Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 525: Self-reliance

Chapter 525 Self-reliance

Taylors was not in a hurry to stand at the desk on the third floor, picking up a towel soaked in hot water from the tub.

He is still wearing a training suit with a sweaty smell. His skin is sticky and greasy. The bruises and bruises are still faint and hot, and the body is still sore, making him very uncomfortable.

It seems to have returned to the era of children.

But Taylor did not speak.

He just wiped his face quietly with a little expectation and tension, and from time to time looked at the window and the arm of the arm.

Ginny silently looked at the sunset on the horizon, watching the servants in the courtyard busy lighting, the expression on the side of the face was quiet and deep, thoughtful, if there is some memory.

"You shouldn't let them do that."

Ginny’s voice was cold and powerful, with a few lines of resolute weather.

The arm that Tyres was twisting the towel suddenly became stiff.

"Just, you shouldn't let the guards be so arrogant."

The court lady slowly turned around, as tall and tough as she was six years ago, like the cedar in the winter.


Her eyes were as sharp as ever, and her tone was as harsh as ever, reminding Taylors of her first meeting six years ago.

At that time, she also held her arms like this, with a deep and incomprehensible expression, quietly looked at him.

Six years later, Taylors subconsciously wanted to lean and avoid the scrutiny from the enlightenment instructors.


He is low and low, with a little helplessness and faint fluctuations.

Tyres picked up the towel in time, blindfolded his sight, and pressed his dirty face and uncontrollable expression into the warm, soft fabric.

Ginny did not speak.

He put down his towel and tried to calmly touch Ginny's eyes and try to release his most natural warm smile:

"Ms., very happy... see you again."

After six years.

Ginny didn't answer immediately. She still stared at Taylors silently. In the original cold and severe eyes, there was a little more inconsistency.


A few seconds later, the first-class court lady removed her eyes and she took a deep breath and seemed to be collecting something.

"So, your etiquette class is starting now."

Ginny's tone returned to a smooth and strict tone, and she stepped away from the window.

Tyres came back with a habitual tension in front of the enlightenment instructor. He resisted the physical fatigue and quickly dropped the towel.

"No," Ginny prevented him from taking the tub:

"Today, we will not practice table manners."

table manners.

The memories of the past hit the heart of Tells and were forced to be suppressed by him.

The female officer sat down on the meeting chair, ignoring the refreshments at hand, and her eyes were slightly softened after the training.

"The first class will not be very long."

"And you obviously now need more rest."

Tyres took a few seconds and immediately nodded gratefully:

"Thank you, madam."

But Ginny’s expression immediately followed:

"Don't be busy, thank you, lost time, we will make up for the next class."

At that moment, Taylors seemed to have returned six years ago, seeing the female officer, who was strictly cold in the training ground and the table, cold-faced, let him lift the shield and hold the knife and fork.

The familiar feelings once again came to my heart and could not be suppressed.

That scene is like what happened yesterday.

Just like he never left the country, he will not return after years.

Just like the past six years, it was only a dream last night, nothing happened.

When I woke up this morning, he was still sitting in the arms of Ginny and listening carefully.

Tyres resisted the incitement in his eyes and chest, nodded, recalled the etiquette of the kingdom of the stars, and sat down solemnly.

Ginny kept staring at him until Tyres adjusted his state back.

"In the era of the Empire of the millennium, the Supreme Emperor sent his personal escorts to the emperors, and the Knights were responsible for the Lord."

As always, Ginny went straight into the subject, but her eyes were still looking up at Tells.

"After the end of the war, although the old knight tradition almost died, this practice was inherited by the stars of the dynasties: the royal servant was stationed on the side of the adult prince - became their guard, the servant, the subordinate , power, and even the future vassals."

Tyres didn't think that Ginny actually talked about history as soon as she spoke, but the teenager immediately woke up:

She is not satisfied with her performance.

“And how to manage and use these subordinates with complex meanings and complex backgrounds to get along with the Royal Guards and get along with each other.”

"This is a compulsory course for every prince from ancient times to the present."

Subordinates with extraordinary meaning and complex background...

Tyres gently pinched his fist.

He remembered the indifference of Mallis, the indifference of Doyle, the contempt of Doyle, and the coldness of Golov.

