Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 477: High...a lot

Chapter 477 is high...a lot

Taylors doesn't like dawn.

The last dawn that made him remember the dawn of the city of Longyan, six years ago, at the moment when the disaster disappeared and the dragon emptied.

But when the night is going to end, when the dawn comes, he sees not the hope, but the abyss.

At that time, he also experienced a disaster that ordinary people could not think of, and supported his body with little replenishment and rest, facing a problem that was almost impossible to understand.

In a tense atmosphere, Tyres clenched his fists in the face of dozens of mercenaries.

Only the one-armed small Barney wrapped the chain tightly around his left shoulder, leaning his body and trying to tie Ricky.

"It's wonderful..."

Barney almost bite these words between the teeth, which shows that his situation is difficult.

The other people who control Ricky together are not much better. They are the prisoners who are newly released from prison. Coupled with the battle, the supply is far from being consumed. At this moment, they are all panting and screaming.

How to do?

Tyres took a deep breath and tried to get rid of the vertigo that seemed to be in the brain.

When they were captured by the sword of the disaster, Yodel, who was secretly lurking, could only rush to tell Tells his rescue plan - Ricky took Tyre to be extraordinarily strict.

And the hasty plan ends here.

But the next thing...

Tyres looked at the blade of the far end of the line of sight and tried to think about the way out.

Sakuel still held the sword with one arm, standing in front of the mercenaries surrounded by a semicircle, facing the enemy's teeth and resentment.

Yuan Yuyue, the expression is safe.

"This is very unwise, Your Highness, Saciel, we must know that we are not malicious." The swordsmen who stood in the front row of mercenaries trying to control the scourge did not get out of control, trying to convince Tyres.

"You'd better listen to him." This is Ricky, who is tied by a chain, gnashing his teeth in the dust of his face, and closing his eyes.

How to do……

Taylor closed his eyes.

Camp, jail, sword of disaster, shadow shield...

Let me think about it, let me think about it.

Come up with a way!

However, at this time, the fast rope standing on his side screamed without warning:

"I have a grass!"

Tyres opened his eyes and turned his head with all the impatient people, trying to see what he was doing.

Unexpectedly, this fast rope does not seem to be the one who is in trouble.

I saw the fast rope and looked at my empty hands with horror, and kept looking up and down:

"This is a special haunt..."

But he hadn't finished yet, and the other figure appeared in the darkness of the ink, and it was the black time that he held in his hand.

It is Jodel.

I don't know why, when he saw him, Teres' heart was born with a sense of peace of mind.

As many years ago.

The mouth of the fast rope is "O" shaped and it is difficult to recover for a long time.

In front of everyone's eyes, Yodel skillfully leaned over and stepped on the string, a few seconds before and after, in one go.

He pulled a special small arrow from the back of the waist and placed it on the groove.

"Fuck! What the **** you want to do--" Josh in the mercenary screamed and then thought about it.

The fast rope wakes up and reaches out and yells:

"Wait, the quasi-heart of this stuff is asking -"

But Jodel did not care what they meant.

I saw the mask guards lifting the black arm squats from the ground and facing the camp, pulling the trigger against the sky.

"call out!"

A sharp and harsh sound!

Regardless of the mercenary or the Royal Guard, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"call out--"

The sound of the arrow is sharp and high, and the voice is moving.

It diverge from the sky, and it lasted for a long time. It spread throughout the four fields and was clearly audible in the square.

Of course, this also includes the Blades Camp.

Jodel threw the fired armband back to the fast rope, ignoring the murder of the latter, "Why I can't do it."

"call out--"

The sound of the arrow began to weaken, and Tyres moved with both ears!

He has heard this voice.

this is……

"This is the signal of the Longyan City - the White Blade Guard?" In the surprised eyes of the Guard prisoners, the prince looked at Yodel with surprise and joy.

The mask guard nodded silently.

Tyres eyes wide open:

"But what are you -"

Jodel bent over his dagger and his figure began to blur again:

"The comet."

"You didn't finish his line."

