Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 452: XX film

Chapter 452 XX

"Your grandmother wrote a letter, she wants you to go back."

The words of the father rang in the value room, and the familiar tone made people sit in danger.

"What?" he asked subconsciously.

Although he has gradually started to deal with the weekly reporting affairs, he is also accustomed to the father's official tone. However, after the routine report, he couldn't help but hear his father's "unprofessional".

The Guard's value room is located on the remote side of the Fuxing Palace. Compared to the noisy palace gate facing Fuxing Avenue and the square of the stars that can't help but breathe, it is not quiet or the atmosphere.

My father was faint and hoarse:

"Your cousin is not in good health. In fact, it is very bad."

"He has a lot of problems in managing the land and needs help."

Grandmother, cousin.

These two long-lost nouns echoed and made him blink for a moment.

It seems to be back to the long past.


But he just turned his mind instinctively and he did not hesitate to speak:

"No, I won't go back."

Hearing his answer, the father behind the desk raised his arms and leaned back on the back of the armor, his eyes burning, showing the majesty of years of cultivation.

This made him a little embarrassed - he had not been alone with his father for a long time without a third person, and talked about housework.

But the father did not frown, and there was no hesitation. He seemed to have expected his answer.

"Your grandmother means that if your cousin is unpredictable... the family's fiefdom and title need to be inherited." Father whispered.

This made him frown.

Land and title...

Need someone to inherit...

He instinctively frowned, then snorted, trying to suppress the disdain in the words:

"They won't be so kind, what about the conditions?"

My father still looks as usual. I don't know if he has been angry with him for many years, or because he knows too much about himself.

Just listen to my father:

"The condition is that you have to marry your cousin after your cousin's death - that is, your grandmother's granddaughter."

"Give birth to her heirs to maintain the relationship between the two families."

Welcome... The cousin’s widow?

Listening to this, his brows picked up a little and satisfactorily found that he had found a reason for disdain.


"I understand," he also raised his arms, with a slight contempt in his nasal voice:

"Tell them, I won't go back."

"Let them go to **."

For his refusal, the father nodded unexpectedly, as if he had not refused to inherit the title of a nobleman, but simply said "not going home tonight to eat."

The father's gaze shifted to his finger on the bandage.

This time, the former frowned slightly:

"Are you still practicing the sword?"

He subconsciously lowered his arm, but temporarily changed his movements before hiding them behind his back, naturally posing a posture that supported the arm.

He nodded and tried to answer in the least careful tone:


But the father’s brow not only did not stretch, but the more wrinkled and tighter:

"Do you think you have a chance to beat him in the next Cavaliers match, at least fighting the same, not falling?"

This sentence made him feel tight.

Beat him.

Beat him.


That's right, that's it, beat him! Like the northern people - he really wants to say this, with a confident, relaxed, calm tone.

But I don't know why, but he changed his mouth temporarily before saying that he went out, and his tone was a little heavy:

"It will be known at that time."

The father was silent for a while, but his eyes were still on him.

This makes him very uncomfortable.

"I think you should know that the selection of the watchman is not the only standard." The father slowly said, his eyebrows were not comfortable.

The ominous premonition hit the heart.

He did not change his posture naturally:

"I know."

The father still looks at him with certainty:

"But even so, you are not optimistic on the watch list of watchers."

His heart seemed to have a string, and it stretched tightly.

"Sakel martial arts is the best, and is deeply trusted by the sire. Nolanur has the whole north and good karma as the backing. Tony is the optimistic leader of Coulomb, and Cox's battlefield command and experience are deeply affected. The appreciation and recommendation of Prince Horace."

"They are all popular candidates."

The father looked at him and said everything that was well known in a word, as if it were stamped and stamped into his heart.

"But you, you have only one such father."

I don't know if it is an illusion. At the same time, he seems to hear his father exhaling a breath from his nose.

He was a little bored, and his father’s gaze forced him to look away and look elsewhere:

"I know."

But the father does not seem to be ready to let him go:

"In the Guard, people in the same family usually do not hold important positions at the same time, especially the position of the assistant guard and the watchman."

The father’s tone is not easy to detect:

"You are very likely to lose."

His breathing stagnated for a moment, and it took a few seconds to recover.

"I know."

He is quite difficult.

The father finally opened his eyes and looked at the gate of the room.

"But you still stubbornly want to give it a try?"

Somehow, in the face of such a father, although he frowned, he could not say how easy it was.


He put his arm down and rested for a few seconds, eventually absorbing the answer:

"I have to give it a try."

