Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 478: jailer

Chapter 478 Chapter Jailer

The mercenaries on the field are discolored!


At the side of Tyres, Cannon, who was kneeling on the ground, was the first to scream, and the voice was unstoppable:

"A lot of cavalry, very close!"

Soon, without the reminder of Cannon, Tells felt it:

The gravel under his feet began to tremble.

The inexplicable vibrations were getting closer and closer, coming from behind the sand dunes above them.

Just like the waves.

Realizing the coming things, the mercenaries and the royal guards put down their weapons.

Looking at the spark, listening to the horn, feeling the tremor of the ground, Ricky stopped the movements in his hand, the madness and blood in his mind.

That is……


In the fire and the horn, Taylors narrowed his eyes.

What he felt.


Behind Ricky, there was a shadow on the top of the sand dunes below the spark.

A white shadow.

A white shadow galloping.

And it is approaching the chaos under the sand dunes!


In the horn sound, the speed of the white shadow is close to the speed of the eagle, and the two-second time is approaching!

So Taylor quickly saw how it looked.

It is a white horse.

Mercedes-Benz white horse.




It steps on four hooves and the horseshoe exchange is incredibly fast.

It seems to open the lightning of the ink.

However, its movements are calm and elegant.

Even people ignore the hooves.


The horn continues.

Everyone is stunned.

"That is..." Little Barney looked at the white shadow and was pushed away by Semir.

Semir breathlessly wiped the blood from his chain:

"It's him."

"If you don't want to die, don't move!"

Taylors was also surprised to see the white shadow, but he saw the figure immediately, then reacted, it was a knight.

A form is equally elegant and calm, but the speed is so fast that he can't see the knight.

Soon, the hooves of the rolling horses became clearer and slower.

Taylors looked up subconsciously.

He suddenly discovered that, when I was in the gleam of the East, countless black shadows had appeared on the sand dunes on all sides, condescending.


Yes, it is a cavalry.

Countless cavalry.

Stepping through the rumble, the more the hills come.

Like everyone else, Tyres turned around and looked at the top of his head, watching the sudden appearance of the cavalry to take the reins, slowly descending the horse in a long but clear horn.

They surrounded the little sand of this side.

It is like the waves that flow over the reef.


If you say that in the Longyan City, the princes and the Talkers are still not clear about the concept of "thousands of cavalry"...

Then he will understand now.

Thousands of cavalry.

That means, no matter how wide or wide your vision is, when you blink your eyes, fill your eyes, all these black cavalry.

No blanks.

That means, no matter how good or how hard your hearing is, when they are moving forward, the things that fill your ears are only the rolling hooves.

Without exception.

That means, no matter how mature and calm your mind is, when thousands of hundreds of pounds of horses carry a heart-rending weight and shake the gravel, the only thing that can remind you is that you are not controlled. The more you jump, the faster you will shake the heart of your chest.

There is no room for breathing.

Everyone was shocked.

Except for Sackel.

As the most unaffected and most dedicated person, the penalty knight is staring at Ricky, who holds Joel.

The next second, he suddenly violently screamed at the other side's loss, appeared behind Ricky, and strangled the latter's neck!


Forcing Ricky to loosen Yodel.

Fight again!

The horn sounded a turn.

The cavalry, who couldn’t see the appearance on the sand dunes, seemed to be hesitating for this inexplicable battle.

Only the first white shadow appeared, still galloping down.

But under the sand dunes, Ricky, who was threatened, screamed, his anger rose, his powers spurred, and he fell to the ground.

"You are really bored, penalty knight."

Ricky picked up the sword and his horrible voice rang again, causing many people to tremble again.

Except for Ricky's sword, Jodel's figure and his strange gray dagger appeared again, and the blade penetrated Ricky's chest!


Ricky screamed and turned back, and Jodel shuddered and rolled to avoid the blow.

But he didn't go any further.

Because the next moment, the white shadow that first appeared on the sand dunes was forced to the front, and it was the center of the three-person battle!

It was like a blast that wiped out countless dust.

Ricky only had time to hide on the side, avoiding the collision of white horses!

But Thales was surprised to see:

The white shadow of the knight vacated and his arm slammed!

The next second, a lance with a white body, even a shimmering rifle, magically appeared in the hands of the knight!

It swept away with the action of the White Knight.


The white pistol is in the middle of Ricky's chest.

By the force of the horse, Ricky screamed and flew out, falling on the sand **** behind him, shaking up countless sand waves.

The white knight in the air also stunned because of the recoil!

