Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 544: Do not die by the enemy (on)

Chapter 544: Do Not Kill The Enemy (1)

It's true that it's been a long time since Thales hasn't remembered the name.

Selena Corleone.

He even had to admit that many times he deliberately blocked it in the depths of his memory.

I don't want to think about it, and I hate to think about it.

But when it rang again, he still felt the discomfort from his heart.

[Betrayal is the true meaning of the Alliance. 】

As the memory became clearer, just as that face was about to reappear in his mind, Taylor looked up sharply and focused his attention.

"What do you want to do?"

The prince looked at Jane suspiciously:

"Why raise her?"

In the middle of the hall, the sealing ceremony is still underway. From time to time, nobles go up the stairs and kneel before the king's seat.

The Duke of Iris smiled slightly and raised his glass to the young man:

"This, Your Highness, you might as well be a part of me ... a banquet gift."

Thales remained motionless, his eyes cold.

Jen waited for a while, but the boy didn't mean to raise a glass to respond.

He didn't think it was embarrassing either, and put down his glass with a smile.

But Jon frowned, looking around:

"Is this really my illusion, or are your guards really more nervous than usual?"

"Why, doubt that I will murder His Royal Highness?"

Thiels's heart was tight, but his expression remained unchanged:

"My guard captain is serious and demanding."

Thiels smiled at Mallorce and Glover, and repeatedly signaled that their people should not be nervous:

The Duke of Xinghu looked back, his eyes burning:

"As for doubting you ... well, this really can't blame them."

"You know, the gift you gave me six years ago, I haven't digested it till now."

Jon raised his mouth:

"Then you need this gift more-it will help you digest your last."

"how about it?"

Tyers sneered ironically.

With inexplicable feelings from outsiders, they stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.

Finally, Taylor fainted out:

"So, Serena, where is she?"

Jon smiled.

He raised his hand gracefully, inviting a waiter to ask for a piece of beef in Taylor's displeased eyes, and then he spoke slowly and easily between the soft sound of the tableware and the dinner plate:

"Since six years ago, after I brought you and my huge loss, the ruthless and ambitious lady from the kingdom of the night has been healing in the territory of the stars for some time."

As if this were just an ordinary chat.

Thiels thought for a moment.

"It's kind of."

"So many troubles and so many people," Taylor snorted, remembering the threats and injuries she had brought to herself:

"She dared to stay in the stars?"

But Thiels had a meal.

He raised his head and stared at Jane unbelievably.

Jon picked up a piece of beef and looked back at him with a smile.

Thiels understood something.


With a slight surprise, Taylor frowned:

"I guess, after you and the Corleone family broke down completely, the ugly-faced woman-I mean, the selena Corleone from the rebels, became your natural ally?"

"You helped her?"

Jen only tasted two and stopped. He smiled and wiped the corners of his lips with a tablecloth.

"After Ms. Serena was driven away by you, I did, uh, provide some shelter for her."


The surprise on Taylor's face receded slowly.

"I remember someone telling me," the teenager looked at him dismissively:

"With the jackal, there is danger of overturning the boat."

At that moment, Jen's expression was stagnated for a moment.

"Especially before you and Selena Corleone, you and I love each other."

Half sincere and half ironic, Taylor hummed:

"Trust me, this is a matter of experience."

Jahn was silent for a moment.

But in just a few seconds, the Duke of Iris looked up and replied with a decent smile.

"Well, that's true," he nodded politely. "Later I discovered it myself."

With a slight chill in Jen's eyes:

"Especially after she broke free of the shackles, drained a few of my men, and said goodbye."

Break the shackles ...

Tells looked at it:

"It seems that the shelter you gave her is also limited."

But, since it's Serena, put her in chains ...

Well, Jen.

The prince silently gave him a thumb in his heart:

Good job.

Inside the hall, the book closing ceremony finally came to an end.

The music re-emerged, the performers returned to the stage, and the excitement and noisy became the main theme of the banquet again. Maybe due to the passage of time, the drunkenness, guests or friends, or groups of three or five, became more and more free.

Taylor also saw many men and women guests disappeared in the same place one after another, and never returned.

