Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 466: Rebirth (S3)

Chapter 466 Rebirth (S3)

No words can perfectly describe the dungeon at the moment.

After a neat pumping sound, for a few seconds, the air can only faintly hear the hearts of everyone, and it seems that even a loud breath has become a luxury.

A few seconds later, the torch in the hands of the little bani was completely extinguished after burning the last few flames in despair.

In the dungeon, there is boundless darkness, only the smell of bad smell, and several living people seem to have turned into corpses, motionless.

It's like going back to the once black trail.

Thus, in such silence and darkness, Tells felt the sound of breathing in front of him, and spent the most special seconds of his life.

At this moment, the darkness seems to become his shield, burying his fear, numb his pain, and obscuring all kinds of gaze.

Finally, with a few screams, someone in the squad trembled and whistled, igniting another torch in the sound of the flint.

Taylors narrowed his eyes to adapt to the fire, as if he felt like he was returning to the world.

"I don't, I don't understand... disasters, magicians... they shouldn't be... millennium...not dead..." Cannon, who was a detective, held a new source of fire and shook his head subconsciously. My lips are awkward, but I can't form a complete sentence.

His eyes could not leave Taylors, and Buri was even completely stunned.

But with Cannon's reaction, everyone is boiling like a hot spring!

"His Royal Highness, this joke..." Penalty Belletti was completely unable to digest the latest news. He was swearing at Sakuel, incoherent:

"Watching people, sir! He is saying that he is, he can, he will... This is another lie, isn't it?"

Tarding looked at Taylor's eyes full of surprise: "What is it... the prince is a disaster?"

"The Stars of the Comet... Damn, what did they do this time?"

Tyres stared quietly at the wound in the palm of his hand, ignoring the sorrow of his body.

It’s strange that Taylors feels that he is very calm at the moment—not the “cool” that is so indifferent to the fear of being scared, or the forced sin of the prison river. Calm, but really, let go of everything, remove the uneasiness, as if the chess player stared at the chessboard calm.

"Oh my God."

Semir’s line of sight switched back and forth between Tyres and Sackel.

"Sakuel, what you said before, what are the words about Queen Fiosa and the words you are determined to accomplish? They are not all lies, right?"

But Sakuel did not say anything, he just stared at Tairan's Taiers, his eyes were full of sorrow and doubt.

Semir bit his teeth and struggle to maintain himself between shock and anger:

"Impossible, his age... Is he really only fourteen? If not, what does he have to do with the **** years?"

"What the **** is your mission!"

Taylors watched each of them react and understood a lot in one breath.

and so……

The boy slowly curled up his mouth.

It’s just that feeling.

He could even feel that the eyes behind him looked different.

There are some other impurities in the conviction and respect that Tyres has finally built up.

fear? disgust? doubt? unknown? Rejection?

But that doesn't matter, isn't it?

"Oh, that fake Wyeh!"

"It’s you, my ‘outside’, you already know all this, right?” Talding realized what he was, turned his head and looked at his back and lowered his chest, trying to eliminate the fast rope of his sense of existence.

"Wai Ya? Wai Wai? Hey?"

I was shocked to stare at the fast rope of Tyres, and clenched my arm and smiled innocently:

"Oh! I, no, the amount, that... I am also the first time..."

Just in the dungeon, the moment of chaos into a pot of porridge, a muffled explosion burst out!


"be quiet!"

The sound was heard far away in the empty storage room, and everyone suddenly heard the sound.

It is Little Barney.

The torch that he had just put out on his hand was thrown away, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw the vanguard officer's face, and swept everyone with the most severe eyes, and finally turned back to Taylors.

Taylor took a sigh of relief and smiled and turned his head to look at him.

"My sword is off."

After a long while, the contradictory little Barney was able to speak out.

"It was just when I was..."

He looked at the broken sword behind Lys.

As Littlebane hesitated, everyone began to remember the previous memories.

"It is no coincidence, is it you?"

Tilston took a few seconds and licked his mouth.


The prince is low and authentic.

Little Barney opened his mouth and looked at him incredulously. After a few seconds, he turned to the two bodies on the ground.

"Why, why is it..."

Little Barney stared at the dead Naki and Nai, and the expression became complicated.

"Why not save... they?"

Taylor stopped for a moment.

At that moment, after flashing his teachings in front of Toros, he used the picture of magic power in the "contact" stage.

The kind of indifference that is absolutely unreasonable.

And the blood of the land.

The dungeon seems to have entered a strange stage. Everyone is full of surprises. Everyone has doubts, but in a strange atmosphere and tacit understanding, no one speaks, just staring at Taylors.