This time, my father was silent for a long time, and even the atmosphere that was not so easy to live in the value room was dignified.

For a long time, he frowned and wondered if it was time to leave the words...

"You know, the Royal Guard is not only a guard against the king, it is a contract, a concept, a tradition."

The father exhaled a breath, but did not look at him, but looked at the wall of the room.

There, the schedule of the names of the guards is in the eye: Coulon, Aaron, Barney, Tarding, Gals, Tarren, Dastan, Norfolk, Godwin, Connie, Harvey. Ya, Naki...

He didn't know why his father wanted to mention this, but his father's eyes seemed to be a bit deep.

"Since the renaissance of the king, the powerful aristocrats sent their blood to the blood, regardless of the eldest son, the main pulse, they guarded the king, cultivated the relationship with the royal family, won the trust of the Fuxing Palace, and the king maintained The tacit understanding with the vassal family guarantees their influence on the subordinate land."

The father sighed, the voice was a bit unusual, less hard, and more helpless:

"In a sense, for hundreds of years, the Royal Guard is the epitome of the kingdom's territory. From the six giants to the thirteen families, from the seven stars to the new aristocracy, the rise and fall of many families, big and small, are reflected."

He frowned and pretended that today's father was somewhat unusual.

From small to large, my father has been very serious.

Never been so...

"Sir," he frowned at his father, subconsciously shouting the most accustomed title:

"What do you want to say?"

It seems that he was called back by this "senior" and his father paused.

When he spoke again, he had already returned to the tough sergeant he was used to.

"I know that your impression of the family is not good, and your relationship with your cousin is not good."

The father looked back at him, sitting in danger, and his tone was serious:

"But if you go home, get a promise from your grandmother and cousin, so that your Majesty knows: You are likely to inherit the title and the cover from your cousin..."

His heart was cold.

Is this another?


The father continued to speak, and said the same way:

"That, at least when considering the candidate for the watchman, Your Majesty will look at you differently: I think he is more willing to take over the land of the kingdom for him. It is a loyal and loyal guard near the court."

“Even, I can resign and retire, which may increase your chances.”

Is it.

As long as you do this, just accept... my chance will rise.

He sighed silently,

A faint disappointment came to my heart.

For so many years, he and his father are certainly not a model of the father's filial piety...

But at least, he thought that his father was right in the land, the memories, the perception of those personnel, and it should be consistent with him.


"Do you think that I am going back to inherit the family?"

He silently spoke, and brought with him the alienation and hostility that he was surprised at.

But he didn't want to take back the emotion, but let it slowly ferment and turn into a cold bitter words:

"Going back to inheriting the so-called 'family' that forced us to leave our homes, which caused our mother to die in the middle of the road, and the sister's lack of medicine?"

In his cold snoring, it seems that someone opened the winter window.

Let the opposite father suddenly become a terrible ice sculpture.

There is only one pair of scorpions left, so aggressive.

"It has nothing to do with them." After a long while, the father replied stiffly.

"What is it for?"

He replied unceremoniously.

"If you have nothing to do with them, why do you want to involve me? Why don't you just go back and inherit the title yourself, go to the young and beautiful wife, become the good son of the grandmother and the good minister of your majesty?"


A loud noise.

He silently watched his father's fist on his arm.

The atmosphere became tense and depressed.

He found that they were breathing slightly from each other.

And the father, like hundreds of times in the past, used the sergeant to train the new soldier's eyes and coldly stared at him, as if he would take out the whip in the next moment.

But this time, he stood tall and stood up against the chief without shrinking.

For a while, the father with the cheeks twitched a word from the teeth:

"Because you are my blood."

The father spit out a sigh of relief.

Somehow, my father slowly slowed down the stiff face, Panasonic's tight tone, and rarely removed his sight.

"I think this should be chosen by you."

"My son." His father was stiff.

He trembled slightly.


really weird.

This is not him.

He looked at his father, silently.

For many years, no matter whether it is public or private, the father with a strong personality and a one-on-one look has always been a name or a position.

Since his mother died, he has not called himself so long.

my son?

This made him not know how to face it for a while: as in the past, he was generally prepared to be full of anger, but at this moment he could not find his opponent to vent.

In the end, he could only force himself to sneak and turn his head disdainfully:

"So we can't escape, right?"

"Even if I move out of the family seal, I come to Wangdu and enter the Royal Guards. I have been self-reliant for so many years," he scorned the shift schedule on the wall and sneaked into the tunnel:

"We are still like animals that are sheltered from the rain in the wilderness. Wherever we go, there is a dark cloud on our heads."

