Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 435: Correct the error

Chapter 435 Correcting Errors

For a moment, Thales felt that he had returned to his position six years ago and returned to the shield in the Dragon City, in the body of the multi-headed Kilika, the final confrontation with Giza.

The same calm and rational, isolated feelings.

The same feeling is wonderful, thinking is awkward.

The sin of the prison river is extremely silent.

Another kind of power is in the air.

The Star Prince stared at the alchemy ball in his hand and felt the magic at this time.

He could see the internal structure of this alchemy ball: a strange energy, wrapped in countless metal discs, trembling and constantly rotating, like a sleeping animal.

He even knows that as long as one of the organs locks is gently pulled out, the gentle energy will change into a raging wave, and the road will be taken out, releasing fierceness and engulfing everything around.

So clear.

So Easy.

Taylor looked up with satisfaction and his eyes slowly swept over the assassins in front of him.

The young prince happily took the pace and walked forward.

He looked at it, the alchemy ball was going, and the enemy people rushed back.

Sacuel frowned and looked at Taylors step by step: "Hey, you..."

"Don't worry," Tyres said faintly:

"It will end soon."

"You are responsible for leaking."

Sackel’s words are stagnation.


What do you mean?

He scratched his head ignorantly.

What is the new vocabulary of the kingdom these years?

"Retreat, Your Highness!"

The strong pressure of the solder is tight, and the channel is:

"If you try to threaten us with an alchemy ball..."

But Taylors chuckled and stuffed the alchemy ball into his arms and raised his sword.

"Alchemy Ball?"

"I look like someone who is so boring?"

The solder is a glimpse.

The next second, the prince stretched out his left hand and his face turned cold.

"First of all……"

I saw that the shoulders of Tells were put together, just like fishing in the air.

"Be careful."

He looked indifferent, and the assassins in front of him suddenly waited for it!

Unexpectedly, the enemy in front of Thales had nothing to do, and the other side was on the other side.


A muffled sound, a hand-held chain, tightly locked the elbow of the right leg of Yodel, a squat under his feet, falling on his back!

"Be careful!" The brazier glanced and screamed.

"That mask!"

But it is too late.

The assassins who locked in Yodel lost one of their corners and broke the balance.

Mask guards have not missed this opportunity.

In a second of time, I saw his right leg vibrate!

The chain that was originally tied to him bounced like a snake, firmly slammed the neck of the assassin, and then quickly tightened!

Taylors sneered at his lips.

He reached out again and aimed at the chain that controlled Yodel's right arm.

But the next moment, Tyres frowned, his face was puzzled.

His left hand was tightened twice in the air.

But nothing happened.

Jodel is still wandering with the remaining three assassins, and the braces are still stepping back.

It seems...

Tyres sighed.

This ability also requires practice.

"Sackel," the prince calmed down and waved in the direction of Jodel, re-holding the sword:

"Help him."

Saquel is dissatisfied with his voice:

"What do you say is 'missing'?"

Tyres snorted:


In the next second, Sackel slammed into Yodel's side like a beast, and an assassin in the saber!


A face-to-face, the assassin who could not escape, licked his neck and fell under the knife of the penalty knight.

The weapon on his hand could only leave a slight scratch on Sachuel's sabre.

Tyres is not willing to show weakness, coldly fighting the sword!

Rush toward the solder.

The situation is chaotic!

"and many more!"

The brazier stunned and took a step, grabbing the throat of the fast rope and letting him suffer:

"They, your attendant is still in my hand, Your Highness!"

"As long as you let us -"

However, in the next second, Tyres, which was a few steps away, suddenly appeared in front of the brazier!

It seems like a few steps in an instant.

Stun the solder out of a cold sweat!


I saw that the face of Thales did not change color, and the sword was swung in both hands. An arc was drawn in the air, and the heads of the fast rope and the brazier were taken straight!

The assassin leader holding the fast rope was furious, and he couldn’t wait to dodge. He had to push the fast rope forward and send it to the swords of Tyres!

Fast rope suddenly died!

"No, no, no, wait, ah, my Highness, my Highness," looking at the swordsmanship that is getting closer, the ropes are incoherent, and the madness is loud:

"I am your faithful and dear -"

But Tyres doesn't care.

Just cold face and continue to swing the sword!


Jianfeng ruthlessly attacked!

The brazier rolled on the ground and was able to escape the sword front.

Seeing that you can't avoid the cold rope in the heart of a sword, you can close your eyes subconsciously, and you never forget the big one:

"--Wahia Cassoo!"


Jianfeng licked the neck of the fast rope!


Blood smashed.

A head flies in the air.