However, he adjusted his posture in the air freely, and the long gun slid a trace on the sand and floated gracefully.

Tyres’s heart:

He understood that this is a friendly army.

But the next moment, the White Knights turned around!

His gun tip turned like a snake, and he flew to Jodel who had just attacked Ricky!

Tyre's nerves are tight: Which side is he on the other side?

The mask guards flexibly open the gun body, a flexible but slightly embarrassing roll to avoid the attack.

But Sackel on the other side frowned deeply. He picked up Ricky's sword and wanted to break the ball for Jodel.

The white-knight knight seems to have long eyes behind him, a long shot, and a shape!

An amazing scene appeared:

In a mechanical fragile sound, the hand was originally locked, and the white rifle with the front hand as the axis magically changed the length. Before the front and the rear, the second shot was stabbed from the back of the owner. El!

Taylors discovered that it was a double-headed gun.

And still - free to scale?

In the heart of the electric turn, the White Knight has turned back, the front hand changed his hand, and attacked the gun to Sackel!

At the moment when the gun sword is about to be attacked, the penalty knight’s face changes.

Deeply aware of the huge disadvantage of the sword in the face of the gun, he instinctively took back the blade and stepped back three steps, avoiding the must-attack of the White Knight.


The White Knight is slightly different and seems to be puzzled by Sackel's perfect avoidance of his confident blow.

At this time, Ricky once again issued a scream of screaming, and the people who were shocked were stunned.

In the dust, Ricky violently rushed back to the battlefield and rushed to Sakuel, who had not yet stood still!

The penalty knight gnawed his teeth slightly, but before he responded, the shadows in the air flashed - Jodel appeared on Ricky's imperative road, intercepting the latter's knees.


In the continuous horn sound, the three men’s battles are re-issued:

Ricky was in a position to force people to be teased, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill Sacker.

Hide the secret Jorda round-trip guerrilla and try to stop him while the wolf is dodging.

Sakuel defended his face calmly, trying to find a counterattack and cutting the devil's head again.

But before Taylors reacted, the white shadow knight moved again.

After a long shot, he passed the sand at an alarming speed and smashed into the battlefield of three people!

At that moment, Tyres felt a dazzling look:

In the chaos, I saw that the White Shadow Knight had no scruples. The long gun left and right, and swiftly flew, and Ricky, who was constantly furious, forced the latter to hinder the movement;

While Sackel took advantage of the opportunity to fight back, the White Knights even picked the thorns, and each time they intercepted them accurately, so that the penalty knight could return without success;

The white lances also occasionally smoked cold and inexplicable angles. At the moment when the air was flooding, Joel, who was forced to sneak into the sneak attack, was stunned and returned to the shadows.

The three were like three wolves killed by each other, but they were interrupted by a strange rifle in the middle before they met each other.

Everyone, including Tyres, looked at the scene of this melee:

The white shadow knight...

he is……

Take an enemy three?

The shadows in the sand and the back and forth, Taylors eyes are sour.

The White Knight is extremely flexible, and his feet are not the only fulcrum. The whole person moves back and forth from time to time with the long shots at both ends, and often flashes through the fire.

This made Taylors think of the "flying blade".

And his double-headed white pistol is like the most magical weapon. It has the advantages of stretching and stretching, length and length, back and forth, and sending and receiving. It can display the most aggressive and precise attack in any position and from any angle.

With a flexible posture and a fierce attack, coupled with the white shadow knight in the air, the slap in the air, with a powerful gun...

He even...

No defense.

You can force the enemy out of the threat zone.

Finally, the melee that lasted for nearly ten seconds was seized by Saccar. He stepped forward and the sword swayed. The goal was changed from Ricky to the White Knight.

The new knight’s brow wrinkled, and the body shape changed a long shot. The next second found himself standing in an awkward angle:

He was separated by Jodel and could only watch Sackel rushing to Ricky.


The long sword cut into Ricky's shoulder.

"that's it?"

But Ricky jerked his head up and shook his back with a fierce voice like never before!

This voice seems to be very special, and Teres, who stood a little farther, also screamed and squatted on the ground.

"Then you are finished."

Ricky's expression slammed out the "eternal truth" of his shoulders and rushed toward the imposing penalty knight.

Yodel wants to go forward, but he is also faltering under this stern voice.

But at this time, when everyone was in a bad state because of this snoring, the only white shadow knight moved.

I saw that he did not have any influence to meet the difficulties, his body shape was like a white feather flying in the wind, gracefully and gracefully passed over Jodel.

In Ricky's heart-rending voice, only the voice of the White Knights came out.

