Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 527: About human learning

Chapter 527 on Human Learning

Judith Hall, afternoon, the duke's study.

"You don't know why you are here, are you?"

Hearing the question, Taylors in the study looked up and looked at him with a faint doubt.

It was an elderly woman who was sitting on the opposite side. She looked vicissitudes and temperament. The nuns behind her were only sixteen or seven years old, wearing veil and standing rigorously.

The sunset emblems on the robes of the two of them reflect the dark golden reflections, and they are especially suitable for the interior style of the classic and trendy.

The only thing wrong is that Gilbert was sitting on the other side of the room, looking at the guests of Teres.

Just now, when Mallos was expressionless, and led the teacher of the sunset temple to the study, Gilbert rushed in the back and looked at the old woman’s eyes full of surprises. alert.

"I know that this is a theological class."

Tyres sent a questioning look to Gilbert and tried to call the woman's title:

"Megan... sacrifice?"

The old woman Megan shook her head and still smiled.

"No, you don't know."

Megan smiled and pointed at the top of his head, smiling and easy-going, but his eyes were respectful.

"You think that you are here only for the arrangement of the lectures and the needs of the tradition, but in fact, whether you are sitting here or I am here, this is God's will."

The voice of Ms. Sacrifice has a unique mystery.

God's will?

Out of courtesy, Tyres smiled.

Alright alright.

In the past few days, the teenager has been curious about what his theological teacher would look like. After all, he has had few priests who have been in direct contact with him since he was a child: the enthusiasm of the late night servant who was touched by the children of the children’s era was overwhelming. The monks are full of sorrow and enthusiasm, and the rituals of the moon in the north are cold and difficult to resist.

But now it seems... the prince's theological class seems to be no accident.

Taylor sighed softly in his heart.

The sacrifices are still going on:

"The sunset has witnessed that our destiny has already been in the midst of it."

After all, Megan's face was white, then he bowed his head and coughed fiercely in the handkerchief.

"Nia..." Megan was in pain.

Tyres was slightly surprised, but the young nun who stood behind the sacrifice seemed to be prepared. Her calmness immediately took out a box and took out a few pills. She waited for the older Megan to take it under the water and soothe it. Her urgent cough.

Taylors glanced at Gilbert.

After ten seconds, Megan's cough gradually subsided.

"Sorry, the sunset will require me to stand the test of illness to wash out a better self."

She put away her handkerchief and apologized to Tels:

"This is the kindness of the goddess. It is understandable, but it is the same for you."

Goddess' kindness gift?

Taylors can only smile politely, shaking his head and saying it doesn't matter:

"As long as you are healthy..."

But before the Duke said a few words, Megan, who had completely recovered from the cough, closed his eyes, and his emotions swayed his fingers gently. He made a few prayers that could not be seen clearly, and he had words in his mouth.

"I want to quit, I know the sunset."

Even the young nun wearing a veil is also busy with the pill box and followed by a prayer style, which looks very pious.

God stick.

Tyres, who was blocked by the words, was embarrassed and gave this evaluation silently.

Tyres looked at Gilbert in the distance and hoped to gain some sense of identity from him, but Gilbert was still looking at the old lady offerings to teach.

This is rare.

After the prayer-style Megan noticed the eyes of Tyres, he looked back to Gilbert.

"Are you not ready to leave, Count Cassault?"

The older rituals are smiling, the tone is easy-going, and those who don’t know will probably think that the two are familiar with each other for many years.

Until Gilbert snorted.

"According to previous communication with the church," Earl of Caso's response was not very polite:

"The prince's teaching teacher should be the deputy bishop of Stiliides of the Ministry of Education. He is a friend of mine for many years. He is knowledgeable and sincere, and is very suitable for students to clear their way."

Megan heard the words and did not think that:

"But it is me?"

Gilbert narrowed his eyes:

"As far as I know, in the temple of the setting sun, the sacrifices and missions are not in common: the great priests lead the former, take the gods, listen to the gods, and the archbishop leads the latter, handles the customs, and manages the church."

Gilbert's tone was quite welcome, and Taylors frowned too:

"When did the sacred Li Xia's great sacred offerings also be interested in the secular affairs of the Ministry of Education for the nobility? Are you aware of the bishop of Zenon in your church?"

