Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 451: Two hands

Chapter 451 Two Hands

The seemingly close match between Sackel and Little Barney lasted only a few minutes.

The next second of Naki’s discourse, Sacuel was pressed all over.


In the harsh, sharp, Barney's blade was caught by Saikeel's axe at a strange angle.

Little Barney's pupils shrank.

"You play like a beggar," Sacker's left arm slanted up and took the shield that the opponent hit before:

"The idea is still a star."

Little Barney bit his teeth against the strength of the other side, the two face deadlocked face to face, slightly shaking.

"It must be noted that the North is in the hearts of us..."

In the battle of power, Sacker shook his head in a blank expression with a small Barney close at hand:

"Never hesitate."

In the exclamation of everyone, Sackel suddenly loosened the handle of the axe, letting the blade of the little Barney pass over his shoulder and bring out the blood!

In the next moment, Barney, who still has a chance to celebrate the victory in the future, only feels that his feet are imaginary. He can't be fooled by him, and he is forced by Sackel to stop his waist and lift his whole body!

Damn it!

When Barney was angry, he only came out with this thought, and he was thrown to the ground by Sacker.


Under the pain, Dizzy, who was dizzy, knew that the trend had gone. He reluctantly said:

"Nai, Tarding!"

At this time, two harsh winds approached from Saciel's head!

Between the electric and the Flint, Sacuel rushed to the side, avoiding the two life-saving darts that were shot from Nai.

When he turned back, he was greeted by Tardin's unrelenting blade and blade!

Tarding’s sword trajectory was extremely strange. Sakuel, who had been forced to do it for a while, had to step back and pick up a warhammer left by a mercenary.

Little Barney took the opportunity to stumble and get up, wandering out of the theater and being held by Belletti.

"How?" Belletti asked calmly.

"His skill is not as neat as he was in the past, and his physical fitness is also," Little Barney gasped, watching Bard, who took over him and Sackel. "And there is a new injury on the back. Let his movements be a bit sloppy."

The prisoners of the Royal Guards gathered around and re-find weapons for Dumani, listening intently to the exchanges between the vanguard and the penalty officer.

“Good, so, do we have a chance?”

Semir touched his sword and asked in a blink of an eye.

Tyres looked at their brief exchanges and suddenly found it was like a small military meeting in the war.

Little Barney glanced at her peers, silent.

After a few seconds, he shook his head in the disappointed eyes: "I don't think so."

"His instinct and consciousness are still clear."

“Being able to turn weaknesses into advantages at any time.”

Little Barney took over the sword shield from Buri and coughed hard: "I even suspected that he had just deliberately let me discover the injury behind him, tempting me to attack the side, and then you all saw it if I didn't attack That sword may not be so fast..."

Everyone is at a glance.

On the other side, Sackel and Tarding are moving faster and faster, the latter's offensive is strange and urgent, and the weapon is like a wind chime.

"Then what do we do." Belletti's expression is unchanged, as if the hills are not moving.

Little Barney watched Tardin's movements closely.

"Talding's action is a thief, he can drag the time, but..."

He didn't talk anymore, but Tyres felt that the emotions of the guards were down.

Little Barney shook his head and stood up, his eyes sharpened:

"I will change him later, this time without temptation, I will kill him at any cost."

Regardless of the price...

As soon as this statement came out, Belletti and others sank their faces, and Semir frowned.

"Bani..." Naki looked hesitant and said nothing.

But Little Barney has a strong face and does not give anyone a chance to refute.

"More importantly, I will force him to give way. You take the opportunity to take the prince and run up," he turned to Tyres, and the young man's heart was tight:

"Until to escape the bones of the bones, escape to the ground."

Everyone suddenly looks different:

Semir frowned and arms, Belletti was silent, Bry was red and the neck was swaying, and Naki and Cannon looked at each other with a low mood.

Looking at them, Tyres had a bad feeling.

"Good, we run away." Semir shook his head ironically.

