Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 460: The morning of Fanwai Liuyi Di Si (below)

Chapter 460, Fan Wai Liu Di Di Si's Morning (Part 2)

Kay walked into this elegantly decorated room, and it was not surprising that the owner of the room was found behind a desk with a lot of paper documents.

The man dressed in low-key but decent, quietly, gentle, and peacefully sitting at the desk, in the rustling of turning pages and writing, the man who read the book silently.

Kay three steps to the large desk, found an empty space on the table, buttocks back, throwing up extremely indecently.

He squinted and laughed and saw the owner of the room sighing and putting his pen down. He glanced at him, shook his head helplessly, and then lowered his head and fought with the book.

Kay picked up his eyebrows as an echo.

Here, he does not have to worry about it.

Here, he doesn't have to worry.

Because sitting there...

It is his most amiable Wang Changxiong.

Kay turned his head and was surprised to find a bottle of wine and a few cups on the side of the desk, which seemed to be the name of the Principality of Sera.

"I remember you don't like to drink."

Kay grabbed the bottle of wine very rudely and asked directly.

There is no need to greet them between them, no need to say hello, not to be meaningless.

Because it has been a long time ago, here is his refuge, windport, and shelter.

His last in Yongxing City is also the real "home."

This is especially true after the mother’s death.

"But Horace and Heyman like it," Wang Changxiong did not look up, but his voice was as good as ever. Although it was not as pleasant as Heyman, it had a kind of gentle power that made people unconscious. The ground calms and calms down:

"You too."

Kay grabbed the bottle, filled a glass and shrugged his shoulders:

"That... thank you for your hospitality."

Wang Changxiong snorted and closed a few pages of paper in his hand and turned to another reel.

Kay took a sip of wine and responded to the other two names while spitting the taste of the wine.

"So what special holiday is today? Prison and wind?"

Kay walked to the window and glanced at it, but did not see the two wretched figures of the wolverines, probably already gone.

"Muscle Han, sissy, dead fat, old stubbornly gone, all the strange creatures in Wangdu are running here?"

Wang Changxiu smiled and ate.

His laughter is shaking in the air, mild but infectious:

"Don't be so jealous of yourself."

After a second, Kay understood the irony in his brother’s sentence and scratched his head:


If Hayman or Horace is so ironic, then Kay must say irony without any politeness.

But this is what Wang Changxiong said, so it is just a little joke.

They are different.

They are also different.

"What are they doing for you?" Kay raised his eyebrows.

What the brothers wrote in the rustling sand, changed the next page: "I am looking for them."

"You know, my father went out and the government affairs reported directly to me."

Kay suddenly realized:

"Oh, it’s no wonder that Horace’s stinky face is really fucking."

He said so, but he was very happy.

But Kay immediately realized that he had said a rough mouth.

He quickly pressed his mouth and apologized to the Wang Changxiong to make a silent voice:

Sorry, my fault.

As long as the brothers were not angry, their eyes remained on the paper.

Wang Changxiong just tilted his mouth and showed a smile.

When Kai was deliberately tearing his book, he had the same expression on his brother's face.

Gentle, peaceful, tolerant, bright.

Kay sometimes thinks, maybe, no matter how much trouble he has caused, how much trouble he has caused, even if he killed King Exeter one day, Wang Changxiong will only gently shake his head like this, faint Smile, then tell him:

I am here, don't be afraid, let's go play.

And my brother always has a way.

There is always there.

Thinking of this, Kai found that his red wine glass was empty, and the time of re-drinking, he picked up the scroll in the hands of Wang Xiong and looked like a letter written by a foreign noble.

"what is that?"

He knew that it was a national event, but Wang Xiong did not seem to mind.

Wang Changxiong smashed his wrinkled eyebrows and put down the scroll: "The wind and the dispute between the wind and the Maolin."

Kay eye: "Is it serious?"

