Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 520: Two hands

Chapter 520 has two hands

and many more.

Tyres thought.

Six years later, in the old man of the stars, one person did discover the power of his end.

Just in the crucifixion of the bones.


Tyres flashed the dark purple mask in front of his eyes.

He subconsciously clenched the hilt.


"I said that the process of knight training... only you."

Mallos brought the tales back to reality with a smile:

"If you cheated, it's not hard to see."

The watchman pointed to the arm of Tells, with the thrill of capturing prey.

On the other side of the column, Doyle blinked in surprise and habitually licked the person on his side.


The guardian’s mouth was opened again:

"The child is... how old is it?"

Doyle did not expect anyone to answer.

Unexpectedly, this time, Glover's low voice actually rang:

"According to the record, fourteen years old..."

The vanguard of the nickname "Zombie" narrowed his eyes:

"Zero one hundred and twenty-eight days."

Doyle was shocked.

"Cushing, catching up with the youngest awakening record, wait," but Doyle immediately noticed something, he looked strangely at Golov:

"How do you remember so clearly?"

Golov did not pay attention to him, but tightened his arms.

The eyes are staring at the field.

At Tyres, he tried to adjust his breathing and wondered what was going on at the moment, what the consequences were, and how he should deal with it, Mallos again spoke.

"There is no mention of this in your briefing, so..."

Mallos licked his hand and said with a careless tone:

"When did you wake up to the end?"

Tyres is a glimpse.

The sin of the prison river...

It seems that it doesn't matter, but in fact, this force accompanied him through the birch forest, through the ugly face plot, survived the disaster of Longyan City, helped him escape into the desert, and took him back to the stars safely. .

It’s about the secret, what it’s going through...

Whether it is told by Black Sword, or what Ricky said...

Some are... too much.

Do not.

He can't expose too much.

At least... can't be with the tray.

The two asked questions and answers for a few seconds, and they couldn’t help Tyres hesitate:

"When in the Northland."

The young Duke of Xinghu quickly thought of an excuse to organize the language through the gate of Qingzizi.

"The Palace of the Kings has a lot of crisis. I have to hide myself and keep my cards."

The more he speaks, the more fluent he is, and his face is exposed with timely worries and warnings:

"As for you, Lord Marcus, where is your briefing?"

Mallos did not answer immediately, but paid attention to him for a while.

The other's eyes made Tyres extremely uncomfortable.

A few seconds later, Mallos made a strange smile, but turned to another problem.

"What kind of end power do you have, Your Highness?"

A problem that is equally terrible.

"I..." Tyles curled his brows, and he felt helpless after thinking:

"I do not know either."

Mallos was silent for a while and then continued to ask:

"What characteristics does it have? What changes have you brought?"

The sin of the prison river.

What characteristics?

What changed?

Amount... **** feelings?

Taylors remembered the night vision effect in the tunnel and the dungeon.

Speed ​​treatment?

He remembered the pain of the battlefield recovery.

4D hello effect?

Taylors tried to get the experience out of the black path out of his head.

Or, the beast-like fighting impulse?

Thinking of this, Tyres shook his head.

No face at all.

This time, it was the turn of Mallos who had been staring at his expression:

"So it has no warning... got it out?"

"And you have no idea?"

Taylor’s pitiful nod, revealing awkward and not funny smile:

"Poor, almost."

Mallos looked at him, his expression dignified.

The two were silent for a while - the watchman seemed to need some time to think.

"If I remember correctly, what you learned is only the Northland military swordsmanship used for the basics?" Mallos once again spoke, and the tone became cautious.

"Yes." Taylors showed an ugly smile:

“Is this also in the briefing?”

Mallose's eyes did not answer him, but his eyes stared at his nominal master:

"So what ability did you get?"

Taylors subconsciously repeats: "What power?"

Mallos narrowed his eyes.

He looked at Tyres with a look at the rookie's eyes and gritted his teeth:

"I mean, when you wake up to the end of power..."

“Is there any...extraordinary observation and balance, rhythm? I remember this is the Tianma movement...”

Tyres shook his head.


"That is the fusion of glaciers - a substantial increase in endurance, a grasp of power? Or will and spirit?"

Taylors continued to shake his head.

"So, stronger power, speed and offensive advantage?"

Some people in Mallos are not convinced:

"The glory of the stars?"

Taylors is still shaking his head and his eyes are innocent.

The expression of Mallos is getting more and more dignified:

“Don't you say... is it a desperate, momentary break?”

Don't be that...

Fortunately, Tyres shook his head for the fourth time.

This made Mallor's brow more and more locked.

Yes, not this, not that...

Assessing the effect of this lie, Tyres secretly groaned in his heart.


The end of the force version of the writing wheel?

Does this count?

Finally, Mallos sighed and held his arms.

"Well, let's assume that you don't have the above four."

"So, is the Exeter who has taught you extra fighting skills that have affected your ultimate awakening?"

Tyres pulled his lips.


"I do not know."

"They just have been..."

Tyres shrugged and smiled slyly, trying to squeeze "something" into his throat, spitting out several more decent words:

"Confrontation training?"

The face of Mallos has become less beautiful.

He stared at Tyres, like a fox who couldn't catch a stare at him.

Finally, the watchman looked up.

"It's amazing, indeed, the power to awaken at the end of your age."