The fast rope screamed desperately, tearing the tears of the neck broken:

"I hate you for a generation -"

Just at this time.


A crackling sound.

The words of the fast rope were blocked, and he only felt a burning pain on his face.


"Wake up!" The voice of Tyres came from cold.


In another slap in the face, the fast rope finally opened his eyes in trepidation, staring at the tall palm of Teres.

The fast rope is stunned.

"You are not beheading me..."

He twisted his head in a cold sweat, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that his head was still on his shoulder!


He is still alive!

The face of the fast rope changed from crying to ecstasy.


Eh? That just...


Another slap in the face, Tyres frowned: "Wake up!"

"It's not you who turned around."

The fast rope bowed subconsciously: his side, rolling another person's head in a pool of blood.

The head of the assassin who held him before.

The fast rope is stunned.


The sword just hasn’t passed me...

On the other side, the wolf, who got up from the wolf, held a subordinate arm and looked incredibly at the assassin who was killed.


He saw it with his own eyes...

The kid’s sword has passed away...

Why is the head of the person landing another goal?

It’s still so far away...

What is this trick?

"Let's stay," said Tyres, pushing the fast rope aside impatiently and lifting the sword again:

"You can't cut you!"

Still ignorant of the fast rope fell a dog to eat, screaming.

"If you don't help loosen it, you can..."

"Well, gentle!"

On the other hand, Sakuel has quickly solved the two people who have locked the lock, and the mask guards have finally recovered their freedom and are untangling the chains.

Damn it!

The brazier was in a hurry.

And when he turned his head, Taylors had already charged again!

"Block him!"

The brazing sound is ordered.

"call out!"

Immediately behind him, an assassin cast a hand axe from his hand!

Straight to the near front of the stars.

Tyres twitched his mouth, but only spit out a word:


They don't know - Tyres thought.

I don't know what I can do now.

In this magical state, he is extremely calm and incompetent, and seems to never have panic and impulsiveness.

He can even feel that everything around him is in his palm, as close as he can, at your fingertips.

For example... the enemy's weapon.

Tyres silently watched the air flying to his hand axe.

The next second, the hand axe disappeared into the air with amazement!

On the side of Tells, the hand axe appeared again out of thin air and flew into the distance.

"When oh..."

The hand axe fell to the ground and fell out of helplessness.

As Tyres said - partial.

The bore of the drill is again a tremor.

Do not.

At the moment of the shot, he saw very clearly that the hand axe could not be biased.

So this time again...

Seeing the strangeness in front of you, the assassins are once again stunned!

"Good tricks."

Sakuel’s hand was stunned and he looked thoughtfully at the performance of Tells:

"A few years ago, Yongxing City came to a circus. There was a singer with the nickname 'Flying Knife'. He could make a flying knife out of thin air, even taking objects from the air. Even Princess Constance was amused by him. After... until the circus provoked the big man, it was helped by the blood bottle..."


Tyres decisively turned the long sword, confronting another assassin in front of him, and smeared the weapon in his hand.

Do not.


He knows that this is not a 'flying knife clown'.

Nor is it a simple shifting.

In the next second, Tyres’s sword disappeared and suddenly appeared on the assassin’s chest!


In the eyes of the other person's horror, Taylors couldn't use the end of the power, just push it, and he ended his life.

It's really convenient.

Thales opened his mouth.

This kind of attack will never fail.

It’s so convenient.

"Hey! Hey!"

Taylor waved his hand and three darts pointing at him disappeared into the wall and hit the other side of the wall.

He raised his left hand and shot the two daggers in a twisted manner, "respecting" the assassin who shot the dart.

The prince kept on foot and rushed to Tampa in three or two steps.

An assassin behind the tavern boss was still surprised to find his own dagger that disappeared from the air, and was easily slashed by Tyres. The assassin swore before he died that he should avoid the trajectory of the sword. .

When Tyres unexpectedly, Tampa, who had been sluggish, suddenly looked awkwardly, glaring at another moment when the assassin was in a hurry, slamming his head and hitting his nose!

Tampa bit his teeth, a back slammed, and the back slammed the assassin's chest!

"The last time I was to this was an orc..."

"It's a skull, it's still hanging in my bedroom now!"

Before the moment, Tampa, who was still hostage, stood up and looked fierce. According to the neck of the assassin, it was a kick!


In the thrilling break, Tyres looked brows.

Tampa spit out a blood and shook his head at him: "Don't worry, do what you should do."

Taylors turned his eyebrows and turned.

On the other hand, Sakuel’s positive breakthrough, no matter how many people are in front of him, is not his enemy. When Jodel unlocks the chain, he disappears into the air, only the assassin’s body that has fallen from time to time, confirming the shadow. The mask guards are there.

