Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 465: Rebirth (Secondary)

Chapter 465 Rebirth (Secondary)

The only remaining torches are getting weaker and weaker, and the dungeons are getting darker.

But he feels that the dungeon is experiencing unprecedented calm and brightness.

Although Little Barney is still missing behind him, Taylors knows that he no longer has to worry about the status of the former vanguard.

And he has only the problem...

Taylor shook his head and endured the pain to the last figure.

The man who had been sitting on the ground all the time, was bruised and bruised, and looked desperate, as if he had lost his soul.

The outline of the penalty knight slowly emerges in a dim field of vision.

He was drowned by Barney's seriously injured left arm like a hollow snake, stiff and weak on his shoulders.

"So, you are left." Tyres whispered.

The voice fell.

The penalty knight seems to be still immersed in his own world, and he has no reaction to the words of Tyres, let him slowly approach.

But just as Tyres approached him ten steps away, Sackel bounced like a cheetah that suddenly woke up, instinctively picking up the axe blade that was covered with a gap!

"His Royal Highness!"

Belletti exclaimed and subconsciously got up.

Others also reacted: Semir frowned and held his own weapons, and Tardin and Brian, Cannon and others stood up nervously, surrounded by Sakuel, and even Bunny returned. God raised the torch.

But at this moment, Tyres suddenly raised a hand behind him!


The prince’s voice was hoarse and weak, but everyone stopped subconsciously.

In the ultimate silence, Tyres silently observed the long-faced man in front of him.

Sackel didn't move, he just kept breathing and groaning.

The weapons in your hand point to Taylors.

It seems that it is instinct.

The air resolidified.

At the rear, the fast rope looked awkwardly.

"Hey, Huai... amount, Tyres?"

Belletti gave a look at Sakuel, who was still instinctive but still instinctive, and hesitated:

"His Royal Highness, you are best..."

He couldn't finish it, and the other side of Tardin nervously interrupted: "Can't go any further!"

"Danger, danger." This is a slightly neurotic Cannon.

The people present were reacting differently, but they stared at the Sacreel, who seemed to have just woke up from the proverb.

But Taylors smiled.

"Thank you, Beletti, and you, Tardin, Cannon," the teenager resisted the physical discomfort:

"But I need you to wait for me for a while."

Taylors turned his head back, showing a tired smile and raising an index finger:

"For a while."

He turned and took a deep breath and continued to Sackel.

Seeing that the distance between the two is getting closer, Belletti’s face changes:

"His Royal Highness, for your sake -"

But one arm stretched out from the side, holding down Belaetti who wanted to act!

"He said," I don't know when I got up, Little Barney, coldly to the stunned Belletti and Tarding:

"Let's wait."

He seems to have not done anything against Tyre, and he seems to be deliberately bowing his head when he says this, not looking at the direction of the prince.

Little Barnington’s powerful tone awakened Sacker, whose eyes gradually became clear and focused on the face of Taylors.

Belletti looked at the vanguard official and looked at Taylors again.

But he didn't say anything after all, didn't do anything.

Just stopped in the same place, worriedly watching the prince step by step.

Just like everyone else.

Until Taylors came within three steps from Saccar.

Sackel gasped and gasped.

He looked around and couldn't wait to rush up immediately, but he was hard to resist the old days of the pace.

What is different.

He thought so.

Sackel looked around,

He saw that Barney, who used to give orders, didn't look fast, but didn't speak.

It has always been calm, even calm and even stereotyped Belletti, but also let go.

Even Semir, who doesn't like to listen to orders, just pouts and says nothing.

And the rest, whether it is Tarding or Cannon...

These robes that he used to be very familiar with...

They have been quietly standing behind the tales, except for the warning eyes of Sackel, almost bystand, let the prince, step by step to the **** body.

These guys...

Sakuel turned his head stiffly, his mind was scattered, his spirit was confused, but he subconsciously tightened his weapon.


Sakuel took back his tired and dull gaze and looked at Taylors in confusion, as if he was re-recognizing the boy.

"What did you do to them?"

