Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 438: same as usual

Chapter 438 is the same

"When I was young, when Count Count Brisbane told me, I always thought it was just a legend."

"It won't be more real than the Queen of the Sky, than the statues of the gods in the Temple."

Morar looked at the latter with the complex eyes that Teres had never seen before.

Tells recognized the expression.

That was the expression on the face of Little Quill Barney after the swearing defeat by Semin.

Lost, empty, painful, regretful.

Also with a little confused and helpless.

“However, the story that our family passed down from generation to generation is true...”

He stared at the boy, his head slightly shaking, his chest ups and downs.

Just like never knowing this companion who once died with him for the same time, and went back and forth.

The different king who lived with him.

In the face of Morar's arrow, Tyres only clenched his lower lip.

At that moment, it seems that even the pain in the chest is no longer important.

What can he say?

What should he say?

"...the disaster is a person, or a monster like a human being."

Morar’s eyes were not away from the target, and the arrow in his hand could not help but tremble slightly.

"They breathe like us, eat the same, walk like the same, live in every corner of the world, every move, all in one shape."

He muttered subconsciously and his voice was awkward.

It seems to be an old story that was repeated a long time ago.

"But they are not us after all."

"They will eventually tear off the mask, revealing the original shape, and begin to destroy and slaughter."

Tyres subconsciously tightened his fist.

Morar’s brow slowly tightened and stepped back, seemingly unable to believe everything he faced.

He clenched his teeth, sucked a few breaths, and flashed the scene in his mind:

"You are like this, isn't it?"

"Just like just?"

Tyres leaning against the wall was silent for a while.

His face was gray and his face was not improved under the fire of the red dragonfly.

They are not us after all.

They will eventually tear off the mask.

Tyres faintly remembers every time he loses control and tips, thinks of the dreams that are known as everything, and the consequences of each returning to God.

"I do not know."

After a long time, Taylors used a tone like a dream, sadly:

“Even for me, this issue is full of fog.”

Morar was also silent for a while.

In the deep dungeon, I could only hear the breath of the two.

Until the air rang the sneer of Morar.

"So, in the disaster of King Nakaru's hand... Which one are you?"

Taylors is a little lost.

Just listen to Morar in the most serious and taboo tone, biting the opening:

"Wang disaster?"


"Blood disaster?"


“First disaster?”

Every time he speaks a word, Moral’s look is a bit harsh.

These appear only in the legends of the Walton family, but he never agrees with the phrase.


Listening to these strange and strange nouns, Tells frowned.

Until Morar held his arm in one hand and bit the next sentence:

"Or do you simply be the head of the disaster - 'The gods and nemesis'?"

The gods are nemesis.

Hearing the nickname of this deja vu, Tyres’ chest was a pain.

The young man no longer looked at Morar. He bowed his head, half relieved, and half opened his mouth: "No."

"I am a……"


Morar paused for a moment.


His shoulders were slightly swaying, and the laughter was a bit stunned, and the fire and the bow were shuddering.

"So you are like the White Blade Guard, there are new people..."

The words are a touch of irony.

In the mood of not knowing what it is, Taylors tried to smack his lips.


"Magicist, disaster."

As a matter of thought, he was slightly distracted and his tone was lost:

"Everything is like a nightmare, no matter how much smile you put out in the usual times, how much courage to raise..."

"But at night, when it comes to midnight, it will always come back to you -"

Morar’s chances shook a little.


"A disaster."

He interrupted the words of Thales, staring at the latter, his eyes were strange, his mouth was cold, and his hands were protruding:

"Do you know that no matter which temple, even the church that has been ruined again, is warning every King of Exeter: The catastrophe of the destruction will eventually come back, destroying us like the destruction of the final empire?"

Taylors didn't look at him, just closed his eyes:


Moorar is not prepared to let him answer.

The son of Nuen gritted his teeth, and the fingers pinched on the arm of the arm were forced to force, and the self-repressing complex emotions of nowhere to be placed:

"You know that every Walton has been taught since childhood. In the end of the battle, Nakaru and his colleagues are horrifying and desperate, sacrificing and casualties, miraculously reversing the cold wind, defeating crazy evil. The disaster, build Exeter?"

Tyres didn't blink, he twitched his lips:

"Is it."

The Star Prince felt that the blood of the nose had stopped, and the strength of his body slowly recovered under the slow infiltration of the sin of the prison river, and the pain in the chest was gradually relieved.

At least, he should be able to stand up on his own.

But somehow, in the face of Morar, who looked at him in anger, facing the seemingly faltering time...

Taylors suddenly felt very tired.

