Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 461: Where the light can't shine (on)

Chapter 461 Where the light is not available (on)

As early as six years ago, Tyres, who had not yet become a prince, was told by Gilbert in the Judith Hall:

The history of the stars has never been lack of blood.


This is the real blood color?

Taylors is destined to look at the emotional Semir.

The other side reminded him of a long time ago, the former Duke of the North in the Fuxing Palace almost no hope to vent the roar.

The same hate.

The same pain.

The same bleak.

And the same... desperate.

The atmosphere in the storage room reached the culmination of the repression, and even Belletti, who was in front of Tyres, slammed down the weapon.

Semir’s wheezing with a long-lost resentment, Naki clenched his lower lip, and Barney looked like a lost traveler in the fog, and looked up.

And Sackel, he is just close to the forehead, hanging down his head deeply.

No words.

Even the fast ropes that did their best to behave in a different way did not intend to reveal the thoughts and surprises that the underlying mercenaries did not have, and looked at Tyres.

What do you want to do?

But Taylors ignored him, but stared firmly at the focus of the field.

Finally, following the extreme embarrassment and extreme silence, the once-disappearing voice resonated:

"What are they talking about, Sackel?"

The mood is complicated, and the tales that can't tell the taste turn their eyes.

I saw Xiao Bani, who was kneeling on the ground, licking a pair of eyes that had been devastated by the storm, and asked:

"Father? Comet? They..."

Sackel did not speak.

The knight trembled and turned his head slightly.

In that moment, he concealed his hiding face and prevented him from seeing him.

This is not what he wants.


Never been.

But from Sakuel's silence, Little Barney has perceived something.

"They are all another comet? Another...His Royal Highness?"

Barney looked awkwardly, ignoring the loss of Naki's face and the injustice in Sembil's eyes.

"answer me!"

The unusual silence of the other party stimulated Little Barney, and his tone became more and more urgent.

Naki snorted.

Little Barney turned to him as he turned to help.

"Ask your father to go and ask our respected deputy captain," Naki whispered, and the irony and blame in his tone still lingered: "He is the one who secretly comes out, screams and promises. By."

"It's a pity that he didn't tell you."

Little Barney’s distracted eyes focused.

On the other side, Nina sighed with a sigh of relief.


Finally, Sacker's boring and mechanical sound rang out hollowly. He loosened his tight forehead and re-exposed his face under the fire. His pupils were faint, and he reflected the burning torch on the ground.


Just like a dead person.

"Why can't you let go," the penalty knight is pretentious, "let go of everything in the past."

"Keep everything in its original state, no increase or decrease, no more."

In the end, his steady and empty tone still has a wave of volatility: "Let them end."

"Why not."

This made many of my colleagues look slightly changed.

Naki’s shoulders shook, and he looked at Barney, revealing a satirical smile:

"Yeah, why not?"


Little Barney slammed up from the ground!

The senses that had been devastated by the alchemy ball made him squat for a second before he stood firm.

"Because... Saciel, because if that is true..."

At that moment, the wolverine little Barney had a rare excitement from the numb eyes:

"If the year of blood is really a... that means... means..."

He eagerly and eagerly looked at his other colleagues: the weeping Cannon, the choked Bry, the desolate Tardin, and the eyes of Belletti and Nai.

Seems to want to get support.

But the same people did not respond, only Semir sneered with disdain.

Tyres sighed softly.

He cleared his throat and opened his mouth in the unbearable silence:

"That means, Barney, who swears allegiance to the royal family, including your father, maybe they are not treason."

The words of the prince floated in the dungeon, and the light in the eyes of Little Bani became more and more prosperous.

Tyres feels the exhaustion and pain of his body, trying his best to make his voice sound smooth and friendly, and can comfort the poor and traumatized person in front of him:

"At least not so absolute and thorough."

The voice of the prince made the members of the Guards react differently, some bowed their heads, some opened their mouths, and some closed their eyes and sighed.

But Taylors did not pay attention to them, he just snorted, with the fall and sorrow that the teenager never had:

"They are still loyal to the comet, just obeying orders..."

"In the infighting of the royal family, choose the side to stand."

"Each choice of the Lord."

Then kill to death.

Taylors buried this sentence in his heart.

Little Barney’s expression was slightly loose, as if he had some relief.

The members of the Guards were silent, regardless of their knowledge, regardless of their rank.

The dungeon was once again in silence, but the fast rope onlookers felt that this time the silence was no longer so uncomfortable.

"Yes, is it?" Little Barney nodded quietly, repeating blindly:

"They are just... they are just..."

On the other side, Sacuel released a long sigh.

