Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 473: Destiny Gemini

Chapter 473 Destiny Gemini


In the roar of the platform, Tyres slammed for three seconds.

In those three seconds, looking at Ricky, who was pointed out under the fire, Tyres’s mind flashed many scenes that met face-to-face with the "predecessors" of the past:

Aishida's calm and elegant.

[Not only me, every magician in the world can use their methods, in an instant, between the palms of the hand, to easily destroy the world. 】

Giza's horror smile.

[You are going further and further on the unfortunate road... Magician, this is not a gift or a blessing... It is a curse and a bad luck. 】

The mysterious figure of Toros.

[Keep in mind, child, keep yourself... even if you feel that you have controlled it... you can't take it lightly. 】

The rising platform shook a little and awakened the fascinating Taylor.

"So what do you mean?"

The horrified Tyres hurriedly asked:

"The magician did not kill the gods? Is that a lie that they made up themselves? Or are they themselves cheated?"

But Ricky is just a sneer.

Saciel was on the side, watching them deep and silent.

Thales is not reconciled:

"Is it still said that the disasters have never surpassed the gods, and the power of the gods is far above the magician? Extremely powerful?"

Ricky said nothing, he just closed his eyes gently, as if chewing on the eagerness and confusion of this moment on the face of Thales.

"Ha ha..."

In Saciel's thoughtful look and Tyre's questioning eyes, Ricky's shoulders shook and released his uncontrollable laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Ricky looked up in his long smile and looked at Taylors who couldn’t catch his smile:

"Kill, surpass, go above, be strong?"

"Look at these words you chose."

At that moment, Ricky's smile slowly melted away, his eyes were so fierce, it was like stabbing into the eyes of Taylors.

“The understanding of mortals is always poor and narrow,” Ricky said slowly. “But it always thinks it is not knowing.”

"Like you now, dear."

Taylors stunned.

"I don't understand." The teenager subconsciously said.

Ricky turned his head to himself:

“Talking about two related objects, you always imagine having a chessboard, right?”


Tyres is another fog.

Ricky slowly raised his hands and slowly squeezed into a fist in the air, during which the joints were heard:

"The two parties involved are then placed at the ends of the board in your delusions, starting a game, obeying the rules that have been fabricated by you, and playing against each other to decide whether to win or lose, to be high and low, 孰Strong and weak?"

He looked at his fists and his voice was full of ridicule and disdain.

Tyres frowned. "You mean the gods, and the disaster?"

Maybe there is...


Tyres sneaked a sneak peek at Ricky.

Ricky snorted and he looked at Tyres, and the fists slowly approached in the air, gently touching each other.

"You seem like a stupid boy who doesn't know how to think and just nods. He sings a mythical singer and two characters in a historical drama to discuss who is more powerful. The standard is 'Look at A. B. Who can lift his door and go left and turn left into the gutter in the gutter under the second corner. The big, stinky and hard stone.'

The tone of his words is still so disdainful.

Thales squatted for a second, then shook his head in desperation, as if trying to empty his overwhelmed brain.

"Wait, etc... Can you stop using the metaphor?"

Taylors is annoyed:

"I was already confused enough, I really can't stand this."

The prince was frustrated.

Ricky just put down his fists and narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

But Sakuel, who has been silent, has interrupted at this time:

"What you mean is that we think that both sides of the game can follow the same rules for comparison. In fact, one of the chess players can ignore the rules we want and directly cross the board and eat the opponent's pieces?"

Saciel stared at Ricky, and the watched Taylor was a slight glimpse, thoughtful.

Ignore the rules we think?

He means……

This time, Ricky finally put away the banter and looked at Sakuel seriously.

"No, I mean..."

The devil and the penalty knight looked at each other for a few seconds and finally whispered:

"The two sides of the game, perhaps from the beginning, should not be placed on both sides of the board."

Taylors a glimpse.

Shouldn't it be placed on both sides of the board?

Ricky’s eyes were slightly condensed and pointed to his head:

"They are not playing the same game, not the same kind of chess, or even - not chess."

"It’s not even appropriate for them to appear in your mind at the same time."

Sackel is slightly discolored.

