Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 472: Simple and cute

Chapter 472 is simple and cute

In an agitated atmosphere, Saciel stared at Ricky with a sigh of relief: "But this has never been confirmed."

Ricky was silent for a while.

"Oh, interesting."

Ricky looked at the eyes of the penalty knight and smiled:

"Which king?"

Before the other party’s meaningful gaze, Sackel decisively shook his head:

"I can't say."

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief.

In the tremor of the floor, Ricky suddenly turned back and seemed to have a deep glance at Taylors.

The latter was shocked.

But Ricky eventually turned his eyes and responded to the words of the penalty knight.

"Watching people, how much do you know about demons?"

"How much do you know about me?"

Sakuel snorted.

"Come, tell me, tell your prince too." Ricky laughed.

Sackel grotesquely like Tyres.

"In the stars, the long-standing dealings with your existence are the Temple of the Sun and the Secrets of the Kingdom."

Tyres is slightly moving.

"According to the saying of the Temple of the Sun, you can't invade the world with your true body. You can only attach yourself to the human body, use the present body as a container, or you can confuse the spirit. You can only speak through the mouth of your followers," Sacker Erzi carefully looked at Ricky:

"But in any case, your current appearance is just an illusion, your roots are in hell. This is why you have been fatally wounded but have not died."

Attached... confused...

Tyres endured the horror of his heart and digested new knowledge.

Ricky stroked his chin and raised his eyebrows.

"Interesting," the leader of the Sword of Disaster, nodded. "Is there?"

Saciel was silent for a while.

"According to the record of the Peruvian, in addition to consciousness, you can still pass the 'pollution' to the world," Sacker stared at the injured part of Ricky, biting his teeth:

"The flesh and blood that you are polluted have abnormal activities that cannot be explained by common sense. You live in every inch of your body, and every spirit, unless you encounter natural enemies, you will not be born again, and will never die."


What Taylors thought of, could not help but face a white.

"The natural enemy?" Ricky's interest seems to be caught by this new word.

Sakuel still looks at Ricky's expression.

"The weapons that are prayed by the priests in the great shrines, with the power of the gods, can cause irreparable harm to you." Sakuel whispered:

"This is called "the illusion of God."

Temple of God.

Taylors remembered several intersections with the setting sun and the temple of the moon, but they were all unpleasant memories.

"But you must have a purpose, aren't you?"

Saciel stares at Ricky:

"The "The Bible of the Sun" says that the devil is in the world and will be in demand."

"So, you come from **** and want to ask the truth about the Broken Dragon... What is it for?"

Ricky gave birth to a glimpse.

After a second.

"Hey," Ricky bent his mouth and finally couldn't help but laugh:

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Taylors and Sackel looked at him questioned or coldly.

Ricky finally smiled enough.

He raised his eyes and said the mystery: "So, your understanding of the gods and demons, the kingdom of heaven and hell, is from the support of the comet to the king, and thus to the temple of the Orthodox Church of the Sun, right?"

Tyre nerves are tight.

Sacker licked his lips and said nothing.

I saw Ricky leaning back on the stone platform, which seemed quite pleasant:

"You know that before the division of the Church of the Ming Dynasty, the most primitive and unmodified "Sacred Divine" will tell you that there is no distance between the heavens and the earth, the sun and the prison river, and the other is the source of all things. Vitality, one is the end of all things, burying death, the two coexist equally, everything is natural and has its own rules."

"Sacred Divine".

In the heart of Tyres, Selma once told him about the boring creation myths in these religions.

"But in the Age of Empires, the most powerful Saints in the church, and the "Holy Day to Training" they regarded as the standard, began to say that the sun is beautiful, sacred, and benevolent. Only believe in the gods, especially the Holy Day, Those who are blessed by God can only ascend to heaven after death, and enter the kingdom of God without being tortured."

Ricky's eyes are cold:

"On the contrary, the prison river is horrible. The terrible, cruel, sinful soul will pass through the prison river and fall into the **** under the control of the demon. It will suffer forever."

"Since then, the Orthodox Holy Day in the Church of the Ming dynasty began to take power, in order to win the favor of their Lord God, to prove that the Holy Day is the "Ming God's successor" and compete for performance. Responding to the right to fight for power, reopening the referee, suppressing foreigners and persecuting the infidels."

Ricky snorted:

"And ironically, today, when the Holy Day declines and splits, look at the "Day of the Sun" and "The Bible of the Sun", they began to argue, has become the sun in different periods of the day, what is more sacred? Is the sunset a blood relative or a couple?"

Ricky sneered and sneered:

"Ha ha."

Ricky straightened up and stared at Sakuel coldly:

"And you tell these churches that this era has changed every time, every version is distorted once..."

"As the truth?"

Sakuel 狠狠 frowned.

"So what is the truth?"

The penalty knight has unconsciously increased the volume:

"What do you want to do?"