The figure of the mask guard disappeared completely into the sight of everyone, leaving only a faint sentence in the air.

"So I... no waste."

No waste?

Tyres picked an eyebrow.

He imagined that the comet Nicholas woke up and found himself lying on the wasteland in a red strip, from the horses to the sacking of the luggage, and the penniless scene.

Tyres put away his boring thoughts and got a good mood:

Very good, now what they have to do is delay and wait for the rescue...

"Oh no, I know you," Tardance, who was struggling with the chain, rounded his eyes and looked at the place where the masked figure disappeared.

"You were the little one in the revival palace that year..."

Sakuel, who has been paying attention to the enemy, suddenly made a noise and interrupted him:

"Talting! Focus!"

"No time to say this!"

The severe scolding of the penalty knight, draws everyone's attention back to the enemy.

"I have had enough, and you reminded me," the mercenary, the front row of Josh crossed Semir, staring at the assassin-like penalty knight, angered:

"Since it is out of the house..."

"Change the bow!"

The dozens of mercenaries in the back row did not hesitate. They were so eager to take back the melee weapons and pull out the squat or short bow from the back or waist.


Tyres’s expression is stiff.

Sakuel brows slightly wrinkled.


It’s so good, it’s the same thing he hates.

"How much is there, full of winding!"

Josh’s face was stunned, and the long sword pointed to Sakuel, who also frowned:

"Overlay shooting! I don't believe that I can't get rid of this **** warrior!"

Thales looked ugly with more than a dozen machines of different sizes and a few bows and arrows that were taken out by mercenaries. The squatters stepped on their ankles, bent over and tied with a lever or hook, and the archers Then draw the arrow more quickly and get the arrow up.

In front of his eyes, there were countless arrows that flew to him and the little slicker.

"Do not!"

However, on the side of Josh, Semir slammed down a bow that was striking an arrow:

"Ricky wants them to live!"

"Especially the prince!"

The mercenaries moved and succumbed to the disagreement between the two chiefs.

But before they responded, Josh turned back and grabbed Semir’s collar and angered:

"It is ‘you’ want them to live!”

"Because you can't forget the **** brotherhood! You are the royal guard!"

"And I don't care about that, I care more about ourselves!"

Semir seems to have been shocked by the sudden outburst of Josh. He stunned and looked at the old rivals who were dying, and then looked at the mercenaries who were frustrated.

"Continue to go!"

Josh pushed Semir away, gritted his teeth, and turned back to Sackel:

"Listen well, brand warriors, if you want to become a target, then continue to resist!"

"Rickey can't die anyway."

The actions of the mercenaries made the guards move together!

Cannon subconsciously guarded Tyres to his rear, and looked at the fast-paced bird-like fast rope. He was hiding behind the tales without a teacher.

The atmosphere is getting more and more tense.

"Oops, can't wait for the rescue..."

Seeing that the situation is not right, the little Barney who insisted on his teeth made up his mind and said to others:

"Bry, for a while, you and Belletti will let go, cover Sackel, and take the lead at no cost..."


"Do not."

Suddenly interrupted, let the little Barney who is planning a trip.

"What?" The vanguard turned to the person who interrupted him, and looked dissatisfied.

I saw the penalty knight who was in front of everyone, facing the countless bows that were about to be assembled, and shook his head:

"We are going back to the dungeon and looking for cover."

Sacuel’s expression was calm, and Ricky, who closed his eyes, gave his mouth:

"But before that, cut the head of the monster and how far it is to play."

"Wait for me for a few seconds, three..."



The little Bani, who was struggling to bind Ricky, was irritated. After being interrupted by white, he changed his face and changed his face.

"I am the chief pioneer!"

Tyres, who is rushing, raised his eyebrows.

"But...he is watching people," on the other side, Tarting tried to pull the chain and shook his head in pain:

"On the chain of command... a little bit... a little bit taller?"

When this statement comes out, everyone is quiet.

Barney’s expression was stiff.

"Do not."