Ricky turned back to Taylors, as if to enjoy the prince's feelings:

"And dear, you just asked me if you thought it was: Who won this game?"

Tyres is speechless.

Saquel is dignified.

The expression on Ricky's face is still calm and slightly pleasant.

But at that moment, Taylors remembered many memories that he had long neglected:

The tense confrontation in the temple of the setting sun.

[Yes, I am Li Xia Arend, the great sacrifice of the Temple of the Fall, the goddess of the setting sun, the only spokesperson in the world. 】

Unusual exchanges in the temple of the moon

[If the **** really exists, if it is really the creator of everything in the world, how can it allow this to happen? 】

Even in the black path under the Dragon City, the light on the silver shadow people flashed.

[I am very lucky after death, I got the blessings and gifts of a great existence...]

Thinking of all these history that he had dealt with the "spirits" more or less, Tyres shook!

“‘The mortal people often understand the gods in their hearts with their own limited imagination. That is what they expect, and the fear, the disgusting, the admiring, the beloved, the adoring god.’”

Ricky and Sac Elzizi glimpse.

They both turned their eyes and saw the horrible tales, subconsciously retelling what they had heard:

“‘The mortal always thinks of the gods with his poor thinking.’”

“‘Because life is short, imagine the gods as eternal and immortal.’”

"Because the power is weak, the gods are presupposed to be powerless."

“‘Because you think you are a member of all beings, imagine the gods as higher and stronger.’”

Tyres took a deep breath and his face showed solemnity.

"The problem is eternal, strength, life, these mortal things..."

"If the gods are indeed beyond the understanding of mortals, stand in different angles, then do they really see this in their eyes?"

In the strange and surprised eyes of Ricky and Sackel, Tyres lowered his eyes and fixedly looked at the front, with a heavy tone and a tone:

“‘Because the true gods, perhaps far beyond our imagination, are another kind of existence.’”

Tyres breathed out and meditated quietly.

On the slowly rising platform, Ricky and Sackel looked at each other with amazement.

"Who said this?" Sakuel asked softly.

"The Temple of the Moon in Longyan City," said Tyres, and he still seems to be immersed in his thoughts:

"Jewel's great sacrifice."

Sakuel heard the name of the Dragon City, and could not help but frown.

Ricky was silent, and then sighed softly.

"not bad."

"This is probably what I have heard since I was born, describing the most indefinite things in the unspeakable gods."

Undescriptable god...

Tyres frowned.

He suddenly felt that six years ago, on the night of **** and conspiracy, the seemingly nervous Jewellic Lord’s Sacrifice in the Temple of the Moon, perhaps...

Very important.

"His Royal Highness," Ricky sighed, not even replied with a formal reply: "You can always surprise me."

Ricky's eyes are dignified:


"Sure enough, in the demise of the Church of the Ming Dynasty, the Church of the Holy Day splits, and the setting sun is self-sufficient, and the day is corrupt and corrupt. When the two temples are smashed by Errol’s nephew, they deceive and deceive each other, only seemingly weak, and the world No fight for the moon..."

I saw Ricky lamented:

"Even if the mountains are gone, Haoyue is still empty, and the Northland people really have a doorway."

But for the next second, Ricky took back his rare solemn tone and turned his head:

"But... she said so, is it sure that she will not be deducted?"

This joke brought Taylors and Sack Erzizi back to reality.

Under the eyes of the other two, Ricky pulled the bag and took a piece of meat from it.

"Eat, there is only one," Ricky laughed and threw the meat to the weak Sackel:

"Look at the face of your prince."

Sack Elton suddenly stunned and looked at Taylors.

The prince shrugged his shoulders, revealing a complicated and helpless smile.

The Cavaliers didn't say anything anymore. He bowed his head and took off the meat.

The three were silent for a while and thought differently.

"You have not answered my question yet."

Saciel’s eyes were clear and the last part of the meat was sent into his mouth.

"What do you want to do?"

But this time, the penalty knight looked up and looked at the mercenaries around:

"And, as a demon in the earth, how did you become the leader of this group of traitor traitors? They willingly follow an inhuman existence?"

