Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 449: 1v8

Chapter 449 1v8

The dungeon restored a scary silence.

At this time.


The only person in the Royal Guard who escaped the jail, Semir was coldly interjected:

"If your goal is to keep the king awake, why not just stand alone with the legendary anti-magic, to assassinate your so-called queen of disaster?"

At this moment, Semir is cold and decisive, and it seems that it is no longer the former Royal Guard.

Taylor's heart moved.

He remembered that Gilbert had told him that the catastrophe of the comet's royal family in the **** year could not help but frown.

“Why should you use such an extreme approach?”

Sackel did not speak.

Semir continued to ask:

"And, why do you have to put the entire comet royal family on your clearing list, and never stop killing them?"

Sakuel’s lips licked.

His face faded from the blood and looked at Semir.

"Yes," Taldin joined the conversation in a pale face:

"You know, even the most innocent Wang Hao, the most lively and innocent Princess Constance, even the children..."

He bit his lip and can't say it.

Sakuel looked at Semir and Tarding and had a long time.

Until he sighed:

"That's not my intention."

Looking at this scene, Tyres was in a complicated mood, but he immediately thought of another problem.

"Who is that?"

The prince’s speech caught the attention of others:

"You didn't say all the facts."

Ters Young channel:

"Tell me, those who worked with you to assassinate the king, those who intended to subvert the kingdom of the stars, who are they?"

the most important is……

"In that year, the group, the disaster, they and what is Eddie’s plot to conspire, will they attract such a catastrophe?" asked Tyres.

Saciel seems to have been asked down.

He was silent for a long time, and after all he just shook his head and still didn't answer.

"and also."

Semir spoke again.

"If all you said is true, then why," the former **** flag officer stared at the former penalty knight:

"Since you have accomplished your purpose - why didn't you stand up that year and admit that you are a traitor?"

"You are not afraid to bear, not even afraid of death, or even willing to sin for the escape of me... With your character, shouldn’t it be as it is now, be honest, and confess the truth and accept the trial?"

Sakuel's lips were getting tighter and tighter, but the guards of the Guards gradually noticed this doubtful point, frowning and looking at him.

“Why have you been hiding for 18 years? Let us have been tortured for 18 years!”

The questioning of Semir is progressive, and there is unwillingness and disappointment in it:

"Why is it now that you suddenly come out and tell us about these things and tell us that you are the **** traitor?"

"If I didn't step in here, they didn't let you out, you want to go on like this forever, until death?"

Sackel did not move, but he once again sank his face into the darkness of the fire.

"Even," Semir gritted his teeth, his arms raised, and Thales was shocked:

"Why your goal is this prince!"

At this moment, Tyres was shocked!


Why is the prince...

"What are you still hiding?"

Semir 嘶 channel:

"There is any secret, is it that you are willing to bring to the prison river, and do not want to say it?"

Tyres looked at the fast rope that had been swaying and wanted to escape, and his heart was not good.


Going back to this topic again?

Including the small Barney, the guards looked at Saciel with suspicion, and many people re-appeared on the body of Tells.

Very bad.

Tyres secretly bit his teeth.

Before Sackel didn't expose my secret, perhaps because he still had a shackle of the royal family and would not tarnish the reputation of the comet...

But now...

Thales looked at Sakuel, who was hesitating.

Now, he has already revealed the truth about Eddie II's alliance with the magician.

He already...has nothing to cover up?

At this time, Sacuel spoke silently.


The penalty knight is plain.

This makes it impossible for others, especially Taylors, to glimpse.


What do you mean?

I saw Sakuel taking a deep breath, and there was deep vigilance in his eyes.

"Whether today's Bone Prison is invaded, or the presence of this Highness, whether it is a sword of disaster, a shield of shadows, or even a dragon."

"...they are not coincidences."

Taylor's heart moved.

It’s no coincidence...

Sakuel looked up and looked at Tyres.

"Your dagger, Your Highness."


Taylor couldn't help but swallow his throat.


With the eyes of other people's doubts, he resisted the desire to reach out and touch JC.

The penalty knight's tone is indifferent, and there seems to be chill between words:

"I know that it's made of steel that the dwarves smelt in the ground - close to the material of the Supreme Sword - but it's exceptionally different for the purpose of mixing special slabs for other purposes."

Without waiting for Tyres to respond, Sachuel’s next sentence tells the story of JC:

"That is the flower of the Assassin, the unique weapon of the Sariton family."

"It is also the proof that every Sariton has finished training and officially started the assassin career."

Everyone is shocked!

Even the fast rope looked at Taylors with horror.

As for the center of the topic, Teres himself only feels stiff and difficult to move.

he knows.


Saciel’s eyes were full of vigilance and fear, as if the mentally unstable prisoner was just an illusion.

"This dagger is in your hands, and your Highness, including the attitudes of the Shadows assassins who are intimidating and tempting, explain what you are."

"As a participant in the assassination of the year, I don't know what they are for, only to re-infiltrate into the royal family, close to such a"

Speaking of "special you", Sacuel paused again and surprised Taylors with a cold sweat.

"But that must be related to the misfortunes brought about by those disasters, and their conspiracy to fail."