"Don't blame them, Barney," the sorrow in the eyes of the penalty knight:

"Especially your father."

"In that chaotic era, the family, the vows, the righteousness, the loyalty, the tradition, the royal power, the loved ones, the kingdom, the majesty, the Highness... they are just, they just don't know in so many objects..."

Sack Elton paused as if to organize his own language:

"What is this loyalty."

After saying this, the penalty knight closed his eyes and loosened the clenched fist.

Little Barney looked at the floor tiles dumbly, and he seemed to be speechless again because of his contradictions and suffocation.

But at this time, Naki renewed his disdainful sneer.


The people raised their gaze.

"You are too optimistic, Sackel."

Naki shook his head, his eyes flashing gray:

"You still missed a part and didn't say it."

"The worst part for us."

Little Barney.

Tyres has a tight expression.


Naki’s voice carries suffocating pain:

"If this is the truth of the **** year, that means..."

"It means we..."

Nakidun lived, as if he couldn’t say it anymore.

Sackel did not speak, but his numb face began to tremble.

Semir seems to understand that he took the call.

"I understand."

The resentment of Semir has disappeared without a trace, and the ensuing is the unhappiness:

"If the year of blood is a **** infighting in the family, blood kills..."

"Bani, even if I try my best to escape the prisoner, I will tirelessly seek assistance and revenge, even if you are guilty of sin, you will return the prince of the surname to the king."

After a few seconds, Barney thought about what it was.

His slightly **** face solidified again.

The looseness of the face disappeared, and the ensuing was the fear of lingering.

The members of the Guards reacted differently, some of them showed relief, some numbness shook their heads, and some frowned.

"Even if we find someone who is the mastermind of the coup and the internal response..."

"Even if we prove the innocence and loyalty of ourselves and the rest of our colleagues..."

"Even if we..."

Having said that, Semir whimpered, dropped his head, and said:

"It doesn't make any sense anymore."

Little Barney’s body was like a heavy hammer, and he swayed.

"For the stability of the rule, for the fame of the royal family, the authority of the revival palace, whether it is King Kaiser or his successor, or the entire kingdom of the stars, will never allow the ugly truth of the **** year to be revealed. The public opinion is made public, under the daytime."

Semir looked at Tells far away.

There is too much in that eye: hate, no sorrow, desolateness, despair...

Let Tyres feel more and more heavy.

"On the contrary, the objects we have vowed to loyalty, they will exhaust all means, bury the truth, cover up the facts and distort the justice."

"Because people think that the noble and wise comet family can't be the person in charge of the **** year."

"The ‘real murderer’ of that year will always be the mysterious ‘dead enemy’ of the rumored comet’s royal family. ‘It’ will only hide in the curtain and never show up.”

Little Barney, like a walking dead, listened to Semir’s words.

"And we... the fallen colleagues will never wait for justice, and the thirty-seven people who are dying will not be able to get Zhao Xue, and the survivors will only be able to bear the stigma of the rest of their lives."

"As the royal guard of the Star Kingdom, we can only be, must be traitors to the enemy!"

Sakuel shook abruptly as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning.

His colleagues were all white and pale, as if they were accepting the final judgment.

The words of Semir are getting more and more urgent, and they are getting cold and ruthless:

"We can only be sinners who are derelict, incompetent cowards!"

"Never turn the case, it will endless."

In addition to the voice of Semir, the dungeons are terrible.

Semir gasped for a while and slowly recovered, but the desolation and despair in the tone were not added:

"No matter how innocent and innocent those who are ignorant, no matter how purely loyal the lonely ministers like Barney, no matter how unscrupulous as I am, it is hard to complain."

"No matter how hard your father's **** is, you can't help yourself."

"No matter how unfair this is to us."

Little Barney’s hands began to tremble.


Semir’s eyes are crazy:

"Because of being the Royal Guard, we are destined to be victims of the Nine-Star emblem... and the scapegoat."

Tyres listened silently.

He remembered the expression of numbness and solidification in the tomb of the comet, when Kessel V stood in front of the sarcophagus of the comet family.

[I don't know how much you know about us, nor what kind of imagination you have for the name of comet. 】

Taylors took a deep breath.

He only felt that the air in the lungs became colder and denser.

Saciel turned his head and seemed to be unable to listen.

No one can see his face.

Semir looked up:

"That's why Sakelin would rather not swear by scapegoats. Why did Naki want to be fair and just want to leave quietly? Why are the prisoners smashed and numb when they are broken? ”

Semir 凄凄 凄凄:

"Because they know that it doesn't make sense at all."

Barney looked at other colleagues incredulously. Faced with his gaze, many people bowed their heads with shame.

