Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 437: Returning Morar

Chapter 437 Returning Morar

Farther away.

Tyres stunned the axe of the Knights, and disappeared in the dark with the dark corridor.

He is slowly rising again.

Just like losing gravity.

But this time, the prince barely kept his reason in the void of unknown time.

He tried to think back to the anchor point and follow the instructions to keep himself.

I only need to be farther away.

No need... slamming.

He tried to keep his mind calm.

His consciousness flashed countless scenes, the wreckage in the waste house, the simple kitchen of the sunset bar, the magnificent terrace of the Star Hall, the snow flakes in the birch woods, the fire in the Yingling Palace...

Leaving the bones of the bones, even leaving the blade camp, the farther away from Sac El, the better.

Farther away!

But just as he thought so, a strange burning sensation came from behind!

Just as someone ordered a fire on his back!

Tyres’ face changed.


At that moment, he instantly got out of the "out of control"!

It is like a beautiful dream.

The indifferent attitude disappeared, and the surprised emotions pervaded the brain.

Do not……

In a few seconds, the burning sensation is getting stronger and stronger.

It spreads from the back to the whole body and slowly evolves into a tearing and cutting feel.

In that second, Tyres couldn't help but twist his face and screamed!

This long-lost but familiar feeling...

Is it...


What he remembered, his heart was cold.

Tyres, who was still suffering from burning and tearing, only felt that he was heavy all the time. In the next second, he slammed into the ground!


In the muffled sound, Thales couldn’t care for the painful knees and forehead, and turned mad as if he had turned over, trying to open his rucksack!

Damn, **** it!

It's like it's a piece of red charcoal.


Marina's angry voice rang in her ear and seemed to be in close contact with the ground: "What happened!"

"Wow, axe - hey!"

In the darkness, the shout of the fast rope panicked from the side.


A snoring sounded, it sounded like the fast rope climbed from the ground:

"Here is... the prison river?"

Tyres exhaled a hard breath and felt the burning sensation on his back slowly disappear.

But another feeling spreads over the nerves.


The Star Prince sighed with anger:

"Yes, here, it is, the prison river... and I am, yours, the ferryman..."

He touched the feel of the ground and sighed in his heart.

and so……

They are not out of danger.


The fast rope heard his voice, and he was very happy, and then he became more and more doubtful:

"But why, why can't we all..."

In fear, only a soft rubbing sound, a sudden burst of fire appeared from the front, let the fast rope subconsciously block the eyes.

In the darkness, Marina lit a small torch and cursed it from the ground and wiped the dust off her face: "Damn!"

"What the **** are we..."

But her words did not continue.

The smell in the nose and mouth and the surrounding environment allowed her to identify their location.

The red-haired female swordsman soothed the neck that was punished by the penalty knight, frowning:

"We... still in the bones?"

Tyres didn't answer, he was white and shivering at the moment.

The fast rope that restored the field of vision gently put down his hand, and looked at Maria with a stunned face with a stunned look, then turned to the young man who was squatting on the floor and gasping.

“What happened just now?”

He faded away from the confusion and lifted the well-behaved tyros from the ground, letting the latter lean against the wall:

"What about that uncle? And, and your masked friend?"

Tyres gasped, resisting more and more intense pain, and squeezing a word:

"This is the 'little magic' of the Alchemy Tower. You may wish to understand that the organs in the prison of the bones can transfer you to different places..."

Marina was slightly surprised.

Taylors tried to squeeze a smile.

But the expression of the fast rope did not have a consistent banter, and the rookie mercenary squatted in front of the tays, watching the latter quietly.

His eyes are deep and thoughtful:

"Little magic?"

The look of the fast rope can not help but let Taylor think of the true identity of the other party.

"Yes, so I just took advantage of it... ah!"

Taylor couldn’t say any more, and the more intense pain came from the chest, letting him sweat and lick his lips.


Although there is no similar reference to other magicalists, whether it is the assassination of the carriage on Fuxing Avenue six years ago, the magic gun attack under the Broken Dragon Fortress, or the accidental trick to Giza in Longyan City, or Eichda The warnings at the time of leaving, these experiences have made Taylors learn a truth:

In the face of the crisis, there is no way to go without a trip, and you must not easily resort to mysterious magic.

The "out of control" state is not only insignificant to the burden and destruction of the body, but also gradually increases with the magnitude of the magic energy involved. Once it reaches the level of "the door", the cost is even fatal.

So Taylors is very grateful to Toros.

The most mysterious thing he has ever encountered is also the best magician for himself.

Thanks to his generosity and patience, he succeeded in finding the “anchor” and was able to stay sensible (perhaps too sensible) in “out of control”, and got rid of the magical powers of the past. It is bound to be a dangerous dilemma.

But even if Taylors succeeded in avoiding the trick, it would be free from the heartbreaking pains and pains of using magical energy in the past. The cost of "out of control" should not be underestimated.

