Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 439: The prince is not

Chapter 439 Prince is not here

same as usual.

The fast rope roared, don't go too far, it seems to be very dissatisfied with the words of the teenager.

"You still care." The words of Tyres were slightly ups and downs.

Fast rope brows lag:


"Your father, Long Yucheng, Exeter, even your niece," In the invisible direction, Teres made a few deep breaths, with emotions and emotions in his words:

"Even if you claim to be out of the past, you are so disgusted with the chains that bind them."

The pace of the fast rope is slow.

"But in a corner of your heart... you still care." On the shoulder of the fast rope, Tyres sank his face in the darkness of the fire, and his mouth froze.

The fast rope first swayed and then snorted.

"Hey, let's laugh at it."

"I am just a hard-working coward. In the end, I still can't walk the past."

He was extremely unhappy to speed up his steps and dragged a sly to Tyres leaning against his shoulder.

But the teenager was not upset and lost, he just smiled.

"No, fast rope," Teres's smile was filled with bitterness:

"I mean……"

"It's so good."

The body of the fast rope trembled slightly.

The teenager lowered his eyes and looked at the darkness under his feet.

"Compared to the Morar that left everything for freedom..."

"This is the real fast rope."

The fast rope did not answer.

He just snorted again.

But at that moment, Taylors suddenly felt that the exhaustion of the squad was swept away.

"Leave her."

Tyres has come back to God:


Just listen to the panting fast rope bite opening:

"Leave her and leave Alex."


Tyres’s slightly lighter mood was once again heavy.

"After waiting for it..."

"You are disgusting, like a **** who is a cheap girl."

The fast rope opened in disgust, and the left arm or the demonstration or warning also knocked on the chest of Tyres:

"I don't care what you used to be, but from now on... you are not allowed to approach her, Xiao thinks about her, marries her."

"A little farther away from Alex!"

The fast rope is smashed into the ground.

In that second, Taylor's expression faded.

It’s so funny.

Not long ago, this person also sincerely wished them "to be a genus."


This is the reality.

Tyres suddenly smiled, which made the fast rope look bad.

"Lishui." Star Prince suddenly said.


Tyres took a deep breath and his eyes were full of sighs:

"Sometimes, I feel like a drowning person, struggling with the last breath in the water, instinctively grasping all the tools and tools that can be used at hand, trying not to let myself sink."

As he spoke, the voice of Tyres quieted down.

His tone has become lonely.

"But in my heart, I know what it means."

The face of the fast rope slowly loosened, but did not speak.

"Reassured, fast rope, different from you."

Taylor looks to the front.

There is only one darkness in the corner where the torch can't be seen.

"With such a destiny..."

Taylor looked at the darkness, as if to see the girl's face with tears.

[Yes, Tells. 】

【I believe you. 】

[I believe in you with my life. 】

He showed a difficult and bitter smile:

"My shoulders have long been unable to afford... heavier things."

For example, the future of another person.

The fast rope has gone silent.

He held back and looked at the desires of the people around him, just moving forward.

One step, one step further, in the darkness illuminated by the fire, seek the way forward and lean toward the stone steps.

It seems that nothing can stop them.

However, the next second, Tyres moved his ears.

Although very light, he still heard the increase in the sense of hell.

Tyres slightly frowned:

"someone is coming."

The fast rope gently moved, and the light beamed to the side.

The two tacitly turned their directions, left the stone steps, folded into the dark corridor of this layer, and lowered their bodies behind a collapsed stone pillar.

Put the torch on the fast rope and skillfully smash it over two or three times.

The darkness resurfaced the body of the two.

Soon, the fire was lit at the front of the rotating stone steps.

The plural steps rang from above.

"Sony, here!"


This sound makes the fast rope and the taels together!

this is……

The steady and familiar male voice sounded in the footsteps: "Absolutely the prince! He must be here, just nearby!"


In the darkness, the breath of Tells and the fast rope is aggravated.

How did they find out, how to confirm that it is Teres nearby?

The second male voice "hmm" not far away:

"How can you be sure? We have searched two levels."

