Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 524: variant

Chapter 524 variant

When the voice of the watchman falls, Zonnevid will let go of the attack in due course!


Tyres took the first record.

But Zonnevid did not feel right.

The prince's eyes... seems to be some, floating?

At this moment, Taylors is thinking about something.

Thanks to the explanation of Mallos, the teenager understood something.

No wonder, it is no wonder that in Zonnevid's offense, he will have a strange familiarity.

It turned out to be the case.

This is... with a Northland style battle.

Tyres exhaled and rushed—he thought he would never have it—and faintly missed the “discipline” in the Palace of the Spirit.

In his long life, but absolutely worthy of the rich combat experience, there are only three people who have influenced the skills of his sword fighting before and after.

One woman and two men.

These include the Black Sword.

In reality, Thales adjusted his footsteps and kept Zonneed's next sword in the sense of hell.

But his thoughts seem to be running in the rush of the sin of the prison river at another time.

Black Sword, this area mortal face the magician, facing the scourge, facing the inhuman existence of Ahidah and Giza, facing the almost hopeless battle, but miraculously struggling with the birth path, even by hand A strange sword in the middle of it, the hard drive gave birth to the victory.

After thinking back and forth, every decision of the Black Sword in the battle, every choice, every action, the superman quality and amazing wisdom displayed in it can deeply shock the tyros.

But the opponents facing Black Sword are too rare to be an example.

However, another person who affects him deeply...

Tyres struggled to stop Zonnevid's straight stab, and his more muscular battles were in pain.


Tyres thought silently.


Seri Niely, the guy who was cursed thousands of times by Thales, can be said to open another door for him.

The polar **** battle on the rocky ground, Tells witnessed.

The comet, this man and the same skillful and dangerous deadly crow (and perhaps Tyres and Jodel) against the enemy, from the beginning to the end of the disadvantage.

He was seriously injured, on the verge of desperation, and was unfavorable everywhere.

But in the end, Exeter's former White Blade Guard leader, still fascinated...

Tyres hearted to avoid the heavy slash of Zoneve, and the shield swayed and trembled to attack the other side.

This makes Zoneved slightly uncomfortable:

The prince’s defense this time seems to have worked, not as hard as it used to be.

But Taylor is still thinking.


It is not power that he wins.

It is patience, calmness, tenacity, observation and analysis.

On the most unfavorable battlefield, what Nie Lai did was not the battle of the dead net, the mad and desperate beast.

On the contrary, he took Monty's every arrow with extraordinary patience and perseverance, toughly hold the pressure in absolute disadvantage, calmly defend the opponent's every necessary attack, and observe the death crow in the millennium. Unique battles and habits, analyzing the most likely choices of the enemy in each situation.

In the end, the comet hits the enemy and counters the opponent.

Maybe - Tyres thought - maybe Niely got the nickname of the famous West, and the five battles of Exeter, not only because he was lucky enough to kill Horace. star.

That's right.


Taylors suddenly realized that the person who had the strongest fighting style in his life was the one he hated the most - the Northland.

Tyres instinctively attacked the shield and collided with Zonnevid's sword. He suddenly felt something and subconsciously filled up the long sword, forcing the latter to give up an attack in surprise and cross sword defense.

No, not only that.

Not only did you witness the battle.

Also includes……

Taylors recalled the past. In every outdoor training class, Nielylai showed his talents without any reservations. He proudly bullied him with tears and could only beat the situation that he could not fight back.

Seeing that the star-studded star gnashed his teeth, Selma couldn’t bear it.


But every time he faces a comet, he wants to survive, for the sake of face, not to be so miserable, when he struggles to survive under the other's claws...


The long sword of Tyres once again confronted Zonneved’s weapons.

But at this moment, Taylor closed his eyes.

Zonnevid, who was separated from him, noticed this and could not help but be shocked.

The sin of the prison river surged into the body of the boy.

Hell senses have become more sensitive.

Time seems to slow down.

At that moment, Tells slowly realized it.

Zonived and him, their swords both sides of the attack.

The end of the two sides is in full swing, and at that point they are confrontational.

One side is endless and the offensive is rampant.

One side is firmly guarded, tenacious and tenacious.