"I think, but I can't do it."

Tyres sighed and bowed his head:


Barney was silent for a long time, and eventually he bowed his head.

"Is it."

The faint sorrow spread, and the words of Little Barney seemed to have some magical power. Taylors suddenly felt that the gaze behind him was no longer so dazzling.

Until Saciel’s voice rang in the air.


The voice of the penalty knight is dull and stagnation attracts everyone's attention.

"Why? Why are you telling them?"

I saw Sakuel looked up in the darkness, staring at Tyres, his face mixed with hesitation, pain, sadness, disappointment and sorrow.

"You may not be afraid of death, but at least... you don't have to... you don't have to bear these..."

Saciel’s eyes suddenly became very sad:

"You can die in their admiration and respect, not-"

In the question of the sentiment of the penalty knight, Taylors sighed.

"But they will hate you."

The penalty knight is slightly stagnation:


Tyres silently looked at Sac El, looking at his blood and dust, watching the apparent exhaustion on his face and holding on to the painful expression, looking at the conspicuous and ugly mark on his forehead.


This powerful near-invincible warrior.

I don't know what kind of heroism he was when he was young.

Tyres smiled: "I know, for some reason, my identity, you are dead and will not be exported - and you are ready to keep your mouth shut afterwards and then willingly die in their hands." ""

Tyres turned his head and glanced at the guards behind him. Many people were still immersed in surprise and doubt.

Little Barney:


Tyres ignored him, but turned back and sighed at the Cavaliers:

"They respect me, so, yes, they will resent you."

"one more time."

Sacuel stunned.

"If I don't say anything, then after I die, the misunderstandings that you can't easily solve will deepen again."

Tyres said the expression was a bit stunned:

"Once again, you will be abandoned, hated, and regarded as mad and traitors by your most cherished companions."

"You will die with their resentment."

Little Barney and others looked at the conversation between the two in amazement.

Saciel is completely deadlocked.

After a long while, he gasped for an opening:

"I do not understand."

Tyres snorted, as if he had figured it out.

"Sakuel, in order to serve the kingdom, defend the royal family, protect his companions, and protect your faith," the heavy-hearted Tyles sadly said:

"In the past 18 years, you have been carrying so many pasts and paid a heavy price..."

Taylor looked up and looked at the void, as if there was a dazzling silver figure in front of him.

The hero that was forgotten by the world.

And the voice that sounds like it’s in my heart:

[I have been dead for a long time... very long and long... I don’t remember how long it has been...]

Tyres is somewhat ecstatic.

The silver figure stood between the darkness of the bottomless bottom, facing the inexhaustible souls of the dead, and the scenes of the great and tiny light, as if appearing in front of him again.

The figure was alone in countless years, sacrificing himself, taking on the greatest and unselfish mission, guarding the people and things he once loved.

But no one knows, no one understands.

But he still smiles, no complaints, no solution, and it is easy for me.

[May the mountains accommodate your footprints, and the earth will bless your journey. 】

Tyres took a deep breath and pulled the spirit out of the vain past, trying to return to the present.

Return to the penalty knight.

"But you never got to understand."

"there has never been."

"Eighteen years, you can only bear one burden from beginning to end, one person facing the price."

Tyres was in a deep mood and looked awkward.

Like the lonely hero who is unknown.

Even if he was buried deep underground, he did not hesitate to ignite himself and dispel the darkness in places where there is no light and hope.

Even if he couldn’t stand it, he tried his best to reach out and lift the people who had lost their water to see the sky.

Even if he has passed away, he is still stubborn and persistent, and sticks to his original promise to the past.

No one knows.

No one cares.

There is no end to it.

Never forgive.

[Thank you, brought her greetings. 】

He looked at Sac El seriously and watched the other's nephew tremble slightly.

"The worst thing is that at the end of the day, the penalty knight is still misunderstood, hated, hated, neglected by the people he cares most and cherishes most - misunderstood as traitors, madmen and wicked people by those you most want to guard."

Tyres whispered, and the guards behind him reacted and looked different.

But none of them locked their gaze on Saciel's body.

Saciel breathed awkwardly.

"The story of your life is about others, Sacker, kingdom, guard, brothers and sisters, responsibility, mission... Your shoulders carry everything," Teres said here, a slight meal, hiding in the voice Unbearable exhaustion and sorrow:

"But there is no one else."

Sakuel shook his right hand with his weapon.

Tyres sighed and said:

"Nothing you know is known, no one is grateful."

"You can only sit alone in countless cold nights, silently in the past, the only comfort is only the belief of the heart..."

"Even the final ending and death..."

