Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 479: Life safety and freedom

Chapter 479 Life Safety and Freedom


Tyres’s heart was tight, he remembered something, and he quickly stepped forward. The fast rope behind him took the bow he had thrown and stalked with Cannon.

"When you put us in jail, that face is not so easy to forget." Sackel's voice was somewhat lost.

In front of his eyes, the white-knight knight's expression has not changed, but the delicate and beautiful facial features reveal a little tiredness.

"And you should be at the bottom," the handsome man said coldly:

"It shouldn't be here."

Sakuel shook his head and said nothing.

The cavalry around them were getting closer and closer, almost dyeing the yellow sand dunes in front of them, black and glaring.

The man in white turned and the cheekbones on his left shoulder swayed slightly.

He looked at Ricky sitting on the ground.

"The blood whistle, the sword is sold."

This time, the white man’s eyes showed an amazing chill:

"You shouldn't be here anymore."

"You should be in the place where you should be."

The words of a handsome man are disturbing.

Being shouted out of identity, many of the mercenaries couldn’t help but swallow.

Ricky's appearance has returned to normal, he stared at the knight in front of him, and replied with respect:

"Sorry, adult, we are performing the task."

Ricky shrugged and his face was helpless and innocent:

"But I have encountered some...accidents."

Handsome man frowns slightly:

"Your mission..."

At this time, Tyres, who is already approaching and can’t help himself, speaks loudly:

"Don't believe him! I am the second prince..."

The next moment, the Knight of White Shadow will move!

His right arm turned, and a gun tip appeared out of thin air, bullying toward Tyres!

And the teenager who is thinking about how to explain is even too late to react, and feels sway!


The air was blurred, and the moment Tyres looked at the foreground, he was already in the arms of Jodel, and the latter was guarded by the left arm.

In front of the mask guard, the gray supreme sword can block the white tip.

Cannon and Sakuel have already touched the weapon silently, with a dignified expression and ready to shoot.

"Take me again," the White Knight stared at Tyres, and the amber scorpion showed a cold murder, which made him think of his handsome look for a moment:

"Just kill you."

Thales looked at the gunpoint that was only a few inches away from his eyes and was aphasia.

"you can not."

Yodel opened the other's gunpoint and pulled up Tyres, replied coldly:

"You don't know who he is."

The White Knight retracted the rifle, which changed back to a short shot and was inserted back.

"I do not care."

Just listen to handsome men who are cold and authentic:

"And you are the same, no name, no matter what relationship you have with the secret."

The earrings of his left ear were gently shaken and still beautiful, as if he had not seen the scene of the sword.

Cannon and Sacuel, who were the nearest, were relieved.

Tyres found his breath, felt the heartbeat that began to beat again, and looked at Jodel in amazement.

But the mask guards just shook their heads - as always.

The White Knight re-directed to Ricky:

"Your mission?"

Ricky laughed.

"In progress," Krassu, the sword of the disaster, reluctantly looked at the more dazzling red light in the East:

"I believe that you will see progress soon."

The White Knight was silent for a while before reopening:

"Your accident?"

Ricky sighed.

"Please allow me to introduce," Ricky reached out and gestured to Tells:

"This is His Royal Highness of Tells, one of our surprises tonight..."

Ricky said that the expression of this statement is very helpless.

There was a whisper in the cavalry group that was relatively close.

The White Shadow Knight frowned, but his face appeared more vivid and vivid as it came out of the oil painting.

He turned his head and looked at Tells in detail.

For the first time in history, he was stared at by such a handsome man. Taylors only felt that his dress and appearance were not in line with the "prince" standard, and he felt that his face had a fever.

The White Knight turned his head and reopened to Ricky:

"I need an explanation..."

Taylor was shocked:


But he was immediately held down by Jodel and stopped his words.

"Williams doesn't like to be interrupted."

The mask guard leaned down and whispered in the ear of the juvenile:

"And he is serious."

Jodel said, adding a sentence to the bottom of my heart:

Whether you are a prince or not.


Taylor was amazed.

"Oh, I blame me for not introducing it, and it is a misunderstanding between you, my dear Prince."