When Mallos said his approval, he did not have the tone of approval.

"But in fact, the power to end the premature awakening is not a good thing, shortcuts are often lazy and careless."

The watchman smiled slightly:

"Especially... you still don't know anything about it."

Looking at the other side's elegance, calm and smile, Teres suddenly panic.

The prince tried to stabilize his mood:

"At least it saved me many times... especially on this journey back home."

"This should be... not a bad thing."

Once again, Mallos showed him a disturbing smile.

"A rest for a while, your highness, add water and soothe your muscles."

“The last stage of the practice came to an end.”

Tyres was loose and exhaled.

But Mallos turned and called to follow one of his guard members:


"In addition to being unable to leave the post, call everyone."

Sitting on the water, the ear of Teres moved.

The soldier named Toledo slightly frowned:


Mallos nodded and restored the indifferent smile:

"Yes, the Royal Guard, or everyone in the Star Lake Guard, let them all come to the training ground."

"Lord Duke, you will need the help of all of them."

Mallos said this sentence and slowly narrowed his eyes.

The hand of Tyres holding the kettle was a stiff time.

Toledo was obviously used to the orders of Mallos. He only slightly hesitated and turned and sent orders.

"You too, Golov, Doyle," Mallos looked at the distance:

"The title does not mean being lazy."

Golov and Doyle face each other and have to step closer.

But it was the prince himself who replied to the first Mallor.


"All the guards?"

Taylor looked at Mallos in a puzzled look and looked around the training ground:

"You, what are you going to do?"

Mallos turned back and revealed a smile that was a bit more sinister than the previous indulgent elegance:

“As you wish, Your Highness, your course has entered a new field.”

"What we are going to do next is..."

Mallos grinned, but let Taylor's heart cool:

"Confrontation training."



It took a few tenths of seconds for Tyres to react.


Tyres pointed to the sword on the ground, which is difficult to understand:

"Just not still..."

But this time, Mallos interrupted him.

"You still don't understand?"

Mallos converges with a smile and looks at his eyes sharply, letting Telston speak.

"I don't find it anymore."

"But since we found out..."

Mallos looks awkward and extremely dignified:

"The only goal we have trained today from now on..."

"It's just to understand the power in your body..."

Mallos looks cold:

"the truth."

At that moment, faced with a rather aggressive watchman, Teres's heartbeat seemed to miss a shot.

He looked at Mallos's deep and complicated eyes, surprised and surprised.

What are you doing?

On the other side of the field, Doyle, who came slowly, was surprised at Goloved Road:

"Wait, fight training so soon?"

"Is it too early? The people in the Guard..."

He couldn't finish it.

Because the next moment, the footsteps came from all around.

One, two, three...

In the setting sun, the royal guards responsible for defending the Duke came from all directions in the Judith Hall. Most of them looked at the fire, and with the murder of the soldiers, they all expressed doubts on the two people in the center of the venue.

Glover shook his head and did not answer D.D.

"Attention to His Royal Highness, the Royal Guards are carefully selected," in the training field, Mallos witnessed his subordinates stalking:

" Among them, there are both veterans of the field who have worked hard from the army, and nobles who have a family of origins since childhood."

Mallos turned to Tyres and showed his brilliance:

"You can't be underestimated."

Tyres tried to control his expression and combed the chaotic mood.

He is going to...


The watchman smiled slightly.

"But like I said," Mallos sighed slowly, staring at the right arm of Tyres who only fought his sword:

"Hey, it’s inevitable."

The moment that Marcus looked, Teres felt that the sins of the prison river in his body worked uncomfortably.

Just like...

A provocative beast.

The prince took a deep breath and tried to suppress the abnormalities in the body:

"Is this necessary, I am already tired..."

"You don't understand your power of the end, Your Highness," Mallos removed his gaze and calmly replied to his subordinates, answering casually:

"And this is dangerous..."

"Like a knight, don't understand the sword in his hand, and squat down."

Mallos slowly turned back:

"Know yourself, Your Highness, and know yourself."

His expression is serious, his eyes are sharp and he wants to penetrate the clothes of Tyres:

“Only after that, we can easily tailor it for you... the training you need.”

"Trust me, Your Highness, this is for your good."

Mallos stared at Tyres firmly, faintly said:

"And I thought... He also cares about your body, isn't it?"

Hearing that name, Tyres was in a stalemate.

It seems that even the sin of the prison river has stopped for a moment.

"Let's not let him worry when he looks at the Dixie briefing..." Mallos looked blank:

"I will figure out your strength here and report the good news to him, isn't it?"

Sustaining the suspicion of Mallos’s scrutiny, Thales couldn’t speak for a long time.

The royal guards have a shadow, and they have stood in the surrounding area, quiet and solemn, and uniform.

Just wait for the command of the chief.

Taylor lowered his head and took a deep breath.

He suddenly thought of a ridiculous possibility.


Tyres silently.

Perhaps from the beginning, Mallos wanted to give him the purpose of a martial arts class...

Not for...


"Well, Piroga," Mallos turned and shouted out of a subordinate in the queue: "Hot warm up, pick a hand-practicing sword."

In the demise of the Royal Guards, the watchman sneaked out of the field and left the back to Taylors:

"To accompany the Lord Duke..."

"Two hands."

(End of this chapter)

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