But the next second, he remembered the crucifixion of the bones, the silence of Saciel, the persistence of Little Barney, and the extremes of Semir.

“There is no doubt,” said Ginny’s words more solemn:

"This is also part of the royal courtesy."

Tyres listened silently.

The court lady’s eyes are like a knife, which cuts the heart of Tells straight:

"Remember, you are the Duke of Star Lake, the owner of the Judith Hall."

"More is their master."

Duke of Star Lake.



the host.

The young boy’s eyes are slight.

"You are no longer an illegitimate child who needs to hide from Tibet and hide his ears, but the official second prince, the heir to the kingdom."

Ginny’s words are very strict.

illegitimate child.

Second prince.

The heir to the kingdom.

"Is it?"

If Thales spoke unintentionally, let Ginny’s words glimpse.


A few seconds later, Ginny’s voice became tougher and sounded a little dissatisfied with his reaction:

"As a duke, you must take the initiative and show them your majesty, toughness and rigor."

"Let your subordinates know, the consequences of the prince."

Master the initiative...

Show your majesty...

“Majestic, tough and harsh?”

Tyres muttered and smiled reluctantly.

The duke exhaled slowly, but the darkness of the Revival Palace was seen in front of him.

And in the Chamber of Defence, the end of the promenade, the tall throne.

His shoulders slackened.


Tyres slammed his mouth and was slightly silent.


But that is not my style.


He did not say it, but he finished the sentence in his heart.

Ginny frowned.

It seems that students who have not seen for many years will react like this.

The silence in the study lasted for a few seconds.

"The letter from the north said that you have been tempered, and your heart is overwhelming. In the face of fierce and tough enemies, there is no fear or humbleness."

"It's like you are at a country meeting."

Ginny is cold and cold:

"How come here, face your subordinate guards, but become weak?"

Taylors was silent for a while.

"Because that is different."

The teenager seems to feel a little, sighing softly:

"In the country is a meeting, in the north, I have to face only my opponent."

"And what I need to do is just follow the instructions and raise the shield."

Raise the shield.

As if I had thought of something, Ginny was slightly lost.

"But here..."

Thales licked his lips, fell into meditation, and his face was slightly dignified.

"I need to face, not just my guard."

Taylor looked out into the distance.

Ginny didn't talk, she just frowned and looked at Tells.

After a few seconds, she slowly said:

"Your guard, Marlous them..."

But Taylors interrupted her.

"Madam, please."

Taylor closed his eyes and sighed.

"This way, Gilbert only picks good words, Jodel always keeps silence, and others..."

Ginny suddenly took a look.

Taylors looked up and revealed a less natural smile:

"But you, madam, you are the one who inspired me and the etiquette, and it is his..."

Tyres didn't finish, but Ginny vaguely felt something.

The Duke of Xinghu bowed his head:

"I thought you should be more honest than them."

Ginny repeats:


Tyres nodded and looked at Ginny:

"He doesn't like me."

Ginny stunned.

Tells said the truth plainly, as if this is the most ordinary truth:

"From the first glance, he doesn't like me."

"This is no secret."

The duke chuckled without emotion.

"Even my guards know it well."

"This is the reason."

At this moment, Taylor's eyes were calm and waveless, and he was directly confronted with slightly surprised Gianni.

The latter wanted to say something, but ultimately did not speak.

The study was silent for a long time.

The court lady’s face was deep, her eyes flashed with an unknown light, and she glanced back and forth on the body of Tells.

Finally, Ginny took a deep breath and slowly said:

"The sea is angry."

Tyres didn't react, and he was puzzled.

I saw Ginny’s expression of a few degrees of change, and lowered her eyes.

"What did Marlys say, the end of your awakening, what is going on?"


The sea is so angry.

Still immersed in the inexplicable mood, Tells breathed a breath and adjusted himself back.

"I don't know," the Duke shook his head reluctantly, honestly:

"I am also listening for the first time."

But Ginny smiled.

"The power of the end of most knights in the kingdom is similar to their personal experience, especially to the teachers who teach them."

The court lady is faint:

"There are still a small number of people who are the opposite: the mentoring and the other are opposite each other."

In the heart of Tyres, this is a commonality with Ricky.

"Is it."

and so.

Angry sea is so turbulent...

