Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 513: Brain problem

Chapter 513 has a problem with the brain

"And you see the child too..."

Doyle sighed in pain.

"God, when we were fourteen and five years old, how can it be so complicated, shouldn't it be simply stupid and impulsive?"

He looked at Golovy without hesitation and sought approval:

"There is nothing that can't be solved at night when you go to Hongfang Street, right?"

To his surprise, Glover, who has always responded negatively, has spoken.

"Not us," the ignorant pioneer official snorted and turned to one side:

"only you."

The smile of D.D disappeared instantly.

At this time, another voice suddenly sounded:

"Is everything fine?"

Doyle and Goloved together!

In a second of time, the two men were at the same time and turned to the direction of the iron gate.

I saw the highest commander of the Royal Guard, the captain of the guard, Lord Adrian was standing at the iron gate, accompanied by two entourages, smiled to them.

If Doyle is struck by lightning, he first tries to squeeze out his smile. After he feels wrong, he struggles to correct his face.

"Ai, Ed... team, team, team... long, sir?"

Glover also stunned, but he quickly reacted:


Adrian nodded and walked in with a smile, and the people around him recognized him and saluted.

"Everyone is busy, what are you doing?"

The smile on Doyle's face froze.

He quickly stood still and took a step forward:

"Cough... We are reviewing, evaluating the defense loopholes in the Judith Hall, and doing a good job in the future."

But Glover slammed openly, covering the sound of Il:

"We pretend to be very busy, sir."

"Then avoid the call for the logistics wing."

As soon as this statement was made, Captain Adrian’s smile was also so cold for a second.

Doyle swayed and looked at his companion incredulously.

At that moment, first of all, the tremor was inexplicable, and then Doyle, who was desperately ignorant, only wanted to slap a dead Christopher.

Then shoot yourself.

In the unspeakable silence and embarrassment, the good old-fashioned Adrian first reacted:

"Oh, you are all...the people of Mallos?"

Doyle, who was in a bad mood, felt that the captain had no sense of responsibility and quickly remedy:

"That, ah... Lord Marcus is inside, it seems to be..."

Golov’s answer is as simple as ever:

"I will report it."

Adrian stopped him:

"and many more."

The highest commander of the Royal Guards took up his hands and slowly walked towards each other, blinking his strong figure:

"You are the pioneer wing of Karen Golov?"

Goloved look:


Adrian nodded and looked back in her eyes: "Good."

"I know your grandfather."

"Forty years ago, he was the watchman, and he personally pulled me into the guard."

On one side, Doyle's face changed.

His eyes on Golova are immediately different.

Adrian sighed:

"He is a strict person, but worthy of respect."

Goloved eyes:


"I hope that you are respected like him," Adrian's tone is very kind and friendly:

"But... don't have to be as harsh as he is."

“In the team, be a gentle and easy person, you will find that you have more to harvest.”

Goloved with a slight shock, the answer was slightly cramped:

"Yes Yes."

Adrian nodded and looked at Doyle.

The latter immediately became like a rat who had taken poison. The whole person was unnaturally stiff.

Adrian smiled:

"So, you are the one... D.D?"

Doyle’s mouth twitches, smiles:

"Yes, long, sir... but that is, yes... everyone is calling for fun..."

His voice is very unfounded and weak.

"Bridge talked to me about you." Adrian said leisurely.


Doyle’s eyes lit up and swept away the timidity:

"is it?"

He looked forward slightly: "That, the chief, he said me..."

"He said that the first thing you want to go is the vanguard wing," Adrian said faintly:

"After losing the election, he had to go to his guard wing."

Golova subconsciously married Doyle.

At that moment, D.D's face rose red.

"Sir, I, I..."

But Adrian is a color:

"It is not shameful to admit defeat."

He slowly said:

"Being able to accept failure is worthy of success."

"As long as you do a good job of 'guarding', you will have a ‘pioneer’.”

Adrian suddenly sternly, let Doyle subconsciously tighten the body:

"Yes, sir."

Adrian nodded and looked at the two of them again.

"You are very young, they are all important arms of Marlous, and they are the reliable blade of the kingdom," Adrian regained his graciousness:

"Try harder."

"Yes, sir!" This is the embarrassing Doyle.

"Yes." This is still Stony's Glover.

Adrian smiled slightly.

"And, don't be caught by the owner when you are lazy," At this moment, Adrian suddenly turned his head and looked at the distance with gaze:

"Especially... he is standing behind you."

Doyle and Goloved together, turned and turned.

Hiding behind the tree, Taylors, who was suddenly smashed, was also shocked.

He had to walk out of the tree in D.D and the strange eyes of the zombies, adjust himself, smile gently and politely.

Adrian complimented him:

"Lord of the Duke."