Saciel narrowed his eyes and looked at the members of every sword of disaster:

"Do you believe this group of people?"

Following the eyes of the penalty knight, Ricky also looked at each of his subordinates.

Krassu, the sword of the disaster, was silent for a while.

"Do you know, the penalty knight."

Ricky's eyes are deep, but the tone is a bit pity and emotion:

"Do you know why we are always understaffed, and even this action must rely on Shadow Shield?"

Sakuel did not answer, just waited quietly.

In the eyes of Taylors, Ricky sighed with a hand and sighed very personally, pointing to the point.

"Sarande Clay."

The eyes of Thales and Sackel turned with his fingers, looking at the sword of the middle-aged disaster that was extremely fast.

"He came from the rebuilding tower, one of the products of the disgracefulness of the Northern Territory's pioneering war decades ago. His father was a nobleman from the North, and his mother was a barbarian who was plundered in the mountains. For this, He will never be accepted as a member of either side of his parents."

Not far away, Cray looked back alertly and found that it was Ricky who immediately looked at him after looking at him.

Ricky waved at him and signaled everything was normal:

"The Northern Treasures of the Reconstruction Tower used him as a **** to appease the barbarian and whitewash the Taiping. He only thought that he was a dirty and ugly little hybrid. The elders of the barbarian relied on him to negotiate with the Northerners. Bargaining, on the one hand, abandoning him is a sign of his own conquest, a shame in the tribe because of **** and pregnancy."

Ricky's tone has become a bit sad:

"Even if the skill is honed and refined, Cray's identity is always ahead of his ability, but he has no way of knowing who he is, because he is neither a native of the North nor a barbaric, but always wandering. Homeless orphans between two ethnic groups."

Taylors and Sackel did not speak, just a look.

Ricky snorted and turned to the other side.

"Falken Josh, who was born in the thorny Karensa, served in the royal family of the kingdom of Ellenbia."

Thales recognized that the rest of the stone platform was the spy that the mercenaries had sent to the prison of the bones in advance.

"In the ridiculous and sad political battle of Ellen Bia, like many of his colleagues, he lived in a faint world, only to know that it was a true or false 'Kingdom mission', blindly obeying the orders of his superiors, and he did not hesitate to sell his conscience. Stained with blood in one hand, arrested, tortured, tortured, and persecuted a batch of 'enemies of the kingdom', thinking that this would be in exchange for their own stability in the world, so that when they hold their wives and children every night, they deceive I am 'I just want to support my family.'"

Ricky’s eyes were complicated, and Josh shook his head as he turned back:

"Until one day, his father-in-law was also designated as the "enemy of the kingdom" and was imprisoned."

"And Josh's boss - also for raising a family - turned Josh's wife and children into a bargaining confession."

"From that day on, the excuse he used to deceive himself broke."

I don't know if it touched anything, and Sakuel sighed after listening.

Ricky seemed to be mobilized and he turned to Tyres with a slightly stunned look:

"The unfortunately killed Sonny, he is a Nieda, from the East China's Ligudan State."

Tyres remembered that Sonny, who had used an axe and eventually died in the battle with Little Barney, could not help but see.

"Yes, he used to be the most promising and representative career of the Nida people - the robbers, who were quite successful, and had a good performance until one day, he fell in love with a girl she had plundered."

Ricky stared at Taylors, but he was watching another person:

"Sony gave up everything, just want to tie up with her, become a family, and do not hesitate to succumb to the gang of the group, killing the scene."

Ricky sighed and revealed the unspeakable pain in his tone:

"But after experiencing countless storms, all the dust settled and was full of happiness. When he had brought his wife and children, gave birth to a child, and was stable, on a sad night, his wife who was forcibly plundered, Just in my own, in my daughter, in my son, in the food of the whole family except Sonny, I was poisoned..."

Taylors has wide eyes.

Ricky’s words continue:

"...the last, the most desolate, the most helpless, and the most cruel revenge of a weak woman who can't grasp the fate."

Ricky slowly said:

"From that day on, Sonny will understand, maybe fate is destined: he is not worthy of happiness, only with indulging in hell."

Sackel grinned.

