Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 514: a little busy

Chapter 514 A little busy

Apparently, as the captain of the Duke of Star Lake, Mallos was not happy to see the first day of Tyres moving to the new home to open the door.

But in the countless bureaucrats, servants, guards, the second prince's insistence, and the more or less the birth of the young Karabyan, Cohen was politely invited into the living room just finished. Before that, the Duke’s guard captain, the watchman, Lord Mallos, did not forget to remind his master:

The other party is the heir to the Karabyan family.

Today is the first day when the prince returns to the capital.

What this necessarily means.

Listening to such a reminder, Tyres can only smile numbly.

Then tighten the nerves as always.

Going to the living room...

"I knew, I told them that the prince's memory will not be bad, and he must remember me, he will certainly not forget to fight side by side... sure enough..."

"I have written to your High School for the past few years, but I don't know why, you never returned to me... until I met the Kasuo boy who returned home, he told me that the comet intercepted and wrote it to you. Most of the letters are awful..."

Taylors sat in the main position, looking at the chattering Cohen, scanning the seemingly familiar living room, trying to suppress the emotions in his heart.

That year, I was here...

Cohen’s words, he looked at the gods of Teres, raised his palms from his stomach to the chest, and surprised:

"Hey, are you tall?"

got taller.

Taylor looked at the chair he was sitting on, remembering six years ago.


At that time, when I was sitting here, my feet could not touch the ground.

Taylors has been silent for a long time.

For a long time, Cohen was a little overwhelmed and subconsciously sat in his chair.


Taylors finally sounded, his smile was faint, and it meant a lot:

"I am growing taller."

Cohen has converged a smile.

He looked at the open hall door.

There, Mallos was standing in the doorway, smiling at the two subordinates ("I don't want you to explain me, he is not what I called..." - nervous Doyle), still used from time to time Yu Guang squatted at the meeting in the hall.

The alert officer is careful:

"Is it... isn't the time to come?"

Tyres turned his eyes.

Cohen scratched his head:

"They don't look very happy, especially the leader, hey, that's the smirk..."

Outside the open door, a maid was about to have a refreshment for the duke and the guests, but was lifted by a smile by Mallos, and the bitter face of Doyle and the stiff Goloved together, began to check .

Not very happy.

of course.

Tyres thought lightly.

Although the time of companionship is not long, from the moment he walked out of the Chamber of Deputies...

Obviously, even Cohen, I feel something.

Thinking of it, thinking of Mallos, Tyres forced himself to smile:

"That is Malos."

"Tomond Marlous."

"The watchman of the Royal Guard."

"It turns out that," Cohen looked awkward and awe-inspiring:

"It's the famous Mallorus."


Well, this name is really familiar...

Cohen’s death is entangled in memory.

Where did you hear it?

Tyres adjusted his emotions and smiled:

"Don't care, he is only strict, after all, this is my first day back, and Mallos is my guard captain."

Cohen quickly forgot the surname that he couldn’t remember.

"The captain of the guard, Wow, Your Highness," Cohen looked surprised and looked back and forth at the living room:

"It’s a lot better than the North, yes."

The alert officer looked around with excitement and curiosity:

"闵迪思厅, I was only brought once by the old man at a very young age... He said it was a good place and it was of great significance."

Cohen patted his chair with joy:

"I might have sat in a lot of big guys in this seat."

"Yeah, six years ago," Taylors said, nostalgic:

"The black prophet sat on your chair."

Cohen, who is in high spirits, has a meal.

Tyres smiled and remembered the intense meeting that year.

I don't know what it will be now when I face Morat Hansen again in six years.

The prince clenched his fists unconsciously.

The black prophet six years ago was mysterious and terrifying in his impressions, and it was creepy.

But six years later, he knew that the other party was not that terrible, wasn't it?

At least... the Black Prophet was also discounted by his legs.

In front of him, Cohen moved in parallel and changed his seat quietly:

"Speaking, you may not believe it, but the old man brought me there..."

"He was called by the Crown Prince. I suddenly urgency, but my servant was gone, and I couldn't find me. I suddenly found a vase in the hallway..."


Doyle, who coughed loudly, came up with a refreshment and just interrupted Cohen’s unconscious narrative.

"Cohen," Doyle said, with a normal tone, but glanced at the guests at a point where Tels couldn't see:

"This is the palace of His Royal Highness, and thanks to the generosity of His Royal Highness, you can be the first to visit here."

"Attention to the state."

Cohen snorted and didn't care. A look of "I am very familiar with the prince", while watching Doyle leave, the demonstration also seemed to smother the cup.

In the next second, the police officer's face changed, and he slammed back into the cup.

"Ah, wow, ah... sway, sway, slay dead... take it, take the deliberate amount..."