Sakuel slowly turned back and was calm, as if he had no intention:

"The inheritance watchman is second only to the squad leader, and is in the same state as the assistant guard in non-wartime."

"High...a lot."


a lot of.

Barney took a deep breath.

As if he was constipated, he turned his head back in pain and made a rude mouth with a grin.

The face of "I just didn't have a sword to kill this bastard" is regrettable.

The Guards’ people began to work together and tried not to look at the vanguard’s face.

But at this time...

"Amount, everyone?"

Belletti, who had been silent for a moment, suddenly spoke. He looked at Ricky, who was trapped in the center of the chain, with a horror that could not be hidden:

"The strength of this guy..."

Everyone was shocked and turned around.

"……something wrong!"

As soon as the voice fell, the chain on Belletti's hand trembled!

And the whole person seems to be uncontrollable, sliding a few inches into Ricky in the sand!

Not only is Belletti alone, but the three people who control the chain, Barney, Bry, and Tartin, also began to slide!

Thales squats with Ricky, who is trapped:

I don't know when, he has already made the left and right hands out of the chain, and then he held the chain full of barbed and slowly recovered.


The chain began to vibrate violently.

“No, no,” said Barney, incredulously watching the trajectory that he slipped out of the sand:

"We have four people, what is going on..."

At this moment, a heart-rending voice sounded like an empty voice, lingering in everyone's ear:

"You thought you were trapped."




Like the roughest friction, it sounds in the bottom of my heart.

Suddenly weak and weak, suddenly high and low.

Everyone present, whether it is the Royal Guard or the Sword of Disaster, is trembled!

But that horror voice, which sounded from the bottom of my heart and surrounded by all sides, did not let them go:

"But you don't have..."

The four-faced faces with the chains twitched, and the breathing was disturbed, and the amplitude of the drag was increased.

Many mercenaries lost their arrows, or stretched the chords that were halfway drawn.

Some people even hold their heads in pain.

Sakuel closed his eyes sharply, kneeling on one knee, breathing heavily, supporting his body by "eternal truth."

"You don't have..."

The voice is going back and forth.

Tyres couldn't help but tremble, subconsciously returning to catch a swaying Cannon!

The fast rope was even more unbearable, and he even screamed and groaned in pain.


Taylors worked hard to seem to lose his balance, and looked at Ricky, who made this voice in horror.

what is this?

When he heard the sound of this voice, his heart beat faster and the blood surged.

I only felt the surrounding winds bursting, and I couldn’t stop the goose bumps.

It seems as if someone is hooking out an endless nightmare.

In the next second, Ricky's arms in the center of the chain slammed, and the guards on both sides could no longer stand it, and the chain came out!


A piercing explosion!

While many people are suffering from the same goal, Taylors, who is trying to wink, is surprised to see:

The chain was broken and it fell weakly to Ricky's feet.

Showing the **** marks on his body that were stabbed.

Do not.

Do not!

But this is not the most terrible.

Ricky gently wiped the dust off his face and revealed a disturbing smile to Tyres.

Tyres was tight, only feeling that there was some power under the yellow light.

After the escape from the other side, it seems that some ... not the same?



still is……

What else?

"I said, don't think it's smarter than a demon, don't think it's stronger than a demon."

Ricky's voice is still terrible, and under the glimmer of dawn, his pupils have a rare, ominous yellow light, looking straight at Taylors.

Taylor was shocked and woke up.


The first goal after he got out of trouble was...

In the next second, Ricky figured and rushed toward Tyres!

Suddenly, the shock was only two or three seconds. Sakuel reacted the fastest. He screamed and swayed from the sand and rushed to Ricky:

"Block him!"

The four members of the Royal Guard who were separated from the chain by the other side were second only to Sakuel, who earned their teeth and stopped at Ricky.

On the other hand, Cray, who had just recovered from the vertigo, opened the crowd of people who had been swaying, pushing the first row of painful Josh and Semir, and shouting orders with impatience:


The mercenaries furiously responded, and stood up with the help of the end of the force, and the sword attacked!