This word is inaudible in the fighting between Saciel and Tarding, but it is in the ears of everyone, but it is as heavy as a thousand.

Little Barney ignored the taunts of Semir.

He was silent for a while and reopened:

"If I and Nai didn't succeed, and he caught up with you..."

He glanced quietly at everyone, whispering:

"The next order is Semir, Cannon, then Brie, Naki, and finally Belletti..."

When I heard this, Tyres sank in his heart.

Go on top...

They are going to...

“Every opponent’s fighting style is different, and there is a big difference between the successors. Sakuel needs time to adapt and can drag longer...”

Semir snorted:

"how long?"

Little Barney jerked back:

"How long will it take!"

He cut off Semir coldly: "Do you understand, the second time you are a flag officer? Or are you dissatisfied with yourself in the first?"

Semir scorned a word and stopped making a sound.

Thales noticed that the name of the small Bani to Semir is no longer a "coward."

The teenager looked at the people with their marks on their faces, and the dirty but serious look, could not help but open:

"In fact, we can also help a little bit..."

But Barney refused him unceremoniously.

"No, you have to escape, Your Highness," Little Barney helped on the shoulders of Thales, and his eyes were slightly embarrassed. "Escape to the Blades Camp and use your identity to find the army."

Taylors rubbed his brows.

Little Barney turned to Sachel in the fight:

"Let them use the cavalry's iron hoof and magic guns - to seek justice, wash the snow and grievances."

The people of the Guard are breathing fast,

Naki opened his mouth and tried to stop.

Taylor couldn't help it anymore. He opened the fast rope and took him back to the hand, stepping forward:

"Do you really want to die here?"

Little Barney gave a light meal.


"of course not."

He turned and looked at the dim scene of the bones of the bones, and the complex look of a long breath:

“Today, we are ‘live’ here.”

The tone is bleak.

Tels is on a trip.

Hearing this statement, the guards who were still slightly fluctuating seemed to be dumb and silent.

"And I am honored to fight alongside you, guards," said Little Barney, facing him, holding the hilt and pressing it in his heart, sighing softly:

"I hope that the inheritance will not die, and the empire will last forever."

A silence.

Behind Barney, Belletti raised her fist in a blank expression and gently licked her heart.

In addition to Semir, the guards raised their fists and scorned the chest.

Looking at them, Tyres only felt a tight chest.

Not waiting for the slightly stunned Taylors to adjust, the next second, the small Barney burst speed, plundering the battlefield!


He screamed out!

Talding, who was gradually dying, did not hesitate to step back and turned out of the battlefield in a less-than-good-looking position.

Sakuel turned his frown and greeted Little Barney again and again.

"Come, let's get it all, watch people!"


The swordsmanship meets and the little Bani looks awkward.

This time, his movements are obviously much more dangerous than just getting started, and they don't care about themselves!

This made Sackel unable to help, and the sense of danger hit her heart again.

He knows that this time, the opponent is serious.

"Now, I took over the command of the vanguard."

On the other side, Naki had just supported Tarting, who had retreated from the sweat. Beletti made a decisive statement to everyone:

"Bani will give us the opportunity to break through, and we will break into the ladder, do nothing, and go all out, if Sackel stops one of them..."

He looked at everyone and the answer was self-evident.

The guards glanced at Sackel in the field and took action.

Taylor was grabbed by Beletti and pulled forward.

He looked at the almost renounced defense, and the sorcerer’s madness shocked Sakuel’s little Barney, and he kept squatting beside him, holding his hand on the darts, feeling uncomfortable.

Is there... Is there a better way?

But at this time, the other arm stretched out of the air, holding Beletti's shoulder!

Stop him and Taylors from moving forward.

Taylors was shocked, and others were screaming.

Belletti frowned and looked at the person who stopped him:

"Semir, you -"

"If we follow the practice of Little Barney, we will all die." Semir was cold and authentic.