Sacrifices and missions are not related to each other?

Taylors suddenly discovered that as a servant of God, the Temple of the Sun seemed to be not that simple.

However, Megan still smiles as if he is, and spit out a few words:

"Your Majesty knows."

At that moment, Gilbert and Tyre's face changed.

I saw that the Megan Sacrifice maintained a polite or devout smile, flashing his fingers and making a prayer:

"The purpose of the sunset is always mysterious, and it is unpredictable, but it will make sense."

"I hope you don't mind the count."

The nun behind her quickly followed the prayer style and kept in line with the sacrifice.

Gilbert smoked his mouth, as if he was not used to eating it.

I saw the former foreign minister stunned for a few seconds, which is ridiculous:

"I will check with the Fuxing Palace, um, maybe I will also add a little suggestion."

The Megan Sacrifice released a smile of "welcome" or "please".

Taylor also frowned.

Gilbert snorted, but did not want to go:

"Then, I think, the tolerant sunset goddess, will not mind if I am here to listen to my Royal Highness and share my grace?"

"Liv Megan sacrifice?"

The Megan Sacrifice was only bent at the corner of the mouth, and it was not set.

She stopped Gilbert for a short pause, but instead faced Taylors behind the desk.

"So, about God, Thales," said the older female priest:

"How much do you know?"

At that moment, the memory of Taylors was a spur of the moment.

A long-lost melody sounded in his mind and brought him back.

[When you think of the gods, what do you think of first? 】

Taylors stunned.

"It is His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness."

Gilbert pulled the tyros back to reality with a hostile dissatisfaction protest, only to see Count Cassault unhappyly swearing to Megan:

"Please use the honorary name."

Megan smiled unconsciously: "Of course."

But the eyes of the female priest were staring at Tyres, waiting for him to return.

About God...

The teenager swallowed his throat and confirmed that he was not in a chess room in Longyan City.

"Amount, a long, long, long time ago, there is a person called - there is a god, called ‘Ming God’.”

Megan did not change his face and waited quietly for him to continue.

Tyres tried to recall the common sense that he had known in the past six years, whether it was from the little slick and the boring ancient text in "The Divine Sacred":

"The Supreme God created the world: a slamming sound, the heavens and the earth are separated, and the sun and the prison river are far apart. In their cracks, all things are gradually forming."

But as his energy is distracted, the prince's tone is more and more random:

"Then, then Ming Shen got off work - I mean, rested - the earliest gods began to take over. I remember that there are moons, nights, mountains, animal husbandry, desert, harvest, hurricanes... ..."

Tyres scratched his head:

"Of course, the biggest one is the 'Holy Day' Errol. It is said that he is the sun itself. It is the pro-son of the gods..."

The room sounded like Gilbert’s heavy cough.

“It’s fine,” unexpectedly, the Megan sacrifice was just a slap in the face, without any offense:

"The humorous jokes of a little hearsay will not affect our fear of God."

Taylors, who had stopped for a moment, raised his eyebrows and secretly squeezed a strange look at Gilbert:

"Since then, the Holy Day is the head of the gods, commanding the gods, substituting for it, blessing everything..."

"Our world is named after Errol..."

"Later, after the disaster came to an end, the battle of the end, after the "big crack", Errol was also unemployed like his father - coughing - resting, his daughter took over the duties and cared for with the rest of the gods. The world is the sunset goddess..."

Well, that's right.

Therefore, in the eyes of Taylors, after the world history, from the Ming dynasty of the ancient empire, to the holy church of the last empire, to the sunset temple of the present star kingdom, in the world of the erro, the empire is passed down. The classic myth of "Ming God - Holy Day - Sunset" can be described as a tragic family business history related to the Empire's territory:

God’s generation has worked hard and has finally become a master.

The second generation of God defeated Ye Tian, ​​and the middle road collapsed.

God's three generations were bleak, and they went bankrupt—cough, as if I was the Prince of Stars—the revival was imminent.

The building is ruined, bitter and bitter, somehow, there are still some inexplicable people.