Saciel still didn't speak.

"Bani, in the 18 years, those things that support us to live - wash the snow and succumb, but also justice, even the ridiculous so-called revenge, are illusory."

"All the struggles we have made, all the hopes we have, all the wishes we have, all the answers we seek: justice, justice, truth, innocence, freedom..."

The words of Semir accompanied by asthma, intermittent, with pain in the solution:

“It’s all in vain.”

Little Barney turned his head mechanically, and his eyes became more and more stiff and numb.

Semir took a deep breath and looked at the dark corridor that was bottomless, smirking and ending his words:

"In the corner of history, we, the former Royal Guards are destined to bury the bones and seal the dust, not seeing the sun."


The words fluttering in the air, but as if with unprecedented strength, the small Barney who stood up again knocked down to the ground.

Nai spit out a sigh of relief, Beletti did not move.

Tarding and Buri, Cannon seem to have fallen into eternal rigidity and silence.

The dungeon is back to silence.

Naki looked at a torch near him with a smile and smiled, and in his fire he was not used to leaning over his cheeks and snorted from his throat.

"Do you know what I am most embarrassed, and what do you hate most about you, Barney?"

Naki is low and authentic.

"In 18 years, although you stupidly live in lies."

"But at least, you are still living in the hope of your own weaving."

"In this dark dungeon that is dark and bottomless, you live in the only place where the light shines."

With a soft muffled sound, the torch on the ground is extinguished.

Naki’s figure was once again included in the terrible darkness.

Tyres gently closed his eyes and didn't look at Barney's bloodless expression.

[The history of the stars, there is no shortage of blood. 】

At one time, Taylors’s understanding of “blood color” remained on the surface. The scene that he could think of best matching the word was the gangster ecology of the waste house in the lower city and the gang fight in the underground world.

As the identity changes, the journey travels, and the abundance (whether he wants it or not), Taylors gradually touches the pulse of the Scarlet Year from different angles:

The deep silence in the tomb of the comet, the desperate roar of the Duke of the North in the Renaissance Palace, the silent hang of the Lehmann mouth, the mourning of the old days in the eyes of the veteran Jenard, the cheerful and heavy eyes of the fortress. The soldier Wei Luo talked about the lost soul of the dead girl, the lonely back of the wrath of the kingdom under the sun, the cold and lonely of the ghost prince tower, and the pale tremor of Marina.

Too many people are trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves.

Taylors thought that he began to understand the cruel side of the **** year.

Until now.

Until the moment, the members of the Royal Guards who met again in the Bone Ghost, their cruel and ruthless suspicion and confrontation.

This is the year of blood.

An eternal, shrouded all nightmare that seems to be awake forever.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The bleak laughter of Little Barney broke the heavy thoughts of Tyres.

Unexpectedly, Little Barney’s face was no longer dark and sad.

Only the rest of the smile.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Numbness, stagnation, false and indifferent smile.

It's like a clown in a circus.

Just like the smile they painted with paint.

A faint smile.

No one knows what is hidden under the smile.

I saw a tingling in the heart of Tells.

"It turns out!"

Xiao Bani smiled and sighed in the air.

"Allen, Walker, Bobby, Morian, Lare, Kim, ‘骷髅’, Rogo...”

He murmured Neil's strange name, and didn't look at the people around him. He just extended his arms to the black lacquered ceiling and laughed madly:

"Eight years of imprisonment, so many bloodshed, so long persistence... It turned out that there is no meaning at all."

The mark on the face of Little Barney’s smile is distorted:

"We, what are we fighting for? What do we live for? Why die for what?"

No one can answer him.

Naki stared at him coldly, and Semir snorted in his nose.

Saciel seems to have become a sculpture, silent in the accusations of Naki, the narration of Semir and the questioning of Little Barney.

Tarding and others were distracted and lost hope.

Tyres shook his head and gave a negative answer to the eyes asked by the fast rope.

Little Barney’s laughter slowly became stagnant, and the whole person stumbled.

"For what?"

Belletti looked at the former chief vanguard.


He opened his mouth in distress, and seemed to want to comfort the little Barney who looked completely out of his way, but it was difficult to speak.

But the next moment, the action of Little Barney made his heart shock!


I saw the little Barney who had laughed enough to close the arc and grabbed the long sword he had fallen on the ground!

Everyone was surprised.

Even Sackel looked up.

I saw Little Barney's eyes flushed and trembling.

He put the blade on the palm of his hand.

He fixedly stared at several battles, with a roll of mouth and a blade with a blade.

Then turned the blade to...

Your own neck.

At that moment, Tyres, who realized what he was going to do, was discolored!

(End of this chapter)

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