But Ricky suddenly raised an index finger and stopped Sackel's words.

"You just said that a certain king in the history of the stars, is it?"

Ricky's face showed a mysterious smile, letting Tyres shudder, remembering the blackness of the former.

"Coincident, I also have a story of a king."

Tyres and Sacker looked at each other and glimpsed together.

"It is said that a long time ago, there was a great king in the world during the eternal kingdoms of the sky."

"He has a good reputation and is wise."

Ricky's tone mixed with the low-low bang of the sole of the foot, and it was even more strange in the empty and dark space.

"One day, a demon stopped the king's way. It said: 'The wise king, please accept my help, I will help you to conquer the world and discern the loyalty."

Ricky smiles:

"How wise the king is, he is unmoved: ‘Devil, I know your trick, you want to destroy my kingdom.’”

"The devil is angry and attacks the king, but the power of the king is strong and the army is strong. The wisdom and strategy of the king are deep like the sea. Soon, the devil and its minions are defeated and jailed."

Ricky's tone became more and more embarrassing, and Tyre's heart was unconsciously tightened.

"The devil is trembling with trepidation and pleading in prison: "I beg you, great king, I can provide you with more powerful power, otherwise you can't conquer the world."

Ricky picked up his mouth and looked at Tells, letting the latter feel like:

"'I can conquer the world, I don't need your weak help, 'The king refuses it wisely, 'Devil, I know your trick, you want to destroy my kingdom, but in front of my strength, you are nothing at all. .'"

"The king scuttles the world, but his martial arts are everywhere, the sorrows and sorrows are everywhere, the army is everywhere, and the blood is everywhere. Soon everyone is beginning to oppose his conquest."

"When the king remembered the devil, he was so anxious, so he came to prison and tortured the devil."

Ricky took a breath and his words continued:

"The devil is trembling with trepidation and pleading in prison: "I beg you, don't torture me, I can provide you with more wise advice, otherwise you can't discern loyalty."

Saciel’s eyes solidified.

"'I can discern my loyalty, I don't need your stupid advice, 'The king refuses it wisely,' Devil, I know your trick, you want to destroy my kingdom, but in front of my wisdom, you It’s just stupid like a pig.'”

"The king returned to the dynasty and used his means. He suppressed the voice of opposition and regained the support of the war. But one day, the general who was loyal to him went after the expedition and betrayed the king."

"The king remembered the devil's words and regretted it, so he came to the prison and asked the devil."

Thales felt the direction of this story and frowned.

"‘Damn Demon, come on, I will accept your help!’ The King is angry.”

In the next second, Ricky looked up and flashed a glimmer of yellow light in the left eye that had returned to normal:

"But I have destroyed your kingdom." The devil said with a smile, disappeared.

"And the monarch can only fall on the ground with powerlessness until the rebels break his royal palace and destroy his kingdom."

Ricky finished his story and looked at Taylors, leaving a few smirk.

This makes the teenager especially chilling.

This is like a fairy tale story...

"Oh," but Sackel did not buy it:

"It sounds like a stunned king who is a curse to the country and the people. He is shackled and attached to the devil's head."

Ricky shook his head in disapproval and did not mean to be offended.

"You know, annihilating the servants of the monarchs, they are the most delicate and extravagant, prefer to confuse the emperor, and possess the power of the high gate, witnessing death and chaos between the whispers and whispers behind the scenes. In most cases, where are they, where are they? There is war."

"And the believers of the infinite monarchs, they are a group of fans, the favorite actors are the faithful believers in the great shrines. Oh, they will never lose sight of these actors on the stage of life, under their guidance, the belief collapses, and finally Betraying the drama of the gods."

Ricky seems to be casually talking about a few terms that Tyres has never heard of.

Destroy the monarch.

Infinite monarch.

Saciel finally looked solemn and looked at Ricky with dignity:

"So you don't belong to the above two monarchs, but the minions of the other five."

Ricky laughed and laughed.

"Yeah, hell, there are seven heavy, so there are only seven monarchs who dominate Hell, isn't it?"

Ricky perfunctory:

"Let me guess, where did you hear it? The Temple of the Fall? The Secret of the Kingdom?"

He immediately shook his head:

"Oh, mortal."

Listening to their conversation, Tyres stunned his eyes.

Yes, when he was in Longyan City, he also read many religious works, but hell, but the devil...

"But do you know that the dead monarch has a group of the most daring darlings who like to pollute powerful fighters and determined soldiers because they can taste blood and violence as quickly as possible."

Ricky looked at Sac El, with a smile:

"Like you."

At that moment, the penalty knight.

But Ricky continues:

"They like to torture people's will, challenge people's limits, and enjoy human suffering."

"For example, they will show the infinite illusion of prisoners who have been imprisoned for many years, and the most missed past, even the most unrelenting people."

"They will evoke the greatest regrets in his heart, the most intense pain, the worst nightmare, and let them think they are crazy."