The brazer looked at the situation completely reversed in the field and felt that his heart was getting colder.

Taylors steadily moved forward, and it seems that people are alone, but they are like a broken bamboo.

There was nothing in the hidden weapon that was shot at him, and his blade would be weirdly deflected, and the blade that pierced his body would be empty.

Even when the assassin came to Tyres, he found that the weapon in his hand disappeared.

In contrast, Taylor's long sword is like a fate that cannot be resisted. Every time he swings out, he must break through the block, ignore the dodge, and hit the target.

The strangeness in his body made the assassins frightened.

In a moment, the assassin has less than ten people left.

The drill struggled to bite the teeth.

He knows that he must make a decision.

Taylors didn't see the more ugly face of the solder, and he didn't care about Sackel's complicated eyes, but he felt his new ability wholeheartedly.

He can easily remove the dagger from the enemy in front of him, just like picking up the teacup on the desk.

It seems that the distance no longer exists for him.

He can even change himself and the position of the sword.

Let it appear where it is.

He can also let the dark weapon that came from a distance, such as the hand axe, shift position.

It's like pulling the fishing line on the fishing rod.

As his movements became more and more skilled, Taylors slowly realized.

Taking things out of space, shifting shapes, these are not in his words.

However, there are still more or less restrictions.

The static dagger is compared to the flying axe in the air...

The sword in the hand is compared to the whole person...

The smaller the target, the lighter the distance, the shorter the distance, the slower the speed... The easier it is for his ability.



Sudden violent drinking interrupted the thoughts of Tyres.

The brazier slammed into the struggling Marina, holding her in front of her and retreating.

He looked at Tyres' eyes and was full of fear.

If this prince has this power...

Then his performance in the pub...

Is it to introduce us to the hook?

"Retreat!" The brazier roared.

Tyres narrowed his eyes and watched the assassins relieved and trained to retreat.

Seeing is going to hide into the darkness.

"That's why I hate hunting fox games," Sackel on the other side has almost become a human-shaped restricted area. Wherever he goes, assassins are all riddled by:

"They will run."

But they can't run.

Taylor's heart.

No matter where they fled, they are in my palm.

The next second, holding the nails of Marina, I was surprised to find that the four-step Taylors appeared in front of their own eyes!

How is he again...

I can't think too much, the brazier is re-applied, pushing Marina as a shield!


Tyres still has a sharp eye, and the long sword smashes his back and looks at the death of Marina!

The brazier screamed and rolled out a meter away with blood.

The self-deprecating Marilyn blinked, but found herself intact, and even the rope on her hand was cut open unconsciously.

"You are fine, madam."

Tyres reached out to her and sneered: "Look, you need help?"

Marina opened his arm and climbed up and screamed:

"I don't need you to save me!"


The temper is really bad.

Tyres raised his eyebrows:

"By the way, about the things just in the pub..."

However, the first reaction after Marina heard this sentence -


Tyres’s face hurts!


Marina gritted her teeth back, slammed him open at one elbow and rushed to find her weapon:


Looking at her back, Tyres turned back ugly and laughed at himself: "Ah..."

"……you are welcome."

He resisted, pretending that he didn't see the "wow" mouthline behind him.

Saciel and Yodel effectively harvested the lives of the assassins. In a few seconds of Tyres' delay, the assassins were almost completely cleared, leaving only the blood that was covered with blood and escaped.

He can't escape.

Tyres thought so, intending to vent his grievances to this culprit.

He instantly appeared in front of the brazier!


The long sword of Tells is a short knife that does not know where to get out of the solder, and pushes the blood-stained, wolf-stricken solder to step back!

"You can let me go... you know!" The brazier's arm trembled and slammed.

"Eighteeneen years ago," Tyres replied coldly to him: "You can also let Hayman comet."

The brazier was first smashed, and then the face became more fierce.

Tyles chuckled and continued to feel the "out of control" magic, ready to give him a final blow.

Just shift the position of the sword to...

At this moment, Tyres suddenly trembled!


A deep pain in the bone marrow came from inside the ribs!


Tyres was sorely deformed, trembling, and kneeling on one knee.

He took a breath!

No, no, no!

He is familiar with this pain.

In the Yongxing City, the assassination, the Broken Dragon Fortress to resist the magic gun, the dragon magic city inside the blood magic master ... have encountered.

Although this time is not that serious.

But there is no doubt that this is the price of using magic energy.

At that moment, Tyres seemed to wake up from his dreams and escaped from that magical state.

I am this...

Feeling the pain in the chest for a while, Tyres leaned on the long sword full of blood, incredulously looking at his whole body.