The Guards’ prisoners’ eyes flashed and moved back and forth between Tyres and Sackel.

This time, the penalty knight is full of vigilance, it seems that the enemy is in the eye.

"I feel it, some people are not willing."

"They refused to let go of the tragedy."

Saciel eyes burning:

"They are still digging into the taboos of the past, looking for the legacy of the past, trying to be a catastrophe and disaster 18 years ago..."



Tyres stared at Sac El.

Do not.

it's not like that……

He twisted his head with difficulty.

This dagger, this dagger is the former Yala, she gave it to her...

But as soon as I thought of it, Tyres’s thoughts were slightly.


JC and the Assassin's flower may be misunderstood, but the Shadow Shield...

Tyres couldn't help but think of the words of the solder in my pub.

[From the madness of the royal family 18 years ago, I have tried my best to ensure the survival of the prince...]

[The change in attitude before and after the vacancy only shows one thing. 】

[The existence of that prince must mean something. 】

Sakuel did not pay attention to the prince's abnormality, but he said it himself. The language is like an ice:

"They must be blocked."

He bites on the word "blocking" and is unquestionable:

"In the past, the tragedy reappeared before the next mistake was made."

Sackel’s voice fell, and Tyres only felt that his back was cold.

Semir smiled.

"Recruitment," Semir repeated, shaking his head, seemingly disdain:

"It's a reason to be inferior."

"But you haven't answered my..."


At this time, Little Barney seemed to have no patience, and he interrupted Semir without any scruples.

Semir dissatisfied with a small bunny, but the latter ignored him.

"That said, you are not ready to take your hand, but also intend to continue to shoot the prince, right?" Little Barney looked directly at Sackel in front.

Saciel was silent for a second.

He did not answer directly, but simply repeated his words:

"They must be blocked."

Hearing this, the look of Little Barney is more and more cold.


The former avant-garde officer took off the shield hanging behind him, raised the sword, pointed to Saciel, and murdered:

"Then you must also be blocked."

Little Barney faded all hesitation and care, and the cold voice said: "In the name of the Royal Guard, we must count the sins and severely punish the betrayal."

"It’s just fair."

Tyles immediately felt that everyone's body and nerves were tight.

Belletti, Brie, Tarding, Cannon, Nai, Naki, the prisoners of the Royal Guards slowly dispersed, re-armed, stood in a good formation, and killed the machine.

But no longer against Taylors and fast ropes.

It is directed at the penalty knight.

Even Semir, standing on the other side, slowly pulled out the sword.

It seems that they have returned to the state of war, as if the scene of the only person to meet is just an illusion.

Tyres subconsciously squeezed Ricky's sword, and the fast rope turned his eyes and lifted the bow of his hand.

"Ready to accept your trial," Little Barney stared at Sackel unceremoniously, and his disgust and hatred seemed to overflow:


The penalty knights silently bear their gaze.

"Of course," Sackel sighed and slowly picked up his axe. With the statement, the sorrow on his face turned into an inch of firmness:

"Daily, every hour, every second."

"I am ready."

This moment, just like someone pulled the timeline back, the penalty knight and his former colleagues re-hosted.

The fast rope pulled Thales and motioned for him to sneak out when he was playing or playing.

But Tyres shook his head.

He felt the dignity and tension in the field - but not from the confrontation.

And just one of them.


Naki held a weapon and stared at the front watchman in front. He swallowed a sip of sorrow and cautiously: "He has one person, we have seven."

Barney frowned.

"No, eight."

Semir faintly interjected, and he took the sword to the side of Sackel, his eyes flashing with anger:

"All debts must be settled today."

Sakuel smashed Alice, and his eyes flashed through unknown emotions, but he didn't say anything.

Little Barney also glanced at the escaped coward who he could not see. He snorted and shook his head:

"Very good, eight."

Ever since, the nine men of the former Royal Guards, nine people with a sinful sin on their faces, and nine people who have not met in 18 years...

Face each other at this moment and pick up the weapon.

"One pair of eight, no," Naki sighed softly and said to himself:

"It's too disparity."

The rest of the Royal Guards frowned.

Too disparity?

Tyres thought and moved, and heard the heavyness in the words.

Saciel looked at the light and re-evaluated all the people, as if watching the battlefield.

"Yeah, I know."

He whispered openly, draining out all the undesired emotions and re-emerging into the most calm and terrible penalty knight.

"I am one, hit you eight."

Sacuel turned his fighting axe and took a step.

Step, step, step.

"Really, this is for you..."

His momentum and pressure slowly accumulate with the number of steps, as if the distance seems to be slow, but it will eventually hit the waves.

“More or less is some...”

I saw Sackel raise his axe and face the opponents who are waiting for him.

"Not fair."

(Destroyed land, into the narration) Since his memory, the demon king named Zhou Jianzhi, with his cruel rule to cover the sky of the kingdom's blood, no hope, no sunshine.

But the readers who suffer and suffer are rumored privately: A long time ago, the world was not like this. At that time, the sky saw the sun, and people’s faces were full of hope.

(Into BGM) People believe that one day, the haze will dissipate, the devil will fail, and the long-lost hero will return.

Its name is - the sword of the day!

(End of narration, put OP~)

(End of this chapter)

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