Tyres quickly nodded and returned:

"Lord Adrian."

"Excuse me..."

Adrian smiled and shook his head:

"Do not worry."

"I am just coming... I will hand you the official Duke's canon."

He turned and handed a paper scroll to Glover (Doyle wanted to reach out, but the scroll was slamming to Golov when he was about to fall into his hands).

"By the way, look at how the kids are going," the captain of the half-year-old smiled and looked at Doyle and Glover. The former quickly smiled and the latter stood stiffer:

"After all, the manpower from the Royal Guard and another special unit, this is the first time in years."

Tyres looked at the writ of Glover's hand and didn't have time to delve into the meaning of the other words:

"Thank you for your concern."

The Guard’s commander’s smile remains: “I hope that Tomond didn’t bother you.”

A glimpse of Tyres:

"Tho... who?"


His first reaction was the portrait of the Revival King in the Judith Hall.

But Adrian just sighed:

"I heard the Count of Cassault say you and his conflict on the road. I want to apologize for his actions."

Taylors reacted, and the other person said...

"But please believe me, Lord Marcus is not disrespectful, not stubborn," Adrian said seriously:

"He is purely... too casual."

Thales blinked.


He took a deep breath and recalled that he had just said to him that ‘no one cares about you’, he wondered:

"My guard captain? Free sex?"

Even Doyle and Glover, who dare not take a bite out of the atmosphere, couldn’t help but wonder.

Adrian smiled.

"Do not misunderstand, Your Highness, when I say 'sexually', it does not mean that indolence is negligent, Lord Malore's ability is beyond doubt."

Adrian looked at the Judith Hall at the other end of the fountain and said:

"Just, he hates complexity and trouble. When faced with problems, he would rather choose a solution that is within reach."

"This is also some kind of arrogance."

Hate complex and trouble...


Hearing this evaluation, Tersillo realized.

Adrian is helpless:

"For example, the easiest way to protect a prince is to prevent the prince from going out."

"I don't know... sometimes it will bring more trouble."

Tyres nodded and smiled.

I saw Adrian sigh:

"So, he often needs someone... push one."

"Go and spur him to do better."

Doyle and Glover are looking at each other.

"Yes," Taylors nodded politely. "I will pay attention."

"Right, Lord Marcus is..."

Adrian has raised his hand:

"Oh no, I won't see him."

The captain looked at Taylors with a smile:

"It is enough to see you."

"When you became a prince six years ago, I happened to be at home, not present, and missed your important moment."

Adrian’s eyes suddenly became serious:

"But fortunately, I have not missed the time when you became the Duke."

Feeling the meaning of the other's eyes, Taylors glanced.

"His Royal Highness."

I saw Adrian staring at him, with a strong heart:

"A good warrior can withstand and will suffer."

"A qualified aristocrat can shoulder the burden and shoulder the burden."

The Guard Captain said faintly:

"The king is no different."

In the next second, he added a sentence without any deep meaning.

"The king is even worse."

Let Taylors stay in place.

Adrian went on another ceremony and then turned and left.

Looking at the back of the guard captain disappeared, Doyle breathed a lot, as if he had been angry for a lifetime.

"Wow, wow, wow...unbelievable, the captain talked to me..."

D.D is not excited:

"I entered the team for seven and a half years. This is the second time I have met face-to-face with Adrian, and I talked alone! The last time was three years ago!"

Well, yes, three years ago.

It was in the duty room,

It seems to be a "Captain captain, do you want to drink water" and "No, thank you"?

Doyle thought excitedly.


Glover snorted disdainfully and looked at the contempt of "you haven't seen the world."

Three years.

In the same time in the Fuxing Palace, this kid is going to the edge to what extent, in order to have no chance to talk to the commander alone for three years?

As for myself...


With a touch of self-confidence, Glover recalled his last conversation with the captain.

A few years ago...

Strange, why can't you remember?

Next to the two people with different moods, Teres thought thoughtfully.

"That is..." he said slowly.

Excited Doyle answered the doubts of Tells:

"Hey, you still don't know? That's the most hanging person in the Royal Guard."

"The captain of the General Guard, Lord Adrian."

I saw that Doyle has a good color:

"His qualifications are enough to crush everyone else in the Guard, a witness to glory and destruction."


Brilliance and destruction?

Taylor is a little puzzled.

Goloved nodded and looked at Adrian’s direction and looked serious:

"It is said that the captain witnessed the **** year, and the only one survived in the legendary Royal Guard... the old guards."

Witness the **** year...

Tyres' face changed slightly.

"You mean, the one who was my grandfather...the former royal guard?"

Doyle took a deep breath and nodded his face.

Thinking of the prisoners in the Bone Ghost, Taylor could not help but be shocked:

"Adrian... He lived in the **** year? How did it do?"