The father looked at him silently, sighed, and was a little tired:

"No, we can't escape."

The father and son were silent for a while.

"You have two choices: accept the conditions of your grandmother and cousin, you can win decent knights and seals, and even become the next watchman, and even the captain." Finally, the father sighed and reopened, perhaps because For the sake of staying up late, there is an insatiable exhaustion in the voice:

"Or you can refuse..."

The father’s words were interrupted by him.

"I refuse, I am not the rare title and title."

He was arrogant and unquestionable, and looked at his father without any weakness.

"I won't go back."

"I don't even want to have anything to do with them."

The so-called family that is so dark.

He thought coldly.

Father frowned: "Even if this means that you are likely to lose the competition of the Royal Guards watchers, you will make a small one in your life..."


He replied without hesitation.

This time, the father looked at him for a long time.

long time.

During the period, his father's eyes were easier and his mood was unknown.

And he is quietly looking forward to it, unwavering.

Finally, my father removed his gaze.

“Very good,” the father snorted and his voice was a lot lighter:

"That won't go back."

This made him quite surprised.

In the memory, when the two men got angry, the father never had the experience of giving up so quickly.

He can only regain his arms and try to resolve the resentment of nowhere to vent, feeling that today's air is not suitable for him.

The two seemed awkward and silent for a few seconds.

"All right."

The father cleared his throat.

"So, today's report is over, you can go," the father sat in the body, faintly:

"Guire Barney Pioneer."

For a moment, his father's face returned to coldness.

It made him almost impossible to believe that the tired father who had just called his son, and the now cold and indifferent serious officer, were actually the same person.

He stood up stiffly, feeling that the unsalted disdain and resentment in the body had an exit.

"Okay," he also returned to his most accustomed tone. He finally looked at his father before leaving the room, and came to the door coldly:

"Sir, Captain Quill Barney."


The door of the value room was closed, and the little bani was awakened from the vague memories!

He gradually recovered his consciousness and felt that he was moving.

"Thanks to the sunset, you are better - I thought we were going to lose you."

This is the voice of Naki.

There is a touch of joy in the voice, and it seems that it is coming from afar, not really.

Lose me?

Is he still dreaming?

Little Barney tried to blink, but he snorted in pain.

His eyes hurt, and when he opened it, he shed tears, and his ears twitched with strange snoring.

what happened……

"Naki, let me down..."

He reluctantly blinked, only to see a blurred light and shadow, vaguely a small team of several people, groping in the fire.

And he is in it, and he is helped by Naki.

"No, I don't think you are standing firm now, sir." Naki's voice was a little tired and his footsteps were not very stable.

Barney shook his head hard. Although his tinnitus was not relieved, his eyes were still painful, but his mind recovered a little. He vaguely saw Beletti's back layer stacking and swaying in front.

He remembered something.

Bonesticks, Sackel, and...

Alchemy ball.

"Where are we? Prison River?" Little Barney accidentally stepped on a gravel, a skeleton.

A somewhat strange, familiar teenager voice, came from behind with powerlessness:

"of course not."

"Go to the prison, you have to take the boat..."

Little Barney frowned, extracting a name from the slowly recovering memory.

It's him.

Before he turned back, the owner of the voice went west.

It was a pitiful, bloody, and there was a scary young boy on his cheek.

His left-handed frame was on the shoulder of a red-haired young man with impatience, and his right hand was carrying a silver-colored smooth sword and limping:

"Is he alright?"

After listening to the boy's words, Naki frowned and turned to Bunny, reaching out and shaking:

"Can you see me, Barney? Little Barney? Bunny Barney? I have a few fingers now?"

Damn it.

This poor guy...

Waiting for me to recover...

Barney's death was blind, and he couldn't keep the blurry ghost in his sight, but he saw Naki after all.


He snorted, not very airy: "But..."

"You mean the one on the left, or the one on the right?"

Naki picked up his eyebrows and put away his two fingers. He was delighted to "hmm".

He patted the little Barney's arm and turned to the boy, exposing his teeth cheerfully:

"Nothing, he is fine."

The teenager also raised an eyebrow and went back.

God is "very good."

Just at this time.

"Wow, oh!"

In front, Beletti’s helper suddenly spoke loudly, and was surprised and happy:

"I think I heard the sound!"

The sound is loud, the channel is shaken, the eardrum is stimulated, and everyone is shocked.

There was a burst of sorrow in the passage, and most of them complained dissatisfiedly.

"My God shuts him up..."

"Stunning this rabbit scorpion..."


