Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 519: Was it discovered?

Chapter 519 was discovered?

In Yongxing City, the enthusiasm caused by the return of the prince has been reduced (or just converging backlog, waiting for the next outbreak), at least the closed dix room of the thank you is no longer as good as before, and Taylors rarely enjoys a precious Clean time.

But this does not mean that he has been comfortable since then.

From the second day onwards, His Royal Highness has not had time to enjoy the power of the great identity of the owner of the Judith Hall. The royal group led by Gilbert ("The royal family of small meats" The packaging company "--the uncle of the Duke's adult" has entered the Judith Hall in an orderly manner.

First of all, the grammar class, including the instructors of the ancient imperial and general elf, is the prestigious Bona University student at Wang Liwen Law School.

Can you please him, can not be said to be inexpensive.

On the one hand, the bald bachelor's sleek bald head can save a lot of lamp oil and save resources;

On the other hand, his voice, which is soft, low and intermittent ("During a sickness" - a mean, D.D, which can't be spoken loudly, forces the entire Judith Hall to remain absolutely quiet during school hours for the benefit of the environment;

Third, his profound knowledge and extensive field almost condensed the prince's five courses (grammar, logic, rhetoric, ancient imperialism, and elf text), and let Taylors understand the answers to the following questions:

What are the changes in the grammar that even the language order of the "main subject" is completely different from the language of the lingua franca (such as the troubled ancient empire and the **** general elf)? How will it affect the principles and expression of logic? So what are the challenges in rhetoric? How do they affect the current language and the way they speak? Then change people's thinking habits? Finally, how did they cruelly and ruthlessly eat the precious sleep time of Prince Tellers?

("His Royal Highness, you, you said, can you not finish it? Then, then it’s late, sleep a little late... Anyway, your young people said that it’s a lie to go to bed early, and you can’t sleep when you are lying in bed... What, unfavorable head, hair? Oh, that doesn't matter... Your Highness, do you know the wig, who is not wearing a wig and fake chest in the court... What, late sleep is not high? Hey, Your Highness, you wear a crown, Isn't it high enough?" - a trembled, one-speaking prince who has changed his mind three times.

The history lesson is personally taught by Gilbert. Compared with Bona’s bachelor’s quotation and long-term vision, the foreign minister’s goal is simple and clear: in two months, Prince Taylor is transformed into a humanoid “Ancient Empire to the Stars”. Kingdom: The Encyclopedia of General History in the last two thousand years.

("'Index'! Your Highness, I have to correct your jokes, just the "Encyclopedia" 'index', just take it... cough, show your erudition is enough." - Serious Gilbert )

As for the math class, this may be one of the few courses that can bring comfort to the Duke of Star Lake. The Julio bachelor is quite surprised by the geometry and algebra level of Thales, especially the prince in the "Exter" In the vain for six years.

But what makes Taylors a headache is that as Julio’s confidence in him is getting higher and higher, he teaches an unprecedented “mathematician prince” (“After you are crowned, you must remember to give us money – see Hey, these naughty little formulas, how beautiful and cute, like the one who is smiling towards you?" - the Julio bachelor who keeps waving the orchid finger, is excited and rapidly expanding Their syllabus.

For example, one day, Julio Bachelor finally combined algebra and geometry and began planning to let Taylors use algebraic equations to measure the trajectory and changes of celestial bodies.

("These basic equations are not right, yes, the operation of the star is too strange... and you know, is it possible for us to grasp these unmeasurable movements? There are several scholars of the Dragon Kiss Institute who envision, as long as Divide this movement process into different parts, and then always divide it to get the answer. I will show you the arithmetic formulas they proposed separately... 诶His Royal Highness? What happened to your Highness? You wake up, wake up Your Highness! You will finish the problem and then faint!" - Young and promising Julio bachelor

The course materials they used have been extended from the mathematics questions in ancient books to the realistic figures of national conditions and people's livelihood. Even a few times, Julio proposed to try to estimate the future revenue from the previous national revenue, or the population growth from the central leadership. Estimate the data of the whole star. Taylors has reason to suspect that if he does not act stupidly and slows down the course, it is only a matter of time before a terrible bell-shaped curve appears in the book and a series of concepts that follow.