By the way, when Tells summed up the above points, Exeter’s priest, who was responsible for teaching the history class, had a poor face, while the Regency of Regency on the other side listened with gusto and nodded.

Taylors finished the above words with the price of the vegetable market.

He smiled at the eccentric Gilbert and the contemplative Megan sacrifice.

"You know a lot..."

Megan’s eyes are quiet and seem to be thinking.

"Thank you."

Taylor shrugged.

"...but not very detailed." Megan faintly said her words.

Of course, it is not detailed.

In fact, most of these mythical legends are told by a glasses girl and a demon who will not die.

Well, maybe I have to thank a certain king who has collected a large collection of books for his queen, who knows where he is now.

"So you believe in God, Tyres?"

The Megan Sacrifice reopened and looked at both eyes:

"Do you believe that we meet here, is it God's arrangement?"

Tyres raised his eyebrows and glanced at the foreign minister.

This time, he gained a long-awaited sense of identity in Gilbert's expression, and the latter even sighed without any disguise.

I know, right?

But Taylors is still a prince after all, no matter how boring the people in this class are, at least he has to maintain the relationship between the royal family and the temple on the surface to ensure the tacit understanding between the two sides.

The prince cleared his throat and returned to strictness:

"I certainly believe in the goddess of the setting sun..."

"No, you don't believe."

Megan interrupted him coldly.

I saw the elder priestess looking straight at him, his eyes glaring, and the wrinkles on his face were particularly conspicuous at this moment:

"You don't believe in ridiculous myths and legends, nor do you believe in certified church classics, and you don't believe that gods like the setting sun should be our masters and beliefs."

A glimpse of Tellston.

The Megan sacrifice snorted, his eyes clear and his tone was solemn:

"You would rather believe that this is politics. Strategy is a struggle. I would rather believe that we are here. It is the measure taken by the Church of the Sunset to influence the royal family and to influence the future king."

"Like the face that is disdainful, but it must be hard and serious."

In the distance, Gilbert, who was still drinking tea at the corner of his mouth, snorted.


"You, with the vast majority of this world, because of the small weight, the slightly higher status, the little knowledge, and the slightest success, they are self-righteous, and they are the same as the high-ranking people who are disapproving on the surface..."

"Do not believe in God."

"Despise God."

This is too straightforward to say, leaving no room for it.

Tyres had to converge on a smile, and Gilbert also put down the teacup.

Megan's tone was extremely indifferent, and even the nuns behind him felt the gas field, and slammed into the prince and the count in uneasiness.

"So, you don't know how it feels to live in a world of God. You don't know what God and faith bring to the world, and you don't know how true believers live."

The expressionless Megan looked back at Taylors and looked at him.

"You don't know how to find out what you will find if you are devout to understand the world of God and faith."

At that moment, Taylors felt a little glimpse, as if at this moment, the other party was the master of the study.

He took a deep breath:


"So, your world will always be missing a part."

Megan does not seem to care about the other's power, and does not give the Duke the opportunity to speak:

"This is very bad."

She leaned forward and looked straight at the eyes of Tells.

"Very bad."

As if to penetrate his pupil, stab his heart and torture his soul.

“Very, very, very bad.”

Her voice was low and her eyes were cold.

The expression of Tyres also sank.

After sitting at his desk, he was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly pushed away the "Apostles of the Sun" that was specially created for this class.

Gilbert wanted to ease the less friendly atmosphere, but he just gave his first cough and Tyres spoke up.

"So, what do you do?"

I saw that the young Duke of Xinghu also did not evade the eyes of the sunset goddess:

"If I don't believe in God, what do you do?"

Tyres smiled and spread his hand:

"burn me?"

This said that the room was quiet.

Megan's sacrifice frowned, and looked at Tells carefully.

A few seconds have passed.

I saw Megan snoring and his tone was not good:


This time it was the turn of Tells.

Engage, what?

The little nun who stood up was nervous, and she had never seen such a squabble. She looked at the wrong Duke of the Star Lake without horror. It seemed that she was afraid of a high-powered man who would say "towed out and slaughtered" when he was angry. of.

Gilbert’s cough suddenly screamed:

"Cough, Your Highness, that today..."

But this time, the untimely interruption of the Count of Caso did not work.