"be quiet."

It was a cold, clear, clear voice.

It is like a clear stream in endless filth.

Wash people's hearts.

Unquestionable, there is no way to argue, and public opinion violates.

Ricky, who was still angry at the moment before, seemed to be uncontrollable, and he heard the sound!

In the next second, the white pike slammed down in a lightning bolt!

Right in the Ricky's shoulder!


That blunt sound seemed to sound from the bottom of my heart.

Ricky's long sword fell and his knees slammed.


The white shadow knight whispered and immediately recovered the rifle.

Ricky didn't stand up again, he shook his head as if to wake himself up.

Soon, Ricky looked up again, looking incredulously at the white knight in front of him, the yellow light in his eyes slowly converge, and the injury on his face slowly recovered.


Ricky muttered.

The tales, who were slowly approaching, saw the appearance of the White Knight.

The knight is of medium height and slender and looks like he is only thirty years old.

He was dressed in a white riding dress, neat and plain, with a gesture of enthusiasm between the steps, his own momentum, as if the chaos of the genius can not be shaken half.

The only thing that is more awkward is...

The knight's left shoulder, which should have been a shoulder armor, covered with a grayish, ugly and huge - skull.

How much has added a bit of chill to him.

The White Knight seemed to feel Tyre's gaze, and he turned his head very alertly.

The moment he turned back, the feeling for the teenager was like breaking the water wave with the blade, and the trace of the fierce trace left behind was fleeting, but unforgettable.

In the dawn of the sky, Taylors stunned.


Taylors suddenly found out that this man who fell immediately on white was really...

Too handsome.

Handsome when his five senses turned to Taylors, it seemed as if the lightning was broken, even under the white plaque there was the illusion of "dispelling the darkness."

His hair color is black and looks like the most ideal ink in oil painting. It complements his white dress and highlights each other.

His skin color is white, placed in the long desert of the yellow sand, but it is rare to have a strong and heroic atmosphere.

And under his left ear, he wore a chic, sparkling earrings, just above the ugly skull.

And his eyes...

Tyres stared blankly, only to think that the pair of shallow amber scorpions contained the most beautiful but also the most deadly blade. At the same time as attracting every connoisseur, they would slash each one too much. Indulge in people.

The White Knight looked at Tells and looked back.

Taylors reacted: he was very rude and stared at him for a few seconds.

The handsome white knight did not pay attention to Ricky, but turned to the other two.

Under his gaze, Jodel took up his sword of supreme and quickly disappeared into the air.

"Smart." The White Knight is cold and authentic.

The battle stopped silently.

The open space under the dunes has returned to silence.

The White Knight rides his right hand, and the magical white pistol is like a trick, shortened to the length of an elbow, and he is taken back behind him.

He glanced at the mercenaries and the royal guards behind him without any problems.

His expression was very light, as if there was nothing.

But the people behind him were nervous.

The White Knight did not say anything. He turned and made a gesture to the sky.


The hoofs reappeared and the cavalry on the sand dunes began to move again.

The mercenaries and the royal guards raised their heads with vigilance:

The cavalry on the four sand dunes are getting closer and closer. They are numerous and there are hundreds of thousands of people who have already entered the line of sight. More cavalry are still appearing from the back of the sand dunes and slowly descending.

Coupled with the size of the horses, they look far like black ants in the mountains, covered in black from every direction, very pressureful.

Taylors recognized this:

The cavalry in the first row was all raised with a bow, and the hostility was full of people facing the sand dunes, as if a single arrow would be issued.

This also makes people under the dunes more nervous.

"Oh--" The little Barney who saw hope was about to speak, but was held down by Semir behind him.

"Don't mess up," Semir whispered, and at the same time glanced at the other old days with warning eyes, and screamed at the Knights of White Shadow:

"When the **** is doing something, I don't like someone interjecting."

Under the nervous and vigilant eyes of the crowd, the handsome white-knight knight walked over to Sakuel and looked down at the warrior who had swollen nose, swollen wounds, and wandering, but screaming at the end.

The handsome man's voice is cold and empty, with inexplicable power, like the cold current in the silent void:

"I recognize your brand."

The man raised his head and, if there was an eagle eye, accurately captured the figure of the little Barney and others in the crowd:

"And yours."

The people of the Royal Guards were all looking sad.

Saciel also stared at the white knight in front of him, narrowing his eyes as if he had thought of something.

"Ah, I know you too." After a few seconds, the penalty knight laughed.

"Young people," Sackel sighed:

"You are the 'Jailer' of this generation."

(End of this chapter)

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