As for the nature class, thank goodness, when the knowledgeable Lord Monden talks about the astronomical geography and humanities, it is often humorous and fascinating – if the prince does not interrupt him often, he is embarrassed.

(“Why is the star in the East? What is the composition of the leaching crystal? If the whale is killed someday, are we not using Eternal Oil? The werewolf and the vampire are really cursed monsters, with Is the wolf and the bat related? The dragon kiss is a basin. Is its climate strange? Is the fog and vortex of the fog sea naturally formed? The sea monsters of the Devil Sea have so many witnesses. No one doubts? The faith of the sunset and the temple of the temple can coexist. The eater is like the dragon, how to deal with their energy consumption? The end of the sea is really the capital of triumph and the homeland of the empire. How do the blood races led by the feast rule? There must be different topographical climates in the desert. Is the desert city of Caligri true? Why did the great force that caused the big cracks not form a vortex, sucking the two continents into it? Where did the plague of the three countries start to erupt? Why is the interval between the two eruptions of the Sangla volcano so short? The speed of going to the East China Sea from different ports is different, is it because To flow? "- His Royal Highness the Prince of" A Hundred Thousand Whys ").

In the art class, after reading and listening to the paintings prepared by the Duke of Star Lake and the lute playing, the prestigious master of Uhran gently told Tells: learning art, in fact, not necessarily to be an art creator. You can also be an art admirer. I see you, the Duke, you are very suitable to be an appreciator of the history of the history, especially suitable for...

In short, this week, there is no breathing gas for the prince to take the class, so that Taylors is more and more missed the life of the former Yingling Palace - except for the dead face.

Why, why didn't I tie the little slickers to class together at the beginning?

Tyres, who feels his body being hollowed out every day, silently shed tears.

It is better to let him go back to the desert.

At least the orcs will not force him to recite the seven words of the ancient imperial language, three parts of speech, four tenses, three voices, four person names, five word orders and eighteen kinds of different styles depending on the situation. Different sentence patterns, including complex pronunciation rules - in contrast, the modern imperial language of the General of the Rasch in the Black Trail is too simple.

Or twenty-two voice tonal changes in the common Elvish language - God, that is simply a vocal lesson.

In the Judith Hall, the pressure of Tyres felt even made him forget the debut banquet two months later, and the power vortex in the revival palace.

Even the "special" courses that should have been slightly easier are the same.

For example, now.

"Do you feel it, Your Royal Highness?"

"As your weapon, it is so strong, straight, hard, yet flexible and flexible..."

The gentle and easy-going voice rang from the side of his left ear and slowly rolled around to the right ear, causing itching.

"But it is also impulsive, wild and hopeless, unable to hold, eager to release yourself, to wild, to conquer... but you can't easily obey, control it, don't let this wild horse easily start... ..."

Tyres’ cheeks were flushed and his breath was so fast that he couldn’t take care of the sound in his ear.

"The waist is strong, the hand is steady, right, just like this, keep this position and direction, try to straighten, don't tremble..."

Sweat flowed over Tyres's cheek and he suddenly trembled.


That voice became severe:

"I know it's hard, but you have to stick! Tighten! Stretch! Raise! Don't let it fall..."

But Tyres feels that he has already...

Do not.

Uncontrolled numbness spreads over the body.

Worse, bad.

He, he can't hold on...

Thales was dizzy in front of his eyes.

He is going to...

Coming soon...


Finally, with a dull, dull sound, the practice sword on the hand of Tyres fell with the load wheel hanging on the sword.

The Duke of Xinghu breathed in a hurry, his arms were sour and his gloves were full of sweat.

The footsteps sounded, and Marcus came from behind him, staring thoughtfully at the sword on the ground.

"Time... is it short?"

Thales stunned his sore arm in annoyance, squatting and soothing numbness in the training ground that was temporarily vacated in the courtyard.