"This involves the conflict between the traditional law of the blade and the Kaydar Act of the Xianjun era. I plan to let Banke go to mediation in the next quarter. This is ostensibly the uneven tax paid by the old and new aristocrats. In fact, it is... ”

Wang Changxiong said and suddenly raised his head, revealing a gentle face, and the eyebrows were soft and quiet, making people feel more intimate, eyes and peace, and seemed to never be bleak:

"How, are you interested?"

Kay’s hand surrendered, and the avatar was like a rattle:

"I can't understand this anyway - unless there is something related to me?"

Sometimes he feels lucky that he will never have to deal with these troublesome government affairs, and there is also a omnipotent Wang Changxiong sheltering the wind and rain.

Fortunately, Wang Changxiong is the Crown Prince, the heir, and the master of the future of the stars.

Just think, if someone else inherited the throne - such as the madman like Horace or the grass bag like Heyman - the sunset, Kay vowed that he would rather be rebellious, ruined, and would not see such a thing.

Well, maybe Uncle John.

"Well, I think, yes," Wang Changxiong squinted and thought about it, revealing a worried look:

"In the next five years, the ladies who come back from the wind will be more anxious than before."

For a moment, Kay’s face changed dramatically:

"My God, it seems that the problem is really serious."

Wang Changxiong looked at him and couldn't help but smile.

This second, the eldest's mouth bends into a good-looking arc, and the smile in the eyes is as if it contains the optimism of the whole world.

The reason why Heyman is called "beauty" is mad, Kai thinks, it must be because Wang Changxiong disdains to fight with him.

Because when Wang Changxiong laughed, he looked better than anyone else, gentler than anyone, brighter than anyone, more than anyone else...

More attractive.

Kay naturally laughed, and it was the kind of "stupid laugh" that would be despised by the outside.

Only here, he will laugh.

Wang Changxiong put down his work and took the flower tea on his hand.

"I remember you are still in the process of introspection?"

Kayton was nervous.

He hates to ban, right, but he hates the old stubbornness, hates people who have issued a ban, so during this time anyone asks about the prohibition, and even if Kay is unhappy, he also shows a rebellious look. .

But Wang Changxiong...

In front of Wang Changxiong...

Kay, who is arrogant and fangs, is hard to stutter:

"Forehead, right, right, I, I am going to say this today. That, although it was only a short night, I feel that I think that my reflection has achieved profound and beneficial results. ......"

Oops, the manuscript prepared last night seems to have all been forgotten.

I knew that I didn’t call the maid last night, and I didn’t have time to write the manuscript.

Kay felt a little brother who was in pain.

But Kay doesn't have to say anything anymore, because Wang Changxiong reveals a look through everything, like a smile and a slap in the face.

Let Kai live in a moment.

Wang Changxiong snorted.

Horace’s sneer is a sign that he is in a bad mood to open up. Heyman’s sneer is with a high contempt, and Bank’s sneer has an irritating stupidity.

But this movement is clear and natural on Wang Changxiong, there is no unpleasant place.

So Kay had to live and surrender.

Sure enough, Wang Changxiong crossed his fingers and said:

"So you have to explain to me the truth about your being forbidden by your father?"

Kai is going to explain, but he heard the brother added another sentence:

"I mean... except for the beautiful lady ladies who took off their clothes and talked about poetry?"

Wang Xiong said that the expression of this statement is very serious, but the left eyebrows are slightly twitching.

It’s a day.

Listening to the gaze of his elder brother, Kay felt that he was going crazy.

He really wants to find a hole to drill in!


He is roaring wildly in his own mind...

Do you know the secret of the whole country in the whole Errol world?

He asked, who else?

Who else!

come out!

Come out……

Let me tell you!

Just as Kay was immersed in his "Kesser's self-respecting small world", there was a sudden noise from the window, which attracted the attention of both.

Just listening to a scream, it seems to be a maid:

"His Royal Highness, Princess Royal Highness! Wait a minute!"

Kay is shocked!

The embarrassed man immediately found the opportunity to transfer the topic, rushed to the window, and pointed out the window exaggeratedly:

"No, have you brought Connie out of the palace?"

Wang Xiong shrugged his shoulders and apparently understood his purpose, but did not say much.