"So, Northlanders, have they taught you a lot?"

Ginny looked at him, intentionally or unintentionally.

Northern people.

Tyres remembered the life in Exeter and unconsciously raised his mouth:


But when Taylors looked up again, he suddenly found the wrong place.

It is Ginny.

I don't know when, Ginny's harsh eyes became softer.

She looked at Taylors quietly, her eyes filled with unclear feelings.

It was to let Taylors feel overwhelmed.

I saw his enlightenment teacher's lips tremble, and he stopped talking for a few times.


Finally, Ginny still spoke.

This time, her voice is no longer cold and tough, but rather hoarse:

"You are in the north... thin."

A glimpse of Tellston.

Ginny stared at him, revealing a smile that Taylors didn't usually see.


Her smile was quiet and elegant, but with a few sadness that could not be said.

This makes the thinking of Taylors stagnate.

In these days of returning to the country, Jodel, Cohen, Gilbert, and many old literati, expressed their excitement and emotion after seeing him.

You are growing taller.

grown up.


Become... more like someone.


you lost weight.

This is the first time Taylors has heard such an evaluation.

The teenager stared at Ginny.

Ginny just quietly looked back at him, releasing a sad smile in the wrinkles around her eyes.

That moment, like a certain power, blocked his chest full.

Tyres had to turn his head and squint at the angle that Ginny couldn't see. At the same time, she squeezed her smile and talked and shifted:

"Well, that, ah, these months are a bit embarrassing..."

But Ginny didn't listen to what he said, and didn't pay attention to the voice of Tells.

The court lady took the tea cup on her side in an unpredictable manner, and her posture was elegant and dignified.

"you know."

Ginny’s voice is still soft and sad:

"A long time ago, your grandfather didn't like him very much."

The shape of Tyres is condensed.


He mechanically turned his head and looked at Ginny.

I saw the court lady at the moment sitting in a chair, rubbing the cup in her hand, but showing a trace of sadness that Teres had never seen before in the brows and lips.

"It is said that after the first queen died, Wang Changzi had been away from the palace for a long time. He was not popular in the entire Fuxing Palace."

Ginny looked at the reflection in the teacup in her hand:

“The servants even ‘careless’ to forget his meals and oil fires, and the Royal Guards often overlook his whereabouts and safety.”

Taylors stunned.

He suddenly remembered the scene many years ago:

In the tomb, the figure of the hand holding the scepter whispered to him.

"He said that in those years, in his teens, he stole in the palace and lived like a rat."

Ginny whispered:


Tyres was shocked.

East steals west touch...


Live like... a rat...

The teenager subconsciously grasped the arm of the chair.

It's like grabbing a hole in a waste house.

Ginny looked up:

"But it does not affect him with a smirk, a lively jump, and grow up in the discrimination, neglect, contempt and embarrassment of the entire kingdom."

"until now."

Ginny looked at Taylors quietly.

Taylor looked at the floor.

A few seconds later, Taylors came back and took a deep breath.

"Thank you, madam."

The teenager reappeared with a smile:

"I understand."

Ginny twitched her mouth and tried to pull out her smile that she was not good at, but after a while, she realized what she had put down the teacup and unnaturally raised her face.

"So kid, I mean, you are too thin, and others will give you a joke..."

Ginny noticed that her words were a little trembling, so she took a few deep breaths and stopped in the invisible angle of Thales.

"Remember to eat more."

Ginny hesitated and added another sentence:

"And, go to bed early."

But this time, Tyres was not brought into the same atmosphere by her serious tone, the Duke smiled:

"Of course, madam."

"of course."

A few seconds later, Ginny turned her head again, her expression and tone slowly turned back to cold and harsh, and she didn’t care:

"Speaking of this, kid, how much do you know about your guard?"

Taylors raised his eyes and adjusted his mood.

"not much?"

Ginny pulled her lips and was silent for a while.


"After the **** year, your father made the liquidation too embarrassing to eradicate the threat, and it was too broad."

Tyres’ face changed.

In the dungeon, the resentful expression of Marina, the sword of the disaster, flashed in front of his eyes.

Ginny is in color:

"So, inside and outside the city of Yongxing, as the threat disappears together, there is trust."

Tyres frowned.

"And don't forget, your father has no heirs for twelve years."