"Keep him..."

However, Tartin, who was supported by Belletti, continued to sing loudly:

"Hey, Naki, the great poet, hurry to say something! I think my hearing is recovering!"

His voice is getting bigger and bigger.

The entire team, like an earthquake, was stunned.

Barney and the Naki beside him are shaking:

"Damn, little sound, Tarding! When you talk, I hurt my ears..."

But Tarding seems to be unaware:


He looked back in disbelief and exaggeratedly opened his mouth:

"What do you say? What hurts? Can you make a big noise?"

The remaining sound is around the beam, deafening.

Everyone is not a small mourning.

"Do not talk to me!"

Naki painfully covered his ears and his voice grew louder:

"I have a ghosting look at things now, walking against the wall..."

Little Barney was more annoyed, but he slowly lowered his heart.

They are all there.

"be quiet."

Little Barney found that his sense of balance was recovering, so he slowly stepped on his foot and removed a part of the weight from Naki's shoulder:

"what happened?"

Little Barney knows who to ask, and he turns directly to the boy on the side:

"His Royal Highness, that alchemy ball..."

"what's going on?"

On his side, his eyes were blurred, and the screaming Thales Comet yawned painfully. He looked at the "Wai Ya" around him and smiled at him a little embarrassed.

"That is……"

Taylor stopped for a moment.

"You saw it," Tyres shrugged his shoulders, and the sudden movement made the fast rope and him shake, and he could not help but fall over the wall:

"The alchemy ball is a..."

Tyres searched for the stomach and racked his brains, finally finding an easy-to-understand word:

"How do you say... flash bomb?"


Little Barney was silent and chewed the word for a while.

"Flash bomb?"

Tyres frowned and looked at his head and shook his head, like a group of drunks helping each other to go home to the Royal Guard, shouting:

"More than just flash."

"Maybe there are some sound effects that are shocking... I also recovered my hearing for a few minutes, and now it’s still buzzing..."

And that light...

Tyres closed his eyes angrily.

Although it covered the eyes in advance, it was still very painful...

When Barney sinks for a while, he asks his most concerned questions:

"What about him?"

The team was silent.

They know what he wants to ask.

Tyres gently glanced at Barney and saw anxiousness and longing from his face.

Little Barney felt that it was not good.

"Tell me, what about him?"

Pioneer official frowned. "Have you killed him?"

"Bani, that..."

Naki is in a difficult way: "Forehead, Sackel, he..."

Little Barney hurriedly asked:

"What's up with him?"

The team was quiet for a while, and finally it was opened by Beletti.

"Let's say it," the sentence of the penalist's calm voice, when it was big and small, did not seem to recover from the shock of the alchemy ball:

"Sakuel's perception and attention are more sensitive and concentrated than we are..."

"After losing his sight and hearing, he was more affected than anyone else, yelling at the air..."

Barney felt that it was not right, and opened up these details and asked directly:

"You killed him?"

The entire team was asked by him.

The forefront of Semir coughed and fainted:

"He is mad - but the instinct of the battle is increasing, and it is more aggressive, with weapons mad."

Semir took a breath and seemed to relieve the painful eardrum:

"You should look at what he was like at that time, not looking for every living thing, trying to cut things in two meters into pieces. Naki tried to get close, and he almost cut his head, and I..."

Semir patted the **** bandage on his left arm and sighed.

Little Barnetton paused and gritted his teeth:


Belletti shook her head and whispered:

"Try it."

"That guy, Tardin's fake nephew, remember? He tried to shoot an arrow from a distance and went to his head. I don't know why it was not shot, only in the shoulder."

Tyres felt that Barney's gaze was shining toward himself, and the fast-tracking rope that supported him was cringing and the cat lowered his head and seemed to want to put the whole head into the arms of Tells.

Didn't shoot?

Little Barney stared blankly at the fast rope that bowed his head.

Belletti sighed:

"Sackel felt the pain, touched the direction of the arrow, and fled into the darkness in the opposite direction."

Little Barney’s expression froze.

"Tell me," after a long while, Little Barney fixedly looked at the darkness under his feet and said:

"You killed him."

No one spoke, and Taylors subconsciously stepped behind him.

Many members of the Guard also bowed their heads.

Little Barney exhaled a heavy breath and gritted his teeth:


He slammed his feet and shook Naki on the side:

"Why... why don't you catch up and kill him!"

The tone is hateful and the voice is quite loud.

The eardrum that shocked everyone was a pain.


Belletti speaks calmly:

"The alchemy ball is not very powerful, and we have been affected a lot."