Just as Tyres looked for memories of the name, Ricky seemed to react, and smiled at Thales with apologetic smile:

"It’s the legend of the desert field that stands in front of you now."

The head of the mercenary reached out and gestured to the knight who was handsome in his eyes. The adjectives did not look like money:

"Thunder flying on the horseback."

"The cold killer who is galloping."

"The horrible nightmare of hybrids and wasteland."

Taylor looked at the handsome knight in front of him, listening to the adjectives one after another, only feeling confused.





Under the contrast of the black-pressed cavalry, the figure of the White Knight is particularly glaring.

" also the sole owner of the Sand Dunes," Ricky sighed slightly, looking at the man's eyes more complicated:

"Baron Roberts."

Roman Williams.


Tyres frowned.

And Romans just listened to Ricky's words coldly, without saying a word.

"Of course, you can also call him..."

Ricky Shu took a sigh of relief and shouted the name with his most taboo tone:

"The wing of legend."

The wing of legend.

Tyres frowned and his mind flowed.

Stars in the three handsome, the reputation is the most terrible, but also the most contradictory, but the most complicated...

In the **** years and the desert war, the blood began, and there were countless slaughtermen. Even once, they killed a thousand orcs and captured them...

Once known as the triumph, with the army accompanied by the king, parade to Yongxing City, and thus rumored by the market, thousands of women rumored that "the face can conquer the West"...

Wings of legend?

The legendary wing himself, the rumored horrible and terrifying, handsome and handsome Roman Williams, looked at Taylors faintly.

Nothing to move.

At that moment, Taylor's gaze solidified on the ugly cheekbones of the Cavaliers' left shoulder.

He recognized it.

That is a...

The orc's skull.

However, it is at this time.


A loud noise came from afar!

It seems like a thunderstorm behind the clouds.

The crowd is in awesome!

The black cavalry cavalry parked on the sand dunes were also surprised and comforted the restless horses.

Taylors subconsciously looked in the direction of the loud noise, and immediately shocked!

It is a blade camp.

I saw a black smoke rising slowly from the camp.

That is……

Everyone was staring at the special situation of the Blades Camp.

Only sitting on the ground, Ricky exhaled a breath, showing a smile.

Roman turned back and saw the twilight in his eyes.

He screamed at the cavalry on the slope:


However, even his snoring is clear and penetrating, as if with the power of the heart.

Soon, a full-length gray-haired middle-aged knight with a hyperthyroidism came out of the crowd and looked at the camp that was smoky in the distance.

"Eternal oil explosion, adults."

The old knight named Frank frowned:

"The **** old men, after we left, they didn't know how to manage the military logistics..."

But at this time, the second black smoke slowly rose from the other direction of the camp.

The expression of the legendary wing has become even worse.

"Wait, that's..."

Frank’s eyes began to change and his tone began to change:

"The second source of fire, the direction of the store."

"It is intentional arson!"

His voice led to a commotion in the cavalry, and many began to whisper uneasily.

But Roman was just a turning point, and everyone who was glanced at him looked subconsciously.

The army recovered its silence.

It seems that God wants to joke with this handsome knight who likes to be quiet. After a few seconds, a rushing and flustered horn comes from the camp!


Three consecutive sounds.

Spread throughout the four wild.

This time, whether it is a mercenary or a cavalry group, people finally broke out with shock and sorrow that are hard to suppress!

The handsome Romans seemed to be unable to endure anymore. He couldn’t take care of his subordinates and turned his head in a hurry to the direction of another hillside:


There was a sensation in the cavalry, and a red-haired female cavalry screamed and rushed to the road.

Apparently, Felicia was a rare beauty, but she strangely shaved the hair on the left side, and there were strange tattoos on her face, reminding Taylor of Rolf around him.

"Adult, the messenger confirmed, it is an intrusion alert!"

Felicia is ruthlessly ruined:

"Seventh level!"

Looking at the smoke-stricken camp in the distance, listening to the more rushing horn, the army's commotion is getting bigger and bigger.

In the turmoil, the wing of the legend sinks his head and speaks without saying anything.