Katherel put his head out of the window and saw the **** the top of the side of the 闵迪思厅, a girl dressed in two strange pieces of cardboard, who was happily flying on the roof.

She flexibly shuttled through a pair of arms that wanted to stop her, regardless of the waiters behind her and the look of the guards.

The girl is only eleven or two years old, her face is exquisite, her long hair flutters with her bare feet, and she is full of dust, and her body is filled with joy and madness, which is in stark contrast with the despair and fear of others.

"Do not worry, this is the latest version I have improved according to the classics, 'Connie No. 6 Flying Wings', there will be no problems, you will watch how I wind up and fly back--"

The girl screamed with enthusiasm while she was flexible, and the voice of joy was sharp and high. The entire Judi Hall was heard clearly from the manor to the hall.

She also attracted more and more guards, and many of them were panic-stricken, the royal guards who did not understand the girl.

The girl ran wildly, fluttering two pieces of cardboard and seeing it getting closer to the edge of the roof.

"Don't be a princess!"

In the heartbreaking mourning of the maid and the incredible screams of the guards, I saw the girl leaping towards the sun and jumping out of the roof!


She shouted excitedly, threw her arms, her hair was long and flowing, and her skirt was slightly raised:

"I want to fly up -"

In the next second, the girl made a wonderful parabola in the air, then straight...

Falling down.

Falling to a bush.

After a burst of smashing branches, Kay, who was so stunned, finally heard the terrible muffled sound:


Cathy trembled and shrank backwards, squeezing the five senses.

Looks like...

It hurts.

The madness of the maid hysterical resounds to the 闵迪思厅:

"Ah, come on!"

"His Royal Highness Princess, the Princess of the Princess is again and again, and fell down!"

So a large group of people were bustling and rushing downstairs.

The footsteps are quite good, comparable to a drum band.

After reading all of this, Kay, who was undecided, struggled to retract his head from the window, and finally straightened his lips, revealing an ugly smile:

"You, do you really care about it?"

I don’t know when it started, Wang Changxiong once again resumed the posture of handling government affairs, not too slow or slow, and looked at a page of warrants without any surprise, humming:


Kay pointed to the window, showing an ugly smile, and he saw Morian and Rogo rushed to the scene.

"Well, about ‘How to stop our sorrowful little sister from destroying the 闵迪思厅?’”

Wang Changxiong snorted and revealed his mischievous eyes when he was a child.

"Don't be afraid."

"Eda will take care of her."

Don't be afraid.

Hearing this sentence, Kay took a moment and some missed the past.

But... my brother said?


Just at this time.

"Oh, yeah, oh yeah - let the old lady let it go!"

As if to prove the words of the elder brother, another short and slender figure fluttered out of the window with a heartbreaking, heartbreaking cry:

"No, no, no, no! Connie, Xiao Connie, you must not have anything!"


Another muffled sound, several guards were hit, including Morian.

Kay’s cheeks pumped again.

"Little Connie, Connie, you wake up, wake up! Ok, as long as you wake up, I will never call you a bad Connie again!"

The brothers heard the big brother from an early age. It is said that the old stubborn is also heard from a young age. It is also said that the old stubborn father and grandfather also heard a big horror voice from childhood, with a sense of horror and sorrow, as always, screaming loudly:

"You don't want to die, ah! I just went to the kitchen and licked the chicken legs. How come you... oh... I am sorry for you, ah ah ah... if you are alive, wake up and wake up. what……"

Cathy was at the window, watching the figure wearing the cloak below violently shaking something, and the corner of his mouth began to twitch unconsciously.

The surrounding royal guards and maids were horrified to go forward, but they were thrown out by the cloak.


A few seconds later, a girl’s unique, soft, squeaking voice screamed, and it screamed weakly and weakly:

"Cough, Edda, you seem to... hold my Mimi... ah!"

The voice is particularly wronged.

The surrounding royal guards seemed to be boiled by boiling water, and they turned around and returned to their posts if nothing happened.

Kay sighed.

Sure enough, the horrible voice of the big cry that was still crying the previous second rang, with a special surprise:

"Hey, hey??"