Ricky took a deep breath and looked back as if he had come back to God:

"Of course, there is also the best-known royal **** colleague, Colin Semir, who became nothing after the tragedy 18 years ago, and his old-fashioned daughter, the nobleman who was born but lost in the world, Marina Norfolk. ”

Hearing the name of Semir, Sackel’s expression was awkward, and he said nothing: “I’m sorry.”

I don't know who I am talking about.



Tyres looked at the two men in the distance and looked at Cray and Josh.

This is... the sword of disaster?

Ricky stared at the knight for a few seconds and shook his head indifferently.

“Everyone who is a successor to the tower has his own story,” Ricky said, his eyes shining seriously:

"Everyone is a non-human being rejected by the world."

Refused by the world...

Non-human existence.

At that moment, Taylors remembered a long time ago, the lonely figure of a single sword.

[It is called the crime of the prison river, there is a reason. 】

[We should have left the world forever, but we have deceived the prisoners of the prison river again and again, avoiding the call for death in the midst of a thousand miles. 】

[So, our existence is the sin of the prison river, it is the proof that it does not take responsibility for death. 】

Taylors wants to draw God.

"Do you understand it?"

Ricky looked up and answered the question of the penalty Knight:

"They are not following me."

"The ones they follow are the ones in their hearts that stem from despair and injustice, but because they grow stronger, they have nowhere to vent, they can only burn in the empty wounds, and the anger and anger that will never die."

Saciel’s eyes were condensed.

At that moment, Tyres clearly felt that Ricky was not the same.

The end of his body is once again transpiration, giving the teenager a premonition of incomparable danger:




Tyres took a nap, and his scene appeared in front of his eyes: the sword of disaster and the shield of shadows.

Quiet, crazy, leaving no room.

Sakuel obviously also felt something, the whole person of the penalty knight was stiff, and his right arm trembled, seemingly suppressing the desire to shoot.

But Ricky did not pay attention to the abnormality of the penalty knight. He just looked like a knife and cut the air in front of his eyes coldly.

Even his voice was a bit more horrible than before:

"This is far from being corrupted for many years in the tower of the end. It is accustomed to be flattering to the aristocratic children of all countries. It can be imagined by the so-called final swordsmen who are arrogant and swayed in the powers of the great powers.

In the next second, Ricky looked straight at Sac El, as if to see through his soul.

"Join us, penalty knight."

His tone is firm and unquestionable.

"We have too many similarities: you are a powerful warrior, but like other sad creatures, you still can't escape the cage of fate."

"You may not understand our meaning, but you will, we will let you see - fate is not incapable of breaking free."

Saciel is silent.

Ricky’s expression was still terrible, and he extended his right hand to the penalty knight:

"In the gloomy world, we find lonely ones, only for one day, you and I can see the hope of tomorrow, and move toward the temple of peace."

Tyres raised his eyebrows and only thought that Ricky's words were somewhat inexplicable.

Cossack just moved his ass, held his injured left arm and turned his head.

"Sorry, I made an oath."

"This sword is only for the emperor to wave," the knight's voice is hollow and hoarse, but there is another kind of calmness and firmness:

"There is no other use."

The Cavaliers' words were simple and straightforward, which made Ricky's face stiff like his outstretched palm.

This sword is only for the emperor to wave.

Listening to this translation from the ancient empire, the distinctive words, Tyres sinks slightly: he remembers the way Naki and Nai were before the end.

Looking at Sakuel, who was stubborn and unable to get into the oil, Ricky frowned.

In the end, he shook his head with disgust and helplessness:

"The **** imperial man."

"Emperor, huh?"

The demon immediately turned to Tyres.

Tyres, who was burned by the war between the two men, subconsciously twisted his buttocks and changed his posture to correct his appearance.

Juvenile eyebrows pick one:

"Forehead, cough, you should probably go looking for the red hair over there, holding a sly guy... he should be helpful to your group's promotion and recruitment..."

But still not waiting for Teres to finish.

"Do not."

"Forget it," Ricky didn't care what he said, just opened his eyes and waved his face in disappointment. "You are."

"Not the time."

Taylors, who had somehow had some expectations, didn't even have a joke, and the smile of his mouth was too late to recover.