Perhaps it was his attitude, perhaps the military discipline was strict, and soon, the restless cavalry also calmed down.

What impressed Thales was that when the amazing number of cavalry groups quieted down from the turmoil, the silent silence of the moment was so amazing.

In the heart-warming silence, Romane slowly turned his head and looked at Ricky on the ground:


Ricky exhaled a sigh of relief, smiled and looked up, looking back at the legendary wing that was overwhelmingly superior in strength.

"Yeah, Baron."

"What you see now is our mission."

A whistle of whispers in the cavalry.

Tyres frowned and looked at the crowd - the brazier was stunned just before the melee, and it is still unconscious.

Luo Man’s expression is calm, and there is no fluctuation in his face:

"How did you do it?"

Ricky shrugged and reluctantly spread his hands:

"Oh, this is what the colleagues of the Shadow Shield will give..."

This time, Roman did not hesitate to interrupt him, the tone is cold:

"what happened?"

The interrupted Ricky was silent for a while.

He lowered his eyes and indulged for a while before he raised his gaze:

"Prisoners in the White Prison," Ricky was natural, no surprise:

"It has already been released, and it is looting in the camp."

Ricky smiled and continued:

"And the military warehouses that are related to the survival of the garrison are burning and shaking their hearts."

The cavalry began to commotion again.

Ricky looked at the direction of the camp and said:

"It can be said that the only lords in the camp who have the strength to respond to the garrison are on the verge of incarnation and metamorphosis because of the assassination of the feudal aristocracy."

"As for the highest level 7 alert."

Ricky smiled at the horn that was looming in his ear:

"Beyond the camp, the ash-slaughter and the stalks, which are headed by the riprap tribe and the Brahran tribe, are preparing to use this opportunity to raided the invasion, plunder, wash the snow at the time of the bladed camp. They were the shame of the desert war 11 years ago."

Cracked stone tribe?

Taylor was shocked!

The army on the four sand dunes is finally lost!

The middle-aged knight, Frank, was a glimpse first, then violently uttered:

"Fuck you -"

But Roman suddenly raised a hand!

Block Frank's curse in his mouth.

In the next moment, the army will return to silence, and no one will dare to whisper.

I saw that Roman looked up and looked at the camp where the black smoke was coming.

"Really, the sword is sold," Romans said coldly:

"You are beyond my expectations."

Ricky nodded and looked quite emotional:

"Tonight is very extraordinary, it is a little surprise."

The two were silent for a few seconds.

The next moment, Roman suddenly opened:

"and so."

"what would you like?"

As soon as this was said, the Royal Guard and Frank and Felicia were surprised to see the wings of the legend.

Ricky laughed.

"You really reacted sharply, adults."

He stood up, first gestured to his subordinates, and then respectfully said:

"We, friendly and kind blood whistle, baron, your mercenary partners..."

Ricky hooked his hook, and Cray immediately woke up an unconscious prisoner and brought it with him.

"We will be the highest person in charge of the Northland who will present you the Shadow Shield, the solder," Ricky looked at the waking brazier in front of the cavalry, showing a frightened expression, a slight smile:

"His appearance will make the secret assassins give up their goals and flee."

The wing of the legend frowned and did not speak.

"We will also return the only heir to the Star Kingdom, Prince of the Comet," Ricky put his arm to the mile that is not far away, so that the latter could not help but bite:

"His identity is enough to suppress the unruly Western lords in your camp."

Ricky observed the other person's expression and took a moment of humility.

"Of course, we will also offer the opportunity," Ricky pointed to the camp where the black smoke was in the distance:

"Those who don't have to waste on the mud legs of our hand-held hostages can be used to fight the chaos and turn the tide - the timing."

Now, even Sackel began to frown and re-examine the militant demons that were crazy and violent at the previous moment, but now they have become the man of the steady, wise Krassu.

The wings of the legend are still not spoken.

"We, blood whistle will use all of the above, to buy from adults..."

Ricky respectfully nodded:

"Our life, safety and freedom."

These chapters can be used to make up for the amount of sickness in these days.

(End of this chapter)

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