According to the experience of the enemy's brazier, he stayed in the magical "out of control" state for no more than a few minutes, and will be awakened by sudden sudden pain, interrupting his singular ability.

But Taylors knew that when he escaped under Sachtel's axe, it was not the last pain of the magical power that interrupted him.


Thales glared at his chest and looked at the other side in disbelief: Marina also laid his rucksacks quietly on the ground, revealing a small arm.

Time flies.

Legendary anti-magic armed.

Damn it.

They are still in the crucifixion of the bones, the reason why they could not escape... found it.

It seems that next time he must not enter the "out of control" when he has this stuff in his hand...

Thinking of this, Tyres was aching and distorted.

"You look... bad?"

Marina noticed the unusual pain of the prince and hurriedly took the torch.

"Is it hurt by that madman?"

Do not.

It is just the sequela of forcible use of magic energy, and the rejection of the cockroach.

Tyres wiped a sweat and trembled and forced himself to bend his mouth:


"He is very heavy."

The fast rope is still a word.

Marina leaned down and picked up a silver-blade sword from the ground.

"This is Ricky's sword."

Marina's brow slowly locked in the fire.

The heart of Tyres is once again tight.

Marina looked at him fixedly, her eyes getting colder and colder:

"I saw the brand on the mad face, like Semir - what happened to Ricky?"

When Tyres tightened his lips and suffered from pain, he also had to deal with the people in front of him. This really made him feel hard and he only felt that his head was big.

What can he say?

Sorry, your boss, was a hole in my head by my friend?

"He..." he snorted.

At this time, the fast rope screamed out!


The rookie mercenary's eyes widened and looked at Marina, pointing to the wall of Tyres, panicking:

"He is... your nose is bleeding!"

Tyres touched his nose subconsciously, and it wasn’t a good idea.



He was dizzy, leaning against the wall, shuddering and sliding to the ground.

Marina frowned.

The fast rope was shocked by the first two steps, holding the taylor.

"What happened to you?"

"This," the prince laughed weakly:

"Hah, the royal family, more or less different."

Comet royal family.

Marina heard the phrase and her face was dark again.

"No, we have to do something, he doesn't look too good."

Fast rope looked worried, he turned to Marina:

"This lady? I am troubled by this side, I am looking for his luggage..."

Marina looked at Taylors intricately, and looked at the sword in her hand. She finally sighed and walked up with a torch.

"The prince who surnamed the comet."

Looking at the painful face of Tyres, Marina whispered:

"Just, you saved my life."


Tyres tried to pull the corner of his mouth and squeezed a few words of ridicule:

"Maybe, maybe because I don't like killing? Maybe, because you are a woman, still very beautiful? So according to the Cavaliers novel, I am destined to be soft..."

Then take you into my harem.

The heart of Tyres was a pain, and he stabbed him again to tighten the five senses and bit the joke that was too long.

But Marina did not pay attention to his teasing, and the former tempered girl was not angry.

She just looked at him quietly:

"You know, we have hatred - whether it's the past of the Scarlet Year or the festival in the pub."

Tyres snorted and he was not tortured by his pain:

"So I have to kill you? Or stand by and watch the gloating scene and watch you being killed?"

Marina paused and her face struggled.

"But your father will."

The red female swordsman hesitated: "Like 18 years ago, he ordered the hang of my family."

This is the turn of Taylors without words.

But the next moment, Marina seemed to be determined, and suddenly looked up and looked at the prince with a burning look.

"Serber Norfolk," the girl whispered:

"He is my uncle, a member of the Stars and Legion, the guardian of the late King of the Lakes, and the murder of him."

A glimpse of Tellston.

Cyber ​​Norfolk.

There is also the Duke of Star Lake.

What do you mean?

Tyres stared at her, his distraction, and the pain in his body seemed to be less tolerable.


"Listen," Marina stared at him, her eyes eager, like staring at the straw of life:

"If you go back to Yongxing City, Prince of Teres, if you are really different from your **** father, if you really care about the blood of the innocent..."

"Just ask you to trace this matter and find out the truth."

Marina’s eyes slowly reddened and she was terrified:

"In the year of the bloody, the truth of the assassination of the Duke of John in the city of Sodala."

Duke of John...

Tyres frowned.

"My father, Lanzar Norfolk, the heir to the Earl of Norfolk."

"Until the upper gallows, he has been secretly serving the Secrets of the Kingdom," Marina gritted:

"On the third day of King Adi's assassination, on the eve of the assassination of the Duke of John, his father privately released a letter crow."

"This is the only clue I have for years."

Tyres trembled slightly.

Kingdom Secrets.

The third day of King Adi’s assassination...

In other words...

"I have been wandering for many years, and I am alone. I can only seize all my strength and use all means, but I can't find anything. I can't do anything." Marina's lips trembled and her chest was ups and downs.

"But you are the prince, the king of the future, you can do more than me."

"I beg you."

In the last word, Marina is almost red-eyed and biting out of her teeth. I don't know how many struggles and struggles have been experienced.