"Nothing," said the prince.

"I just don't get used to it."

“Northerners don’t teach this. They tend to... confrontational training.”

Mallos snorted:

"That maybe... should you go back to the North?"

A glimpse of Tellston.

The setting sun slid into the courtyard of the Dice Hall, stretching the figures of Mallos and Tyres on the ground.

Behind them, Doyle stood under the pillar and said something to Glover.

"Obviously, our prince has not experienced systematic training."

Doyle shook his head:

"It seems that the Northlanders who are good at fighting have limited skills."

Golova licked his mouth.

That's right.

At this moment, the tales are slouching on the "martial arts class" taught by Lord Mallos. It is obvious that after a full day of brain torture, the Duke is not very cold on the post-training of the captain. .

But Mallos seems to be indifferent.

"Swords and swords are an important part of the ancient knight's training," the watchman is still a polite smile, not at all for the prince's failure and attitude:

"Especially the ‘Knight’s Seventeen Swords’, this is a classical and orthodox knight’s skill, which has been passed down from the empire to the court.”

"After the founding of the stars, it has been carefully studied by countless masters, and it has a look of today."

Under the attention of several sparring members of the Royal Guard, Mallos walked into the field and gracefully picked up the prince's metal practice sword. He hesitated and did not pick up the wheel.

"Every action posture has been carefully considered and countless verified," Mallos reversed the sword and handed it out, gentle and elegant, not a trace of impatience:

"And you need to concentrate, follow through, and do them to the extreme, let them be deeply embedded in your body and become instinct."

Full of words, the words of the order and the arithmetic of Tyres sighed, took over the sword handed by Martial.

But Tyres smoked a little, and the long sword did not move!

Tyles was taken aback and recovered from the listless state.

He looked up and found that the blade was being held firmly in the palm of his hand and did not let go.

"In order to return to the most familiar and safest position at any time during the battle."

Mallos looked at him deeply and began to become serious:

"For example, every time you attack a sword, regardless of the outcome, you must instinctively quickly return to the defense and remain vigilant."

In the next second, Mallos suddenly let go, and Tyres swayed in inertia before he stood firm.

In the face of this less friendly "reminder", Thales smiled and smiled skillfully and took a sword flower:

"Even when the enemy is dead?"

And Mallos has a cold look:

"Even when the enemy is dead."

Taylors a glimpse.

Mallos continues:

"I guess, the Northlanders haven't taught you to say 'after hitting'?"

"Even if you cut off your opponent's head, his torso still has inertia, and you can continue to complete the pre-death moves in the second after death - such as cutting your head."

Taylors got a little bit.

"In fact, the northern people taught."

The young duke turned his eyes and found that both D.D and Goloved were watching from a distance, and the former yawned unceremoniously.

"Just, you know, what they have to face is the sudden death of the orcs," Taylors shrugged and decided to gamble on the topic and quickly complete today's share:

"If you let the counterattack of that magnitude be played out, whether there is any block, whether it is a strong sword or a weak sword body, it is basically a matter of the matter, and it is of little significance to return to defense."

"So they are eager to defend themselves, advocating the situation and winning the battle..."

"Thinking that the most perfect battle is to let the opponents have no power to fight back from start to finish."

Tyres shook his head: the comet Nie Lai, the fire knight Tulleha, the death crow monte...

Well, the Northland masters he has met seem to be really not very good at defending.

On the contrary, the kingdom of the stars, from the flower of the fortress to the wing of the legend, even the penalty knight in the prison of the bones...

As for the anger of the kingdom...

Ok, that's an alternative, even the northerners are taboo.

But Mallos looked at him with deep sighs, then stepped forward and held down on the shoulders of Tyres, close to his ears.

"Then you better remember that your life is worth more than most people."

"What you need is to survive, your Highness, not just a moment later than your opponent."


Marlous's tone of alertness and mystery, quite a bit of a ghost story, let Taylors subconsciously shake.

