Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 467: Rebirth (below)

Chapter 467 Rebirth (below)

Just at this time.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

A long, low-lying, almost mournful long laugh sounded.

Everyone’s eyes are gathered.

Sacuel looked up and stepped forward into the range of the fire.

But also at that moment, everyone was stunned.

I saw the former guard of the Royal Guard, the terrible penalty knight, Sakuel whispered and laughed, and walked.

But this is far from the reason to surprise them.

I don’t know when it’s time, Sakuel, who is hard and hard, is already bursting into tears.

"You are very clever, Your Highness," Sakuel's voice choked and hoarse, his chest shaking, his red eyes staring at Tells:

"Even too smart."

He slowly lifted the axe.

This leaves the rest of the people subconsciously waiting.

"You know that in this gloomy dungeon, there is no luck when I stare at me. So you give up your strength, no longer run away, and no longer use your taboo power, but resort to political skills."

Tyres was slightly surprised.

Saciel’s voice was hoarse, full of despair and sorrow, like the wounded who lost the last hope.

"You know my relationship with these people, so you specifically let them out, let them confront me, observe them, gather intelligence, and look for opportunities in crouching and preparation."

He glanced at the past one by one, watching the eyes of each guard member full of pain and contradictory feelings.

"From the moment of encounter, you seem to be running away, weak and weak, but in fact, the heart is pressing hard."

"From Semir, Barney to Naki, your side-clicking and pushing the waves will make you a little closer to the truth of the year - until you catch my weakness, what I care about."

Sakuel said, looking around and laughing with tears.

"I..." Tyres said, but he found himself unable to speak.


A crackling sound.

Sakuel's axe blade landed.

At this moment, under the eyes of everyone, Saxel finally showed a rare fatigue and old age.

Just like the same, he is still alone, standing on the opposite side of everyone else.

Take a pair of eight.

but now……

Sacuel raised his eyes.

But now...

The figure in front of him was gradually blurred, and he finally focused on the youngest and wretched figure in the forefront.

Sacuel looked at Taylors quietly, and a bitter and sly smile in his tears.

I don't know when to start...

It has become one-on-one.

Sakuel sighed in his heart and took his eyes back from his old colleagues.

They are no longer criminals who have been in prison for a long time or have fled.

It has become the most proud existence.

The kingdom of stars...

Supreme Royal Guard

At this moment, Sackel did not know why he could not restrain the tears in his eyes, and he did not know why he could not fill the hollow in his heart.

He just looked at Taylors in front of him.

If he is not such a taboo...

That's good.

Sakuel's figure swayed in the air and was struggling to stabilize himself.

"You sincerely and ruthlessly ask the truth, push them one by one into a desperate situation, show the nature, and dig out the details that are most worthy of your use."

The more urgent Sachel said, the more he looked desperate.

"Then, like a salvation saint, use your comet's special identity to give them forgiveness and solve their burdens."

"more importantly……"

"You have become the spiritual pillar of their hearts, and they have completely tied themselves to them."

Tyres is bitter in his heart.

He can only resist the expression of people around him.

Sakuel took a deep breath and stared desperately at the now complicated Taylors:

"You are not just a prince who met for the first time."

The penalty knight lost and continued:

"You are the mourner of Naki and Nai, the forgiveness of the perpetrator, the comforter of the prisoner, you are the prince of the comet they recognize, and the noble person who is willing to take risks to uncover misunderstandings for me."

"If I kill you, it will destroy them all - from the body to the spirit."

Sakuel licked his tears and smiled bitterly in the uncontrollable jitter:

"It’s just a matter of course to look at it all, and there’s nothing wrong with it - hahaha."

Tyres sighed:


However, the penalty knight does not give him a chance to speak.

"In the past, when I was still a wicked person, I could not hesitate to beat them apart and kill you."

Sakuel put down his arm and said it with enthusiasm, leaving the rest of the people nervous.

"I can bear their hatred as a wicked person afterwards."

"I can live like that, I can die like that. I have been there for 18 years!"

"eighteen years!"

Sacuel roared in a low voice.

His crumbling body seems to be unable to support anymore, falling backwards and leaning against the wall.