Many people, including the fast rope, subconsciously stared at Taylors, so that the prince could not help but raise his eyebrows.

It's not my business?

"For a whole few minutes, all of us were deaf, and in our minds, someone was blowing a conch, balancing the problem, and standing up and going three steps would be awkward..."

Belletti sighed:

"Even if our situation is good for Pike El, it took a short time to stand up and escape to this."

Barney looked at Belletti in disbelief and looked at other people, but many people turned their heads under his gaze.

"Don't worry," Semir whispered:

"Sakuel's perception is more sensitive than us, and it is more affected. I guess he needs more time than we can recover, maybe it can't be fully recovered."

"At least we are still alive."

Barney was silent, silently bowed his head, and the entire team continued to move slowly.

"Where did that come from?"

Just as Tyres thought it was over, Little Barney suddenly said:

"Alchemy Ball?"

Tyres slid his eyelids and glanced at the fast rope.

This one……

How to say?

"Well, the royal family, there is always some stock..." Tyres swallowed...

Little Barney frowned:

“Why don’t you use it earlier? Or just give it to us?”

Tyres frowned and then re-released, confidently:

"Is it not the best time to release it in the moment of his concentration?"

"If I wait until Sackel sees it, I will throw it out again. I don't think it will be so effective."

Can I tell you because I forgot it before?

Fortunately, Barney has been indulging for a while and will not ask any more.

Tyres regained his gaze,

Moreover, including Sacchar and the fast rope, I always thought that this was a powerful explosion of alchemy balls, just like the one used by Raphael in the secret road of Longyan.

but in fact……

"Hey, how do you know that this alchemy ball only has flash and sound?"

Sure enough, the fast rope stunned his ribs and whispered:

"When the solder is taken out, it is clear..."

Taylors sighed in his heart.

Look, this is his biggest concern.

"I just know," said Ters Mimi, a pair of "I see a lot of knowledge" and shrugged:

"I know that this stuff is not fatal."

The fast rope saw his brows.

"But if it is the kind of explosion? It should be noted that there is no obvious mark on the alchemy ball, only a few talents..."

The rookie mercenary looked at him dissatisfiedly:

"I have seen one year ago..."

Tyres coughed and decided to stop the topic:

"It is not."

"The comet royal family has a long history and has a way to identify alchemy balls."

He smiled mysteriously:

"Just like our blood is golden..."

The fast rope reveals a disgusting expression of "you don't even say it", and looks back uninterestingly.

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, in the face of this brazed to threaten him and Saciel's alchemy ball, he was also a war.

But all mystery was found in his anchor, and he was wisely removed from the state of loss.

In that magical state, Taylors saw the inner layer of the alchemy ball:

That is a rotating energy.

At that time, he knew in the dark that the energy of the rotation inside was actually very empty, even if it was all released, there were at most a few feet of dust around it...

more importantly……

No obvious mark?

In fact, when Tyres's line of sight penetrated from the cover and the mezzanine, he found that in the inner ring covered with the metal shell, which was invisible to the mysterious alchemy ball, he engraved a few sentences of his modern imperial empire:

[Blind glare XX film + XXXX film]

[Alchemy Tower, Battle Mage Produced XX, XX No. EE1109-8-17, producer: XX First Division, D · E · Surrey Dayton]

[used to suppress perception, XX suppression, XXXX, XX, etc.]

[Unified XX, only used in the tower, it is strictly forbidden to export XX outflow, the scope of prohibition includes but not limited to the Tower of Soul, Ming Church, XXX, Third Ring, Gate of Hell, XXXX, Knight's Temple, Empire and XXXXXX]

This strange text contains a huge amount of information, such as its producer's last name.

There are a lot of strange words in it, but it is enough to let Taylors understand its function.

Ever since, it came in handy when you think of what you want to do to contain Sacreel, who has a great sense of perception.

The fast rope frowned, if you thought:

"So, just the solder has threatened you with a fake chip, and took us to a group?"

"Looks like it is."

When Tyres thought of the deceitful solder, he shook his head in annoyance:

"In fact, it's not wrong. I should have thought of it."

"How can someone like him have the same courage?"

Just at this time.

Step, step...

Taylors was the first to be surprised.

Under the poison of the "XX film", the speed of consciousness recovery of the people was different, and they helped each other to advance.

But at this moment, almost everyone is nervous!

Step, step, step...

Just listening to the team behind, in the dark passage, suddenly a series of unrecognized footsteps sounded.

Step, step, step...

Getting closer.

(End of this chapter)

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