At this time, the sound of the fast rope came from the baggage:

"What have I found, Tyres, you may need this..."

It was another pain, and Tyres closed his eyes and tried to wave his hand:

"I'm fine, I'm sick, I just need to take a break..."

Next second.


A muffled sound came suddenly, letting Taylors blink blindly!

"When you are."

The fire shook and fell to the ground with the sword.

Marina lost her consciousness and fell to the ground.

On her side, the fast rope retracted her palm in a serious manner.

Taylors stunned.

At that moment, the torch was shining from the ground, and the face of the fast rope was so cold and deep.

"Quick rope, you..."

The fast rope did not answer, he just silently leaned over and picked up the stunned Marina.

"Can you hold it?"

The fast rope faintly, dragging Marina to the side: "Is it still going to die in the next second?"

Taylor looked at him with a sly look.

"Why-" The prince's question was only half said.

He saw something in the hand of the fast rope.

It was a special black crossbow.

The upper string is ready for the arrow.

"What do you ask?"

The fast rope picked up the torch in one hand and walked up coldly.

"So you have to tell me the truth?"

"Tells Comet?"

Tyres bit his teeth.


I saw the fast rope holding the torch alone, shaking the bow of the hand and looking at him coldly:

"What is your ability?"

At that moment, Tyres only felt stiff and his tongue heavy.

In the meantime, even the sequelae of out of control are no longer so uncomfortable.

He just looked at the silent fast rope quietly.

The fast rope also looked back at him silently.

After a long while, Taylor sighed in the fire.

He overslept, under the double pressure - the pain of the body and the compulsion of his companions - difficult:

"I said, this is a rare kind of magic. After the Star Kingdom has taken it for itself..."

The fast rope sneered.


"Magic fart, as far as I know, no magic can suddenly move us from one place to another - not six hundred years ago."

His cold cold questioned, blocking the rest of the words in the mouth.

"Listen, Tells."

Fast rope slammed him:

"I may be ridiculous when I was young, but I am also grown up by the education of the lord's family, and I am still a little older than you, maybe more..."

“After becoming a heir, I learned more unusual knowledge.”

The fast rope gently squatted down, and the look in his eyes was extremely serious.

The fire was approaching, and the hot torches were very uncomfortable.

But his heart is cold.

"I know who the man is and what he meant by what he said."

The fast rope cloud is light and windy.

It seems that this is just a home-time conversation.

But only Tells knows that at this moment, the momentum emitted by the fast rope is so indifferent, the tone is so fierce, and the eyes are so terrible.

"I also know why you suddenly changed from a weak boy to a cold-faced killer."

"I even know why you are so painful now."

At that moment, Tyres seemed to no longer know the people in front of him.

It seems that this optimistic and open-minded, humorous mercenary fast rope has changed back to that sorrowful decisive decision, leaving all the enemy kings.

Returning to Moral Walton.

"Do you think that when I was in the desert, how did I recognize you?"

Morar's tone is so cold that Tyres can't help but hold his breath.

"More than six hundred years ago, there was a terrible disaster in the battle of the end. As long as there is a battlefield in which it is, our ancestors will inevitably lose battle and have no hope."

"Because that disaster can foresee the future, it is unknown."

Morar sneered:

"From the weather of the next day, to the angle of the sun rising, to the every move of the enemy, the future of the world is in its grasp."

Predict future.

Tyres breathed awkwardly.

In the magician, is there such a existence?

Morar shook his head:

"How do you defeat an undead monster that holds all the future and possibilities, all in your hands?"

At that moment, Taylor's breath was stagnant.

"Until the birth of this weapon."

Morar looked at the inky arm of his hand, and his eyes were unclear:

"The user of it is a native of the North. After the war, he went to Exeter and loyal to Nakaru."

"After many years, this armband was transferred to the hands of Nuen I, and he was given the testimony of the 'Nakaru vows' and presented to the most remote and hardest praying city in the Ten Territories."

"This is the most special legendary anti-magic armor in the Dragon Gun family."

"The time of time."

In the next second, Morar stood up coldly.

He held the trigger, raised his trembling arm, and pointed the arrow at the boy in front of him.

Tyres’s face was blue, but he was holding his chest.

"You are a magician, Tyres."

Morar’s eyes flashed and the words were cold:

"A disaster."

"Just like six hundred years ago, ruin everything."

Tyres gently closed his eyes.

at last.

This day is still coming.

"Just like six years ago," Morar's voice shook a little:

"That ruined Long Yucheng, killing my father..."

"A disaster."

Break a chapter first, and a shorter chapter.

The new editor uses his chest muscles to threaten no sword: no more, there is no recommended position! (Cry and run away)

(Crazy) So who is "more"? I really don't know her!

Also, I have been conceiving the plot for the past few days. I really didn't indulge in "Doomsday Paradise", and I didn't read out seven monthly passes (sincere face) - I have to change the monthly ticket, I have seven!

(End of this chapter)

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