He turned to Tyres and his eyes were cold:

"Include him."

Semir’s warning eyes gave Taylor a glimpse.

Belletti snorted, and he glanced at the little Barney who attacked like a madman, and then he became angry:

"That is the best way, it is the command of the vanguard officer..."

But when he did not finish his speech, he was interrupted by Semir:

"We have to climb up to eighteen layers to get to the ground!"

I saw that Semir pointed to Sakuel and said:

"And we have six people left, even if you don't want to be on the ground, can you hold him for six minutes?"

Belletti a glimpse.

"You have been a punishment officer with him, Belletti, there are a lot of special prisoners who are sent from the king - he knows the terrain here, and will catch up sooner or later."

"That's not a good idea. Think about it with your reason. We can't escape."

Semir looked at everyone seriously:

"You must find another way out."

Can't escape.

Belletti was silent.

He knows that the other party is telling the truth.

Others have also seen it.

Another way to find out.

Taylor's heart moved.

Belletti was silent and temperamental. He looked at Semir’s behavior unpleasantly and was about to attack, but Tyres suddenly said:

"What do you mean, do you have an idea?"

Semir nodded and pointed to the stone steps:

"Going down to the bottom, I know a road, a mysterious exit... Sakuel doesn't know, maybe it's our only life."

Tyres shines:

"You mean, another exit for the Bone Ghost? Was it built by the wizards of the Alchemy Tower?"

The Alchemy Tower.

Belletti frowned and looked at Tardin.

Semir turned to other prisoners, and his tone was a little impatient:

"Trust me, that is us - the back road that the swords of the disasters were originally prepared. Our princes are doing things well and he said yes, then it must be true."

Belletti looked at him suspiciously:

"Then your leader... other people?"

Semelton was a while.

He looked at Taylors intricately:

"ask him."

Tyres raised his eyebrows and subconsciously carried the sword on his back to the back.

He barely smiled and shifted the subject: "That...should be true, Shadow Shield and they used to fight for it."

"That exit, are you sure that will work?"

Semir gasped and ignored the unpleasant eyes of everyone around him:

"Ricky has found a black prison, isn't it?"

"Even if it doesn't work, after being caught up, die on the road to climb the stairs or on the way down the stairs... Which one would you like to choose?"

Tyres frowned, his eyes crossed the two of the fighting, looking at the ladder behind them.



In the battlefield, Little Barney slammed into the ribs of Saciel, but he was hit by a knee, and both of them groaned and retreated.

"I know your plans," Sacker glanced at the crowd in the distance, and looked at the stone steps behind him:

"That won't work."

Opposite him, Barney shivered and held the shield, feeling the numbness of the hands and feet.


This battle is more difficult than he imagined.

Sakuel knows his determination, so he has been stuck in front of the stone steps, not giving them any chance to prepare for the most safe and labor-saving way...

Get rid of him.

"As long as I kill you," Little Barney gritted:

"It works."

Must... fight for opportunities.

He threw it again!

On the other side, Belletti was silent for a while, but still shaking her head:

"Bani is trying to give us the opportunity. The road he chooses may hope, but I will not take the prince's life to risk you..."

Semir stepped on, holding Beletti's shoulder and biting his teeth:

"It is stupid to know that it is a mortal order and stubbornly forward!"

Belletti's eyes caught fire and pushed Semir!

"The penalty officer Belletti," seeing the two will fight, and Tyres spoke:

"Maybe it's worth a try - he's right, we can't escape."

Belletti's face changed:

"His Royal Highness!"

But Tyres shook his head and clenched his sword.

"In the name of comet, I will release you today."

"Looking at you one by one to die," Taylors looked into the distance, his eyes deep:

"I would rather take risks."

His words allowed everyone in the room to glimpse, and even Belletti, who was eager to refute, was stunned.

The fast rope spit and shrugged:

"Ah, this is him."

The Guard's people were silent.

At this point, Xiaobani roared, the whole person ran into Sac El, two people roll together!

