Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 526: Xiaolang Hoof

Chapter 526 Xiaolang Hoof

Star Crown Prince.

Midi comet.

The former owner of Judith Manor?

Tyres’s heart was slightly stunned, and there was a sense of uneasiness like a needle felt.

Ginny’s tone is softer:

"When Kessel was young, he often came here to hide...distracted."


Ginny looked at the display of the study in an obsessive manner, like seeing through the time and seeing the past.

"This place has a different meaning for him."

Tyres stared at it.

I saw Ginny looking at the void and smiling.

"In fact, speaking about the layout, compared to the Fuxing Palace, the Judisi Hall is more like a leisure place than a defensive royal palace. More than one person suggested him. In order to change the palace safely, even the first king asked him."

"But you know, how did Midi answer?"

Taylors raised his ears.

I saw Ginny looking at the position where Tyres was sitting, and said a slightly old-fashioned statement:

"If everyone is afraid..."

"The vertical wall is a thousand feet, and the majestic is awkward, why is He Cunwu?"

If everyone is afraid...

Tyres chewed the statement and frowned slightly:

"This is his original words?"

Ginny shook her head:

"No, this is what Xianjun engraved on the silver coin said."

"Midile made some changes when he quoted, but..."

Ginny gently rubbed her wrist and her eyes softened:

"A long time ago, I didn't remember what the original text of Xianjun was."

"I only remember how Midir used to handle government affairs here."

Taylors did not speak.

He pondered carefully, what the uncle who could say this words in a big way.

Ginly knows what he is thinking, saying:

"If you encounter a problem, he will sit at your desk and gently press the tight eyebrows. The corners of your mouth will be slightly wrinkled, and you will be silent and meditate."

Ginny looked at the desk with ecstasy, and the memories that emerged in her eyes were endless:

"A few minutes have passed, his mouth and eyebrows will be relieved at the same time."

"At that time, he would put down his fingers and show a smile."

Like to echo the words, Ginny also smiles and is beautiful and quiet:

"Then the problem is no longer a problem."

Tyres was guilty.

But Ginny’s words are still going on, the tone is illusory, and it sounds like telling a fairy tale:

"He can always find a way out for the predicament."

"It is a great joy to deal with the contradictions."

"Put things in order."

"Dispel disappointment for everyone..."

Ginny’s voice fell.

Tyres is still silent.

Both of them sat silently, one felt the memories, one was surprised and imagined, leaving a silent blank in the study.

After a moment, Ji Ni took a breath, her face replied with helplessness and sadness, only to listen to her hoarseness:

"Kid, he doesn't dislike you."

When Teres was shocked, it was discovered that the subject in the other party had changed:

"He is just..."


Ginny looked at the desk in front of Tyres and didn't say anything more.

But Taylor looked at the chair he was sitting on, and thought about the Fuxing Palace a few days ago.

[ will not become the Duke of Xinghu at all...]

【because of you……】

[Not worthy. 】

Taylors stunned.

He stared at the desk in front of him and remembered the identity of his former owner. He could not help but wonder:

He, the owner of the Fuxing Palace, thinks that Tyres can't match...

What is it?

After a long while, Taylors finally recovered.

He gratefully looked at Ginny.

"Ms. I am very happy to see you again."

Tyres nodded and held back the extra emotions:


Ginny laughed.

She opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but she finally closed.

After a few seconds, Ginny faintly said:

"Kids, eat more, go to bed early."

"And, although I am no longer responsible for teaching you martial arts swordsmanship, but..."

Ginny looked at him silently:

"Remember to practice the sword."

Tyres moved and smiled.

"I have seen your battle."

Ginny whispered:


But the next moment, the female officer’s tone is serious:

"But I taught you the Northland Army with swordsmanship, not to turn you into a madman who is going to fight."

The singer, who was still immersed in a soft atmosphere, couldn’t help.

"Remember, you are a prince."

I saw Ginny sternly:

"Whatever you experienced in the North..."

"When the battle is coming, you have to raise your shield and protect yourself first!"

Ginny looked at him sternly:

"Defense, this is the first priority, don't worry about taking the risk."