"Ah, ah, great Connie, you are still alive! Hey, you are nonsense, hey, how can you have this evil thing like Mimi..."

The soft girl voice is weak:

"I said really, the book says it will be stunted..."

Ka looked at the scene under the window, and looked at the brother who was still calm after the desk, pressing the forehead incompetently.

Well, too, Eda is coming, she will take care of Constance very well...

It’s strange to feed!

Kay silently groaned in the bottom of his heart.

He suspects that half of the "not normal active" of the younger sister is infected by the cloak dwarf who is not tuned!

Ka reluctantly left the window and walked back, re-electing his glass.

But that horrible voice - Eda once again dried up:

"Hey Xiao Connie, I will never leave you anymore! Are you going to eat chicken legs? Hot, hey, open your mouth! I tell you a little secret that I just overheard, don't say it out..."

"That... Edda... my... Mimi..."

"That, you know why your little brother is forbidden, because he is drilling a bed with thirty women who are ass..."


Kay sipped on the carpet and coughed up violently.

I am really fucking!

It should not come today!

Kay three down and five to pull down the window of the room, and shut the sound of Edana that broke the sky.

Meet his king brother.

There are only a few tears in my heart.

After a long silence, Wang Changxiong finally breathed a breath and broke the silence.

"You know Connie."

As if I didn’t see Kay’s wolverine at this time, Wang Changxiong sighed and sighed:

"She is very lonely, lonely, eager to be noticed and recognized."

Kay is constantly coughing and immersed in "Kaisell's small world without self-respect".

He looked up and slammed into the eyes of his eldest brother.

At this moment, Wang Changxiong's eyes are different from usual, not only gentle, not only tolerant, not only to appease.

Also with something else.

The elder brother faintly said: "So she is eager to do something."

"And we all understand that feeling."

"We should also understand."

Kay is silent.

He wanted to say something.

But the eyes of the elder brother looked at him straight.

It seems to see through everything.

So Kay lowered his head.

For a while, the movement outside the window finally stopped, and Kay was smooth and sighed.

"Thanks to the old stubbornness," he snorted and raised his arm, his tone full of deliberate complaints:

"For more than a decade, it is like he does not have this daughter."

Wang Changxiong was silent for a while.

"Don't blame our father."

For a long while, the gentle brother has always said this.

This is unusual.

In exchange for the ordinary, Kai generally does not argue with him, because Wang Changxiong said that there is generally no mistake, even if it is wrong, it is also wrong.

But today, especially after being seen by the other party with that strange look, Kay suddenly felt as if he was in the throat and did not spit.


He turned his back to his elder brother and ironically said: "What kind of father would hate his children?"

Wang brother snorted.

This time, his words were serious, with a rare sigh:

"That is not hate."

"My father was hit hard by his mother... You know, when he sees Constance, he will remember his mother, and her pain at the end of her life."

Kay’s expression faded.


Is that right?

The brother sighed:

"His deep love for his mother has become a torment and burden in the face of Connie."

"How deep is love, how heavy the burden and burden is."

"Father is far from Constance for her... because he is afraid that he will remember his love, he will become even himself, and he will not know himself."

When I said the last few words, it seems that even my elder brother is out of God.

Kay clenched his teeth and shook his head:


"Oh, there is nothing more ridiculous than this - he knows that if the mother sees him to treat Connie like this, he will definitely fight with him."

Just like she protects us and protects all her other children.

Wang Changxiong did not answer immediately, the room was quiet, and even the sound of turning pages and writing was not available.

"Yeah," Kay heard the elder brother slowly slow down at a very slow pace:

"She will."

Kay suddenly thought that it wasn't just Connie. If the mother saw her beloved sons go to the present day, they would hate each other and be wary of each other, what do they think?

Every time I think about it, Kay is in a tight heart.

Wang Changxiong sighed deeply and immediately restored a gentle and friendly tone:

"So, the responsibility of caring for my sister can only be borne by her brothers for the time being."

Wang Changxiong patted his back neck and seemed to be soothing.

Kay also patted his head and pulled himself out of the state that was just abnormal.

