Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 450: Chaos Qianjun

Chapter 450 Chaotic Thousands

When Sackel's axe hit the shield of the little Barney, the reaction of the Guard prisoners was beyond the expectations of Tells.

I saw that Barney was the first to take the lead, and the sword shield in his hand did not fancyly block the angle of Sacker's attack, and blocked the latter's attack toward Belletti and Buri.

But other people...

"Back, Semir!"

In the speed of the axe and the sword light, the little Barney of the fighting against Sackel’s sniper pushed away the axe handle from the other side, facing the Semir roar that was intended to approach the battlefield. Road:

"I went to the first round!"

"Nai, cover me!"

In the roar of Little Barney, Nai Yue came out to join the battle.

But the rest of the Royal Guards not only did not catch up, but also unconventionally away from the battlefield:

Naki and Brie couldn't help but say that Tyres was leaning against the left side of the wall.

Little Barney and Nai, as the only two people, stand on the battlefield—specifically, only one of Bunny is on the front—when he meets Sakuel, he is quick and quick, and sometimes the stormy attack is a bit clumsy.

The Nai, who should have supported him, was set in the distance, holding a knife and a dart in his hand, and carefully watching the two people in the fight, not moving.


Tyres does not understand.


The calm Sacreel suddenly swings his arms horizontally, and by the advantage of his position, he squeezes out the shield of the little Barney, and the axe blade is scraped to the neck of the latter!


Bunny stunned a spin and collided with Sackel.

The two men touched each other and avoided the opponent's next shot, but it seemed that Barney was more disadvantaged - there was a wound in his right arm.

Looking at their battles, Tyres, who couldn’t figure it out, managed to give up the struggle, and asked the people around him:

"what happened?"

But before waiting for someone to answer, Semir on the other side looked for an opportunity to squeeze over.

As soon as he entered the battle of his old colleagues, he pointed to the little Barney in the fight and asked with anger:

"How did he plan? Send it to death?"


It was an axe wind, which was solved by a small favor of the small Barney, but he immediately fell into a series of attacks by Saccar, which seemed to be left and right.

In the face of Semir’s unwelcome interrogation, others are not looking good.

But Belletti didn't care. He looked worriedly at the two people who were in a fierce battle on the field, paying attention to the entrance to the ladder behind Sac El, with a tone:

"Bani said, the first round is temptation, we acted on the plane and strive to break through the ladder."

Semir frowned, seemingly hesitating.

In the sound of the fight, Taylor couldn't help but doubt the heart. He took a quick look and asked decisively:

"Why don't you help him?"

The prince looked at the dangerous little Barney, very anxious:

"You obviously have eight people..."

But when he didn't finish his words, he was interrupted by Belletti's hoarse voice:

"Can't do it."

Taylors a glimpse.

Can't do it?

He turned his head and glanced at the rest, only to find that their faces had the same look: dignified and helpless.


On the other hand, Sachuel’s duel with Little Barney is getting hotter.

The two seem to have played a real fire, face-to-face, fierce action, more and more difficult.

Sakuel just squatted and took a bite to break the axe of the beginning of the skull. Little Barney took the opportunity to attack and attacked a equally sharp and risky offensive.

The wind is blowing, and the steel is ringing.

"We can't help him..."

Naki sighed and stared at the battlefields of the two, screaming:

"Sakuel is not an ordinary person, nor is it a polar warrior in the general sense."

Not an ordinary person?

Both Tyres and the fast rope stunned.

Nakimo glared at the weapons in his hand, staring at the two people who were almost in the doldrums, hiding between the eyebrows:

"His power of the end is called "Chaos Qianjun", which is a rare variant of the 'Tianma Movement'. The key lies in the unparalleled perception."

Listening to Naki speaking about this, the members of the Royal Guard are a little shook.

Tianma music chapter...Thales is familiar.

Wait, he listened to Wyatt - the real Wyah - said that it was the end of Miranda's power.

Thinking of this, Taylors is serious:

"Chaotic Qianjun? Perception? How to say?"

This time, the answer to him is Belletti.


Belletti's nephew was hoarse and incoherent, as if it had been washed by sand.

But this does not affect Tyres to hear the anxiety in his words, seeing the hesitation in the other's eyes:

"A person's energy and attention are limited. They can't be used with one heart. Even when they are concentrating, they can only pay attention to one or two focuses at the same time. If there are more, we will lose enough attention to the target. After that, Gu Zuo is hard to care for the right."


Tyres chewed the word.

On the other hand, the little Bani, who was crushed in the downwind, finally made a counterattack that was still successful:

At the expense of his knees, he opened the shoulders of Sakuel, only a small distance from the latter.

It’s a pity that Thales is secret.

"But Sakuel is different."