I saw the Megan Sacrifice smiled mysteriously, and for the third time I ignored Gilbert and added the unfinished words:

"...a long time ago, yes."

As soon as this was said, the eyebrows of Tyres tightened and swayed.

Please, don't panic when you speak.

I saw the female ritual slowly leaning on the chair, and the tone was gentle again:

"So, Tyres, burning you, will change your faith?"

“Will you believe in the existence of God, the glory of God, the greatness of God?”

In the distance, Gilbert breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently, he had given up trying to correct her title.

Thales blinked and barely lifted his lips.

Megan’s sacrifice smiled and picked up the teacup at hand:

"Then why are we burning you?"

Megan sipped a cup of tea:

"It must be noted that the faith is not burned out with fire, not even with a butcher knife."

The words of the female sacrifice are very slow, but there is no such thing as aggressiveness:

"If you only want to burn you because you don't believe in God, it will only increase your disgust and rebellion, consolidate your position and mind, and will not help the spread of faith, but also violate the original intention of the gods."

Megan put down the teacup and fixedly looked at him:

"Because of fear, it will not be a strong belief, but only a gradual accumulation of gradual hatred."

"Trust me, history has already proven this."

Megan intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the same frowning Gilbert, faintly authentic

"On the contrary, the suffering of reality often leads to the sublimation of the spirit. Many great prophets and ambassadors for thousands of years have awakened in persecution and suffering, and let the true meaning of the faith take root and spread more widely. ”

Tyres looked at the sunset lady offering in front of him.

This attitude...

Not like the church people in the impression?

Megan turned his back and smiled slightly:

"So, the distinguished Duke of the Duke."

She used the title for the first time.

In conjunction with her softened content and friendly tone, Teres found that, in any case, his stereotyped concept of pre-emptive femininity has gradually disappeared.

Megan soles:

"Only evil spirits and demons, only arrogant mortals, are keen to promote blood and violence, enjoy killing and destruction, rely on oppression and power to fight for power, eliminate dissidents, and rely on it to win."

Taylors sat unconsciously and sat up straight.

"However, the true gods - like our sunset goddess - are tolerant of all things, forgive everything, for the lost lambs, and even for the strange faith, they also give mercy and forgiveness, help and guidance."

"This is the meaning of the existence of faith - salvation."

The Megan Festival swears a little smile:

"So please let go of your hostility, Tyres, open your mind and turn from a skeptic to a tolerant."

"Because God treats you like this."

Tyres frowned at her.

In the distance, Gilbert sighed and whispered, "Sure enough, I still miss the old guy of Stella Nieders."

A few seconds later, Tyres took a breath and had to adjust his attitude:

"okay then."

Strange, the way of speaking is far worse tomorrow, but somehow, Taylors is remembering the scene when he faced the old crow.

"So, you are going to teach me how to believe in the goddess, Liv Megan sacrifice?"

The duke is the color road.

Megan smiled and took another sip from the teacup.

When she put down the teacup, the tone became deep and mysterious.

“Hundreds of years ago, there was a young man in the world who was unfortunate, whose family business declined and his future was cut off.”

Tyres stunned and felt wrong for the other party to start telling stories.

"He got the revelation of God when he had nowhere to go."

Megan looked like a sky, as if he was in the story at that moment:

"Then the young man follows the gods and faces the sunset, all the way west."

Is... unfortunately the young man meets the story of the salvation of God?

Taylor looked at Gilbert and found that his face changed slightly.

Megan's tone became gloomy:

"The day is approaching, but the young man is not going west. His path is getting darker and more dangerous. His eyes are more confused and confused."

"Finally, at sunset, in the darkness and darkness of the moonless, exhausted, spirited, lost consciousness, lost hope, and stepped into the middle of the cold river."

The female priest can immediately turn around:

"And when the ruthless river is going to flow over his head..."

Megan’s words are serious:

"As if I had been given orders, at that moment, the dark night clouds were foggy, and the world of heaven and earth was light."

The traditional dramatic turn attracted the attention of Taylors, who listened with interest to the story:

"In a flash, the stars of the sky lit up for him, and the endless stars flashed again."