Tyres feels that no matter what he does: pre-pressure, attack, sword withdrawal, retreat...

The end of Zonived’s power will be attacked without a breath, without leaving a breather.

And he could not resist.

How to do?

How to do?

In that moment of the second, Tyres still closed his eyes and felt the feedback from the guilt of Hell's senses and the prison river.

He tilted his mouth slightly.

The boy understood.

He, Tyres Comet.

He is not a strong and powerful monster, a technically delicate genius, or a peerless method ("Come on, let the magic out and you can kill them!" - Darkness and small tassels in the depths of the heart The hero of the knight novel.

He couldn't strike the enemy like Yodel. He couldn't be as savage as the Black Sword. He couldn't be as fast-changing as Nie Lai, and he couldn't control the battle like a penalty knight. He was very comfortable. .

But he has at least one more - although Tyres himself is not willing to admit it - the advantages:



Although not very nice.


The beggar is much more, and you naturally develop a sad instinct:

What kind of feelings will come from the fists and swords that fall on you.

Which is just a pain but not serious, which seems to be exaggerated, but the effect is average, which is extremely dangerous and fatal.

And these are the tricks.

Can let him see from the enemy, from himself...

More things.

Including... how to fight back to win.

Just like the comet, how to face the death crow.

It sounds like... some familiar.

Taylors smiled leisurely.


This is not...

The sin of the prison river roared wildly in his ear drums, and seemed to ring the drums, urging Taylors to continue fighting.

But Tyres turned a deaf ear, and at this moment, his mind flashed past scenes of the past.

Among the abandoned houses, as a nephew

The vine manor, the millennium in front of the vampire...

In the Fuxing Palace, the political game in the hall of the stars...

This is not...

Longyan City, the nine dead lives in the shield...

Yingling Palace, the Jedi’s five strikes in front of the Grand Duke...

Above the desert, at the bottom of the black prison, he struggled in the dark...

This is not...

Taylor's mouth is getting deeper and deeper.

This is not...

This is not the time since the arrival of the world, in the face of numerous disasters, when the layers are in trouble...

He, the living method of Tells Comet?

First, live.

Upgrade again and find the winner.

Finally... loaded?

Hey, upgrade, pretend to be forced - Tyres' three-step strategy?

Tyres slowly blinked, looking at the time in the near-suspended time, the expression of the surprised Zonved.

He smiled in his heart.

No, no, no, it’s a fight.

To put it another way.

Good to hear.

That is……

Pick up the enemy.

Check the enemy.


Taylor's heart is translucent.

The sin of the prison river boils and burns almost.

But in the mind of Tyres, the clue is clearer.

It seems that he is getting closer and closer to a certain goal.

he knows.

This is the crime of his prison river.

His end of power.

His fighting style.

Or, as Ricky said...

It is himself.

It is Tyres Comet himself.


Tyres brains a turn.

This is just the basic quality that every strong person has...

Pick up the enemy, check the enemy, and make the enemy.

In the next second, the sin of the prison river in the body of Tyres exploded!

It is strong, excited, and climbs to a climax.

Time seems to return to normal at that moment!

The surprise on Zonnevid's face flashed away and turned into seriousness and fierceness.

Tyres feels that at the point where the two swords meet, the opponent's final power is also roaring!

Zonneved’s offensive saw a resurgence.

But the prince just stepped on the pace and turned his wrist.

His long sword circled the air and swayed along the castration of Zoneved's weapons!

The metal rubbed and made an unpleasant sound.

On the sidelines, Doyle, who was watching, couldn’t help but say “咦”.

"this is……"

Between the electric light and the flint, the two swords are separated, and Zonnevid’s long sword comes with an imposing momentum!

And Teres turned slightly, his sword also flashed and pulled forward!

On the training ground, the figures of the two overlap.


A loud noise.

The two stopped at the same time.

The onlookers of the guards made a low-pitched exclamation.

Mallos stared at the scene intently, and even the whistle of the people around him was unseen.

In the field, Tyres gasped and felt the sin of the almost exhausted prison river unwilling to roll.

He turned his eyes and found that when he did not know when, the upper half of his shield had broken, and only half of it was still in his hand.

