Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 528: Sanctification

Chapter 528

"I do not……"

Tyres had to use a knocked teacup to cover up his horror, until the little veil of the veil next to Megan was enthusiastic and proficient, and he was very uncomfortable to clean up the mess on the table.

"I do not understand?"

But this time, Megan kept silent and observed the prince behind the desk.

This is the boy.

The boy who cares about the future of the kingdom - maybe no longer a boy.

Hearing the magic, his expression was slightly suspicious, unlike the old nobles who were born to be savvy, the courtesy of the rituals and the fakes.

However, it is no less arrogant and ambitious than the upstarts of the kings.

Gilbert was caught off guard:

"Megan sacrifice! I thought that we are only a theological class today, and you explain to your Highness the knowledge related to God..."

"As I said, theology is never about God's knowledge."

Megan interrupted Gilbert, the idiot that seemed smart to others, still so slow and hopeless, and continued to look at the Duke of Tels.

The young Duke looked a little thin, reminding her of the poor people who were crammed outside the gods in the winter waiting for help.

But his eyes are stunned, sharp and alert.

Not only that, Megan can also see from other details of the other side, such as natural sitting posture, rhythmic movements, bold and direct talk, this is not a traditional star prince.

At least not like the previous ones.

Megan took another look at the prince's clothes: the color was deep and the style was conservative, but the details of the collar and cuffs were in a new shape, and the silver wire was just buried, and the brooch was crossed. Against the background.

The female sacrifice nodded in the dark.

It seems that the royal tailor's tailor is also open, knowing how to reshape the style and innovation.

Well, I’m probably tired of the retro-heavy trend of the Yongxingcheng aristocratic circle for more than a decade after the **** year. Just because the owner of the Fuxing Palace prefers classical and cool colors, over the years, The design tailors, the ordinary tailors who used the bold color as the selling point, were forced to live without alive.

But Megan got a little bit and he understood it.

No, the royal tailors of the court often fly themselves and practice their crafts in the design of the costumes of the great aristocrats (and most of the stupid customers who know nothing about aesthetics will only show their faces and surprises and appreciate them. , to match their high-priced employment costs), but they have no reason to be more courageous to do the trend test in the second prince who has not returned for a long time.

This is not a new design style.

Megan was in the heart.

What the prince wore was the style that the former owner of the hall liked more than a decade ago.

She looked back at the county idiot who was still chattering and continued to ignore the warning eyes of the other party.

In this way, it has been painstaking to work hard for many years to turn the Fuxing Palace into a second home.


Is this really useful?

Megan smiled slightly.

"You know what I am talking about, Tyres."

She did not care to call the name of the prince again, ignoring the status of the other.

Under the gods, the soul is equivalent.

The title is useless and devout.

Is not it?

"In this world, not every child has the privilege of experiencing the confrontation between the disaster and the dragon."

Megan was pleased to see that the prince's face became dignified:

"In the past few years, for the disaster in the city of Longyan... you are not bothered, not curious, don't ask for it?"

The eyes of Tyres solidified.

Long Yucheng.

"When you hear the rumors of the disaster, watch the drama of the end, read their different descriptions, and listen to the vague explanations of the aristocratic teachers, is it really accepted?"


Tyres leaned back on his back and frowned.

Therefore, "the problem that has bothered you for several years" is to say this because of my experience in Longyan City.

Not because of...

Under the table, Tells squeezed his left palm and felt the scars left by the beatings many times.

He put down his nervous mood and put down everything he just thought:

When the Secrets monitored themselves, they caught up with suspicious clues? Half-hanger doctor Ramon's things exposed? Looking for a clue in the Longyan City? Is it a step to go to class with Aishida? Did the little slippery leak inadvertently? Even a thousand-year-old ugly old-fashioned widow who has not seen for many years is arrogant in the back?

"Megan sacrifice, you should have discussed with me in advance..." Gilbert's cough was suddenly better, replaced by his sigh.

Megan gracefully turned back.

"You don't have to lie, you don't want to cover up," the sunset knows, how much effort she took to hold back the subconscious idiot, and kept smiling:

"Count of Caso."