"And, most of the opponents you will encounter in the future - if there are - will be human," Mallos said with a blank expression on the shoulders of Taylors, "in the face of their 'backlash', in time A smart attitude is very important."

The smile of Mallos has long since disappeared:

"After all, you are learning swords, not suicide."

Tyres frowned and felt the unhappy feelings of the other person: It seems that he has just been casual and offended him.

Mallos walked out of the field, cold and cold:

"Return to the sword posture just now, hang up the weight."

"Try to stick to it for another half an hour and let the body get used to it."

half an hour?

Tyres instantly turned into a bitter gourd face.

From six in the morning to the present, he has just experienced a full twelve hours...

He still has dinner?

Mallos does not return:

"I know that this process is very boring, very empty, very hard, no opponents and no goals."

"Only you are yourself."

The words of the watchman imply chill:

"Only loneliness, loneliness, forbearance, persistence, and no help or enemies."

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief.

"In fact, your biggest enemy is living in your own will."

Mallos turned sharply and his tone was extremely calm:

"Kill it."

"Recapture your will."

Tyres couldn't help but pick an eyebrow.


In a training class, why do lines make such an inspirational story...

However, when the abdomen is turned to the abdomen, Taylors can only do it. Pull out the standard knight's sword posture and try to get the body to meet the requirements.

It is a little floating in the spirit.

Tyres thought helplessly.

Soon, but ten minutes ("should it be time to go?" - Tyles, who was looking forward to sweating), his sword tip began to tremble, his movements gradually changed, and some could not bear it - Muscle strength has never been the strength of Tells.

But this time, Tyres secretly called the most familiar comrades.

Soon, the habit of the habit was hidden and obedient, spreading to his right arm, soothing the soreness and load of the muscles, and constantly injecting new energy.

Tyres sighed with a sigh of relief: Yes, he felt much better.

The trembling of the sword tip slowly subsided.

He tried to stretch his body and return to the most standard knight's sword.

Off the field, the carefully watched Mallos looked bright and began to nod.

Even Glover and Doyle were attracted to attention.

"Wow, I used to yell at him."

Doyle scratched his head:

"Northerners are still a bit of a skill."

Although he did not enter the sense of hell, but more or less enhanced the hearing, faithfully passed this into the ears of Taylors.

The prince bent his mouth.

"Not bad..."

Mallos walked into the field with great interest.

"Very good, Your Highness."

"In fact, it is far beyond my estimation."

Taylor could not help but stretch the arm to the tip of the sword.

Until Mallos nodded, mysterious smile, said:

"It's really good..."

The watchman's gaze swept through the steady arm and standard posture of Tyres, and with his gentlest and elegant tone, he sighed:

"...the power of the end."

At that moment, the whole body was used to maintain the sword posture of Taylors surprised!

what did he say?

His sword tip trembled slightly.

On the other side, Glover and Doyle both looked at each other, revealing doubts.

Mallos smiled lightly.

But suddenly reached out and clasped the handle of Tells!

Suddenly, the sin of the prison river that is active is soaring, letting Taylors subconsciously pull back the wrist!

Julius came in, and Marcus first changed his face, then lifted his mouth and let go of the hilt.

As if I found something.

Tyres took two steps back in inertia and looked at Mallos in amazement.


Another muffled sound, the load-bearing wheel slipped from the blade again, and the last lap was hopelessly rolled on the sand.

The captain of the guards, who was in a hurry to move his hand, slowly nodded, and seemed to be recollecting the wrestling with the prince.

But his expression was calm, as if he had realized the truth.

What Taylors understood was more and more unbelievable.

Since six years ago...

The strange power from the crime of the prison river begins with his body awakening for the first time...

In addition to the black sword of the same power, no one has ever discovered his secrets in six years.

Whether it is the enemy of the Northland and the desert, or the old man of the Stars.

And Tyres is also happy to hide himself, save the cards - whether against the comet and the death crow, or face the Shadow Shield, his last card turned out to have a good effect.


Tyres looked at Mallos slyly.

Today, the sin of the prison river...

at last……

Was discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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