And Zonevid's practice sword has stopped on his shoulder, the metal blade is against his neck, and the touch on the skin is cold.

As for the sword of Tyres, just a few millimeters passed over Zonneved’s shoulder and stopped in the air.

Did not work.

Feeling the soreness and numbness of his body, Taylors sighed.

He still lost.

The debates of the guards are getting louder and louder.

But it is at this time.

"I lost."

In front of me, the 30-year-old neat knight retracted the sword with great grace and nodded.

Taylors was puzzled.

"Although I have attacked your key, Your Highness, but that is because your practice shield has experienced many blows and can't afford it."

Zonived showed a friendly smile and pointed out that there was only half of the shield on his hand.

He stepped back and sighed and touched his chest, and a new scratch appeared on the leather.

"Before that, your sword was rubbing my neck."

Taylors a glimpse.

Zoneved looked at Taylors sincerely.

"Although it's just a little behind the sword," Zonnevid smiled and shook his head:

"But if I change the real sword, I lose."

The Guards broke out.

Taylor looked at him dumbly.

After a few seconds, the boy shook his head and smashed the sentiment of the first battle, and reacted.

"No, you played very well, I have almost no power to fight back."

Tyres sighed.

"In the end, you still have the strength to stay - this proves that you are much better than me, and the winner should be you,"

Zonnevid bowed and didn't answer, just smiled and put down the practice sword and turned away.

That's right.

Taylors woke up.

He knows that no matter whether it is Piloga, Conmuto or Zoneved, they are just giving him sparring, not to mention the difference in their power status, so that they can keep their hands and recruit.

If you change the real sword...

Tyres felt the soreness and swelling of his arms, and looked at more than one black and white...

He has long since become a prince card.


The guards talked a lot, and Mallos went back and discussed with the flag-bearing officer of the flagship, and it seemed innocent to review.

"Before he obviously lost, but how do I always feel a little bit..."

Under the field, Doyle looked back in confusion, but Golov interrupted him.

"Listen and prejudge."

The vanguard of the nickname zombie holds his arms and looks like a torch:

"Zoneved's offensive is blazing and unstoppable."

"Therefore, the child learned the way of the logistics officer Piloga, using his style of defensive counterattack, the stronger and stronger concept, against the offensive opponent."

"And find opportunities from them."

Glover looked at the stunned Taylors:

"It’s just that the final strength is not enough."

"bad luck."

Doyle looked at it.


"Cleaning, selecting materials locally, and developing strategies?"

Doyle was not surprised to see Taylors who had digested the combat experience:

"So, our Duke, the brain turned quite fast?"

This time, Glover just shook his head and did not answer.

In the constant discussion of the Guards, Mallos finally recovered.

"So, who is the next one?"

The watchman asked faintly.

It was quiet when the excited guards were still awkward.

Tyles, who can hear the words, has a black face.


Is he mad?

"Lord of Lords!"

Taylor spoke openly.

"Listen to you saying that this is the head, I must be very talented," Lord Duke swayed the black arm on his arm, gnashing his teeth:

"Why don't you end yourself?"

Mallos smiled slightly:

"The monks are not good at killing, Your Highness."

Not good at killing?

When Taylors glimpsed, he immediately remembered the dungeon, and another guard watched the figure.

But that guy...

"Then why did they let you be a watchman?"

The smile of Mallos is still elegant:

"My strength lies in battlefield observation and decision scheduling."

Tyres frowned.

"So what are you," Tyres snorted, ironically:

"Magic version of the king language?"

Mallos narrowed his eyes:

"What is the king?"

Tyres coughed:

"I mean, even if you are a rookie like me, are you not sure?"

Mallos smiled slightly:

"I said it, the monks are not good at killing, if they are right with the temple, then..."

Mallos looked at the guards around and smiled:

"...Open five or five."

The gas was straight and the eyes were straight.

But he has been so tired that he has to re-storage with his strength.

"So," Mallos looked at a very young guard member. "How are you, Nehich?"

"Do you have two hands with your Highness?"

But at this time, not waiting for someone to answer, a mature female voice, accompanied by the footsteps of high-heeled boots, slowly came.

"Hey, this is what you call martial arts class?"

The sound is clear and audible, and it is quite powerful.

Mallos has an eye-opening!