Cohen stretched out the tongue that was burnt, and fanned the wind.

Taylors looked at Cohen and Doyle's interaction with surprise, and took his own teacup and tried it.

Well, the temperature is just right.

In Cohen’s unyielding gaze, Tyres coughed and broke:

"So, have you known Doyle for a long time?"

"Hah, huh... damn... more, more... oh, you mean D.D!"

Cohen can easily lick his tongue:

"He is my one... um, that..."

Cohen’s tone is somewhat uncertain: “A grandfather’s grandson’s grandson?”

"Well, probably."

Uncle's grandson's grandson.

Really, he remembers to live.

Tyres looked at Cohen's bright blond hair and looked at Doyle's dark blond hair and suddenly found himself in a better mood.

At least, the repression that came out of the Fuxing Palace is no longer like a black cloud, making it hard to breathe.

"But you'd better play with him less, Your Highness," Cohen changed his face and leaned over to Tyres, whispering to Doyle's back: "That guy is..."

"Playboy brother."


Tyres looked strange, but unknowingly curled up his mouth.

Let’s look at the small report...

You really are relatives.

"So... where is the kid of the Kasuo family? Is that a single-edged sword?"

Cohen didn't care about this episode. He straightened up and looked for the impression:

"And there is a smoking uncle who is very conspiring?"

Cohen recalled his chin and recalled:

"Including the dumb that will fan the wind..."

Cohenton paused and said suspiciously: "Wait, dumb is not, right?"

Wyatt Casso.

Putier Niemann.

Midila Rolf.

Taylor is slightly out of the blue.

"They are still dealing with my legacy in the North, but will be back soon."

The prince soon returned to God and answered seamlessly.

Cohen breathed a sigh of relief and touched his throat with vigilance.

Well, that dumb, it is better not to meet him.

Looking at Cohen's expression, and then looking at the strange and familiar environment, Teres found that he missed the old people more and more.

"Unimaginable, Your Highness!"

Just a few seconds later, Cohen regained his energy and was excited:

" Six years ago, we were still in the north, fighting together to kill..."

The enthusiasm of the police officer for the prince made the latter somewhat difficult to parry:

"But... look at this place again, Your Highness, you are now the Duke! Duke of Star Lake!"

Cohen took a deep breath and smiled on the face. He seemed to think of something to raise his eyebrows:

"Even my old man will salute you!"

However, you did not salute.

Tyres reluctantly licked his forehead.

"So, why is the Judith Hall?"

Cohen Xing patted the chair without losing:

"You are not yet an adult... why not a revival palace?"

Tyres is trying to answer, but he wants to stop.

He glanced at the royal guards outside the door.

"I...the body is poor, I am afraid of coldness," Taylors remembered the story of the "Fog King" who went out of the hospital to raise his illness.

"My father let me live here."

Tyres is somewhat blocked.

He suddenly found that compared with six years ago...

He has been unable to treat friends with no reservations.

"Afraid of cold?"

Cohen looked at him in surprise:

"But you have been in the North for six years!"

Tyres smiled reluctantly:

"Maybe, that's why they sent me back."

"Avoid me to die of cold disease in the North."

Cohen stunned.

He was suspicious and looked back at the prince.

After a second.


Cohen reacted with a sudden realization, and his smile reopened:

"His Royal Highness, you are really joking!"

"Afraid of cold? You are brave enough to fight the heroes of the Dragon Palace!"

Taylors can only continue to smile.

"But you can't fool me."

Having said that, the police officer’s eyes are shining:

"So, how did you get back from the North?"

Tyres smiled stiffly.

It is also a question that is not easy to answer.

"Although the notice says that the Kingdom of Exeter sent you back, there are also the king's greetings from their kings..."

Cohen thought thoughtfully, his eyes flashed with shrewd light:

"But I am a man who has fought in the North and West, I know very well there, so I know, things..."

Cohen smiled mysteriously:

“It’s definitely not that simple.”

Taylors a glimpse.

Unexpectedly, Cohen looked confident and full, and did not want to ask him.

"I know," the police officer made a loud noise in countless numbers:

"This year, regardless of the war of the Freedom League, or the civil strife of the Black Sands, or anything else, it is only the appearance of things."

Looking at Cohen in front of him, Taylors was a little surprised.

He means……

"And the truth is that someone who has already planned everything in secret has long been..."

Cohen waved his hand and looked like "I know, you don't pretend":

"Return only for your safety!"

At that moment, Tyres was shocked.



When is he...

Is it a secret? Did Raphael tell him?

"Oh, not only that, but I also know that that person has a heart..."

I saw a vigilant officer with a savvy look:

"And all the planners..."

Taylor looked at each other nervously.