The first sound sounds again:

"When I was in the pub, I moved hands on them, so I can be sure."

Tyres and the fast rope looked at each other in the dark and felt each other's surprise.

The second voice - Sonny snorted:

"Give a good torch, just like every, search every corner!"

"Be careful with the Shadow Shield - or what they said, the madman at the bottom."

With this order, the plural footsteps leave the stone steps and slowly spread out into this layer.

The inner heart of Tyres was suddenly cool.

"It's Dean."

In the corner, he whispered softly: "And Sonny - the rest of the sword of disaster?"

The fast rope turned his head and seemed to be awkward:

"You don't have to be reminded."

The footsteps are getting closer and closer and more and more scattered.

The fire is slowly approaching.

The rewards of one after another are getting louder and louder.

The two people hiding in the corner of the corridor were nervous.

"I remember," Tyres quietly said:

"Dean should have been with you?"

The fast rope shook his head in the darkness.

"Dean is very smart and ready, we tried to run the first time we attacked," the fast rope pressed the voice, in the ear of Tel:

"He still wants to get me out together, but the people who are bracing..."

He did not say anything.

Soon, the voice of the mercenary Sonny once again rang from the other end of the corridor.

"Hey, the darkroom, I will reiterate it again."

"You know, the Prince of Stars is ours - this is the condition for us to cooperate."

Tyres frowned.

It seems that although the swordsman of the disaster has no leader, their number is still there, and it is still the most difficult party in the black prison.

And Dean...

Dean’s voice came along:

"Yes, I know."

"But according to the agreement, I want revenge."

His voice was a little bit gnashing.

"The man, the so-called Wyatt Casso, the one who put me down," only listened to Dean coldly: "He has to pay the price."

"And I want to live."

The fast rope sighed inconspicuously.

"Is it."

In the distance, Sonny snorted:

"You are not a big man, are you?"

Dean did not answer him, just continued to search.

Tyres took a deep breath, but immediately after hearing the enemy bent over to check the bottom of the stone table.


They have not let go of the corner, is it that the goal is on this layer?

The fire is getting closer and closer, refracting to the pillars where they are.

In the dim light, the fast rope and the tays saw the other person's face at the same time.

The same dignity and tightness.

And shocked.

"The situation is not good."

Listening to the steps closer and closer, Tyres gnawed his teeth: "They made up their minds and turned over here."

Without his reminder, the fast rope has already seen the current situation.

They hid behind the collapsed stone pillars, and the footsteps and fire in the distance were getting closer.

The brow of the fast rope is getting tighter and tighter.

Eyes are getting more and more struggling.

Taylors did not notice the expression of his companion.

He gritted his teeth and held the sword in his hand: he had just recovered from the extreme discomfort and severe pain after losing control, far from being the best.

Not to mention, facing so many people...

As for the magic energy, you can try... ah, **** it!

Tyres paled and tried to recover under the pain.

The fast rope looked at Taylor's look and his eyes were complicated.

"We can't hide people here, we will be discovered."

Tyres bit his teeth and looked at the near and far fires on both sides, the brighter and brighter walls.

The fast rope did not say a word, he just licked his lips and stared at his feet.

"Yes, we will be discovered."

He turned his head and stared at Taylors:

"But you won't."

A glimpse of Tyres:


The next moment, before he reacted, the fast rope put the rucksack behind him into the arms of Tyres!

When Tyres was shocked, the fast rope had already swayed, jumped out of the stone pillar, and strode wildly!

Rushing to the stone steps leading to the upper level.

Step, step, step...

The fast rope's footsteps are extremely heavy, and the figure casts a shadow in the fire, which immediately attracted the attention of the enemy!



The footsteps sounded together and went towards the fast rope!

Only leaving Tells alone in the stone pillar, holding the rucksack in his arms, staring at the back of the fast rope.

And the hand that subconsciously stretched out.


The movement of the fast rope attracts most of the enemies. The latter are no longer interested in carefully searching, but encircling the brain and arranging the people who are heading for the stone steps!


Tyres looked at the fire away from him and breathed.


There is a string in the distance!