There was a sad silence in the dungeon.

Saciel’s expression slowly became gray.

"But those words, those you just defended for me, you didn't say it to me."

"You mean to listen to them."

Sacuel looked up and looked at each of his colleagues.

Somehow, people who were swept by his eyes had an indescribable tingling sensation.

"You have cleaned up my sins, you let them re-respect me, and more importantly, you put these feelings into weapons that deal with me."

The voice of the penalty knight is bitter, and it sounds like asking.

"Because you know that from this moment on, when I saw from their faces, it was no longer a hatred of traitors, but a apology and respect for the sir..."

Sakuel leaned against the wall and pointed to his chest, pointing to his head again, and his breath was intermittent.

"And you understand that this is my biggest weakness."

Sakuel stared sadly at the axe blade under his feet, opening his mouth and making a painful groan in his throat.

"You know, facing them like this... I can't do it anymore..."

Tyres looked at each other slyly.

Dumb and speechless.

"But why?"

The dying penalty knight took a breath, like regaining energy:

"If you don't reveal it all, if you don't pursue the truth..."

"That maybe..."

At that moment, Sakuel looked at the remains of the ground and looked at the little Barney. His face showed endless sorrow:

"Maybe Naki and Nai will still be alive and breathe."

"And Barney, he still hates me, not his father, not the first king."

Saciel closed his eyes.

Little Barney turned his head and tried not to look at him.

Cannon took a painful breath and also dropped his weapon.

The atmosphere has become quite uncomfortable.

Tyres felt that the heavy pressure on his chest had never been seen before. If he didn't say anything, he would explode.

"I am sorry, about Naki and Nai, I..."

But when the boy finished speaking, he was interrupted again.

I saw Sakuel clasping his head with one hand and twisting his cheeks painfully:

"I don't know, I really don't know, what you said to them, comforted them, including those words that are willing to reveal their identity to me, and even reveal all the self-exposed identities. The truth, or the hypocrisy of ulterior motives?"

"Whether we are the right person for you, or is it a chess piece that can be used?"

“Are you trying to save them or save yourself?”

Taylors stunned.

Sincere, hypocritical?

Live people, chess pieces?

Save others and save yourself?

Tyres was out for a while.

"Maybe," the teenager does not know why, there is a sense of desolateness:

"Maybe there is a point."

Sachuel’s wheezing became more intense.

Just like he is sick again.

"Ha ha ha, lurking in the dark, testing weaknesses, and finally hitting the key, a fatal blow," the penalty knight's laughter is getting faster and faster:

"The most frightening thing is that I already know your means, but still can't fight back!"

Saciel’s voice is mournful.

"I don't have the talent of Lord Hansen, even if your words are true or false."



Taylors looked at him contradictoryly.

He spoke a few times, but in the end he could only swear:

"A long time ago, I heard a word from a one-eyed guy."

Taylor sighed:

"If it is good for the stars, what is true and false?"

Sacuel was slightly shocked and stopped for a few seconds.

But soon, his tearful face was twisted.

“Is it good for the stars?”

"Stars... Stars... Hahahaha..."

Sakuel talked to himself almost in madness.

Tyres was silent for a while, but still opened:

"In fact, I didn't think so much, I just thought..."


Tyres opened his mouth and found that he couldn’t say anything.

at this time.

"You guys are all the same, aren't you?" Sackel let go, tears and hate.

Tyres is stunned:


Sacuel is another strange chuckle:

"In that year, he did the same."

"He looks at me like you, sincerely and calmly, revealing the truth without any cover, acknowledging his purpose without hesitation, even acknowledging his hypocrisy, acknowledging his apologies, his 'have' ""

This time, the penalty knight looked at one direction and slowly extended his fingers.

"Look, he is sitting there, smiling with sincerity and innocence, let me choose."

"Like this is the case."

Taylor looked at the direction he pointed.

Only see a dark void.

He looked back worriedly and found that the surrounding guards looked at the mad Sacreel with sorrow and looked sad.

"Make the true feelings and hypocrisy together, and engrave the board that others have to go..."

At this moment, Sakuel is like a depressing old man, no longer a former warrior.

This made Taylor's heart hurt.