Hearing this voice, the guards were stunned again, and then they were very surprised to close and silently turned.

For the coming.

Doyle saw the appearance of the coming man, could not help but make a low "slot", and then quickly bowed his head and hid his figure behind Goloved.

Tyres turned his head and stunned.

He stared blankly at the side.

Looking towards the porch, the mature, elegant middle-aged lady.

Compared with Gilbert and Kessel, for six years, she is still graceful, graceful, black-haired, and eye-catching, except for a few wrinkles, the traces of the years.

Her high-heeled boots are still strikingly and rhythmically hitting the ground, no matter whether it is stone, lawn, tile or gravel, as always, never change.

Tyres looked at the lady in obscurity.

Looking at her, she was barely arrogant and cool, chic and free.

I am doing my own thing.

The members of the Star Lake Guards looked at each other and seemed hesitant.

However, after all, they were led by Mallos and they all bowed and bowed.

But the black-haired lady seems to have not seen it, regardless of it, just looking around, her eyes are on the shoulders of Tyres.

She snorted:

"Look, what are you talking about, what are the **** things."

The Royal Guard was silent and silent, no one (dare) answered.

"Ms., you may not understand," finally, the leading Mallos coughed low:

"We are investigating the power of the end of the body, in order to better help him..."

"Then you finished the investigation?"

The black-haired lady is not interrupted by the face, and her tone is intolerant:

"How long will it take him?"

Marlows took a trip.

Fubi, the flag officer behind him, quickly came out to play round:

“In fact, we have some clues, but we still need...”

But Ms. interrupted him again.

"Oh, so you are serious," she walked to the edge of the field, looking around at everyone, and the scorn in her eyes flashed:

“Not a house?”

The Guards once again looked at each other.

Mallos was silent for a few seconds:


The middle-aged lady snorted and interrupted him for the third time.


The black-haired lady turned her head coldly and looked at Glover who pointed at her inexplicably.

"No, it's not you, it's the one behind you."

"Day's family's heartless boy, don't think I can't see you behind the big man."

Doyle stunned and walked out from behind Golov, and smiled:


But the black-haired woman was ordered to open, and the voice was decisive and powerful, without any muddy water:

"You, go up, practice with the prince."

"According to your lead: investigating his end."

Tyres, who has been immersed in memories, has a slight glimpse.

And Doyle has changed his face.

"What, you don't want to?"

Doyle’s eyebrows are another jump.

The woman is cold and authentic:

"So, do you practice with Prince Teres... Is it humiliating your door?"

Doyle heard a sigh.

He never dared to reply again. He looked like a dead man, and walked onto the training ground like a puppet. He had to catch the sword and only hoped that the bad luck would end.

But his good wishes are still frustrated.

"and many more."

The lady’s words rang out, letting D.D step out of the air in half, not dare to move.

"Use your own sword."

As soon as this statement came out, the Royal Guards were in vain!

The face of Mallos is cloudy and it seems that it can no longer maintain its original indifference.

Doyle turned back in shock and couldn’t care for the fear in his heart:

"Use, use... true, real sword?"

The lady pulled out a lift from her nose:

"Is that not it?"

Doyle is in the same place.

"Fast, pull out your sword, go up and fight with him."

I saw the lady glanced at the guards coldly:

"Otherwise, you investigate the end of the fart."

Taylors was shocked, but his heart was warm.


Six years...

She is still...

Behind Mallos, the flag officer Hugo·Fubi was sullen and asked Piloga who rushed from behind:

"How did she come in?"

Piloga bitterly, helplessly and helplessly spread his hand: "Sir, you know, she is kneeling..."

"In short, the entire Judith Hall, even in our brothers and sisters, no one dares to stop her."

Fabiton was angry.

Tyres took a deep breath and watched Doyle, who was not trained to take a breath, stepping forward:

"Madam, I..."

But at the moment of his opening, the first-class court lady of the Fuxing Palace, his father's lover, and the enlightener of his northern army's swordsmanship, Ms. Ginny Bacvey interrupted him with impunity:

"Shut up, boy."

A glimpse of Tellston.

"How many times have I said in the letter? After you return, I will test your true sword training."