He is crazy, like asking the other person, and asking himself.

Taylor took a deep breath and squeezed a smile.

"It's nothing."

Juvenile slow channel:

“It’s just something you want to do, but you can’t do it all the time.”

Sakuel snorted and felt dizzy.

Things you want to do but can't do...

A few seconds later, the penalty knight under the severe injury slammed his head.

"Is it."

He snorted, plunging his bleak eyes and understanding.

The penalty knight allowed his left arm to sway empty, clenching his teeth and raising his right hand.

"You know, before coming here, as the hostage of the Star Kingdom in Exeter, I fled all the way back from Longyan City." The voice of the teenager rang low.

Sakuel's axe blade froze.

Long Yucheng.

Sak's spirit was slightly moved, as if it had been stabbed by something.

The thin and chaotic memories once again filled his overwhelmed spirit.

Is it.

The hostage of the comet royal family in Longyan City.

Sakuel squeezed the axe blade in his hand.

So, after that tragedy, the kingdom has been...

"I met a lot of people on the way," Tyres's tone was calm, just like pulling a home. "One of them made me feel especially."

"He said that after more than a decade of disguise, when he looked at the mirror again, he did not know the person inside."

Sackel's axe blade shook a little.

Tyres took his eyes back from the time of the fast rope and sighed:

"He has forgotten why he put on the mask at the beginning. He let the mask capture him, occupy him and control him."

Taylors stared seriously at the man in front of him:

"Just like the warrior has forgotten the mission of guardianship, he has fallen into a slave to victory."

"Just like the king has forgotten the responsibility of ruling and surrendered to the vanity of merit."

The body of the penalty knight began to sway slightly.

Tyres looked directly at Sacir's eyes.

He has seen such a look.

More than once.

In the vine grass manor, when the ghost of the wind dragged the disabled body and struggled.

In the Renaissance Palace, when Val Allende shook his head in a bleak, and broke the plot.

In the Hall of Heroes, when the official Melk lost his daughter's body in disappointment.

In the rocky land, when the dying death crow madly admits everything.

They are all equally gray, equally desperate, the same... numb.

That is the one who loses the most cherished things and will have the look.

And in front of Sackel...

What is his most cherished thing?

Thinking of this, Tyres’s chest sank and sighed softly.

"But, Sackel."

"When are you, for what, and wearing the mask now?"

Sackel froze.

He stood in the same place and his face was full of complexity.

The silence lasted for a few seconds.

"I am sorry, Your Highness," after a long while, he struggled to squeeze this sentence:

"But we... we have to settle this."

Sackel’s voice fell, and the weapon on his hand swayed as if he had confirmed his determination again.

Tyres eyebrows pick one.

"Ah, I know."

"You still want to kill me."

The boy's tone was understated, but the guards behind him were once again nervous.

"And no one can stop you."

Sackel frowned and didn't speak.

But he seems to have a talent: Silence alone is enough to cool and condense the surrounding atmosphere.

However, the prince immediately opened a smile:

"I have to admit that when you are still a traitor who is killing me all the way, I am facing you, at least I am more at ease."

"But now..."

Tyres snorted:

"The stories you told: You found the truth, so you are dissatisfied with the first king, so one person has planned the palace and framed everyone. You are the traitor and culprit in the past 18 years..."

He smiled and shook his head.

"At least half of them are fake."

The penalty knight's cheeks frett.

Taylor looked straight at him.

"That is the mask you wear to other people."

Sackel squinted his lips and his face was stiff and dark.

"It is for you to hide the truth, to protect the dead or the living, to make up."

"In order for your Guard to no longer guilty, the surviving people are no longer suffering, and it is no longer difficult to watch for the sake of rest."

"To this end, you are willing to be the sinner and traitor who is born out of nothing, to bear the resentment that should not point to you - let them hate you alone, better than they hate each other?"

The penalty knight closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Little Barney looked to Saciel, his eyes mixed with hatred, blame, confusion, and overwhelming.

Others sighed.

Only Semir shook his head and disdain.