It turned out that I used to have an adventure together and thought that I could entrust my companion in the back...

It will become like this.

This is a disaster.

It is yourself.

And my own future.

He thought grayly.

A long-lost female voice, sounded from his ear.

[You are going further and further on the path of misfortune. 】

[Magician, this is not a gift or a blessing... It is a curse and a bad luck. 】

Listening to the heavy breathing of Morar's hatred, at that moment, Taylor suddenly felt that he was like a long dream of exhausting spirit.

In this dream, he did not hope to wake up.

[So, this is our ending. 】

In the dungeon, the torch broke out again with a Mars.

"Is it you?" Morar asked coldly.

Tyres still has his eyes closed:


Morar looked at the stunned les, and the anger and doubt in his heart burned at the same time.

"Six years ago, Long Yucheng...the legendary monsters will not appear for no reason."

I saw Morar clenching his teeth:

"tell me."

"My father's death, including your cover-up, ruining half a dragon city..."

"Is it all about you?"

He unconsciously raised the tone and aggravated the tone:

"Look at my eyes, tell me!"

Tyres's eyebrows trembled and opened his eyes subconsciously.

He stared at Morar's eyes.

The anger, pain, hesitation, bloodshot eyes.

The thoughts of Thales drifted away slowly.

Drifting back to the night of Longyan City.

Ah, yes.

Broken eaves.

Mottled broken wall.

The silence of the wild.

Those... he thought it would be forgotten.

He was trembled, but this time it was not because of pain.

But because his heart suddenly tightened.

Because of the facts that cannot be evaded.

A second later, Tells spit out the word:


Morar’s arms are getting tighter and tighter.

"That night."

"That disaster, there is a multi-headed snake Kilika," staring at each other's eyes, Tyres trembled:

"They will go to Longyan City and they will kill so many people..."

Tyres closed his eyes painfully:

"It’s all because of me."



For a time, even the breath of Morar was frozen.


The sound of the torch falling to the ground.

In the next second, Tyres only felt that the neckline was tight, and the whole person was lifted by the irresistible Morar one-armed arm, and pressed on the wall!


The young man was stunned and endured the stagnation of his chest. Suddenly his chin was hurting. Time has been pushed by Molar to the chest of Tells, pointing to his head, and the pointed arrow pointed to Tyres. The skin brings a sting.

Taylors has never seen such a Morar.

The latter looked pale, breathing heavy, teeth biting, muscles on the arms and blue veins around the neck.

Like a furious lion.

Like... the former King of the North.

"how dare you!"

Morar snorted, and Tyres felt the muscles of the former tremble.

He grabbed the boy's collar with his left hand and held the machine with his right hand and his right shoulder.

The strings on the time are so tight that they are ready to go.

Choose people to lie.

I saw Morar’s death and death as volcanic hatred and anger:

"You damn... you know what kind of sin you are carrying, what kind of disaster will you bring?"

But Tyres was only silent, and he was so ruthless that Moral threatened his life.

"How dare you approach them?"

"How dare you approach Longsheng City, close to Exeter, close to your father, close to... Alex!"

Morar’s teeth creaked and his eyes were red.

"Close to her country, her people!"

"My people!"

Morar was trembling and almost out of control.

"Take your own bad luck and ominousness and bring them the misfortunes of the **** year!"

"Do you know that your existence is the source of all disasters!"

Tyre's chin was a pain again, and he felt that the tip of the arrow had shivered and had pierced his skin.


The name is one step faster than the arrow, piercing his brain.

Do not.

What he said is... she.

Small slippery head.

In the illusory memories, the bright girl with pin-nose glasses turned and slid her lips, looking at him with a touch of surprise and indescribable eyes.

[You want to take me away? Take me back to the stars? 】

At that moment, his almost distracting thoughts were clear.

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief from his teeth and took care of the pain of his jaw.

"I know."

Morar is still nervous, glaring, as if the next moment is to pull the trigger, piercing the head of Taylors.

Just listen to the bitterness of the teenager: "I am clearer than you."

"In fact, I know better than everyone."

"From that day on, things that happened to me... I know."

In the shield, every pair of eyes that want to breathe.

Under the multi-headed snake, every cry cries out the sound of escape.

In the city of Longyan, every cold and dead body.

And he can only lie in the middle of the road, holding the only warm life in his arms, tears flowing, shivering.

"I'm sorry," Taylors closed his eyes, with a full of despair and sorrow, whispered:

"Sorry, Morar."

He clenched his fist.

Those are all around him...

Blood debt.

It is the result of his actions.

It is something he must face up to.