"Talking about the Master does not bring disaster, and reflection on magic will not lead to the end."

Her unconcealed words made Gilbert's face suddenly change.

"Only those who are obsessed with obscurity and blindly superstitious will go astray."

Megan turned his head and looked straight at the complex face of Taylors:

"Exactly because of ignorance."

"With arrogance."

Taylors was silent for a while.

Gilbert’s sigh is deeper and deeper:

"A long time ago, I have explained the evil of the disaster to His Royal Highness..."

The Meigen language has a milder temperature, but it does not show weakness:

"Count, Caso, do you really think that he will be a idiot who is going to have a class, listen to it, and rush to eat, drink, and play, no longer care about learning content?"

"Do you really think that he will be relieved and ignorant, and for the rest of his life, no longer care about things that once threatened his life?"

Gilbert was slightly dumb, and he and the priest's gaze swept toward the prince behind the desk.

But Tyres is just silent, thinking about the unknown.

Gilbert's tone is a little weaker:

"His age is still light..."

But Megan’s rumors have grown stronger:

"His age is enough."

The old sacrifices are cold and cold:

"If magic really inspires the young people's unconscious curiosity, then you don't have to wait until now. In the six years away from your sight, he has indulged himself, indulged in it, and ignored the taboos."

Gilbert looked at the prince, his brows were low, but he stopped speaking.


In the first few seconds, the young and nervous teenagers breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, indeed," the prince's tone regained ease:

"I really want to know."

Tyres smiled and said sincerely:

"Magic and disaster?"

"Gilbert said a long time ago, and there are some in the Exeter's books, but not many."

Gilbert’s face changed again.

"Look, Tyres."

"The confusion is ambiguous, God knows it," Megan looked at him with a sly look.

"If you believe, God will protect you."


If you protect me...

Tyres sighed without any disguise:

Can she stop being so a godsman?

Megan looked at his expression and thought about it.

As expected, he grew up in the north and did not believe in God.

It is not surprising that since the end of the war, most northerners no longer believe in the gods who have been ordained by the Empire, or all the beliefs that are connected with them. Instead, they believe that the hybrid with the aliens does not think that What the shameful founding king brought:

Arrogant and ignorant, arrogant and self-satisfied.

Megan licked his mouth.

God knows how much sacrificed the moon and the night temple to survive on that land.

But this is the magic of faith, isn't it?

Just like how many years ago, I was not immersed in vanity and impulsiveness. I thought I knew my life and found the pursuit of this world, thus ignoring God's teachings and arrangements.

Fortunately, God is selfless and has no complaints.

Only care and tolerance.

Megan gratefully made a prayer in the invisible sleeves, so that the nervous little Niya would not have to repeat with her.

"First, why does magic come from?"

Taylor shrugged with a smile and said he didn't know.

Just kidding, I know that would be fine.

No, she knows if I know it is bad.

Megan gestured to the young nun behind him:


The seemingly thin and poor veiled girl was prompted, but carefully and carefully from the baggage they brought, holding a generous box with a metallic luster and placed on the desk of Tells.

Wait, not the box, it is made up of a thin piece of sheet from top to bottom, leaving no gaps.

It seems more like a book - book?

The top pattern of the metal box is an armored king who is vividly engraved and surrounded by everyone. The style of the sculpture is simple and simple, but easy to understand. Some of the stars that are engraved around are very familiar, similar to the ancient imperial text. symbol.

"what is this?"

Tyres frowned and subconsciously reached out to open the "book" made of this metal.


"No touch!"

Tyres had a pain in his back and, in shock, retracted his palm, only to find that the person who beat him was the little nun named Nia.

I saw that Niya habitually stretched out her hand, and she could vaguely see the evil phase under the veil.

Just like she has done this movement countless times, warning people who want to touch this metal page book.

But the next second, when the little nun realized that she was playing, she suddenly panicked.


Niya bowed her head and whispered:

"Yes, right?"

Taylors can only smile slyly (what else can he do? Let D.D come in and drag her out to slaughter?), and slammed Hu's left hand.