The expression of Megan’s sacrifice became majestic and solemn, as if the **** was in front of you:

"As the gods create the world."

“As if the Holy Day is open.”

"As soon as the end, everything is born again."

Megan’s eyes seemed to have a bright light:

“The unfortunate and fortunate youth will wake up from despair and sorrow.”

Tyres coughed low.

"Creation, what is the day..."

"The sun goes down, the sky is dark, and the stars are coming out," Tyres whispered:

"I thought, this is natural common sense, can't be a miracle?"

Megan made a slight meal and looked at the Duke who couldn’t help but speak to interrupt the story.

But the female ritual just pulled the corner of the mouth and continued the story:

"So, on the day of the miracle, the youth stood under the stars, appealed to God's will, understood their mission, and made solemn vows."

"In the face of heavy hardships, he wants to cheer himself up and move forward."

"And what he wants to revive is not just the family business that has been built and long-lost."

Megan stared straight at Tels's eyes:

"For the youth to be revived, it is in the end of the world that the gods are degraded and plagued by disasters, in order to save lives and beliefs, to dispel the cold and despair, to the light of light and the blazing heat, to become a thousand-star river, to scatter the night sky, forever According to the world - the glory of the Holy Day."

The gods are fallen, the disaster is pervasive...

Tyres, who didn’t feel right, looked up:

"So you have to tell me, before that, there are no stars in the world, and darkness at night?"

But Megan ignored him:

"Since then, the youth believes in the setting sun, worships the state religion, builds the temple, and broadcasts faith."

and many more.

State religion?

Tyres’s face changed, and he had to straighten his waist when he was on his elbow.

Could it be that……

Sure enough, the next moment, Megan looked at the Duke of the Star Lake with a subtle look, so it was like a sly:

"So, the greatness of Tomond I, from then on."

"The Kingdom of Stars, from the West."

Megan’s voice fell.

It was quiet for a few seconds in the study.

It wasn't until Thales smiled.

"This is the classic passage in the "The Bible of the Sun", written by the prophet and messenger of the goddess, the priest brother of seven hundred years ago, St. Mohasa personally recorded."

I saw Megan smiled a little, and half of it was a reminder:

"You should know more about the story of your ancestors."


Taylor lowered his head and cleared his throat, pretending not to hear.

What is God, what is the light, what is the day, what is the vow...

This is actually, the story of Tomond I encountering miracles and wishing to establish a country?

Too much?

"On this story, even if there is controversy within the church," Gilbert stared at the guest with a warning: "Especially the focus of the oath."

"Megan sacrifice."

Megan replied to Gilbert's eyes, seemingly unhappy, and seemed to be ridiculous.

"Our count is not satisfied with the story of the believers in the "The Bible of the Sun"," Megan looked at Taylors gently:

"But it's alright."

In the next second, Megan's face was serious again:

"Because no matter how ridiculous, how can you not afford to ask questions?"

"When seven hundred years ago, this story spreads and takes root in everyone's heart..."

Megan faintly opened his mouth and said that Tyre frowned:

"Tomord is no longer the embers prince of the evil empire. It is no longer a foreign-influenced Wufu who invades and eats in his homeland. He is no longer a sinister wilderness with a humble and **** character. It is no longer self-respecting and ambitious. The brutal warlord."

Upon hearing these adjectives, Taylor was shocked.

This time, Gilbert was no longer polite, he screamed:

"Megan sacrifice!"

But Megan doesn't care, but his eyes are faint:

"It is in the eyes of the believers, acknowledged by the unattainable gods, preached by the enthusiastic monks, and inspired by the setting sun to feel the glory of the Holy Day, and thus vowed to make a wish, to work hard, to create a world of happiness - —"

"The King of Revival."

Tyres looks a glimpse.

Gilbert still licked his lips and looked mad.

"Since then, Tomond no longer needs to cruelly execute every local person who disobeys his rule to kill chickens and monkeys; he no longer needs to be wary of whether the well water from the village is poisoned to ensure safety; There is no longer a need to worry about the next reliable place to stay or to recruit troops.

The expression of Tyres is getting more and more serious.

He understood the meaning of the other party's words.

"Until the hegemony of his tyranny, the kingdom will set the day..."