Beletti’s words are getting heavier, with the pride of being betrayed with the pride of the old friends:

"'Chaotic Thousands of Forces' puts the perception, observation and rhythm emphasized by the Tianma movement to the limit in the other direction - Sakuel can effectively distribute but not distract his attention in a certain range, heart Multi-purpose, master all the variables in a battle, the upper limit is unknown."

What is the use of heart?

Tyres looked at Sackel, who was skilled in the axe, and looked at the little Barney who was struggling to attack. He asked inexplicably:

"What do you mean?"

Semir snorted and interjected:

“The meaning is that the penalty knight has countless pairs of eyes while observing countless targets.”

"He is no longer afraid of siege, no longer taboos. He faces the attention of ten people. It is no worse than the state of his single-personality. He will never lose sight of him because of his ignorance."

Semir clasped the sword in his hand, his eyes never left the battlefield, and seemed to be ready to attack the next moment.

His words made the Guards prisoners even more worried.

Buri even snorted and pointed to the still holding the darts.

"No, Bry," Tardin shook his head, as if he understood the other side's unclear sound:

"Under the moment of death, Nai can't easily shoot."

"That may be bad for Barney."

I will never lose my mind because of my ignorance.

Tyres understood this sentence carefully and changed color.

what is this?

The Cavaliers do not die in the order? There is no flaw behind it?

He remembered the scene when Sakuel faced five or even more assassins.

That unmatched, in a few seconds, successively made a move, just right to solve the five-person penaltyr.

It was a muffled sound.

This time, when Barney used a near-suicide collision, he was able to repel Sackel, who had concerns.

The prince turned to look at the battlefield and hurriedly asked:

"So, no matter one-on-one, one-to-many, is there no difference for him?"

This time, Tardin was desolate and helpless, as if the words of the world were ringing:

"It's worse than that."

Tarding shook his head and seemed to have feelings.

"Sakuel is a rare genius in the world, and the advantage of 'chaos and thousands of troops' has been developed to the extreme: the use of heart is not only manifested in dealing with the enemy."

"No matter the enemy's body, weapons, intentions, movements, or the surrounding position, the environment, the situation, the state, the strength of the confrontation, the small and the obstacles, and even the sudden accidents, on the battlefield. Everything is in the understanding of Saciel, and even further, perfection into his strategy against the enemy."

"Plus his training from thousands of matchups, no less than eyesight..."

Talding’s face was tense, and he stared at the length of the terrain and the handle of the axe, and even the weight of his opponent’s shield, and once again forced the little Barney to the uncomfortable Sacker:

"The person who confronts him is always at the greatest disadvantage: all the factors and variables of the battlefield are in the attention and observation of Sackel, standing on his side, like the arm, pointing to the hand, if There is God help, and there is no match."

"I don't usually see it, but people who have fought with him have a feeling that the guy is flawless and unstoppable."

Taylor's heart moved.

Everything is in the insight, turning into a strategy against the enemy...

All the factors and variables of the battlefield are in the attention and observation, such as the arm and the hand, the hand is coming...

No flaws, no stopping...

He couldn't help but tremble.

Six years ago, the flesh-and-blood day and night reappeared in his memory.

As a result, there is another person who muttered:

[The kind of person who holds everything in his hands, integrates the world into his heart, and puts the whole picture in his eyes... is qualified to be called...]

[The real strong. 】

Tyres looked at the match and stared at Sakuel, who was more and more brave in the field, as if he understood something.

He saw it:

Barney's offensive seems to be fierce, but his ordinary offense is difficult to work, and Sacker can always easily resolve it with the most labor-saving, simplest and most effective method.

Only those who attacked and injured at a costly price could leave some traces on the penalty knight, but unfortunately, every time a little effective killing, it seems to be a little bit worse, making people sigh.

But Taylors understands that it is not as simple as it is.

Tartin sighed:

"In this case, not only the multi-person siege will no longer work for him..."

"On the contrary, the more enemies in the melee, the more complicated the variables, the more chaotic the scenes, the more Sakuel can find the position that suits him best, taking advantage of the flaws and gaps that ordinary people can't think of, and grasping the chances of surviving and winning. Chips..."

"The Vietnam War is stronger."

The faces of the Guards are getting more and more ugly.

Tyres clenched his fists, and the fast rope on the side looked unbelievable.

"So," Taylors turned back in disbelief:

"In the midst of the melee, the penalty knight with less enemies, than the one-on-one Sacker..."

Naki nodded, and the twilight took over the words:

"...and it will be many times stronger."

"We rushed into the battle, just adding more chips to Sackel."

Tyres was shocked, and the fast rope around him even opened the "O" shaped mouth.

and so……

So a pair of eight, for Saciel, is more favorable?

Is it the human version of the blood magician?