But the Megan Sacrifice quickly solved his encirclement:

"This is the metal nameplate found in the tomb of King Ansett."

"Anse King?"

Tyres' eyes look:

"Wait, I read this name..."

Tyres started his own little brain and recalled the time of the library in Longyan.

But apparently Megan is not prepared to show him the opportunity of memory and knowledge, straightforward:

"He is one of the first kings of the kings of the kings, and is the royal in-law of the ancient kingdom of Shawen."

"In the last line of defense collapse, the Iron King died, the Northland fell, the Shaman dies, and the ancient orcs drove south in the next century, it was the King of Ansett who shouted, arguing, and stunned the South. Unite the kings, form a joint conference, stick to the city, wait for the opportunity to counterattack..."

Telscha sighed with relief, remembering the initiators of the joint meeting of the kings and the iconic figures of the kings, but he looked at the metal nameplate on the table and immediately looked strange:

"Anse King..."

"You... stole his tomb?"

The expression of Megan’s sacrifice was immediately stagnant.

"not us."

Her tone is somewhat dissatisfied.

Tyres coughed and shouted:

"of course not."

You are just... kind, innocent and innocent buyers and collectors, right?

"And this is..." Taylors turned his attention back to the metal nameplate on the front page, watching Niya skillfully open the first few pages and flashed a few pictures:

The city wall collapsed, the sentry was broken, and countless people were in the same place;

Huge figures came from the building, carrying human heads and weapons, approaching a group of soldiers who had no way to retreat;

The king on the cover sat at the round table and waved his arm to express his words.

"In ancient times, when paper and printing were not present, people recorded important deeds and history on the inscription pages created by special alloys."

Megan sat in the ground, faint:

"As far as I know, some places, including the North, still retain this tradition."

Taylors remembered.

When I was still in the Northland, it was said that the White Blade Guard's "White Blades Handed Down Book" was written like this, but Taylors always wanted to understand. For hundreds of years, how can the White Blade Guard's account be tens of tons? The dead face of the thin arms and thin legs can be moved?

In the distance, the surprised Gilbert wanted to go forward and not lose his grace. He could only stretch his neck in the in-situ position. Taylor could see the metal nameplate from his eyes. Stunning.

“In the beginning, the world has not yet been fully explored, and when the faith is still fragmented, human beings are still humble...”

Megan is not fluent, and slowly, the nun Niya is turning over the page:

On the pages of the book, the kings wearing the crowns were small and stood back to back in a huge group of figures.

"At that time, surrounded by human beings, it was a powerful alien who was incompatible with each other: the bloodthirsty orcs who worshiped the ancestors went south to the south, and the hegemonic kingdom that believed in nature was arrogant, and the dwarves who respected iron and fire were ambitious..."

"There are more dragons and beasts..."

Tyres moves:

"Er... what?"

Megan had to stop again and sighed:

"The evidence from an archaeological find shows that many years before the appearance of human drawings and texts, our world was ruled by many huge beasts."

"Unimaginable huge."

"The dragon is just the first of them."

"They unscrupulously traveled to the sky and the earth, ruled the mountains and the sea, used the world as a hunting ground, and used the living spirit as a slave to take advantage of the small insects and show their boundless pressure."

Taylors is all right.

Niya opened another page:

A man wearing a crown stands in the head of the city. Many people stand by his side, some holding weapons, some wearing robes, and some leaning against canes...

"And among human beings, there are such a group of advisers who, with their experience and wisdom, in the tribe's tents, in the courts of the nobles, in the towers of the city, do their utmost to make suggestions and strive for a breathing space for mankind. ”

"It's no different from Earl of Casho over there."

In the distance, Gilbert's face was a little more cloudy.

"At that time, the sinister environment will almost be the most humble, and the weakest man will be forced to a dead end."

Niya turned to the next page.

The engraving of this page attracted the attention of Tells:

In the sky, there is a vaguely carved figure in the pattern of the sun. It looks down from the sky and reaches out to the king and his advisers.

"Until the gods look down, pity is weak."

Megan’s words are getting deeper and deeper:

"The prophets and the gods have come to the world, pointing out the path of the future for mankind and spreading the faith of the gods."