Tyres evokes his lips and continues:

"Until I saw what you had just done, I finally understood: This is the real Sackel."

Sakuel’s brow slammed.

Buters continues:

"Thirty years ago, as a watchman who guarded the inheritance, you can't bear to choose to stand on the sidelines. You can only see the same robes and swear each other, kill each other, and the blood flows into the river."

"After the tragedy, for the royal family's reputation and dignity, you can't open the truth, you can only sit and watch the innocent members of the Guards go to jail."

"But in the face of their encounters and tragedies, you can't forgive yourself for doing nothing and swearing. You voluntarily isolate the outside world and bury your ground as punishment for yourself."

Tyres looked at Saciel sadly.

Every time he said a word, the pain and entanglement on the knight's face deepened one point, and the ups and downs of the chest became more and more fierce.

The complexities and contradictions in the eyes of the Guards also deepened.

Their eyes focused on Sakuel were confusing and changeable, but now they are a little more awkward and hesitant.

"So, Lord Sacker," Taylors sighed:

"Whether you wear a mask or not, you never forget your beliefs."

Sacuel blinks!

"Are you finished?"

His right hand holding the weapon trembled like his voice: "This can't help you..."

Tyres interrupted him.


"But before that."

Taylors exhaled a breath.

"Before you start, I want you to know and want them to know,"

He turned back and looked at the former royal guards who were confused and confused, nervous and puzzled.

"Sackel, you are not a traitor, nor a wicked person."

"On the contrary, you will not hesitate to bear the grievances you have to bear, bear the stigma that you should not have, and guard the reputation of the deceased to protect the reputation of the royal family."

"You would rather not talk about it, take the misunderstanding and hatred behind the tragedy, and don't want to see the brothers turn their backs.

Taylors looked at him faintly:

"You are even willing to sacrifice their trust, friendship, respect, and admiration for you. What you have cherished is what is left now - as long as it protects and saves them."

The dungeon was quiet again, only to hear the people fast or slow, but never even and steady breathing.

At this moment, the Royal Guards looked at Saciel's eyes very complicated and difficult to understand:

Saciel stared at Teres, and the blood in his eyes was clearly visible in the fire.

"You can't shake me."

The voice of the penalty knight is very low, and there is a bit of bitterness between the lines.

"Of course," Taylors chuckled. "Because 18 years ago and 18 years later, from the beginning to the end, you are the noble knight who is not worthy of fame, selfless and fearless."

"The watchman who guards the Guardian heritage."

Taylor sighed:

"You just unfortunately got involved in the torrent of the times, lost your way, can't wake up."

The torrent of the times...

Sakuel’s trembling is getting more intense.

The terrible memory is like a tidal wave, hitting him.

Sakuel bit his own teeth and resisted not looking at other people's expressions.

Because he is afraid.


But when Saciel’s thoughts are still stirring –

"The people present..."

I saw that Taylors looked back and glared at the people around him. He took a deep breath and sighed long.

It seems like a determination.

He knows what to do.

Everyone looked at the prince.

"You know," Tyres lowered his eyes and whispered:

"Why should Sachuel kill me?"

At that moment, Sakuel’s erratic thoughts were interrupted instantly.


He was completely stunned.

It’s not just him who has this expression, but everyone in the room is also on the same page.

From the still awkward little Barney, to the worried Belletti, to the vigilant Semir, and Tarding, Cannon, and Bree – confused, puzzled, doubtful, all kinds of emotions are on the hearts of everyone.

Only realize that the fast rope face changes!

Just listening to Tyres calmly adjusting his breathing and raising his mouth:

"Because he knows."

"Because Sackel knows what I am."

What am I really.

The prince is very calm and very reassuring, as if this is a normal answer.

The silence in the dungeon lasted for a few seconds.

and many more.

Saciel’s expression slowly melted away, and he looked at the usual tales, showing an indescribable surprise.


he wants……

"I don't understand," Semir, who was watching, narrowed her eyes:

"What is ‘What is it?’”