The once balanced situation is once again confused!

In the next second of Ricky's departure, Thales couldn't take care of the other, consciously turned back and ran to the exit of the dungeon!

But he overestimated his body after all.

Just after eating and resting, slowly pacing, but now he runs more and only feels softer at the foot, the darker the eyes.

At the center of the chaos, Ricky had a foot on his feet, turned back and pulled his side to intercept his Beletti!


The penalist who had only had time to protect his head and face snorted and sighed out in the terrible force and fell into the soft sand.

At this moment, the nearest small Barney, Tarding, and Buri have already caught up with Ricky!

Buri screamed with his arms up and prepared to face it. Little Barney's left elbow hit Ricky's waist, and Tartin kicked the other's knees. The three were ready to suppress the enemy.

But at that moment, Ricky's body was filled with endless endless power, as if the endless abyss, let him calmly return to meet the three.

The three people who ran into the enemy's body felt that their offensive power disappeared without a trace, as if they had touched a group of unfinished cotton, or... an infinite abyss.

Ricky was only slightly trembled.

"Do you think that I am just a target that will not die?"

The terrible voice came again, letting the three people who had resisted Ricky tremble!

"Worse -"

Little Barney only had time to squirt half a word.

The next moment, the little Barney, Tarding, and Buri were like a broken kite, or flew or straight out, and a dust in the sand, like a splash of water.

At this moment, Ricky seems to have changed.

His eyes became more and more violent, and his movements were sharper and faster.

More... crazy.

Ricky snorted and turned back, and Sakuel’s sword had been deceived, and it’s like a shadow!

Ricky wanted to sneak away, but frowned and found Sacir as if he was in the most wonderful angle, he could not hide.

So he smiled a little.


Steel broken bones.

But Sackel was shocked.

His sword slashed into Ricky's cheek from the side and even opened the other half of his lips, but stopped in the other's mouth.

"You said... I have to cut my head?"

While being cut off half of his cheeks, Ricky, who is bleeding and describing the horror, bites his mouth tightly - the "mouth" of the literal meaning - the sword front, revealing a sly smile.

"Beautiful hands..."

His teeth and lips were clearly unmoved, but the horrible voice was so loud and strange that it made the body tight and shudder:

"Stupid... idea."

Ricky reached out and held the blade on the side of his face, pulling it out!

Sackel immediately loosened the hilt, which prevented him from being pulled back by the other side's giant force.

The effort of this time, the surrounding is already killing!

The mercenaries gathered around and tried to get rid of the little Barney and others who had no choice but to fight against the enemy in the first place.

"Give up, before there are more casualties!" Semir met with Barney and gnawed his teeth.

"Grass you!" Little Bani groaned and pulled out a chain he had grabbed from the ground.

It’s hard to run to the dungeon’s exit, and Tyre’s foot is soft, and it’s hard to hold it fast.

"Go and help them," while Tyres tempted the sin of the deadly prison river and the almost forbidden magical energy, while firmly asserting the hesitant Cannon:

"Prolonged time."

"go with!"

Cannon’s hesitation only lasted for a moment, and he shook his head decisively:

"Do not!"

"You are more important!"

The weak Gass can only bite his teeth and breathe.

On the other hand, Ricky took his silver-blade sword and waited for him to be half-cut and resumed, and rushed to the unarmed Sacker!

Sakuel flashed a sword and raised his brow:

He did not find that the strength of the other side seemed to be boundless, the movements were coherent and fast, and there was no stagnation.

The move is stern, the momentum is amazing, and the pressure is full.

The penalty knight who lost his chance and was in a bad state was left to the right, and he was in distress when he was in danger. However, he was surprisingly dangerous when he was in danger and risk.

After a slamming of Sackel's wolverine, Ricky suddenly stepped forward and turned back to a sword!


He scraped a fire in the air.

In the metal cross room, Ricky stretched his right arm and stabbed a figure in the air!

Taylor was shocked!

"You forgot a little, mask."