I have to say that Cohen in front of him gives him a feeling of inscrutable and compelling.

Cohen stood up fiercely and said:

"... is your Highness!"

The entire living room was quiet.

Only Cohen’s voice wandered in the living room and couldn’t get around.

The alert officer maintains a handsome posture that identifies the murderer.

At the top of his finger, Tyres was in the same place.

Doyle outside the door looked at it curiously and was forced back by a smile from Mallos.

After a few seconds, the restored Taylors tried to open his mouth:


However, Cohen did the same as before, and changed his footsteps. He took back his right hand and waved his right arm. He was in the chest: "I know you too, Your Highness!"

"I know, wit like you, is the initiator of all the tricks!"

Cohen is excited:

"Like six years ago..."

"This time, you are also planning in the middle, through the Freedom League and the black sand vassals, successfully provoked the infighting of Longyan City and the Black Sands..."

Tyres’ eyebrows began to twitch.

"At the moment when the two forces are killing each other and have no time to take care of, you will successfully escape the birth day and return home safely!"

"It also weakens the strength of the Kingdom of Exeter!"

Cohen’s posture is unabated.

He knows that at this moment, his eyes are shining with wisdom.

Waiting for the response from the immediate person.

Before Cohen looked forward to his eyes, Taylors tried his best to squeeze his eyebrows.

"Amount, bad, almost."

Be sure, Cohen's eyes are bright!

"Those who are in the north," the police officer is very happy:

"You must have taught them a fart, right?"

Tyres took a deep breath:

"Amount, also... almost."

Cohen is more excited:

"So you will be sealed for the Duke when you come back for the national merit!"

Hearing here, Tyres numbly answered:

"Poor, bad, almost."

Hearing the prince’s approval, Cohen retracted his arms and smashed his fist!


I don’t know Taylor’s complex expression at the moment.

"Oh, how, after I learned the lesson six years ago, I have been making up for politics in the past few years," the police officer squinted and raised his arm, a very knowledgeable look:

"My wisdom is also improving!"

Tyres silently looked at Cohen in the spring breeze.

"Well," a few seconds later, Tyres opened a sly smile:

"Yes, yeah."

Cohen suddenly smiled and found a pine cone like a squirrel.

"So, what have you been to in Northland these years?"

Tyres has not recovered from Cohen’s “intellectual attack” and he sighed.

"Amount, how do you say..."

Cohen, who was full of self-confidence, broke his hand with a wave.

"Oh, I understand."

Cohen looked up and felt the same:

"When I finished the tower, my teacher was a Northlander. Miranda is also a Northlander strictly... they are, hey..."

Cohen seems to think of something, some shudder.

The alert officer’s disgusted expression was half done, and suddenly he turned his back and stared at Thales:

"Do you understand?"

Taylor looked at him with a sly look:

"Amount, I... that..."

In the face of Cohen’s longing for the eyes, the prince can only make every effort to smile:

"Well, understand, understand."


Cohen excitedly shot the thigh:

"I know you know!"

Taylors tried to suppress the twitching of the corners of his mouth.

Cohen sighed.

"Unfortunately, others don't understand."

But he immediately got a spirit, like watching his younger brother, eagerly looking at the prince of a misty prince:

"But it doesn't matter, we know it is enough!"

Tyres had to smirk with Cohen and nodded, pressing the terrible problem:

What do you know?

In this fruitful dialogue, Lord Duke of Star Lake felt for the first time that his IQ level was slightly insufficient.

While Tyres was immersed in the sadness of IQ, Cohen suddenly got up and shot his thigh.

"Okay, I should go."

When Terston was in vain.

"Go? Now?"

I saw the police officer smiled and said:

"His Royal Highness, take care!"

Tyres looked at Cohen, who was happy, wondering:

"This... is this finished?"

Cohen blinked and didn't seem to understand:


Tyres took a few seconds, this is the way:

" have nothing else to do?"

"Yes," Cohen’s eyes turned and his emotions went down:

"I have to go to the hall to sign in the afternoon, or he will buckle again."

and many more.

Is this finished?

As the heir to one of the thirteen families...

On the first day when the second prince returned to Wangdu...

No temptation, no wooing, no purpose, no pleasing, no coercion, no conspiracy?

Nothing reminded by Mallos... everything?

The duke looked at Cohen in front of his face.

Since returning to the stars, Taylors felt that he was not used to it for the first time.

Tyres turned back and shook his head:

"No, I mean..."

The prince hesitated and looked at Cohen's eyes a little dignified.

"How is your father?"

Taylors is still open, with a touch of discomfort and apology:

"Wora led by the Earl of Karabyan?"

Cohen is also a glimpse:


"I don't know, you should be fine... I haven't written to him for a long time."