There was an indescribable, faint embarrassment in his heart.

Am I so bad?

At this time, the penalty knight added a sentence: "By the way, except for the madman, no one is interested in the self-hypnotic cult."

Ricky was silent.

"You talk about madness? Self hypnosis?"

Ricky chuckled and replied to the calm and profound leader.

"You know, a long time ago..."

"I mean, when the two magic queens are not the queen."

Ricky leaned back on his stone platform and had a disturbing smile on his face: "They have another nickname among the Masters, another nickname that has been forgotten."

Taylors stunned.

Magic Queen's...


The young man's nerves were tense, and he subconsciously erected his ears.

Sakuel also gave a slight glimpse, his eyes bypassing the taylor and returning to Ricky:

"Magic Queen?"

Ricky was not in a hurry to answer, he looked at his head and looked at the penalty knight with great interest:

"Sackel, tell me."

"When you buy the magic gun core from the emperor, isn’t it really strange? Why are the only women who have the technology that affects the whole world?"

"And 18 years ago, your colleagues, your kingdom, your past... When you look back, will you feel that the world is so unfair?"

The next second, Ricky's tone is deep, as if he is a mysterious diviner:

"I feel that fate is so... ruthless?"


Ricky’s series of questions almost immediately asked both Tyres and Sacker.

Sacuel frowned:

"What are you suggesting?"

Ricky laughed.

He looked around and seemed to be scrupulous.

"Listen, dear."

"Like the brothers of truth, before becoming the Queen, the two magical masters - Bloodthorn and Black Orchid - were once called by the Masters..."

At that moment, the devil looked at Sac El and Tyres, with ridicule and warning in his eyes:

"Fate twins."

Both Tyres and Sackel are stunned.



Wait, combine the words in front of him...

What he is suggesting is what I think?

In a near-unthinkable horror, Thales saw Ricky in the most complicated and incomprehensible tone:

"Knight, your king is great."

"But he didn't beat the fate."

Sackel stared at the devil, his face changing sharply, shaking his head subconsciously.

"Trust me," Ricky looked up, in the dim light, looking at the four walls that were pressed against the black:

"The crucifixion is not the end, fate is a bigger prison."

Destiny is a bigger prison.

The troublesome taylor breathed.

"And we have the key to open the prison..."

Ricky took out the green spar in his arms and looked at Tyres. The eagerness in his eyes made the latter feel cold.

"Maybe... the only key."

For a time, both Sackel and Tyres could not speak.

"Now," Ricky laughed:

"Who is a madman, who is hypnotizing himself?"


A long silence.

In the endless noise, Sacuel finally sighed.

But he eventually bowed his head.

"You, you are Ricky, are you?"

"I am now Ricky."

Ricky changed his relaxed posture, took back his sensational expression, and raised his smile: "Think about my proposal again?"

Sacuel looked up and his eyes returned to clarity.

He looked straight at Ricky:

"I suddenly have a feeling that you...not like a demon."

"It's more like...human."

At that moment, Ricky gave birth to a glimpse.

His gaffe and Sackel's words made Taylors suddenly wake up: the guy in front of him was a different kind.

What he said... can't believe it.


What Ricky remembered, a smile:

"How do you know what the devil looks like?"

Sackel did not speak immediately, he stared at Ricky, for a long time.

"In many records, the demons from **** are cruel, harsh, and tyrannical," Sacker said.

"No humanity."

Ricky frowned.

He caressed his chin and seemed to be musing:

"Well, this, the real demon, is really human."

In the next second, Ricky suddenly leaned forward and leaned his hands, lowering his gaze and looking up at Sackel and Tyres.

He showed a mysterious smile to the two:

"For example, they can be unhuman... to make you think: they are human."

Tyres trembled slightly.

Looking at Ricky's rather humane smile, chewing on the hidden meaning behind this sentence, the teenager only felt a mysterious creep.

Someone privately asked me about the map...

Since you have asked sincerely, then I am very compassionate... I put the geographical map of the Western continent on the collar again, and look forward to the sixth volume that is about to begin... That's it, oh~

By a serious face without a sword

(End of this chapter)

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