The voice of Tyres is very light.

"Although you don't care, but..."

Tyres is fascinating:

"It makes me a little sad."

Sackel gasped and panicked, looking incredibly at the boy in front of him.


After a few moments, Tilston slowly said: "You have already carried too much, and should not continue to be misunderstood and hated."

After a few seconds.


Sergey’s trembling and hoarse voice spreads:

"Do you think that you have done something smart? Poor me? How do you influence me? Shake me?"

The penalty knight bowed slightly, his eyes hidden in the darkness under the eyebrows, and he jerked his grip on the axe and clenched his teeth.

"you are wrong."

Sakuel pressed his tone, but couldn’t suppress the tremor caused by pain or because of his mood:

"All that you have done now has no meaning to me."

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the darkness between Sacker's eyebrows.

"But it makes sense to me."

He bowed his head and felt sad and lamented in his tone.

"to us."

Sacuel is a glimpse.

"you guys?"

Tyres nodded and smiled bitterly.

"My family, comet."

A second later, Sackel’s chest began to undulate with the naked eye!

Taylors looked up again:

"If I didn't guess wrong, it was King Eddie who appointed you as the watchman of the Royal Guard."

"It's also him, taking you into the fight of his family and ruining your entire life."

"And King Kaiser is a cold and unfairly imprisoned prisoner, and you have fallen to this day."

Tyres’s eyes were dim and sighed and knocked on his chest:

"As for 18 years later, it is the sudden intrusion of another comet, breaking your silence and reviving your nightmare 18 years ago."

Tyres tried to look at each other with the lightest look:

"The tragedy in you, Saciel, no matter what is right or wrong, right and wrong, is derived from the blood of the most expensive but also the most indifferent kingdom."

At that moment, Saciel remained silent and breathed.

"And the most ironic thing is that even today, you still want to fulfill the duties of the Royal Guard and protect our reputation."

"Although for various reasons, you will not have any complaints about the royal family... but it must be very hard."

The voice of Tells is a bit lonely:

"I think we... the comet family owes you, it is too much."

He saw that Sakuel’s fists were getting tighter and tighter.

But Taylors did not pay attention, but continued to look at the remains of the ground, remembering the scene of the two leaving, the voice is hoarse:

"You know, as a comet, come face to you..."

"I can comfort Naki and Nai as a farewell to the dying;"

"I can give Tarding them forgiveness and talk about their suffering;"

"I can motivate Barney to help him stand up again and face life."

Little Barney, Belletti, Tarding... The people behind the prince looked at him slyly.

"But you, Sackel..."

Tyres deflected his gaze and avoided looking at the Cavaliers. It seemed that he could relax:

"As a privileged prince, I can't change the tragedy of the past. I can't wash the grievances of your body. I can't repeat the old case of the King's King. I can't give you the justice that you deserve. You can't even give a little to the people you cherish. Say the past."

Tyres was not willing to look at the two bodies on the ground, remembering the numerous bones in the cell, and not sadly:

"In the face of so much effort, losing so much, and bearing so many of you, I really don't know what else I can do for you."

"So, if you and I are destined to die here..."

"Then I want to go without a hindrance, whether it is to let go of my own fears, or to apologize to you," Taylors smiled bitterly and ugly, like the last moment of the patient:

"I also want you to be peaceful and peaceful."

Sacuel did not move.

"I don't want others to continue to hate you, don't want you to be alone, and bear the sins that don't belong to you in the dark."

"I want them to understand you - at least try to understand you."

Taylors bowed his head and sighed again with a long breath. He felt like he was going out all the resentment today.

"Compared with this..."

The prince looked up.

This time, the boy’s face was not bitter and hesitant, leaving only a relaxed and relieved smile, facing the crumbling penalty knight:

"My secret is not that important, isn't it?"

In the crowd, the fast rope looked at this look of Taylors.

It is not only him who has this reaction.

Sakuel did not answer and did not act.

Tyres shook his head, hiding the grief inside, and tightening his second smile:

"So, not just me."

Tyres looked directly at Saciel, but turned his head and looked at the rest of the people:

"This is also for them."

"They?" Sacker replied slyly.

This sentence is exported, and the surrounding Guards have their own reactions.

Just listen to the prince calmly and seriously:

"They should know, no matter what their sergeant and watchman are, no matter what the day: Imanu Sakuel has never sold a loyal traitor for his own sake, or a madman who has lost his mind for many years. ""

Tartin sighed and bowed his head, and Cannon bitterly twisted his face, and Bry looked blank.