Soon, in a question of everyone, the incredible fast rope first opened his mouth in surprise, and subconsciously stretched out his arm!

"Oh, that, Huai - I mean Tyres?"

But the fast rope quickly noticed the four sides: under the skeptical eyes of the people around him, he couldn't even say the name of Tyres, he took back his hand and his voice weakened.

Tyres only looked indifferent and didn't care.


Sackel looked at Taylors in amazement, and could no longer restrain his reaction:

"You can't... are you crazy?"

Semir, Tardin... Many people did not understand, they exchanged doubtful eyes between Saciel and Thales.

Little Barney stared at Sakuel's expression and the back of Tyres, feeling a different place.

Where is wrong...

Prince... What secrets are there?

Tyres slightly curled his mouth and shook his head, showing a smile to the penalty knight.

"I already know you, watch people."

Tyres smiled:

"But you don't know me."

"You don't know what I have experienced after I came to this world."

Taylor raised his right hand and slowly spread his palms, looking at the blood in the center of the palm that was cut by the dagger and not yet healed.

Just as he did before he came to the Bone.

Sakuel looked at the tales at the moment and was too surprised to speak.

In front of him, the teenager’s expression is very calm, very relaxed, even...

Very happy.

Watching the fast rope of Tells frowned.

Do not.

He suddenly realized that this was not Tyler’s strategy or means.

Do not.

He really wants to...

The fast rope suddenly felt an unparalleled panic.

"Death may make me unhappy, but it no longer scares me," Tyres's tone hides a rare relief:

"And really make me fear..."

Tyres said and his eyes became confused.

His eyes flashed Eichda's proud face, Giza's crazy expression.

[Tells, the world, they don't hate us. 】

[They are afraid of us. 】

[They refuse to forgive and are unacceptable, not our actions, but our existence]

And... the mysterious figure of Toros.

Taylor sighed.

"What makes me fear is that when I carry the secret, I can't get rid of the fear, embarrassment, nervousness - even the nightmare is its shadow, can't escape."

"I am afraid that this secret is known at the moment, the fate and the unknown that I will face. I am nervous about how the world will treat me. Everything that is familiar with may go away from me and be embarrassed."

Tyres slowly raised his head and his eyes slowly focused.

"Today, that moment has arrived."

Taylor looked back and found the fast rope staring at him.

The teenager smiled at him and then took a deep breath.

thank you.

"And that's not that bad."

Looking at the expression of the fast rope, Tyres gripped his palms hard and felt the pain in his palm.

"On the contrary, really face it, the moment to face the consequences..."

"I really understand."

Tyres turned back and raised his gaze calmly.

"The only thing that entangles me, tortures me, punishes me, and refuses to let me go is not the secret, not the fate of my coming, not the unknown that I can't grasp, nor the other."

"And it is me."

"What I need is not self-sufficient shackles," Tyres held his fist and pressed hard to print the position of the heart that had been burned by silver coins: "It is to let go of me."

"Rise from the ashes."

Sakuel has been completely stagnation.

"The temple... Your Highness?" Belletti seemed to realize that he was wrong, and he was worried and confused. Half of the reminder was a warning.

In the face of a group of people almost screaming out of doubt, Taylors just smiled relieved.

"Yes, everyone."

He closed his eyes and tried not to look at the reactions of the people around him.

The prince's voice echoed in the dungeon, accompanied by Sakuel's almost stagnant expression and the fast rope could not stop breathing.

"I, Tells Comet, is one of the biggest taboos in the world that people have passed on from generation to generation."

"It is what Sackel thinks, the same kind of culprits that disrupted the kingdom."

The next moment, Tyres took a deep breath in his death and opened his eyes.

"I am a magician."

The teenager used his most calm, indifferent and innocent tone in his life to tell the answer that made Sakuel, let the fast rope, let Barney, let everyone cool down:

"A disaster."

I know that "Rebirth" has not been written yet... but I promise that the next chapter is really the last (below)! (In other words, I really want to change the chapter name of this chapter to "out of the box" > "_" <)

(End of this chapter)

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