With the temptation of Ricky, Sackel was completely frozen.

Just listen to Ricky deliberately:

"But they can confuse his mind unconsciously, distort his mind, and add a last straw to a already loose taboo belief, thus leading his behavior after he is released from prison."

"And this kind of insincereness, but the soldiers who can drive countless bloody, is the favorite of the dead lords..."

"Enough!" Taylors interrupted Ricky's words.

The prince looked at Sak's look and angered Ricky:

"Don't stop!"

Sakuel took a deep breath and returned to reality.

"Of course, the devil is nonsense," Ricky seems to have not been angered by the rudeness of Thales. He just returned to his own stone platform, faintly said:

"The king also thought so."

Telston is a slogan.

"Be careful, Your Highness, don't speculate about what the demons want to do, don't think they can be smarter than the devil, don't think they can be stronger than the devil," Ricky looked coldly at the distant wall and gradually fell:

"Because when you ask for export..."

Ricky turned his head, a pair of icy eyes looking straight at Tells:

"It has been successful."

Sakuel on the side was silent.

Taylor looked at his eyes and said nothing.

"The devil is forever," Ricky laughed and laughed:

"Just the devil is not talking."

“The gods know,” Ricky whispered, adding coldly:

"But the gods don't say anything."

The devil is forever, but the devil does not speak.

The gods know, but the gods do not say anything.

The prince felt the deep meaning of this sentence, only that the back had an inexplicable coolness.

Taylors was silent for a while, only to feel that Ricky was suppressed from the momentum to the scene.

But what he remembered.

"If you guys... if they are so terrible," the teenager reopened, attracting the attention of both:

"Then why are you so responsive to the name of the 'truth brothers'?"

Sure enough, at the moment of the export, Ricky’s arm trembled slightly.

He stared at Taylors intricately.

"I have heard of it," said Tyres, daringly continuing his scalp:

"A disaster, a magician."

"They killed the gods, launched the end of the battle, and brought in the demons in hell."

At that moment, even Sacker frowned.

Tyres took a deep breath and asked the biggest question in his heart:

"So you come here today, you have to ask the world... I mean the bottom of the dragon, and ask the relationship between the legendary anti-magic armed forces and the double emperor, is it related to this?"

"Your goal is like the Queen of Magic - disaster?"

Ricky has been silent for a long time.

In a matter of seconds, Taylors only heard the rumbling of the platform's rising friction and the whispers of the mercenaries in the distance.

Finally, Ricky spoke in his lightest and most mysterious tone:

"The disaster has killed the gods?"

"Is this probably a mage, or is this a master's note telling you?"


Tyres’ eyes were condensed.

The blue figure appeared in front of his eyes.


Ricky shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Taylors wondered.

Krassu, who saw the sword of the disaster, turned his head and looked at Tyres with a complicated and subtle look:

"You are really simple... cute."

Taylors stunned.

"What do you mean?"

Ricky didn't answer immediately, he just looked at Taylors very deeply for a while.

"How do you kill a person?"

Tyres is stunned.

Ricky sneered and nodded, looking at the opposite Sacker:

"Oh, yes, smash his heart and wait until he stops breathing and loses his life."

"But if I am alive, start breathing again... Oh, sorry, you didn't kill me."

Ricky smiled more cheerfully and pointed to his neck.

Saciel’s staring at Ricky’s eyes is also getting heavier.

But Ricky’s next sentence made Taylors even more puzzled:

"So, how do you kill my sword?"

A glimpse of Tyres:


Ricky touched his "eternal truth" and smiled:

"In order to kill my sword, you also take down the sword's hilt and wait until the sword stops breathing and loses life?"

Thales blinked and said that he was puzzled.

"Do not."

Ricky shook his head mysteriously and pointed to his silver blade sword:

"Because the sword has no life, you can't kill a sword."

Taylors is stunned.

"So, again, how do you kill a book, kill a dream, kill an oath, kill a spirit?"

Ricky’s eyes are getting colder and colder:

"How do you kill these abstractions without life, and there is no such thing as the boundary between life and death?"

Observing the prince's expression, it seems that he enjoyed the thrill of Ricky on the face of Thales.

"Now, dear, answer my next question."

Tyres took a deep breath and suddenly understood what he meant.

"Even if you have more powerful power..."

I saw Ricky looking at the deep ceiling, as if his eyes could penetrate through it, reaching the endless starry sky above his head:

"But how do you ‘kill’ and die...”


Tyres breathed awkwardly.

He couldn't help but start thinking about what Eshida had told him.

[Beyond the gods, overlooking all beings...]

"Although I am not willing to be cute, but dear..."

I don't know when it started, Ricky changed his name:

"It's time to lift your eyes from the lie - whether it's the temple and the church, or the magic tower and the wizards made up..."

Ricky eye flashes in the eye:

"The self-righteous lies."

(End of this chapter)

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