It seems that in order to aggravate the tone, Ji Niti said:

"Did you hear it?"

Tyres shook and habitually promised:

"Yes Yes?"

Ginny landed and came up, and she finished the whole outfit and returned to the sturdy first-class court lady.

Tyres quickly stood up and sent her out of the door.

But as they walked up the corridor, Ginny’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

The court lady turned her head sharply and looked at the two guards at the porch.

"You, little D.D."

The members of the Guard who are boring and dazed are shocked and come back to God:

"Female, madam?"

Tyres was also taken aback and quickly followed.

"What are you doing here?"

Ginny asked seriously.

The asked Doyle was obviously very nervous. He patted the costume and walked forward with his colleagues:

"We have been assigned responsibility by the sergeant, madam, tonight with the audience."

But Ginny interrupted him.

"Today, when this kid is kneeling on the training ground, I can hear it," Ginny glanced at him and blinked:

"You are still working side by side, are you?"

At that moment, Doyle trembled.

Taylor smiled helplessly.

"I... that... I just made a joke..." Doyle was crying.

However, Ginny has a cold tone:

"So you admit, as the guardian of the Duke of Star Lake, you make him joke in public?"

As soon as this statement came out, the people present were frowning, and even Tyres was no exception.

Doyle apparently panicked and quickly denied:

"No, of course not, that, because Lord Marcus was testing His Highness..."

The atmosphere of the conversation has become tense.

Tyres looked at Ginny with amazement, feeling that it was not so good.

Ginny scorned:

"So you are accusing, is your chief, Mallos, assigning you to the crowd, scorning and teasing the prince?"

Doyle is another shock:

"I, madam, that..."

At this time, his peers who had been silent around him spoke up.


The peers gave a low voice:

"To shut up."

D.D, who is as big as a bucket, is good at the flow, and immediately receives the sound.

Sure enough, this time Kenny turned the target, she turned her head gracefully and looked at the people around Doyle.

"and who are you?"

The colleague in the dark raised his head and showed a tall figure in the light:

"Pioneer Guan Jialun Goloved. Ms."

Ginny narrowed her eyes and looked thoughtful.

"Oh, Goloved."

"I remember a Glover," the court lady nodded and smiled:

"The most famous one."

Golov did not answer, but stood even more straight.

When Doyle around him felt in his heart that "there was someone on the ancestors who was good at making an official", Ginny’s words suddenly turned.

"You know, many years ago, it was here too," Ginny stared at Glover, showing her chill:

"How did your grandfather call me?"

Golovy suddenly looked a bit.

"The little hoof that the East China Sea brought, shameless and sloppy."

Xiaolang hoof...

Golov’s face suddenly became ugly.

Taylors is also nervous.

"Your grandfather, the bad old man of the Glover family said to the Crown Prince," I saw that Ginny didn't care, and even disdained:

"‘She should be thrown into the seven layers of hell, and burn forever.’”

The last few words, Ginny said it was biting.

The smile that Taylors had maintained was a bit sore.

Really bad.

This is... the meeting of the enemy?

"Unfortunately, the way to hell..."

When the next Doyle was secretly glad that "wow zombies are really bad luck", Ginny snorted:

"Old brother Luofo took a step first."

"I hope he won't be cooked too well."

Golov had a constant face, but he clenched his fist.

Taylors didn't understand what Ginny was doing, but instinctively told him that he couldn't say a word:

"Ms. It’s better to go into the night..."

However, Ginny ignored the words of the prince, but she spoke to Doyle and Glover:

"You two, pack your luggage, and don't use it for the future."

Taylors was shocked!

"Okay, madam, we are right now-"

Doyle nodded quickly and said that it was only after the words said that the reaction was over, shocked:


Goloved his face frowning.

"Yes, because the owner is neglected, and the royal family is not respected," said Ginney, her face changed.

"You were expelled from the Duke's guards."

"just now."

The air was quiet for a moment.

Doyle's look changed back and forth, and he didn't know what he thought in those few seconds, but he panicked and said:

"But, madam, that, the Royal Guard, our duty is..."