"He pointed me to the sword," Semir said coldly on the side:

"So I know that when you face him, you are not only facing Sakuel, but the entire battlefield called Sakuel, who really belongs to him -"

"Chaotic Qianjun."

His words are powerful, but they are heavy.

Thales frowns:

"Like a legion?"

Semir looked at him, silenced for a second, then nodded:

"It's like a legion."

In the distance, Bunny's figure flashed and roared, hitting Saciel's body with no frustration in a duel with almost no reservations!


The two fell to the ground at the same time, and at the same time leaped, both breathing.

"Let's let go, Barney, this won't be the ending you want." Sackel whispered.

Little Barney snorted:

"Why didn't you let go of that year?"

In the next second, the two men were in shape and the weapons were again attacked!

The fast rope on one side can no longer be held:

“Is it too exaggerated?”

The rookie mercenary licked his face, staring at the big eyes of the pigeons, pointing to the silent Sarkel:

"Can he still be an enemy, and one person can't single out an army?"

In the face of the fast rope quite a bit unbelievable, the guards of the Guards were staring at him with a bad look.

This made the fast rope unable to shake, remembered the beam that he had with them, and took a step back.

Taylor looked at everyone and felt that they had something to say.

Sure enough, Naki bent the corner of the mouth:

"Do you know Sakuel's fame battle?"

The battle of fame.

The prisoners of the Guards are all in one.

A quick glance at the eyelids, immediately appeared vigilant, "I am not hooked" look.

Naki looked at the penalty knight who still had no change in his fighting, and his eyes showed a fascinating color:

"When Sakuel was young, he had been with the Highness of Midi, the Dragon City, and the prince's mouth was so good that he made the people of the Northland unhappy and killed them with force."


Longyan City...

There are related scenes in the mind of Tells.

“Daani told me: At that time, Sakuel, who was only seventeen years old, was alone.”

Naki shook his head, half is proud, half is ridiculous:

"He used it for ten minutes."

"A person."

"Let's put down forty white-bladed guards."

The fast rope smashed.

Tyres’s thoughts have also stagnated for a little while.

Next second.


His big mouth with nowhere to open and open, seems to want to scream and can't make a sound.

Tyres returned to the smell, and in the bottom of his heart, there was an endless shock and fear.

Four... forty?

White Blade Guard?

He remembered the group of masked warriors six years ago.

Those who sweared under the storm of the black sand collar, and the **** battle in the end, also once counterattack, making the people of Lombard uncomfortable, the elite soldiers who died and wounded.

Those heroic guards who used their bodies to block the arrows for him and the small slicker.

White Blade Guard.

Niely, Myrke, Monty and Justin.

One person, put down forty?

Tyres stiffened his face.

how is this possible?

Obviously, the fast rope is hit harder.

He couldn't believe to look at Sakuel in the distance, and look at the gloomy guards of the Guards. The cheeks were twisted and incoherent. They laughed and laughed, but they couldn’t laugh:

"Just kidding, forty... white blade? That's all veterans..."

The fast rope waved his hands blindly in the air, as if this would throw his problems farther.

"Impossible, such a big thing..."

The fast rope is open and stunned, and it seems that the outlook on life has been greatly impacted:

"How Nirvana - why didn't anyone tell me?"

He looked at everyone blankly and couldn't accept the news of this horror.

No one answered him.

Taylors sighed.

"Ready, Tarding," Belletti said at this time:

"Bani is going to retire."

Everyone looked a glimpse: In the distance, the offensive of Little Barney slowed down.

"So he has no problem with an enemy." Tyres frowned.

In the face of the prince, the attitude of the Guards prisoners is much better than when facing "Waia Casso", and Semir whispers:

"There is a limit to the battlefield that falls on everyone."

"In addition to the special battle, even if a thousand people besieged one person, they can meet each other at the same time and attack the enemy at the same time, that is, the six or seven people in the most inner circumference."

He looked at Little Barney from afar and said:

"As long as you are full of energy and spirit, Sakuel has no reason to lose."

Taylor’s heart sank.

Do not.

In this case, it is only the presence of the Royal Guards at all...

No hope.

Little Barney, what are they doing?

"You know, the Royal Guards had been idle and bored, and made a bunch of jingles." Naki shook his head.

Buri behind him raised his finger and pointed to Naki with a blank expression.

"The last sentence is..."

Naki cleared his throat and said: "Tony is standing on the ground, everything is hard to hurt..."

"The penalty is no regrets..."

"The army is dead."

The sword of the day is invincible!

When I wrote this chapter, I always remembered that in the dota2, the Chaos Knight started a big move. One person ran with five people, playing the opposite scene of the chicken flying dog, crying and shouting, and taking the road.

P.S. Know why Kaslan’s nickname is “squatting”?

Hey, the monthly ticket list fell to the fourth fantasy, not to open Sen.

(End of this chapter)

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