I am... I just really...

It is like dying, fear, hesitation, and these emotional emotions return to his brain.

At the same time, calm, fearless, and decisive, these rational states are no longer taken for granted.

Along with the pain, dusty rustic, **** smell, fighting sounds, noisy sounds, dim channels, all kinds of scenes instantly enter his eyes, ears, nose and nose, reminding him of his own situation.

He wiped the blood on his face, only to find that his body was full of blood, sticky and wet.

Not far away, the skull that he had left, the enemy that fell, and the broken limbs were all over the place.

Nearly eight or nine people.

Taylors suddenly shuddered.

This is... I did it?

That's right.

His memory is still clear.

Just... watching the battle experience just like watching another person.

Another cool version of Tyres.


An anxious cry came from the ear.

Tyres has come back to God.


The wind is coming!

Tyres was subconsciously using magical energy, but the pain in his chest deepened his expression, and the whole person fell weakly.




As soon as the millennium came, the fast rope hit the other side and knocked the slasher away from the blade of the drill!

The fast rope held him a few steps and got up and gave Taylor a slap!

"What happened to you?"

Fast rope looked at the sly Tarres, biting his teeth: "It’s just a face, now it’s a daze..."

"Are you taking drugs?"

Under the reminder of the pain, Teres was shocked to see the fast rope sitting on him, recalling the experience from entering the "out of control" to the present.

Magic energy.




Anchor point.


As in a dream.

"I... I don't know." Taylors is authentic.


On the other side, the brazier endured the pain and climbed into the darkness.

When you left, don't forget to cast a hidden weapon and shoot two people directly!

"call out!"

Tyres was shocked. He pushed the fast rope and he was going to touch the sword!

But after half a second, the masked figure suddenly appeared in front of you!

"Hey! Hey!"

The gray daggers danced in the air, blocking all the hidden weapons in a few metal sounds.

Tyres was relieved, and the hand holding the sword was no longer tight.

But the shadow of the solder has disappeared into the dark, without a trace.

On the other side, as Sacuel solved the last assassin, the latter's torch fell to the ground.

A sudden look around!

Taylors discovered that the battle was over.

The chest is slowly dissipated because of the pain caused by the magic.

He just returned to God.

There was silence in the corridor.

"Wow," the fast rope exhaled and painfully leaned against the wall:


On the other hand, Marina looked at the body of a place, and Tampa sat in the corner of the wall, biting her teeth and tearing her clothes, skillfully wrapping the wound on her body.

In the dim sight, Tyres quietly looked at Jodel in front of him, and looked at the bloodyness of his body.

"I... I just..."

But when he opened his mouth, he was interrupted.

"I know," the mask guards faintly, lifting the tays from the ground:

"I know."

I don't know why, Tyres is in a good mood.

He looked at the ground slyly and wiped the blood on his face, still unable to believe the memories.


Just when I was killing...

Can he adapt to it?

"Happy day, isn't it."

"This is the last one...if it is not the one that ran away."

On the other side, Sakuel picked up the torch and cleared the side with a victory.

"I suggest that you catch up now, and never suffer from it... In the face of Shadow Shield, only your ability is best."

Jodel turned his head and looked at the depths of the passage:

"Reassured, he can't run."

The mask guards are cold and authentic.

"Let's go," Sakuel said to him:

"Here, there is me."

Yodel slightly decapitated, turned and patted the shoulders of Tyres.

Taylors showed him a tough smile:

"Go, do what you should do."

Jodel nodded and disappeared into the air in the next second.

I saw a fast rope on one side and took a breath.

He covered his mouth with one hand and pointed at the place where Yodel disappeared in horror. His eyes turned back and forth: "He, he, he...he...the ghost..."

Tyres ignored him, but waved his hand indifferently.

"Go and find something else to do, fast rope, please."

"Jokes are the things we don't need most now."

The horror of the fast rope freezes on his face and squints back.

On the other side, both Tampa and Marina looked at each other with hostility.

But Taylors has no time to manage this.

Maybe Marina is awkward, maybe Tampa is well informed, and keeping them here is not a good thing, but now, Taylors just wants to take a good sleep.

The sword of the disaster has no leader, and the death and injury are heavy. The rest of the Shadow Shield is destroyed here, and the people in the North are not enough to look down on the big waves. The mystery is still laying an ambush on the ground.

The only trouble, probably only fast rope...

He sighed with a long sword and leaned against the wall behind him.


Magic energy.

Today, he used magic energy for the first time in a sober state.


Even if the degree of vomiting is better than before, this state is also very limited, and time and ability are very limited.