"They should know that you are still the Sacreel who they believe, admire, and love. It is still the one who insists on his own convictions, guards the sacred duties, and loves his own hands and feet - the penalty knight."

Semir had a contradiction, and Belletti had a sorrow.

"They need to know what you have done for them, know your sacrifice, work hard and struggle - even your most unreasonable move is just to carry out your mission, in order to eliminate terrible disasters."

Barney clutched his injured right arm and bit his lower lip, looking at Saciel's eyes more complicated.

"They need to know that they owe you, and the guards who owe the guards apologize, thank you."

I don’t know when to start, and Sakuel, who buried himself in the dark, has been motionless.

Semir, listening to all this, closed his eyes and turned his head.

Little Barney, who had just stepped out of the darkness, stared at Sac El, with endless sorrow hidden in his eyes.

Other people are not much better.

It is an unspeakable silence.

Tyler chuckled, plain and quiet:

"Sorry, this is the last thing I can do for you."

He stared seriously at Saciel:

"At least, you don't have to be alone in your own, biting your teeth."

"At least, I can let them see the real you, let them understand, let them see the burden you carry - you have suffered too much injustice and misunderstanding, I don't want to let my death become part of it. ""

"At least I hope that after today, the darkness, the darkness that you will struggle with in the future, can be less cruel and cold."

Thales said one sentence, Sackel in front of him just bowed his head deeply and buried his face outside the light.

In the end, I felt a sigh of deep sighs.

He raised his lips and smiled and shook his head:

"So, yes, I am a disaster."

"The conversation is over."

Saciel seems to be stunned, and no one else speaks.

Until Taylors sighed.

"Okay, now," the boy looked at Sakuel in front of his eyes:

"End this."

The silence lasted for almost ten seconds.

Finally, Sackel in the dark slowly lifted the axe.

His hand is very slow, even shaking.

But still lifted up.

Tyres closed his eyes silently.

Waiting for that moment.

And he did not wait too long.


The muffled sound of a metal impact!

"You know, if he is what he said," Xiao Bani’s weak voice sounded:

"Then you are just in vain."

Tyres took a heavy breath and opened his eyes.

On top of his head, Little Barney held the long sword that he had used to commit suicide, against Sacker's axe.

The front arm of the avant-garde who was seriously injured was folded, and the sword was being used with his left arm in his hand. It seemed to be quite difficult.

And Sacreel, who is opposite him, also abolished his left arm and looked like he was evenly matched.

Little Barney looked at the calmer behind the stars and glanced at him:

"You don't have the legendary anti-magic armor, can't you kill him?"

In the corner where no one noticed, the cold sweaty fast rope pulled the clothes subconsciously and tried to cover the bow in his arms.

Sakuel still lowered his head and hid his eyes in the darkness.

He bit his teeth and screamed hard:

"He is not a qualified disaster, there is a record in the secret... He can be stopped before the final step leads to a major disaster."

Tyres raised his mouth and sighed and nodded:

"He may be right."

But Little Barney bluntly returned:

"I didn't ask you, little prince."

Tyres’s face was stiff.

Little Barney turned to face Sackel and shook his head.

"The record in the secret? Is it qualified?"

"So, what if you want to be a disaster?"

Sakuel's axe began to tremble.

His tone is not stable, and he is not getting up at the moment: "This is not a joke!"

"Let's leave, you already know that he is..."

But Little Barney suddenly loudly!


"According to your statement, the first king has already been one!"

Tyres silently looked at Barney's move, biting his teeth and only feeling a chest.

The vanguard officer's arm swelled, and the two sides were intertwined with the sword and the axe in the air.

Saciel is silent.

After he saw Little Barney, Belletti and Tartin did not know when they had been rearmed again and went behind Taylors.

Cannon, Brie is also close behind.

They all looked at him with relief.

The knight's axe blade shook slightly.

"You don't understand..." Sackel's words are full of contradictory emotions:

"The empire... the kingdom cannot fall into the same trap."

Little Barney snorted.

It seems to have changed back to the chief Pioneer of the Guard who looked at Sakuel everywhere.

"I know that even if you have been seriously injured, I still can't stop you," Bunny snorted, struggling to raise the sword again:

"Not to mention myself... I don't have a good place to go."

Little Barney raised his leg and looked at the fire, stepping hard to Sac El, until the two were close to face.

"But, you listen to me, Sackel."

In the darkness, Sackel did not move, and the axe on his hand became tighter and tighter.

Unexpectedly, Little Barney stood in front of him, but suddenly relaxed all expressions and sighed with a sigh.


At that moment, Sakuel, who was ready, was stunned.

"Bani, you..."