Well, I forgot the things of those who have a fart...

forget it……

forget it……

"By the way, I found a job for you."

Wang Changxiong’s words made Kai a surprise, and immediately forgot the things of the light **** woman.

He jerked his head back and his face was wonderful:

"Work, work?"

Kay almost thought he had got it wrong.

But the elder brother just nodded in harmony.

"After all, the father confessed before leaving. In what form, what you need is ‘reflection' – don’t want to be furious after he returns? Or do you want to really “forbidden”?”

Kaimei jumped.

Old stubborn confession?

Is there such a sentence in the original words?

"Let the garbage settle points" or "call him out of my sight"?

What a joke!

As a prince of the stars, do you still work?

Well, Horace leads a bunch of big men, and Bank is the honorary director of the National Research Association. Even Hayman has the name of a royal envoy...

Counting down, it’s true that he is... um...

Thinking of this, Kay immediately changed his face, a serious and authentic:

"Oh, work! You know, I have this plan too..."

Ka painfully scratched his forehead and looked for excuses:

"In fact, I am going out to the city to Star Lake Fort in a few days. John told me that he needs help there..."

But Wang Changxiong only shook his head gently, and his eyes showed a few memories.

"The anniversary of John's death is over."

In one sentence, Kay’s excuse was killed in his throat.

"Now is not a good time to disturb our uncle Wang."

The fifth prince was misfiring for a few seconds.

In the end, Kay looked at his head angrily and looked at his elder brother innocently, grievous:

"Wait, are you going to come true? Are you not ready to let me get over?"

The elder brother smiled, still the same soft and dear, so that people can not afford the idea of ​​rebellion.

"Reassure, the job I am looking for is in Yongxing City," Wang Changxiong accurately extracted a stack of paper from the hill-like pile of documents and left it to him:

"West City Security Hall, you go to help maintain the order of the West Ring District, Xiacheng District and Xichengmen."

"This is either a ban, and you choose the same."

Kay took a shot on his head.

Well, there is no hole, at least he didn't touch it.


Kay licked his face in pain, and the whole person pulled down like a grievous puppy.

Oh, no, he is annoyed when he hears the "warning officer" or related words.

But he quickly looked at it:

"Wait, West End?"

That is not the area where the Hongfang Street is located?

Kay’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light!

Wang Changxiong nodded with a funny smile and sincere eyes:

"Reassure, it is a bustling and lovely, beautiful and colorful place. If you go there to work, 'reflecting', you can also follow the king's order, at least not really need to ban."

of course!

Kay’s expression changed instantly and became serious and focused, just as he faced the girl’s skirt:

"Well, yes, you have a reason... cough, I don't like to ban, and this is also an opportunity. As a police officer or other civil servant, I can patrol and learn about our city, the service kingdom... ..."

Especially the Red Square Street.

Wang Xiong smiled again and smiled very softly.

This made him feel at ease.

Kay pretended to read through the information carefully, thinking about how to determine the red square street in the scope of work, and then change the attitude without losing face and face, and seize this welfare position.

"I know a police officer at the scene, she just needs an assistant," the brother whispered:

"She also promised me and will take care of you."

Kaipan counts the things of Hongfang Street, nodding his head:

"Well, that's very thoughtful..."

Alert officer, aide, assistant, promise, care...

and many more.

Kay’s brain flashed!

He directly ignored other words that made him unpleasant, leaving those more important parts.

"she was?"

Kai suddenly raised his head and his eyes lit up:

"You mean a lady?"

Wang Changxig nodded gently and smiled.

"Exactly, it is Miss - not married, and her family is not too close to her." Wang Changxiong licked his desk with his fingers, complex complexion, slightly with the meaning of Kai did not understand - it does not matter In addition to eating, drinking, and playing, Wang Changxiong knows that he generally does not understand.

And the brother will definitely not harm him.

the most important is……

Miss... Miss!

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you get married!

Kay wants to say that.

But he wants to be reserved.

Cough, right, and hold.