Saciel’s voice gradually faded down, bringing out a heartbreaking rhythm: “I hate you, but I hate that I don’t hate you, I hate that I can’t hate you...”

"The comet..."

"You are all cruel."


Tyres closed his eyes tightly.

"I am sorry," he said hard.

The next moment, the penalty knight suddenly roared!


Sacuel squatted on the ground in pain and stared at his forehead.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness!"


The snoring sounds dumb, but it is even more heartbreaking.

Taylors wanted to go forward, but he was pulled by Belletti behind him.

Little Barney shook his head at him.

Sakuel’s mourning lasted for a few seconds and it weakened.

But in the next second, he looked at Taylors with sorrow.


This time, Sackel’s words are simple.

"Let's go, Your Highness, leave."

He glared at his head, and the whole man curled up in front of the wall, his tone almost pleading.

"Forever, never go back here again."

"Just as you... never seen... I have seen me."

Tyres stared at the penalty knight.

He is safe.


This is not what he wants.

He looked almost collapsed, and Sacreel, who was still hysterical at the moment, was upset.


Tyres took a deep breath and clenched his fist:

" can come with us."

"Leaving the bones of the bones, maybe you can't go back to the kingdom, but at least..."

Unexpectedly, Sakuel suddenly burst into anger and roared out of nowhere!


Tyres frightened a big jump until Belletti held his shoulder.

Sakuel returned to his original place, his voice was low, and he was almost pleading.

"Before I lose control... go."

"I beg you."


Tyres looked at him and silenced for a few seconds until the little Barney behind him coughed.

"I understand."

Tyres sighed and turned and walked away.


He said to himself.

But somehow, his heart is not happy.

Only a touch of grief.

"Wait a minute."

Everyone turned their eyes.

Semir looked at Sackel's direction, screaming:

"Sackel, are you going to stay in the bones of the bones, is the rest of the life here?"

The penalty knight did not answer.

Semir frowned.

"Well, you like it here, despite your own self-destruction."

"But before that, you have to tell me," Semir gritted his teeth: "Who is this?"

"Thirty years ago, who was the comet with the intention to marry?"

This sensitive issue has made everyone nervous again.

But Sackel just sneered and shook his head nervously.

"Not important."

"No longer... important."

Semir’s brows are getting tighter and tighter, obviously not reconciled, he is moving forward.


But the other hand held him down.

"He is right, Semir."

Little Barney spit out a sigh of relief with a dislike of the past and lies:

"No matter who did it... the results have not changed."

Semir was silent for a while.

In the end, he roared and opened the arms of Little Barney, no longer looking at Saciel.

"Good, then we are..." Little Barney sighed.

But when the people were relieved, Tyres spit out a long breath, made up his mind, and suddenly turned and walked back!

He turned to Saciel again without hesitation.

Only one small arm that can be used with a single arm can't catch it, and it changes color.

"His Royal Highness!" Belletti is more subconsciously blocking Gates.

But Taylors raised his hand calmly and stopped everyone's actions.

"I know what I'm doing."

I saw the young man exhaling a breath, slowly walked to the head and kept shaking, and snorted in front of Sac El, squatting down.

"Do you know, Cavaliers," Taylors showed a friendly and sad smile:

"On my journey, there was a period of the most desperate darkness."

Sackel's shaking stopped.

He put his arm down and looked at the boy in a confused and confused way.

"At that time, there was a lonely and selfless behind-the-scenes hero who gave me the most generous and sincere blessing."

The next moment, Tyres made a move that made everyone horrified.

He reached out and gently caught Sacker's head.

"And now, in the name of Tells Comet," Tyres used his most peaceful and soft voice to speak the most sincere words:

"I will convey his blessing to you."


Sackel seemed to be stunned, and he stared at Tyres, motionless.

I saw that Taylors leaned forward and leaned on the knight's forehead.

"May the darkness cleanse your soul, and the torch will guide you."

Tyre's voice is hoarse, but inexplicably with a sense of emptiness, let the onlookers unconsciously eliminate the anxious mood:

"Lonely watchman, Saciel."

Tyres closed his eyes and used his forehead to lean on the other ugly brand:

"May you... never get lost."