"And the group of people I said..."

Megan looked up:

“Part of them accepted God and faith, devout and courteous.”

“Others are skeptical and even dismissive.”

When Taylors glanced, he immediately saw the next page that Nia turned out:

Under the sun, the man wearing the crown is standing in the middle. He is standing on the side of his body with several groups of people. The two groups at the end of the left and right are most conspicuous: the people on the right side are worshipped, the expression is humble, and the people on the left are back. Standing and acting differently.

Looking at the two very different people on the side of the king, Taylor's expression was dignified.

Megan’s words continue:

“The former establishes churches, roots in the crowd, and educates the people.”

"The latter are gathered together, and they are self-contained and take a different approach."

Megan’s words turned:

"And this is the beginning of the division of faith and magic, priests and wizards, temple churches and towers of magic."

Tyres, who figured it out, couldn’t help but open his mouth:


He looked at Megan, who only smiled a little:

"Now, do you know why, about the mysterious magic that has died in the past, is it only mentioned in our theological class?"

Tyres is quite unbelievable.

"Faith and magic, with the same source," I saw the old rituals, and they were serious:

"Dependent on each other and mutual recognition."

Tyres looked at the Meghan sacrifice in front of him, and countless thoughts passed over his mind.

Megan’s words kept going, and there was a great mountain, and even Gilbert couldn’t help but behave:

"They are brothers, they are all inspired by God."

Megan slowly sighed:

"Just the eldest son is faithful and the younger son is rebellious."

There is a touch of respect in Megan’s words:

“But they all worked hard for one goal: the survival and prosperity of mankind.”

Tyres listened with suspicion, thinking that this is another statement.

Faith and magic, religion and mage, the original homology?

"The eldest son of God reshapes the spirit of the people, brings with them the belief of protection and salvation, and makes people lose their weakness, dispels fear, leaves tenacity, and gives birth to heroism."

"God's youngest son has given people a powerful weapon, so that they can be more comfortable in the victorious victory."

With Niya's flipping, many scenes on the metal nameplate are reflected in the eyes of Tells:




Wedding ceremony.




Not all.

But the two groups of people have appeared from time to time.

The singers always sing in ceremonies and banquets, and the backs are always on the battlefield and in the city.

Tyres looked at the simple but profoundly carved figurine and frowned.

"In the two of them, it is self-evident, and in the same cooperation, human beings are gradually rising and gradually counterattacking."

Megan's tone is slightly slower.

The old sacrifice took a deep breath and sighed with emotion:

"Ultimately, on the Quigol Ice Sheet, in both games, both sides have exhausted their chips and gambled in the future battle of the world..."

"King Ansett, and the remaining six human kings, with their devout, dying three thousand iron rides, rushed into the orcs' tens of thousands of infantry squads..."

When Telston was shocked!

This story is...

"They didn't go back, but at the cost of their lives, they succeeded in killing the highest priest of the ancient orcs."

Niya turned to the last few pages:

The king was wearing a number of creations, holding his sword and lying quietly in the middle of the battlefield, but those huge figures carrying the human head had disappeared. Only countless small bodies were armed with guns, circling the king and raising the flag. Stand up.

Above the sky, the clouds are scattered and the battlefield is illuminated.

"The ancient orcs who lost the highest holy prince and the leaderless dragons collapsed."

Megan looked up and his voice was clear:

"Yes, that battle that opened an era is called..."

"The Battle of the Holy Spirit."

Taylors is silent.

Nia, who is panting, is struggling to cover the metal.

Covering this thin ten-page page, it covers the records of King Ansett's magnificent life thousands of years ago.

"The sacredness has been completed, the old time has moved, the orc's blood brave is no longer terrible, the elf's rule is waning, the dwarf's arrogance is dying, and the fear brought by the dragon and the beast is ultimately unrecognizable."

"Then the aliens concealed the Quartet and the beliefs of the gods spread throughout the land."

Megan looked faint and looked at the sunset outside the window:

"The prosperity of mankind is coming."

(End of this chapter)

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