Ginny walked up to him and watched Taylors catch up with her own, her lips twitching and her eyes moving.

But the female officer quickly turned her head and wiped out the tremors in her eyes.

"And what are you doing now?"

Ginny looked away and sternly:

"Toy Sword? House?"

"Are you still seven years old?"

Ginny glanced at more than twenty royal guards and screamed:

"Are you also seven years old?"

The leading Mallos was silent and did not answer.

"What are you doing?"

Ginny exhaled.

Seemingly enough, she turned to Doyle, who was trying to think of herself as a stone pillar in the field:

"Go up, D.D, cut it with his knife, until he cuts out his end power?"

Doyle trembled and looked up:

"I, I, madam, my sword was passed to me by my grandmother, so I can't easily use it..."

Ginny unknowingly poked him:

"Fat, how many times have I caught Old Doyle in Hongfang Street when I was young?"

"Your grandma has long since passed away, every time the bail that your grandfather came to pay!"

Doyle trembled and bowed his head and no longer dared to speak out.

Ginny snorted, high-heeled boots in a crisp location, and walked through a group of guards.

"Then you?"

"You? Or are you?"

"With a real sword, go up and practice with him?"

No one answered, no one even dared to look up.

Ginny snorted and turned to the leader.

“It’s hello, Marlous?”

The female officer scorned:

"Are you not a loyal servant? What kind of hacker do you want to cut?"

Mallos was silent for a few seconds.

Finally, the watchman took a deep breath.

"No, ma'am, our duties have been completed, and the power of the end of His Highness, we have already understood."

Taylors was shocked.


what? The sin of the prison river? What is the black sword said, the best not to show the end of the human power?

This is... understand?

"The martial arts class is over."

Mallos squeezes a stiff smile:

"Ms. You can continue to teach your ceremonies to your Highness."

"I am with my guard, and I will leave."

But Ginny didn’t mean to squat down:

"Oh? Really? You know this?"

Female official voice:

"Without the real sword, you can know the end of the battle without the real sword."

Ginny pointed at Tells and looked cold: "If you made a mistake."

"Is not beat him once again?"

Taylor’s heart glimpsed.

Mallos coughed and seemed to be accustomed to Ginny's martyrdom.

"Sincerely," in front of everyone, watching life is hard:

"The power of the end of His Royal Highness is very strange. There is no obvious characteristic style, and the improvement of various physical qualities is limited."

Ginny narrowed her eyes.

Mallos raised his gaze and directed Tels:

"But he stayed up."

Taylor took a sigh of relief and showed his curious eyes.

"Three battles."

Just listen to the watchman and not slow down:

"Before the injury, Piloga was the elite in the guard wing, and his counter-attack stunts even hit the masters of the polar world."

"Although it is a guard wing, Ji'an is a police officer. The melee skills learned in the streets and lanes are practical and effective. They are good at knocking down enemies in unexpected ways."

"And Zonevid has only recently turned from a penal officer to a vanguard. A big reason is that his style of shooting is too sharp."

The three people mentioned have moved.

"But the temple is down," Mallos said in an orderly way:

" Losing, it didn't lose too much."

The watchman was serious. His eyes were as electric and he was a little uncomfortable.

"His Highness, your power to end, there is a very similar example in history."

Tyres was taken a little surprised.

An example of history?

He immediately remembered the example that Ricky told him when he was still at the blade camp.

What Ricky said...

Being guilty of imprisonment, they also acted as ancestors of the so-called "the mission of their time."

But what Matrus said next time was beyond his expectations.

"Two hundred years ago, there was a rare wizard in the royal family of fighting and martial arts."

Comet royal family?

Taylors looked up.

What... What?

Are there any comets in the strange names mentioned by Ricky?

I saw that Mallos cleared his throat and raised his voice in front of everyone who listened carefully:

"The royal genius awakened the power of the rare end, the power that made him struggle to survive in countless desperations, and he died."

"Like the power of Prince Teres today, let him support in danger."

Thales blinked.


Mallos nodded:

"In the end, the Wizards became the legend of the era of the era, and it was famous and preached."

Ginny frowned.

"And that is..."

Mallos took a deep breath and looked at Tyres:

"Yes, it’s a free and romantic prince, a century-old legend that has not met the rivals in the West."