"This not only weakens his prestige, but also arouses the ambitions of the Dukes. It also strikes the traditional supporters of the royal family - the Central Collar, the vassals of the comet family headed by the seven stars of the comet - the confidence of the king. ""

Taylors subconsciously added:

"And loyalty?"

Ginny gave him a look and couldn’t help.

"In those twelve years, your father had to promote and reuse many new people - such as the three handsome, such as the familiar Gilbert, such as the Count of Godwin, Viscount Connie, Baron Gals, 裘可Man, Sorrow, Reid... They became the main force of the current kings and consolidate his rule."

"But in contrast, under his rule, under the dissatisfaction of other guardian dukes, the traditional royal vassals like the seven stars of the comet are in a trough and silence, and gradually drift away from the palace of revival."

Comet seven waiters...

Taylors thought of Gilbert's explanation and meditated.

Ginny dignified:


Taylor looked up and frowned:


Ginny was silent for a while, and nodded:

"Thanks to you, thanks to the resurrection of the pedigree of the comet's royal family, in the past six years, the seven-star servants who have been centrifuged from Germany and are silent and alienated have continued to reappear to the nine-pointed star."

However, Ginny immediately followed the color:

"But they are still watching."

"And you can't just win their approval by title and bloodline."

"Your father can't just rely on one heir to erase their grievances after the **** years and win back their trust."

Taylors thinks of Doyle and Golov.

"Is it."

Ginny sighed:

"Your Star Lake Guard is just one example."

Taylors did not speak.

Ginny stared at him silently, whispering:

"Soon, it is the day when you are officially unveiled in front of aristocrats at the banquet."

I saw that the woman’s eyes became sharp:

"Cautious, kid."

Ginny’s tone made Taylors nervous:

"You are like me, below them."

"It's like your father, above them."

"And you are coming back from the north, outside of them."

Three consecutive words, let Taylor think deeply and also provoke his vigilance:

"And that means you go from inside to outside, in the final analysis..."

Ginny firmly said:

"Not them."

Not them.

Tyres opened his mouth, but eventually closed his mouth.

"It took me nearly 30 years to understand this."

There are few vicissitudes in the eyes of Ginny:

"I hope you can be shorter."

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief.

"Banquet, okay."

"and so?"

The teenager scratched his chin with a headache:

"Can they still eat me?"

Ginny closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Do not."

But the female official opened her eyes, but there was a sharper edge inside:

"But they will tear you apart."

Hearing this metaphorical description, Tilston stayed.

"But... I am the son of the king, the heir to the kingdom?"


Ginny looks alert and dignified:

"So they will be gentle, politely - tearing you apart."

Tyres seemed to understand and nodded.

"What should I do?"

Ginny was silent for a while.

"You know, boy, six years ago, you know."

Taylor's look changed.

"Raise your shield."

I saw Ginny looking at him straight, just like teaching him a sword many years ago: "Don't let go."

"Until you die."

"Until the enemy is dead."

Taylors is silent again.

This time, he thought of more things.

"What about my father?"

The teenager is faintly authentic:

"Is he too?"

Ginny’s arm trembled.

She saw that the eyes of Taylors changed.

It seems to have changed back to the one who would ask him "you lost weight" by Ginny Buckville.

A few seconds later, Ginny sighed softly.

"Kid, do you know where this is?"

Tyres knew that the problem was a bit sharp, and he smiled and laughed at it:

"Amount, study?"

Ginny looked at him again.

Tyres had to put away a smile that he thought he was humorous, and said:


"The royal gems, the sages, the great art manor."

And one of his familiar childhoods.

"Oh, and, three hundred years ago, its first owner was the "King of the Mist" who died unfortunately, and Didis I."

Taylors wants to make the tone sound humorous, but for some reason, always fails.

Ginny looked at him quietly.

"Yes, but not only."

more than?

Tyres raised his eyebrows.

"18 years ago."

Ginny’s expression changed.

I saw the female officer’s eyes squint, as in the fog:

"Here is the Crown Prince of Stars, your uncle, the first prince of the prince, Mideel Comet, who chose to live in adulthood."

Tyres' face changed slightly.

"You mean that..."


Ginny looked at him:

"The one who is destined to sit on the throne."

(End of this chapter)

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