Glover shrugged.

"Congratulations, Duke," D.D sighed and spread his hand:

"You just asked the third place of the 'Top Ten Unsolved Mysteries of the Royal Guard.'"

Tyres is speechless.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside the iron gate.

"No, no, it’s closed can’t be a nobleman...”

The attention of the three was drawn to the past, Doyle went to the iron gate, and Golov was close behind.

The curious Taylors also had to step forward, but they were pushed behind by Glover, and they were blocked.

"What happened?" Doyle called a comet private soldier outside the door through the iron gate.

The soldier turned his back and pointed to a man in the distance who was stopped by several soldiers:

"Guardian adult, this guy wants to come in... He said he is a noble, otherwise we have long been..."

Doyle narrowed his eyes and saw the man who was stopped.

His eyes zoomed in.

"Wait, wait, I know him..."

Doyle stared blankly at the man who beckoned to him outside the door:

"why you?"

The man outside the door was free from the suppression of the soldiers and finished the whole clothes. He was astonished after seeing Doyle:

"Hey, I have to ask, D.D, how are you?"

Doyle looks black:

"Crap, I am a royal servant... No, no, I asked you first: How are you?"

The man outside the door blinked. He looked around and seemed very puzzled:

"Just... it’s me!"

Behind Golov, Tyres, who heard the inexplicable conversation between the two sides, smiled.

Glover was looking strangely.

"Nothing, just..." Tyres shook his hand apologetically:

“I remembered a joke from a native of Northland: ‘How is it?’”

Taylor couldn't help but laugh.

Did not understand, Glover's look became more and more strange.

Outside the door, between Doyle and the uninvited guest, the dance and the inexplicable dialogue continued:

"What are you doing and doing?"

The guest touched his head:

"I... I took a leave in advance today. I ran specifically to see the prince - ah no, it is the Duke... I heard that he is back today..."

Doyle shook his head:

"No, the nobles have to make an appointment before visiting..."

But D.D reacted:

"Wait, how do you know that the prince is back today, how do you know that he is the duke..."

"Oh, my family crow is faster... Ok, let me go, don't block me to see him..."

"No, how do you know that he is here..."

"Have you forgotten, when you sent the prince today, we are responsible for clearing the road..."

"No, no, you wait... I mean, in what capacity, what qualifications are you running to visit the prince..."

"What a joke, at my age, I am the only young person in our hall who has the title of Lord Yufeng..."

"Lord Royal Seal? You mean that because of your hard relationship, deep background, and good, so the title is mixed?"

"Hey, roll! I am a lord, of course, because I have a good for the kingdom!"

"Features... Are you saying that you are going to the streets to catch a thief?"

"Catch your special thing... obviously six years ago, my heroic expedition, defending the kingdom from the flames of war!"

"Hey, I will see how long you have to blow this cow..."

"I tell you D.D, you are the red fruit, you can't make a fool of yourself..."

"Hey, are you a single person for more than 20 years, and have a face..."

After the iron gate, Glover was holding his head in shame.

Apparently, the negotiations between Doyle and the men outside the door will not end for a while, and the comets that have been tired of listening have already returned to their posts.

But Tyres has heard something.


In spite of Golov’s face, the Duke of Xinghu decisively crossed the former and loudly reminded:


In front of the iron gate, Doyle, who was arguing endlessly, remembered his duties. He quickly turned around and lost his smile:

"Sorry, Your Highness, I am bothering you... that, let me introduce, this is..."

Doyle turned sideways and pointed to the uninvited guest outside the door, screaming out a bunch of nouns:

"...the grandson of my grandmother's brother-in-law."

Goloved another sigh and slaps his face.

At that moment, Taylors saw the guests outside the door.

He is stunned.

"That, the heir of a great count, working in Wangdu..."

Doyle smiled and said the name of the person:

"Cohen Karabyan."

Tyres looked at the man outside the door.

"Hey, hey, hey, Your Highness! Do you remember me? I am the one... that... the one who eats more fruits and liver..."

Outside the iron gate, the tall police officer, Cohen, looked at Taylors who grew up a lot, and then pointed to himself, revealing a big white tooth, revealing a "I am" smirk.

Doyle looked at Cohen, who was trying to wave, in horror, and coughed.

"By the way, Your Highness."

Didn't notice the difference of the owner, Doyle lowered the volume and put his head in the ear of Taylor:

"The aristocrats of Wangdu are all passing... this guy..."

Doyle pointed out that Cohen, who couldn’t help but smirk, waved his head and whispered:

"Brain problem."

The reason why the six chapters are not read is because four chapters have been released in the previously blocked chapters.

Of course, the first chapter is still being shielded. This is still a novel without the first chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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