]

[You may recall what I said today. 】

Taylors remembered her eyes.

The main sacrifice of the Temple of the Moon, Jewel Homem.

Important choice.

Thinking of this, Tyres laughed happily, and his eyes were very firm.


It turned out to be the case.

This is it.

Through his entire life, everything...

In the end, it really belongs to Tells Comet himself...

Really not confused by others, can be his anchor point, pointing to the self...

only this!

"Hey! Boom!"

The memory of Tyre’s mind almost overflowing suddenly trembled!

There are countless pictures.

In the desert, only the moonlight night, a mature young man stood tired at the door of the room, watching the bald man sleeping in bed, looking at the other side's throat, biting his teeth and raising the dagger in his hand.

After a few seconds, the young man who is struggling is still exhaling, liberating and decisive...

Put down the dagger.

At this moment, Tyres in a state of out of control suddenly blinked!

Anchor point...

He tightened his face and screamed in the deafening storm, shouting the answer that belonged to him alone -


That moment, as if all the tyrannical voices are quiet!

Only the snoring of Tells, breaking through the sky, resounding in this world!


Almost at the same time, the uncontrolled storm screamed and screamed at the same time as several black photovoltaic flashes!


As the black wind smashed, an intact left hand appeared on the left arm of the shape that Taylor had just appeared, like an entity built up by the wind and sand.

The snoring of Tyres faded away, and he raised his new left hand and smiled.


That's right.

After he arrived in the world, in a short and wonderful time...

Really belongs to him...

It belongs to Tells Comet alone, only he can make it...


It is his fourteen years, facing every scene, every road, every dilemma...

Without any interference, not affected by the other, making it on its own, doing its best, and being clear-minded, willing to take full responsibility for the consequences...

Every choice!

"Boom!" The electric flash continued.

Left hand, left shoulder, right hand, body, left leg, right leg...

In the mysterious storm, the body of Tells appeared step by step, as if it had just been assembled in the void.

Every time the black wind roars and the black light strikes, it brings some entities to Tell.

It seems that he just emerged from the water.

Just awake consciousness.

Tyres calmly stared at the endless deep space in front, and his heart was indifferent.

After death, they are all illusory.

He lowered his head and silently looked at the familiar and unfamiliar scratches on his left hand and slowly tightened his fists.

The income obtained is all the other.


Tyres looked coldly at the black storm around him, watching them pass through themselves again and again, gathering together as part of themselves.

The consciousness is very clear.

No ambiguity.

Only choose, be free.

Unbound, return to yourself!

This is his body, from beginning to end, pointing to the self, can not be confused by others!

The choice of Taylors!


In the last thunder, when the body of Tells finally appeared in the center of the storm completely and steadily...


The last gust of wind blew, gradually, and weakened.

Turn into a pleasant and comfortable breeze.

The storm has disappeared.

Thunder has no trace.

All the hustle and bustle, while abruptly stopped.

In midair, Tyres slowly raised his head and extended his hands to feel his own change.

and so……

Is this "out of control"?

The teenager smiled.

At this moment, he is very awake.

As you can see, there is only one clear sky.

Bright, clean and clear.


The next moment, Tells gently closed his eyes.

in this way.

And when he blinks again...


"Protect the hostage!"

In the dim dungeon, the brazier slammed the dagger against the throat of Marina, and screamed madly at the people in front of him:

"Retreat, penalty knight!"

"The hostage is in my hands! No matter what tricks you and the disappearing little donkey are going to play..."

On the other hand, the mask guards were still controlled by the four shadow assassins, and the fast rope and Tampa were also threatened by the assassins, shivering.

He understood.

In the chaotic situation, Sakuel, standing on the other side, couldn’t cover his left hand with a saber and swept over the assassins in front of him:

"The prince is no longer here. Do you think I will care?"

In a chaotic situation, the assassin's breathing, the hostage's pain, the chain's struggle, the blade's friction in the hand, and the quarrels on both sides are mixed!

The brazier bites his teeth and angers:

"Try it -"

But at this moment, the words of the brazier suddenly broke.

Not only him.

Everyone is stunned.

"Tread, step, step..." The gentle footsteps came.

People's eyes are focused on one place.

I cast it all on the sudden teenager.

The dungeon returned to death for a while, and the spin was broken by people.

"You...the prince...what are just are..."

The brazer looked at Tyres in shock and swallowed it, and even said it was incomplete.

His gaze continued to linger between Tyres and the silver-blade sword that was inserted on the ground.

That expression, as if Taylors had just drilled out of the ground.

and so……

I just disappeared? The prince thought faintly.

Scared them enough?

"How did you do it, child?" Sackel behind him was equally unbelievable and stunned.

Is it... the magic of the Alchemy Tower?

In the distance, Marina is still struggling, and her eyes are curiously squinting, and the languid Tampa seems to have no attention.

And Joel, who was firmly bound, was motionless, and the emotion behind the mask had not been revealed.

Tyres nodded slightly to him and smiled.

He suddenly remembered the conversation between the two.

【Do not. 】

[You will be better than him. 】

[I know that you have something that you don't have. 】

Tyres sighed and stretched out his right hand, pulling a long sword from Ricky from the ground and opening a sword flower.

Silver blade streamer, Jianfeng is awesome.

But the prince's gaze is no longer on the sword.

He thinks it is amazing.

Now he feels a lot.

Dust, dirt, waste wood, passages in the dungeon...

The position of the enemy and the enemy, breathing, secret...