I saw Little Barney turning to look at the ground, blunt as if talking to the air:

"I have never been convinced of you, but today, ah..."

Sackel did not speak, only opened his mouth with a slight surprise.

"I have to say that the vision of His Majesty and the old captain is very accurate," said Little Barney, who lost his face and laughed at himself.

"You are a watchman, it is better than me."

Little Barney opened his mouth and tried hard for a long time, finally saying the word:


Sacuel trembled slightly.

"There is that..." Little Barney stared intently at Sakuel's foot and floor tiles, as if he didn't dare to look up.

Little Barney’s left hand was carrying the hilt, hesitating again and again, or twitching.

"thank you."

The next second, his left fist twisted, on Sakuel's right shoulder, he quickly and hesitantly hammered twice.

Hey, hey.

The two fists of the fist touched the shoulders.

At the touch of a finger, such as a little water - no, it is a very poisonous.

Because it seems that he will have his life more than a little.

After doing all this, Little Barney seems to have completed the most difficult task and breathed a sigh of relief.

He fled as if he had escaped, and he ran back to his original confrontation position in three or two steps.

Seeing the mouth of Tyres is light.

"Okay, the debt is paid off."

Little Barney swept away all the tweaked and sly expressions and looked coldly again: "Get started."

But Sakuel stayed where he was, not moving.

The face he left in the dark still couldn’t really see it.

Until another figure crossed the small Barney, heading to Sac El.

Surprisingly, this person actually put directly on Sakuel's right shoulder, extended his left hand, and gently buckled the back of the other side.

"This may be our last hug, sir."

Sakuel's axe blade swayed slightly.

I saw Beletti sticking to Sakuel’s right shoulder, patted his back and choked:

"Sunset, I really miss the penalty wing, when you are under your hand."

At that moment, Sackel's shoulder trembled.

He took a deep breath and exhaled.

The knight’s breathing is getting louder and louder.

"You shouldn't let me be a punishment officer," Belletti smirked, his voice trembled, he turned his head and tried not to look at each other:

"You know... I am awful, I have never done it."

He patted Sackel's back hard, and the latter swayed especially badly.

Belletti closed her eyes and turned back to Barney's side, not seeing Sakuel.

"I'm sorry, sir," Cannon didn't come forward. The scout waited and wept with a chest and bowed: "The year..."

"Sorry, it's us, we messed up everything..."

"It's our fault..."

Sacuel exhaled in pain.

"Hey," Buri, next to Cannon, said that he did not know why:


"Ah, he probably said that he regretted it," Tardin sighed, ignoring the protests of Buri, revealing the last pale smile:

"But...we are tired of you, and we are tired of others, Sakuel."

Tarding looked at the remains of the earth indifferently:

"At least, we can "stay side of the emperor" together, like the thirty fools."

"We will be reunited."

Sackel's axe blade shook more and more.


It is Semir.

"Although I am not a guard."

"But I owe you a thank you, sir," the scolding sword snorted, as if he didn't care, but didn't realize that his attitude was exactly the same as that of Bunny: "Thanks to you, I escaped. ""

For the first time, Sakuel opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he wanted to stop.

Semir sighed and his voice went low:

"And if it wasn't because I fled, you wouldn't have been guilty of solitary confinement."

"In short, I still owe you an apology."

Semir looked away, biting his teeth and closing his eyes:


"I don't have any sense of mission to the Guard, but... this child can't die, so..."

Semir shrugged and didn't say anything.

Sackel did not respond, but the blue veins on his hands were slightly moved.

As the words of Semir fell, the guards sighed with a sigh of relief, as if they had completed a major event.

Sacuel is still silent.

"just now."

Little Barney raised his mouth and looked at Sac El, retorting:

"Let's die."


"and many more……"

A less harmonious sobbing sounded quietly.

"Me too, I am sorry too..."

Tyres turned back and saw the fast rope smearing his eyes and screaming low.


A second later, under the strange eyes of everyone "when you cry", the quick rope that suddenly reacted was a stiff face.

His mournful expression disappeared instantly, subconsciously stepping back, revealing a sneer:

"That, that... atmosphere, atmosphere, atmosphere..."

But this time, no one scolded him, no one looked at him, and no one stopped him.

Instead, Little Barney, Tarding, Belletti... They just turned around, dragging the weakest body, with the deepest consciousness, standing next to Teres, facing Sacker Take their own weapons.

Welcome to their last battle.

I know, I am wrong! This chapter did not finish "rebirth", the number of words is over!

Nothing, there is the next chapter, after twelve o'clock, it will be issued next year.

Happy New Year 2019!

(End of this chapter)

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