A mercenary screamed and seemed to have been attacked by the fast rope.

But the footsteps are here.

They may be slow, or stop, and gather together with the fire.

It seems to be surrounded by the fast rope.

He didn't run away.

Do not.

Tyres closed his eyes, bit his teeth, and his forehead hit the rucksack.

"Wow, wow, wow," Sonny’s voice rang coldly:

"Look at who we found."

"The little prince's follow-up?"

Tyres squeezed the sword in his hand and spit out a painful breath.

Do not.

[Yes, we will be discovered. 】

[But you won't. 】

What do you mean?


Fast rope, Morar.

You stupid!

"Where is the prince?" Sonny’s threat sounded.

The fast rope did not answer, just cold and right:


"It was killed by the madman named Sakuel."

At that moment, Taylors thought of the angry and painful expression of the rope.

The first time he saw him, the liveliness and humor in the desert...

It’s all... two people.

The mercenaries sounded a slight sigh.

"be quiet!"

Sonny’s voice rang again, but this time, his words were a little more angry and annoyed:


"You know, if the prince is dead, it means you are useless."

The fast rope did not answer.

Tyres breathed, trying to get out of the stone pillar.

But reason tells him that it is useless to go out.

Two people or one person, under such a disadvantage...

Is there a difference?

A footstep crosses the crowd.

"It's over, fast rope."

Dean’s steady voice rang again, with a touch of dignity and a sense of awe that he had to work hard to hear:

"You have no way to escape."

"Tell me, where the prince of the stars is, you can survive... even live better than before, if you know what I mean."

"And you know how to choose."

Tyres, who was behind the stone pillar, shivered slightly.

Damn it!

Do not.

Tyres clenched his teeth.

At that moment, after Shi Zhu, he only felt that he was so powerless.

"You ask... where is the prince?"

The sound of the fast rope reflexion sounded faintly, full of indifference and solitude, no past happiness and cynicism.

"The prince is not there."

Listening to the profound words, the inner pain of Taylors became more and more painful.

“As for living better than before?”

Fast rope whispered: "Dean, after you go back, you may tell the old woman."

There was a faint murmur in the distance, and the mercenaries were in vain.

"Stop, fast rope!"

Dean’s voice was a little flustered and anxious:

"You are looking for a dead end!"

At that moment, Taylor suddenly knew what the fast rope was doing.

He is the bow.

Do not.

Taylors stayed and understood what.

"You tell her."

Fast rope, no, Morar Walton’s voice is ringing again.

Firm, swaying, unwavering.

"I chose it six years ago."

"My living method."

At that moment, Thales remembered what the fast rope had said to him.

The chain of power.

[I either obey, give in, let it lock my body and mind tighter. 】

[Either completely abandon it. 】

[Become true to yourself. 】

Do not.

Thales clasped his rucksack in his hand, trembling and his hands cold.

That idiot.

He is not prepared to surrender, is not prepared to serve soft, and is not prepared to fall back into the darkroom.

he already……

Make the final preparations.

The sound of the string is still going on.

"If he is still obsessed..."

Sonny laughed and pulled out the sword: "Then we might as well satisfy his wishes."

"No, Sonny! We said good - fast rope, don't do stupid things!" Dean tried to ease the atmosphere.

But Morar ignored him and took care of himself.

The mercenaries have already pulled out their weapons.

Tyres gasped his teeth and gasped, and his heart was uncomfortable.

【finally, I understand. 】

[Moral has already died, Tyres. 】

[Until I struggled to climb out of the black trail and climb out of the city of Longyan, where the man named Morar lived for the first time. 】

the first time……

Lived over.


A soft bang.

Tyres was awakened by the sound of winding.


Morar’s voice is like a lion before hunting, fierce and stunned:

"You are this group of waste."

The swords of the disasters are getting more and more heavy.

Dean’s anxious cry was useless.

Sonny’s ruthless command, in the hearing of Thales, screamed coldly: “Good.”

"kill him."

After the stone pillar, Tyres, listening to all this, distorted his face.

He closed his eyes in pain.

The update is over.

You can go to the World Cup with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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