The duke of the teenager is quite surprised:

"But... you came here specially, just to spend a few minutes... chat with me?"

Cohenton had a moment and thought about it.

After a few seconds, he shrugged his shoulders:

"Yes, just come see you."

The alert officer touched his head and looked ignorant.

"if not?"

This time, it was the turn of Taylors.

At that moment, the Wings of the Legend, the Nob of the Secrets, the Duke of the West, the Dale Klomm, the Earl of the Black Lion, the watchman Marillos, the Gilbert, the captain Adrian... Since the return of the country, Xu Many people's faces flashed in the minds of Taylors.


They compare with the people in front of them...

Tyres looked at Coulent in front of his eyes in a faint mood.

The big police officer looked at him with incomprehensibility and blinked.

For a long while, the Duke, who had a lot of feelings, came back and took a deep breath.


"You are the eldest son, right?"

"The Karabyan family of the twin tower swords?"

At the moment when I heard the "eld child", Cohen was like a frosted eggplant, and the whole person collapsed.


Cohen is languid.

Tyres silently looked at the Karabyan family lord, the orthodox heir of Wola.

"So after you finished the final tower, you went directly to the West? Go to the 'Thunder Crow'?"

The police officer raised his hand:


"Your father didn't stop you?" Taylors gently rubbed the teacup in his hand:

"You know, you are the heir to the family territory and title..."

"Oh, talk about this..."

Cohen worked hard to face the things that made him headache.

"My old man, he... Wait, how do you know that I was in the Western Wild Service and went to the 'Thunder"?

The police officer looked at him suspiciously.

However, the face of Thales does not change color:

"Everybody knows."

Cohen thought about it seriously, and then suddenly:

"Yes, everyone knows."

"As for my father, of course, he stopped. He didn't want me to join the army, and he didn't want me to go to the West. I mean," Cohen thought, but his tone gradually faded:

"At least he tried to stop it."

Taylors stared deeply at Cohen.

For the first time, he felt that he saw something different in this big man.

"But you still go."

The prince said silently.

Cohen breathed out slowly:

"I still went."

Waiting for the living room to be silent for a while, it seems that both sides need time to digest this short sentence.

"After that, did he not put pressure on you?"

Tyres looked at the reflection in the teacup and asked:

"Forcing you to go back and do a...qualified heir?"

Cohen’s slight shock seemed to remind me of bad memories.

But he still smiled:

"Of course."

"You can't imagine."

Cohen’s words contained a few unseen regrets:

"He forced me to retire..."

He did not say anything more.

"But you are still here," Tyres said faintly: "In the kingdom?"


The alert officer is also slightly ecstatic,

"At least in the kingdom, the old man didn't dare to come," Cohen sighed, his words helpless:

"If there is a king, I suspect he will send a big army to tie me... cough..."

Cohen shrugged his shoulders to reveal a smile he used to smile.

As always, cheerful.

Tyres looked at him silently.

He is laughing.

The prince told himself.


At that moment, Taylor suddenly felt:

It turns out that I am not alone.

The two were silent for a while.

In the distance, Malos gently knocked on the door.

The meeting time is up.


Tyres put down the teacup in his hand and slowly raised his head.

"thank you……"

The prince released his most gentle, but most sincere smile today:

"Nice to meet you."

Cohen raised his eyebrows:

"Yeah, I am also very..."

But the police officer was interrupted.

I saw that Taylors is self-sufficient:

" can see the old face."

"that's nice."

Tyres has a light expression and a deep meaning.

When the voice fell, Cohen's face changed.

He looked at the prince slyly, revealing doubts.

"What's wrong?" Taylors smiled.

Cohen narrowed his eyes and seemed to want to carefully look again at the owner of the Dixie Hall:

"You are different."

Tyres laughed aloud:

"Yes, do you think so?"

Cohen nodded in a difficult place.

"Yeah, you become, become..."

He tried to scan the Duke of Star Lake in front of him.

Finally, Cohen, who thought about the adjective for a long time, could only say a word:

"Change... big."

Taylors smiled.

Looking at the prince's smile, Cohen frowned.

He twisted his head and remembered the child who was caught in the tunnel by himself.

Well, it was cute when I was young.

Tyres thought in a move and remembered something.

"Right, do you remember Rolf?"

Cohen’s thoughts were chaotic, and he said:

"What is Luo?"

"My men, the masked..."

"You mean..." Cohen first thought deeply, then stunned:

"... dumb!"

Looking at Cohen's happy expression, Tyres sighed:

This may be a bad idea.



Tilston took a moment and looked up.

This time, the prince's expression is extremely serious.

"I... I want you to help me a little."


(End of this chapter)

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