"The goddess of the setting sun became the patron saint of the royal family, witnessing the coronation and demise of every king after that."

Megan sacrifices the right color:

"From that time on, the temple of the setting sun is entangled with the fate of the royal family, and it is difficult to separate."

Entangled with the fate of the comet's royal family...

Tyres silently repeated this sentence, and suddenly he was amazed by the inexplicable familiarity.

Megan paused a little and quickly speeded up:

“At the end of the first century, ‘the king of Taiping’, Kaiser I overhauled the temple, and praised the believers, and praised the people.”

"The 'Blade' Tomond II is the Prime Minister of Longdong, who is the Prime Minister, follows the destiny, spreads the faith, and enjoys the merits of opening up the territory."

"‘Benevolence King’ Su Mei I believes in piety and practice, and finally touches the goddess, and has to return to the miracle of the Gansu.

"The 'six-finger' Horace I vowed under the statue of the setting sun to gain God's blessing and unite to defend the heresy from the other side of the ocean."

"The ‘hu wolf’ Su Meisan has a clear text, re-proclaiming the state religion, and re-establishing faith.”

“‘Yinjun’ 闵迪思三 carries forward the theology, prints the classics, and widely teaches the monks...”

Every time Megan said an example, Taylors jumped and forced him to go back and look for knowledge in the history class.

But he couldn't help but notice that with the sacrifice, Gilbert's brows are gradually tightening, and the cough is intensifying.

"For the sake of the kingdom, Tyres, the heart is not the same, the power is more difficult. - If you are inconsistent with the objects of your people's beliefs, fears, and interests, they are incompatible with their world. ”

"How do you rule the kingdom in the future throne?"

The other side’s words said that the face of Taylors gradually became heavy.

He suddenly realized that the theology that the other party said was far from the same kind of theology he understood.

"The fact behind these stories is that we have always lived in a world of God, whether you admit its miracles or understand its power."

"They seem to be too high, but they never leave our world and deeply affect our lives..."

Megan sinks below:

"It’s time to be mysterious and sometimes shallow, and there seems to be a way to trace it."

Megan sacrificed his own robes and whispered:

"A word is like a million soldiers."

"This is the power of faith."

Tyres is silent, long time no words.

But after a few seconds, Megan's tone regained its lightness.

"So my responsibilities in this class, Tyres," ignored Gilbert's frowning expression, and Megan smiled and said:

"It's not to encourage you to believe in anything, not to point out what your true God is, not to teach you to memorize the scriptures, but to help you discover your relationship with God and understand yourself and God in the process of discussing this with you. the distance."

Megan stared straight at him:

“Helping you better – know yourself.”

"Whether you are a mortal now, or a future ruling kingdom."

Tyres slightly frowned.

Know, self?

What the other party said at the moment reminds him of the incomprehensible and mysterious powerful magician in the ‘critical’.

From the perception of the gods to the understanding of the self...

Is it coincidence?

"Because what we are going to explore today is not just about God," Megan said with a smile:

"It's more about a person's learning."

Taylor's heart moved.

“So, theology,” he asked with interest:

“It’s about people’s learning?”

Megan smiled and did not answer directly.

"And you may wish to let go of the hostility - let the poor Count of Caso over there keep it."

Gilbert coughed again unnaturally.

A few seconds passed, with a bit of heavy weight, Taylors looked up and smiled awkwardly:

"okay then?"

Megan smiled.

Ok, at least you have to admit it.

Taylors silently said in his heart.

She can really say.

Even Gilbert couldn't interject.

At least, Tyres no longer dared to look down on the old female priest, ignoring the door to listen to the gods, but in fact there is a profound "theology class" between the lines.

But after all, he still underestimated the energy of the other side.

"And our first lesson, Taylors, let's talk about a problem that has bothered you for years..."

"It has plagued us for thousands of years."

Have troubled me for a few years and have troubled you for thousands of years?

The Duke of Xinghu raised his head in confusion.

Next second.

Liv Megan, the sunset ritual that rarely uses his title to call him, opens his mouth as usual.

I saw her understatement and said a word:


His Royal Highness has changed.

Quietly update, don't shoot.

PS Messi NB!

(End of this chapter)

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