But at this moment, Tyres is completely different from the Longyan City against Giza, so tired, so stunned, so the heart is not stable.

It is absolutely indifferent and calm.

It seems to have faded all impulses and recklessness.

Only rational.

not only that.

Taylors looked at everyone in front of him.

He is different.

He felt it.

Now, what he can do.

There are many.

But the most important thing is...

He is very awake now.

"Let them go, the solder."

In the astounding gaze, Tyres stared indifferently at the dagger holding the dagger:

"I only said it again."

The brazid took a sigh of relief and accepted the fact that the prince reappeared.

not now.

Now he must solve the current situation.

He still has an advantage, isn't it? With this indecisive prince present, everything will only be smoother...

Thinking of this, the sneer sneered.

"Look at it, Your Highness," the brazed again put the dagger on the throat of Marina, threatening:

"I only do it once..."

Taylors also chuckled and felt his rare state.

"That's going on."

The brazier brows a glimpse.

what happened?

This kid...

Do not.

He must be made aware of the situation...

"You become confident, Your Highness,"

The solder looked at Tell's smile, gritted his teeth, and pushed it in his hand: "But sometimes this is not good..."

The next second, the brazier ready to start suddenly!


He realized that it was not right.

The leader of the shadow assassin slammed his head down.

Seeing the moment in front of his eyes, his pupils suddenly expanded!

"Looking for this?"

Tyres smiled like a sly smile, and his left hand gently lifted a dagger that had been familiar with the solder:

"It seems that your hand is slipping, the solder."


Taylor loosened his hand and let the dagger of the drill fall to the ground, revealing a warm smile.

He likes this state very much.

This is the feeling of controlling everything.

At that moment, Sacker frowned, and the solder froze.

The assassin's leader stared blankly at his empty hand and looked at the dagger at the foot of Tyres.

That is……

That dagger...


He subconsciously stepped back!

The fire shook, and there was a lot of inhalation in the air. The assassins of the shadow shield looked at the dagger on the ground, and they had a faint doubt.

Even Sackel was also frowning.

The breath of the brazier was so fast that the left hand trembled undetectably.

The assassin's leader jerked his head and gnawed his teeth:

"What is that? What tricks? Power, magic?"

He is dying to the prince.

In the dim dungeon, the fire shone on the prince's face, highlighting his faint look.

"I said," Taylors blinked, shaking his head and sincerely said:

"It's your hand slipping."

The brazier turned back and ordered the other man to order:

"Hands! Killing that is called Wyah..."


If the solder is frozen, it will freeze again in the air.

He stared at Taylors.

I saw the prince smile as if, and gently let go of the left hand.


At least three daggers fell from his hands and landed.

Behind the fast rope, the assassin looked incredulously at the time when he did not know when he had no hands.

"I think, they all slipped." Taylor smiled and raised his left hand and dropped the last dagger on the ground.

The brazier rounded his eyes.

Do not.

Do not……

This is impossible……

At that moment, whether it was the fast rope or the supporters behind Tampa, or the assassins around them, suddenly became unarmed!

The feeling of losing a weapon is always bad.

In a short second, in the midst of incomprehension and panic, the assassins are stunned and the subconscious will step back!

Sakuel, who observed the situation, raised his eyebrows in surprise, instinctively lit the saber, facing the weak enemy: "What is this..."


The brazier screamed in a situation that was out of control, and he pushed Mary back!

The assassin's leader decisively raised his left hand's alchemy ball, trying to force the aggressive penalty knight: "Damn, if you dare to step forward, I will take it -"

But the next moment, Taylor's laughter overshadowed him.

"You mean this little thing?"

Noisy sounds come to an abrupt end!

One second, two seconds.

A breath of inhalation sounded.

In absolute silence, the prince stepped with the sword and walked easily.

He raised his left hand indifferently under the eyes of everyone.

Do not.

The solder stared at the prince's left hand, and he retracted his arm.

Do not.


In his own palm...


"I don't like it. I used to have a stinky woman who kidnapped me..."

Thales licked his mouth, carefully observed the ball in his hand, and looked at the strange inscription on the metal casing, and suddenly felt a sense of intimacy.

The brazier looked at the eyes.

Looking at the prince holding the alchemy ball.

Looking at the penalty knight who blinked his knife.

Look at the daggers who are lying quietly on the ground.

Do not.

He suddenly felt that his arm began to tremble.

"But, look at the feeling that it holds in your hand..."

The Prince of Stars raised his head and opened his mouth.

He looked at the earthy assassins and smiled for a long time:

"Still pretty good?"

Do not.

At that moment, looking at the smile of Tyres, the brazier looked awkward.

I feel that I am cold.


In the strange space that is not known, a person with a heavy fog and a blurred face moves slightly.

He looked away.

"That kid... with that method, actually did it?"

He said to himself.

Well, it seems...

Anchor point.

This is only in theory, there is no dangerous way for the success of the predecessors...

Still have a trace...


He smiled gratifiedly, shook his head, then turned around and disappeared into this faint world.

Only two vigilant and fierce eyes were left, and they patrolled from a distance.

The space was swept in vain.

Choice, this is an important proposition in existential philosophy, and what Sartre thinks is the most free time for a person. Everything is your attention, restriction, control, influence, and only your choice, and the results after accepting the choice, are yours, independent and free, never confused.

P.S. Happy Children's Day!

Both are offered as a gift!

In other words, the update of the 12,000 is...

What about rewards? What about the monthly pass?

Crying and shouting to give a book review of monkeys without swords?

(End of this chapter)

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