Kai endured the mood of leaping, telling himself that eating can not be revealed too obvious, too ugly, after all, Wang Changxiong is a serious person.

So step by step...

"Beautiful? Beautiful? Beautiful?" Kay starred at the stars.

Wang Changxiong smiled again.

I saw his big brother resisting his chin, and he remembered it a bit, browing his face, then gently beheading:

"very beautiful."

At that moment, Kay’s eyes almost radiated the brilliance of faith.

The elder brother is a believer and never told a lie to himself.


Wang Changxiong licked his mouth and continued to chuckle and give him a pound:

"It's still snowy and smart, understanding."

Oh, God.


Dear, handsome, great Crown Prince, you are really my brother!

If you are not across the table, I really want to kiss you!

One minute before Kay’s resistance and boredom seemed to be missing, I felt like I was immersed in the most wonderful hot springs.

"When did you start working? Can you go now?" He stared at the sparkling eyes.

Wang Changxiong smiled again and smiled more and more cute.

He pulled a page of notes and wrote an address and name:

"West City Security Hall, go directly to the Ginny Bakwe police officer - don't bring a waiter."

Of course, of course.

Kay is not licking garlic, but nodding like an avalanche.

This kind of good thing, how can the cheap Vale and the fool of Kana.

"By the way."

Wang Changxiong wrote and wrote, and there was a memory in his tone:

"The lady is very charming."

"Don't accidentally fall in love with her... you will suffer."


Fall in love with her?

Kay took the note with impatience, and in a skilled step-by-step dance, he turned around and turned to Midiir.

You really care about it, with the veteran of my own flowers...

Kay shows a confident smile, while extending his finger to point to Midiir, while stepping back out of the door:

"You know I won't."

Wang Changxiong is still the kind of smile that makes people feel awkward, waving and laughing:

Go ahead.

Kay’s figure disappeared.

But after a few seconds, his palm reappeared at the door.

"Hey, Midier."

Kay, who was going back and forth, stood outside the door, and the probe slammed the door frame, so that the eldest brother who had buried the case was re-raised.


Kay gently patted the door frame and hesitated:

"Thank you."

Midiar in front of the desk raised his eyebrows and put on a helpless look, shrugged his shoulders:

"Hah, who let this be the father's order..."

But Kay shook his head.

"No, I mean..."

Kay looked at the door frame and twisted it. It seemed a little embarrassing.

"thank you."

"in order to……"

But he finally took a deep breath, shook his hand, and unconsciously pointed to all directions:


"Thank you."

thank you.


Thank you for being tolerant when everyone hates me.

Let me be.

take care of me.

Caring for me.

Understand me.

Midi comet.

thank you.

Thank you, at the moment I was born, I became my brother.


After finishing the conversation (although most of it is in my heart), Cathy bowed his head and snarled his nose. He was not used to doing this.

Some even dare not look at Midier's eyes.

Not just because of fear...

More because...

But Wang Changxiong smiled again.

This time, Midier smiled very lightly, but it was very small, but there was a clear emotion in his eyes.


The Crown Prince of the Star Kingdom nodded his head and leaned back on the back of the chair.

"of course."

Kai smiled and picked up his lips.

He knows that it is the same as before.

Brother, I understand.

He made a face, knocked on the doorframe and disappeared into front of Midiir.

Watching the younger brother leave with a smile, and Mideel, who wants to stop talking, can't help but raise his lips.

"And, don't talk about poetry again!" The Crown Prince gently and firmly raised his voice.

The next second, the corridor outside the door came the sound of the human body and the wood, accompanied by Kay's pain.

Midir shook his head and smiled.

In the distance, Connie and Edda’s voice sounded like nothing.

Young people are jealous.

The Crown Prince looked up and looked at the warm sun outside the window and took a breath of fresh air.

It’s like the morning of the Judith Hall.

Beautiful, bright, carefree.

like this.


After a relaxing morning, Midier returned to God, bowed his head and sighed back to reality.

Go back to the shackles that he never gives up.

The state is very bad recently, I am not confident in writing the text. First write out the Fan Wailiu, which had been promised for two years.

(End of this chapter)

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