"No matter where we go, we have to go,"

Always watching the fighting, Tardin grabbed the sword in his hand and felt what it was:

"Now, when Barney is the strongest offensive, Saciel may not be able to stop us."

Belletti squinted, looked at Semir, and looked at Tells, seemingly hesitating.

Naki carefully interjected:

"I think that Your Highness is very reasonable."

"And... I hate climbing stairs, and I hate being chased by stairs."

Beletti’s brows are getting tighter and tighter.

Instead of taking care of the squadron, Taylors turned to the two men in the battle and his face was tight.

"If we want to go down, is it possible to save Bani and Nai?"

Belletti pouted and couldn't bear it:

"His Royal Highness, but... they are prepared to sacrifice here."

Tyres clenched his fists.

Semir snorted:

"Sakuel is not a hound that will run away if he loses a Frisbee."

He looked at the increasingly fierce battle, cold channel:

"There must be someone to hold him back - before he unloads us eight."

Hold him down...

Taylor looked at Sac El, frowning.

"You just said that the key to chaos is to surpass the perception, observation and attention of ordinary people?"

Belletti sighed:

"Yes. But your Highness, please be sure to think twice..."

However, the teenager ignored him and turned to others, muttering:

"Perception, observation..."

Taylor suddenly looked up and scanned the crowd:

"Is Sakuel invincible?"

"No one can beat him? Beat the penalty knight?"

The prisoners of the Guards face each other.

Many people are apparently still struggling with the differences between command and adventure in Semir and Belletti.


At this time, Naki is quietly speaking:

"Sackel's fame of fame, and follow-up."


Taylors narrowed his eyes.

Naki shrugged: "It’s still what Dani said..."

"When the young Sacker knocked down forty opponents and made the Northland people look like earth, the uncle came."

Telschi Road:

"Uncle... what uncle?"

The prisoners of the Guards looked at each other.

Naki looked up and glanced at Sakuel, who was not with Barney:

"That is the only defeat of Sakuel in this life, the most concerned enemy, and the shame of his deep heart. He has challenged the other two times in the following decades and has failed to win."

A glimpse of Tellston.

The only defeat?

Naki looked at Sakuel, who was calm in the distance, and sighed:

"Not only because of defeat, but also because of the enemy's skills, bloodlines, identity - in short, all the uncle's everything, let Sakel care about it, no place."

The most concerned enemy.

Tyres turned his eyes.

"The most important thing is that before they fight, in front of everyone..."

Naki’s words have not been finished yet. Like a traveler, he has a faint sigh and regrets:

"The legendary uncle, he said this to Sakuel, who is young and young..."

One sentence...

Listening to Naki's words, Tyres's pupils slowly tightened.

A few seconds later, Barney struggled to withstand Sacker's counterattack and stepped back a few steps.

He had just succeeded in leaving Sakuel with a sword wound, but he was unable to push the unmoving opponent out of position.

Damn, this way, they can't find a breakthrough...

At this time.

"Casslan Rumba!"

The voice of a teenager sounded, and the sorghum was sharp and fluttered in the dungeon.

"Remember him?"

The little Barney in thought stunned.

Hearing the name, he stunned with his squatting Sacreel!

A face that has never faded is full of his eyes.

The penalty knight glanced at Barney, who was breathing, and looked back at the expressionlessly, looking at the tays standing in front of the Guards.

Belletti’s expression was extremely tight, and Semir was absorbed.

But this is not the same as Taylor's next words.

Tyres stared at Sackel and whispered: "Casslan is dead and died in the hands of his apprentice."

Saciel’s eyes slowly widened.


Kaslan Lombard...

The heart of the penalty knight is slowly accelerating.

"Dead... dead?" He asked as if he had no idea.

"Yes, Kaslan’s death is dead."

I saw Taylor taking a deep breath and stepping forward:

"But the man who defeated him - the unbeaten, invincible Westland's strongest man, the White-Bow Guard's ‘Queror', Seri Niely...”