"Keira Comet."

The eyes of the watchman radiate the light:

"People - ‘wolf enemies.'”

Everyone is in awe!

Taylors stunned.

Legendary prince...

Keira Comet?

Wolf enemy?

Mallos looked up, solemn and serious:

"And Prince Keira is famous, the power of the legendary end of the world, the name..."

Watchman whispered:

"The sea is angry."

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

At that moment, the entire training ground was boiling!

The Royal Guards eagerly whispered, and there was no shortage of excitement and surprise, and many eyes continued to aim at Taylors.

Ginny also pondered.

But the protagonist of the topic stayed where it was.


Tyres stuttered in his heart:

What kind of anger?

"I have heard that the instructors arranged by the Northerners for the prince are the murderers who killed the Prince of Horace. The Northerners deliberately humiliated us."

Doyle, who sneaked back to Golov, was surprised to see him:

"It seems that the murderer really taught it seriously?"

In the mess of the crowd, Marcus took the opportunity to conclude:

"Sorry, Ms. Ginny, that's it today."

"As for you, Your Highness, I will go to the information about the life of the 'Wolf Enemy'," Mallos narrowed his eyes:

“In the future, your training will be more targeted.”

The watchmen turned to the entire guard without waiting for them to respond:

"Dissolve, return to each other."

A round of eyeballs in Mallos:

"Unless...someone wants to talk to visiting Ms. Ginny?"

When the voice fell, the Star Lake Guards smashed.

No one seems to want to stay longer.

Mallos turned his head and nodded slightly to Ginny and Tyres.

The court lady snorted and turned and walked:

"What are you doing, kid?"

"You still have to go to class!"

Tyres is a spur of the moment, and this has only come back from the shock and incomprehension.

He turned his head and couldn't care about the grooming, trotting all the way, hurriedly catching up with Ginny's high-heeled boots.

In the process of juvenile trot, my heart is guilty:

What are you doing?

In these six years...

In addition to being beaten all day long, a **** sweat, tearful teeth against Nilailai, trying to survive in the huge shadow of his horror...

What did he do to make his end of power become like that...

Angry sea?

On the training ground, which soon became empty, Mallos stared at Ginny and Tyres, who were far away, and looked dull.

"And you, Piroga, pass on the words."

Mallos stopped and walked in the last Pologa.

"This time, it was our initial establishment, and the duties were unfamiliar."

"But next time, even if you are kneeling, I am coming."

Mallos focused on the word "self", which made Pilojia nervously nervous.

The watchman slowly turned his head, and his eyes flashed with unusually dignified colors:

"The guards under my command are not allowed to be so unimpeded, and they will be released without passing."

"do you understand?"

Piloga has a squat.

He suddenly had the illusion that the chief of Tomorde Mallos, who was indifferent and relaxed, did not exist at this moment.

Piloga nodded reverently and turned and left.

Mallos looked at his back, his eyes were complicated and his mind was unpredictable.

After a while, the watchman turned to the only person left behind.


The flag officer of the Duke’s guards, Hugo·Fobi came up low-key and obediently.

"Today's training, including the power of the prince's end, have you recorded it?" Marcus asked faintly.

"Of course," the rich man, the flag officer, smashed a book, and the scorpion suddenly became savvy:

"The sea is angry."

"And Prince Teres's coping details and..."

But Mallos interrupted him.


Fubi raised his head and revealed a confused look.

"Add one to your record."

Mallos whispered, his tone of voice slowly returned to the cold state of the past:

"The power of the end of Prince Teres is a rare ‘transformation’ of the sea of ​​anger.”

Fubi blinked and frowned.

"As for the specific direction and characteristics of the variant..."

Mallos breathed a sigh of relief and looked calm like water:


Forbes has been stunned for two seconds.

"Variation, unknown... sir, are you sure?"

He looked at his book and wondered:

"This is to be seen by the deputy captain of Taren, and he will report it to His Majesty and... If there is any ambiguity and inaccuracy..."

Mallos suddenly turned back.

"Yes, I am sure."

He interrupted the Forbes flag officer with a slap in the face, his eyes burned and aggressive:

"Absolutely sure."

(End of this chapter)

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