Tyres snorted and suddenly felt very tired.

Not just the body.

There is still spirit.

Sakuel slowly came, and he was frowning with a wrinkle:

"Hey, little guy."

Thales looked up tiredly and looked at the sin on his forehead, and smiled at him: "The beard is shaved well."

"And, thank you."

But Sackel frowned.

"Your kind of power is not omnipotent, right?"

The penalty knight inserted the torch into a corpse, and when it was lighting, he wiped the saber with the handle at the mouth with his sleeve:

"Otherwise, you used it when you were held hostage."

Taylors frowned deeply.


I have to explain to him...

Tyres sighed and put his forehead against the hilt.

"Let me guess, is there a time limit, or is it a great injury to the body?" Sacuel leaned against the wall on his side and faintly said.

Tyres snorted and thought that his appearance would have been seen by them.


But Sacker’s next question, let Taylors glimpse:

"Why not save him?"


"What?" Taylors looked up.

"In the beginning, you can save the little Jod," Sacker chuckled:

"But you gave up, but let me help him."

The penalty knight turned his head: "Why?"


Tyres tried to recall the magical experience that seemed to be separated by a century, imagining what he was thinking about in that state.

At that time, it seemed that I was trying to disturb the enemy’s position to lock Jodel, and then...

That sensible, calm, decisive self...

"Amount, maybe you are more suitable? After all, they have three or four people..."

But Sackel shook his head.

"No, I can see that you value him very much. He is very loyal to you," Sackel sighed and knocked on the wall behind him:

"If you can save him, you will not give up easily."

Tyres frowned.

and many more.

"You don't want to save him," Sakuel looked at the fire and said:

"But you can't save him."

Tyres eyelid jump:

"What do you mean?"

Can't save him?

and many more.

Just now, it seems that I have tried to deal with the enemy of the second hand-held chain, but...

Sakuel turned his head and smiled at the prince, and the appearance of the wolverine and the embarrassing appearance seemed quite ugly.

"That sword."

Sakuel said faintly: "He has been on the right hand."

Tyres moved slightly.

That sword?

His first reaction was to look at Ricky's sword.

But the next second, Taylors understood.

He figured out what his face was white and his hair was vertical.

That sword.

Just listening to the penalty Knight sighed: "Because of the Supreme Sword, the legendary anti-magic armed..."

Supreme sword.

At that moment, Taylor's breath picked up.

what did he say……

"So your ability does not work on the chain on his right arm." Sackel said lightly.

Tyres opened his mouth with difficulty:

"Sackel, you..."

The penalty knight bowed his head against the wall and chuckled: "Not surprising, I have seen similar things...His Royal Highness, I didn't call the wrong name?"

Like a rusty clock, Tyres twisted his head and stared at him.

He knows...

I saw Sakuel smile sincerely and apologize:

"Please understand, child."

"This is not a personal grudge."

At that moment, looking at each other's smile, Taylors suddenly felt the hair upside down!

The sin of the prison river in his body instantly increased!

It is like the most terrible threat.

Danger, danger - it seems that a voice warns him.

Next second.

Tyres looks awkward, spontaneously reacts without a teacher, and the muscles in the legs and waist are tight!

He saved the corner from the string!


The knife wind shaves the face, the thorns hurt!

The avalanche-like blade scraped through the hair of Tells and took a few hairs.


The saber hit the wall.

Stone shavings!

Thales was trembling and unbelievable.

He wore awkwardly and painfully, and looked at the people in front of him.

It was the sword-stricken, murderous Sackel, who was looking at him with a complicated look.

The other's saber is cutting in his position.

It’s only a small amount.

"Hiding is very beautiful."


The penalty knight raised his brow and pulled out the blade. It seemed that he was not satisfied with the result of the knife being chopped.

Their movements even attracted three people who were wary of each other on the other side.


Tyres was shocked. He held a long sword and he even trembled with his breath:

"You, what are you doing?"


Maybe he is trying to try his own skills?

Look at your martial arts?

Must be... like this?

Tyres thought so, feeling his thoughts tremble.

Until Sackel turned and answered him with a blank expression:

"Correct... error."

One second.

Two seconds.


Taylor looked at him with a dull look.

Sakuel shook his head, his eyes sorrowful, but he was hiding the infinite murder.

"You know why, child."

"As I said, this is not a personal grudge."

The penalty knight silently looked at the boy in front of him, slowly lifting the knife, and the excitement and embarrassment in the chest.

Please rest assured, Eddie, His Royal Highness, Midi.

No matter how many years have passed.

The error will be corrected.

I will swear to defend our kingdom.

Just like the year.

(End of this chapter)

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