But at this moment, Glover, who has always been vocal, speaks faster than him:

"Ms., our appointment was jointly reviewed by Baron Adrian and the Governor of Mallos, signed by His Majesty..."

But Ginny suddenly increased the volume and overshadowed them both in a moment:

"So, Danny Doyle, Karen Golov, you are not willing to take the initiative to leave..."

At this moment, Ginny’s eyes are sharp and fierce, with an unbearable chill:

"I really want to let me, let the female Bakwei, who is in charge of the second prince's life, officially draw at the imperial meeting in the morning, and disturb the majesty and the ministers to change the small things for the guards to worry about?"

Doyle and Goloved are a stiff!

One of them was stunned, and one of them was glaring and glaring, and they were incredulously looking at Ginny, who was like a female lion.


Taylors couldn’t help it anymore.

"Please don't worry about this," Duke of Star Lake said gently and politely:

"Doyle's guardian's move today is my intention, and the Goloved vanguard official has been conscientious and competent."

Doyle and Goloved are turning to Tyres.

Ginny also turned her head and looked at the prince with a murderous look.

Just like the training ground six years ago.

But Tyres still smiles, no change.

The hard seconds have finally passed.

Ginny snorted and seemed to have disdain:

"The heart is soft, the mother-in-law, dragging the water."

"That's why you don't get the majesty and respect."

Thales nodded with a smile.

"I know."

The prince shrugged and looked at Ginny helplessly:

"Just... that's not my style."

Ginny’s knife-like eyes glanced at Doyle and Glover, and the two stood even more straight.

“Is dinner after an hour, madam, do you want to leave a meal?”

Before Ginny's next sentence, Taylors hurriedly spoke.

This made Ginny sigh with dissatisfaction.


The female officer was cold and cold, and finally took a look at the tight three people and turned and left without hesitation.

As the sound of the high-heeled boots gradually became smaller, Ginny's figure disappeared behind the corner, and Taylors and the other two talents slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ms. Ginny’s character is straightforward, don’t care.”

Taylors apologized.

Golov was silent, and Doyle smiled with a twilight:

"His Royal Highness, I..."

But Tyres sounded in advance, and his mood was curious:

"So, Ms. Ginny, she really has that power, crossing Marlous and Adrian, expelling you?"

Doyle turned his eyes:

"That, I am not too..."

But Goloved this time:

"If she can openly and formally draw to her Majesty and the pre-meeting meeting, and the reasons are true... yes."

Taylors showed a look like this.

He took a breath and smiled at the two.

"But first of all, you are my guard, aren't you?"

Doyle looked at the corner and he was careful to say that the shadow had not been removed:


Tyres smiles:

"Then she can't."

Doyle blinked and Goloved his expression.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Goloved.

Tyres smiled and gave them a bright thumb. When they didn't say anything, they turned and went back to the room.

"That, Your Highness," Doyle hurriedly spoke behind him, some hope:

"Also... what else can you do?"

Taylor stood still.

"Oh, this is a little bit," the teenager suddenly realized, turning back and smiling at the two: "Old habits, I have to go back to the study and read."

"But if there are some reading teas, it would be better."

Doyle suddenly inhales.

"I will do it right now, Your Highness," for the first time, D.D nodded sincerely:


Thales encouraged the nod and went into the study.

At the corner of the corridor, Ginny kept on her boots and steadily advanced.

But at this time, the court lady, with a smile on her lips.

This kid.

It’s a waste.

The tea in the study has not finished yet, isn't it?

So, the first etiquette class of Thales passed.

It was only since then that Doyle and Glover have clearly respected him a lot.

Until the next day, Doyle cautiously came to the study to inform Tells:

The two sacrifices carefully selected by the Temple of the Sun have already arrived at the Judith Hall.

Waiting for the Duke of the Duke to teach them, as the rule of the empire to the stars, every star king must be skilled...

Theology class.

I know what you want to say, the answer is - Calvin. I also know what you want to say, the answer is - to eat. I also know what you want to say, the answer is - try your best.

(End of this chapter)

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