At the moment of the touch, Sacuel was trembled.

Tyres’s mood is extremely calm.

After doing all this, he has a feeling that he has become different.



He suddenly heard that the people behind him screamed in unison.

But Taylor did not care, he knew they were worried, but he also knew that he is safe now.

"this is……"

However, at the invisible angle of Tyres, the fast rope opened his mouth.

He looked at the faint silver light from Teres, and he was surprised to step back and hit Tarding!

Barney looked shocked at this extraordinary light, exchanged his eyes with Belletti, and was scared and poor.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the confused Taylors opened his eyes and stood up.

He discovered that he did not know when, the guards behind him all widened their eyes and stared at him.


Taylors was puzzled for a while.

The teenager cast a questioning eye on people like petrified: "What's wrong?"

"That, you just..."

I saw the fast rope exaggeratedly licking his mouth, incoherent, pointing at the arms of Taylors: "God, moon, harvest, animal husbandry, desert god..."

"Is this the legend... the royal family, the one, the gold, the light, the sparkling, the sparkling--"

The next second, he was covered in his mouth by Tardin.

"Nothing, Your Highness."

Tartin respectfully:

"He is just, a little excited."

In the unrelenting hand of Tartin, the fast rope that cried out immediately nodded from the goodness.

Tyres shook his head inexplicably.

But he knows that it is not the time to pursue it.

With a full of pain, he turned his head tiredly, and saw Sakuel, who was covered in wounds, sitting sullenly, looking at himself in disbelief, silent.

But at least...

Tyres silently thought:

The crisis has been solved.

Taylor stared at him for a while and finally sighed.

The prince took a step and walked to other people. Little Barney and Belletti tacitly let the road open, then Semir, Tardin, Cannon and Buri.

The fast rope stood in the same place and was pulled away by Tarding.

Tyres step by step, walked through the path that they were convinced, and suddenly had the illusion of walking in the Fuxing Palace.

He laughed at himself and laughed.

I don't know why, he feels that these people's attitudes are not the same.

There was more respect than when I first met, but I was less kind than after forgiving and comforting them.

Tyres didn't think too much. He walked through the passages that people gave up and walked over to the remains of Naki and Nai.

"Their remains, what are you going to do?"

Little Barnetton paused and his face was sad.

“One day,” he whispered carefully:

"We will come back and get back the bones of everyone."

Tyres nodded.

The **** years of these people.

That's it.

The teenager sighed and held his back and leaned down, picking up the green spar "key" on the ground.

The key to the bones of the bones.

"So," Thales grinned at the waist, probably the muscle strain, and looked at the people in front of him:

"Ready to be released from prison?"

Everyone looks to Little Barney.

Barney was silent for a little while, taking his eyes back from the remains of the earth.

He silently picked up the sword and walked to Beletti, letting the latter hold his body.

For the last time, Cannon sorted out the remains of Naki and Nai, sobbing and nodding.

Buri kissed the forehead of the deceased and stood up.

Tartin loosened the fast rope and sorted out his sword.

The fast rope showed off his white teeth, holding time, and compared to Tyre's exaggerated gesture of "you are awesome."

Semir silently pulled up the silver-blade sword from the ground and walked to the crowd.

The wounded soldiers were silently assembled.

Little Barney looked around and snorted and nodded to Tyres:

"at any time."

Tyres raised his mouth and his eyes suddenly condensed.

"Oh, the last thing."

"When you are still there..."

The prince turned and rubbed the key in his hand and looked at every member of the Guardian, Scarred Guard, thoughtfully:

"Thran Lantana."

"Do you have an impression of this name?"

Everyone is at a glance.

Tyres swept through everyone's expression.

He did not find an abnormality.

The teenager frowned and asked:

"I mean, 18 years ago, especially before the **** year?"

Others face each other, but none of them look blank.

In the end, Belletti asked questioningly: ""

"Who is that?"

Tyres looked at their expressions and could only sigh with disappointment.

"My mother," he shook his head, eventually giving up the intention to look for witnesses many years ago:

"It is said to be."

Everyone looked at each other.

"It doesn't matter, I just try to ask."

"But since you don't know..."