Sacuel stared at Tyres quietly, his expression gradually lost.

It seems to have returned to the past.

Tyres spits a sigh of relief and presses on the faster and faster heartbeat:

"He has not forgotten you and forgot his teacher's opponent."

"In the days when you were in jail, he asked someone to bring a word to the Royal Guard."

Tyres stared at the confused Sac El, biting his teeth:

"A sentence you are familiar with."

He saw as expected, Sackel's eyebrows slowly tightened.

One sentence...

Very familiar...


Tyres took a deep breath and stood up.

Imagine six years ago, the old man who asked him to drink in the pub, imagining the latter's heroic and imposing manner.

"Come on, the little kid in the south."

I saw that Tyres was calm and relaxed, and Yuan Yuyue turned his hands behind him, whispering softly:

"I can let you... both hands."

Let you... both hands.

That moment, it seems that time has stopped.

Saciel stared at Tyres stiffly, as if he had lost consciousness.

Southern little boy...

"Do not……"

He murmured and muttered.

His eyes slowly turned into a scene from many years ago.

Let you both hands...

"Do not……"

Sakuel bowed his head, and the whole person slowly contained the chest. The roots of the neck were violent, and the muscles of both arms were formed.

"Do not……"

Looking at the low-lying penalty knight, Taylors swallowed his throat subconsciously.

An unprecedented chill has risen from the soles of the feet.

The sin of the prison river grows nervously in the blood vessels.

Then, a roaring roar, bursting in the dungeon!

"Do not!"

Still not waiting for Taylors to react, the screaming Sacker suddenly violently rushed toward him like a landslide and tsunami!

"Casslan -"

The momentum is amazing!

Tyres' scalp was cold, and the guards behind him were about to move. Two strong winds rang from behind Sac El.

But the binocular red as the beast's penalty knight seems to be behind the long-eyed, the warhammer in his hand seems to fly unintentionally behind him, and the little sword of the small bani is screaming and slamming into the dart from the other side!

Only left a scar on his back.

At that moment, in his eyes, there was only the figure in front.

As many years ago, with his hands on his back, he stood tall and sneered at his people.

That damn...

North 佬!

Let you both hands.

Two hands!

how dare you……

How dare you!



Sakuel screamed, his expression was fierce, and the momentum was unstoppable!

At that moment, Tells felt the endless boiling of the sin of the prison river, clenched his teeth and made up his mind.

The next second, he closed his eyes and turned around.

Back to the penalty knight.

Chasing in the heart of Sak's back, Stoudemire, panicked, and looked at the same fate.

Do not.

Do not!

But before he could make a sound, Tyres was behind his back and suddenly slipped something.


That is a ball.

It fell on the ground and bounced.

Everyone is stunned.

Then, the ball trembled slightly between Tyles and Sacker.

Saciel’s reason instantly recovered, and then frowned.

That is?

On the ground, the strange metal sphere bounces freely.

It is like a child who is innocent and happy.

I hate this - this is the last thought of Sacker.

The next moment, Tyres only felt an unbeatable impact, coming from his back!


Devouring his whole body!


At that moment, the earth-shattering loud noise blew up!

And the strange alchemy ball is like a landslide, releasing terrible energy and bursting out of endless light!




Completely engulfed this little dungeon...


- The whole book is finished -

At the end of this moment, the heart of the sword-free heart seems to put down a huge stone and grow an atmosphere.

Thank you for your tireless support in these days, and the "School of the Dead" has been able to come today.

P.S. Don't entangle the sword of the day, the 3000-word chapter, the two-day weight, together, so think, it is still more! Hope, still, the battle with the sword of the week, never stop (with the wound wounded by the sword of Zhou, the smile is weak and weak)!

If the new book doesn't know what the name is, is it better to call it "Death of the Dead"? (cough cough...)

(End of this chapter)

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