It’s not a simple single sentence, “I don’t mean it” or “must be forced”, or even “not my fault” to blame others, or a more disgusting phrase “pity but necessary sacrifice”, you can forget it, you can feel at ease The responsibility and burden of escaping.

At least, he can't.

"All that happened for..."

Morar's breathing is getting worse.

Tyre's neckline was pulled tighter, and he could even feel a drop of blood flowing down his neck under the threat of a smashing arrow.

A long time ago, Taylors thought about a similar scene.

But in those assumptions, he is faced with a large group of people, a whole world, no matter whether they know each other or strangers, they all blur their faces, facing the monster, facing him with numerous disasters. Point out.

Now, he thought - he is already very lucky.

Is not it?

Thinking of this, Tyres was relieved.

He opened his eyes gently, calmly looking at Morar in front of him, watching the latter's backlog of anger and sadness.


He thought faintly.

do not know……

When this covert heavy with a smile, cover the sad brave prince with humor, when he walks alone in the distance of the world, floating on the edge of the cape...

When he looked at the direction of the complex Northland, he looked at the hometown behind him...

When he got the news of the disaster in Longyan City, the news of his father’s violent...

What is the mood?

"So that's it?"

The mood of Tyres calmed down completely, and the corner of his mouth pulled out a smile:

"This is our ending?"

The other party is still red-eyed and staring at Taylors.

The anger in the eyes is not diminished.

This reminds Taylor of the moment he opened his eyes in the desert.

At that time, it was this red-haired fast rope, with curious eyes.

Thinking of this, Tyres sighed with a sigh:

"Right, there is still a chance..."

"Thank you, fast rope."

"Thank you, saved my life in the desert."

He whispered a word.

At that moment, Morar trembled slightly.

His left arm was tight, and Tyres was slammed to the wall with greater force, and his right hand trembled with a black-armed trigger.

Taylor closed his eyes.

Waiting for the other party's decision.

next moment.


Taylors only felt that the right face was shocked!

Before he could figure it out, he turned around and the whole person flew out against the wall!

The **** fell to the ground.


Tyres groaned in pain, and the whole head creaked.

He first felt a numbness that spread half of his face. After a few seconds, it turned into a burning pain, and he licked his mouth.

Tyres shuddered and climbed up, trying to see his eyes in Venus.


In the next second, his left hand was stuffed into a hard object.

Tyres was shocked and realized that this was the hilt.

Soon, his right arm was tight and the whole person was pulled up!

Put on a thick, wide shoulder.

One arm was put on his waist and helped him hard.

In the horror, Tyres shook his head in desperation, smashing the Venus in the sky.

He was surprised to see:

I was leaning on the shoulder of the fast rope. When I was high for a while, I was helped by the latter.

From the perspective of the juvenile, I can only see the side of the fast rope, and I can’t see the expression.

The arrow in the latter's hand was long gone, and it was replaced by the torch that fell to the ground.

"You..." He only had time to spit out a word, and he was hurt by the cheeks that had been punched by a fast rope.

"Shut up," the fast rope interrupted him mercilessly, gnashing his teeth, revealing his unsteady and hesitant mood:

"The enemy is still there."

He held the torch and shivered in front of him:

"You have to go to a safe place."

Taylors stunned.


"To shut up!"

The fast rope turned his head, his eyes were red, and he looked at him with scorn. The tone was full of the rough and rudeness of the northern people:

"Do not make me hit you! I remember those two slap it!"

After the words, he did not look at Tyres, and turned his head to his own eyes, and he could recognize complex feelings in his breath.

Tyres looked at his side face slyly.

The fire is swaying and the air is quiet.

An unspeakable taste hits my heart.

The prince lowered his head, gritted his teeth, dragged the weak body, leaned against the shoulders of the fast rope, and kept up with the pace.

The two left the unconscious Maria behind, breathing fast and slow, anxious and slow.

They are not fast, but they are very calm.

The two marched a long distance in silence, crossed several bodies, and finally came to the side of the rotating stone steps and began to climb.

The scene was once immersed in this strange atmosphere.

In the silence, Tyres suddenly laughed and made a special awkwardness.

The fast rope is in a stagnation.

The laughter of Tells continued.

"To shut up!"

The fast rope replied to him very rudely, the tone of voice, the evil of attitude, and let tays have the illusion of returning to the North.

"what's so funny?"

The fast rope lifts the high torch, turns a corner, and clenches the teeth.

"Nothing," tired Tyres shook his head:

"I am just very happy."

He paused for a moment, with a full of sorrow and grief, licking the chest of the fast rope:

"I am very happy, you are still the same."

"Quick rope."

(End of this chapter)

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