Ricky turned to look at the growing shape of Yodel, and the terrible voice sounded again:

"The night is gone, the desert is early in the morning."

"And when you attack, I can see your footprints."

The mask guard trembled, and he grabbed the blade that was trapped in his left shoulder and tried to stop the "eternal truth" from going further.

In the next second, Jodel seems to give up and continue to struggle. On the contrary, he raises his head, his right hand vibrates, and the gray shorts are fired out!

Ricky just scratched the side and escaped the blow.

"You are partial."

Ricky sneered at the mask assassin who had been trembling with his terrible ending and squatting on the floor.

But it is not Jodel who answered him.

Instead, a gray dagger that broke through his back neck and pierced from the mouth!

"He is not biased."

I don't know when it happened to Sakuel behind Ricky.

Ricky trembled and felt his cervical spine cut off, and the perception below the neck disappeared.

He involuntarily released the sword.

"Do not……"

Ricky looked at the incredible eyes, clearly the mouth was destroyed, but the terrible voice still sounded out of nowhere, let Sackel not tremble:

"how do you……"

Sakuel forced a twist to stop his next words:

"Do you know what power of this legendary anti-magic armor?"

The penalty knight shook his head in disgust and pushed Ricky's body away.

Sure enough... Legendary anti-magic armed?

Ricky fell weakly.

He watched as Sac Ella got up from Jodel, patted the latter's shoulder and picked up the "eternal truth" and turned to him again.

Sackel raised his sword coldly:

"I won't tell you."

However, the next moment, Ricky on the ground screamed!



Everyone who is in the middle of the battle is trembled, unable to control himself, and subconsciously stumble!

Tyres tried his best to hold the iron plate of the dungeon's exit, and the Cannon and the fast rope around him had already stumbled and suffered.

What exactly is this--

On the other side, Ricky struggled faster than before, and with his arms to stop Sergeel's trembling sword!

As if he had not spent time on regeneration and recovery.

Sakuel and Jodel looked at each other and watched Ricky in shock. The yellow light in the pupil of the other side became more and more obvious, and the wounds in his body faintly revealed the black and strange muscles.

"Then you will never say it."

Ricky looked at Sackel and Jodel in front of him, and for the first time in his eyes, he showed a murderous murder.

At that moment, Sacker broke out from the skin to the blood with an instinct, facing the dangerous shudder!

In the distance, Tyres stunned to see:

Ricky's arms jerked, and Sackel and Yodel flew out!

Sakuel fell to the ground and coughed blood in pain.

Bloody, describing the horrible Ricky went to Yodel.

"You are awesome, mask - the last one who killed me twice, and I have no power to fight back..."

"Name jasmine Lorraine."

Ricky lifted the mask guard from the ground and covered the deep purple mask on his right hand!

"Let's take a look, what is under your mask..."

"no no!"

Sakuel, who fell to the side, reached out with pain and horror:

"The mask - you can't!"

Ricky smiled and clasped the edge of the deep purple mask, and there was an infinite force in the palm of his hand.

For more than a decade, Taylors has never heard of Joel’s cry or scream.

The mask guards are silent, even if they are injured in the war, they are just a sigh.

Until this moment.

"Ah, ah-"

Yodel’s heartbreaking pains!

In the ridiculous and endless efforts of Ricky, Joel struggled even more!

His hands and feet seemed to tremble uncontrollably, and the magnitude was as great as the most terrible torture.

"Do not!"

The singer who saw this scene almost broke the teeth!

He instinctively grabbed the time on the fast rope hand:

"Give me the arrow!"

A quick rope:

"But it, that quasi-"

At this time.

"call out!"

A sharp and sharp sound.

It seems to break the dark morning light.

It is followed by a more harsh explosion:


Mercenaries, the Royal Guards, and everyone’s movements are one of them.

I saw a dazzling spark in the sky under the slight glow of the sky, flashing in the air.

The shadows on the chaotic sand were swaying.

It is not just the fire that breaks the chaos.


A melodious horn sound came from afar.



Penetrate people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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