Without any drag, Tyres went straight to Semir, raised the key in his hand, and took the most complicated and strange feeling. The last time he looked at this ancient but lonely dark dungeon: "Come on, find your secret exit. ""

"We are in this broken dungeon... already enough."

Semir reached out but did not take the key immediately.

"Are you sure you want to go out?"

Tyres slightly:

"What do you mean?"

Semir shook his head:

"I don't know your ability, but if the disaster is outside, it will be leaked through us..."

Semir’s eyes are cold:

"Whether you are a prince or not, more people want you to die."


Belletti looked at Sakuel, who was sitting in the shadow corner on the other side, and said sternly: "Don't forget, Your Royal Highness saved your life... the life of all of us."

Semir snorted.

Taylor looked at him and looked at the people around him.

From their eyes, he saw not only the respect for the prince, but also the fear and awe of the unknown.

Of course, there is only one person who is heartless.

Tyres smiled.

"Yeah, if my identity is exposed, it is more people want my life."

The prince said indifferently: "But you don't want it."

"This is enough."

At that moment, Semir was in awe.

His eyes stayed on Tyres for a long time.

Several pairs of eyes made a slight movement.

Tyres snorted and shook his hand.

"And we really should go."

Semir looked at the keys in the hands of Tyres and looked at him again.


"time to go."

Semir nodded coldly, but took back his hand and ignored the key.

Under the doubtful eyes of Tells, I saw that Semir walked ten steps and went to an inconspicuous corner. She first opened a brick with a long sword, then leaned down and reached out and pulled something inside.

"Semir? Key?"

When everyone can't figure it out, change has taken place.


The slight vibrations from the ground, as well as the dust and dust from the top of the head, let the stars stunned!

"This is what --"

Little Barney’s words have not been finished, and Tyres, who reaches his mouth and nose, finds the key.

I saw that in the constant dust, the place where the ceiling in front of them was connected to the wall, suddenly there was a dim hole!


In the suspicions of the people, the vibration continued, and the area of ​​the head opening was still expanding.

It looks like the wall tiles that are connected to the ceiling on the wall are receding one by one, slowly revealing the spacious rectangular opening.

What's even more amazing is that the wall tiles are like the agreed ones. They exit different distances from top to bottom. When they retreat to the end, they form a step-by-step stone ladder. From the ground to the ceiling, there are eighty-nine people. Wide, leading to the dark, unknown hole.

The cold wind continually poured in from the ever-expanding hole, and it provoked a slap in the face.

Ten seconds passed.

When the vibrations were completely dissipated and the holes at the top of the head were completely revealed, everyone was already stunned.

this is……

Tyres looked at the stone ladder that seemed to be automatically retreating back and stepping up.

"I know, it's shocking, right?" Semir stood on the edge of the new stone ladder and sighed: "The miracles of the wizards."

"When I first saw it, it was like you."

Tyres took a deep breath and recovered, trying to convince himself not to be so shocked.

The teenager is taking a step:

"Okay, then we will..."

Tyres has a tight hand.

and many more.

For a moment, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.


Taylor looked at Semir standing on the edge of the stone ladder.

"If you didn't find it, you opened the exit directly? Do you know its location?"

The prince's question caught the attention of most people.

Semir snorted:

"I always knew."

Taylors stunned.

He tried to adjust his breathing and raised his crystal green key in his hand:

"Then why are you... no need for a key?"

The question of Tyres made everyone feel wrong, and Barney was even more discolored.

Semir snorted and turned to them, facing away from the hole and the stone ladder.

"Because this exit was opened an hour ago," Semir said blankly:

"Before the key falls on your hand."

Tyres’s brain was dizzy, and he tried to understand the strange logic here.

As a door to export, has it been opened?

Before falling to my hand?

Wait, where did I get the key that claims to open the bones of the bones?

That is……

Thinking of this, Tyres couldn't help but look white.

Semir looked at the darkness in the hole and frowned slightly:

"They seem to be a little late and need some reminders..."

Semir grabbed the silver-blade sword on his hand and tapped a few times on the stone bricks. The blade suddenly made a crisp squeak and spread in the darkness behind the hole.


At that moment, Little Barney and Belletti were discolored!


Semir turned his head and said nothing.

But very soon, there were unusual changes in the field.



In the darkness of the hole, mysterious footsteps came.

Passed into Tyre's ear.

Just behind Semir.

Little Barney subconsciously took a step and formed a two-person formation with Belletti, keeping the suspected Tyles behind him, facing Semir, who was not quite right.

Step, step, step...

Plural footsteps.

More and more footsteps, from weak to strong, from small to large, from far and near.

It is faintly audible and becomes legible.

Everyone is nervous!

"Semir, what have you done?" Little Barney looked at his old colleagues incredulously.

But Semir just looked at him coldly.

Step, step, step...

Finally, a pair of sand boots appeared at the top of the stone ladder, with a leisurely rhythm, out of the darkness, step by step.

"Good job, Semir."

A stranger, a stranger who almost forgot, but immediately remembered the sound of the moment, came from above the boots:

"Wait for so long, I almost thought you were hanging."

This voice is calm, but cold and indifferent.

Semir snorted and did not answer.

Little Barney and others looked at each other in confusion and did not get an answer.

But they noticed that Prince Teres suddenly became ugly and shocked.


"So, all our troubles..."

The pair of sand boots slowly fell down the stone ladder, gradually revealing the shape of their masters.

The calm voice continued to ring:

"The Shadow Shield, the Northland, the Secret, your prisoner friend, including the **** mask..."

"Is it almost killing each other?"

Semir nodded, ignoring the doubts and disappointments of others.

"Of course, basically all the injuries here are no longer a threat," Semir swept a circle of his guards and robes, cold and cold:

"But Sonny didn't survive."

The owner of the sand boots has a slight meal:

"Oh, unfortunately."

"But we will remember him."

Bunny held the sword with one arm and raised the alert to the highest. Belletti held the flank of Taylors, and the others seriously re-arranged.

Buters has been completely deadlocked.


The owner of the sand boots finally stepped on the stone ladder and revealed the whole picture in the fire.

"no no."

Tyres stared at the people:

"I saw it with my own eyes, you obviously, obviously nailed..."

The person wearing the sand boots slowly sighed and didn't seem to be happy:

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

He is like a librarian who explains the library rules to people innumerable times, but still encounters irregularities every day. The lines between the words are full of laziness and intolerance:

"You saw it with your own eyes: I am dead."

In the midst of a horror of the guards, Tyres glared at the man who should not be here.


"So guess it, Prince Teres."

The person calmly opened his arms, with a courtesy smile as before, and showed his intact neck and chin to Thales:

"What kind of existence is in the world..."

The comers paused and seemed to enjoy the reaction of Taylors:

"It’s not dead..."

He chuckled and continued in succession:

“Every time reborn?”

The laughter of the coming person seems to bring the magic to the deepest fear in the heart of Taylor.

Killing is not dead.

Reborn every degree.

Tyres looked stiffly at the other side of the stone ladder and felt that his mind had to stop.

In this world, the existence of killing is not dead...

That is……

That is……

"By the way, thank you for helping me keep the eternal truth."

In the close-knit horror of Tyres, the comer calmly and politely took over the silver-blade sword that Semir handed him.

It is Ricky.

Thales said to himself in amazement.

It's him.

The man who should have died under Joel's sword for a long time, the mercenary head of the blood whistle, the Krassu of the scourge of the sword, the Ricky, who was always in a hurry, stood on the stone ladder and lightly showed the streamlined blade. The two lines are inscribed.

Step, step, step...

More and more footsteps came from above.

The prisoners of the Royal Guard have changed color.

I saw behind Ricky, Cray, Josh, countless swords that had disappeared into the field of vision before, and they stepped down the wide stone ladder. They were armed and coldly watching the group in front of them. It is already a wounded and devastated soldier.

"But I remember, you didn't read the inscription above."

Ricky snorted and shook his head slowly.

"My generation, I am struggling."

Looking at the stunned Tyles, like Ricky, who was born again after his death, flashed in the cold, and in the most soothing tone, he said the inscription on the sword:

"Truth, eternal will not die."

New Year first, I wish everyone can grow up one year old!

(End of this chapter)

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