King Kessel returned to his seat, but the queen had already left, and he was slightly lonely.

The king's eyes glanced at Tyres a little, and he turned away.

The royal guards around him were as serious as ever, but Taylor, who knew the inside story, clearly felt that they were relieved.

The assassin did not show up.

Is a good thing.

It's also a bad thing.

Janne lifted his glass, his eyes subtle, and pulled Tyres back to his current conversation.

"Eastern sea routes are lucrative," the Duke of Iris sniffed the wine:

"Since the misfortune of six years ago, the Kevin Deere family has been looking for opportunities to restore relations with the Corleone family and return to good."

"So I think the family they want to commit will probably be a breakthrough."

Tyers raised his eyebrows.

"Return to goodness? After you tried to kill Prince Star by the hand of the Queen of Night?"

The prince uttered the truth without any psychological burden, with sarcasm:

"I'm afraid it's not that easy."

"Have to try," Jon smiled again, perfectly elegant:

"It's better to die than to die because of friendship."

Taylor shook his head in disapproval.

But there was a small voice in his heart:

Do not.

If the Kevin Deere family really tied the ugly old witch into a flower, and presented it to her sister as a gift ...

Thiels looked back at Jane and frowned.

Well, they really can reconcile.

Fortunately, Selina broke free of the shackles and was not caught by Jane.

Um, ugly face.

Thiels nodded secretly to the enemy of life and death:

Good job.

The prince thought, and put a piece of lettuce into his mouth:

"But you said, you have her latest news."

Jon nodded:

"After all, we pay special attention to the whereabouts of Ms. Serena."

"In the past six years, the exiled politician of the country of night has been indeterminate. She has been everywhere from Levor to Sunraste. Until a few days ago, she was seen in the Freedom League. "


Tyers froze and looked up immediately.


Jon smiled.

"Yes, the desperate Freedom League is doing everything possible to survive, regardless of dignity and regardless of price. Regardless of their origins and past, they are eager to join the struggle for justice.

"From criminals to mercenaries, from gangsters to thugs, they take everything and everything they need to resist the unjust aggression from Exeter."

"And Ms. Serena is one of them, and is also honored as a VIP."

Ugly Woman in ... Freedom League?

Help defend against Exeter?

Gilbert brought, Exeter's defeat, and the news of the coach's whereabouts flashed through his mind.

Selma's patience and unyielding face also appeared before his eyes.

But with it came the image of Selena Corleone, who became more and more clear, and had seriousness and cuteness, beauty and viciousness, two faces, one large and one small.

Thiels was in a distressed mood, and his heart was chaotic.

No way?

Old lady, are you again?

His neck, his wrists, and the parts that had been bitten by the clan once again felt strange.

"Of course, it's Exeter. Maybe you know more than I do. What do you think?" Jane took a sip of wine.

Tyers stared at each other's glass and shrugged his head.

"Drink thirst."

"Everything the old demon has participated in, no matter what, nothing good."

Jon raised his eyebrows and did not deny it.

Thiels was lost in thought, and Jane said nothing, and the two sat in silence for a while.

Until Taylor came back:

"That's it? Nothing else?"

Jahn looked up at him:

"that's it."

Thiers pursed his lips and nodded, intending to send off guests:

"So ..."

At this moment, Zhan raised his arm and point to a crowd in the crowd who had a red nose, but was full of spirits and accepted the congratulations:

"Look, that's the Losinante family, two generations of business, and they finally became hereditary vassals."

Jon's tone is a bit long:

"I just don't know, how long can it last?"

Taylor frowned slightly, thinking about the other's intentions.

But the next moment, the words of the Duke of Iris flowers unexpectedly.

"Tyles," I saw Zhan looking at Lord Luoxinan in the crowd with a deep look and a quiet tone:

"Do you know how the relationship between vassal and vassal came from?"

Thiels was surprised.

This is the first time the other party directly called Taylors name tonight without any title name.

The prince looked at each other in doubt.

The Duke of the Guardian of the South Bank seemed to be lost in thought, thinking of himself:

"When mankind just came out of the obscurity era, the kings stood side by side, and the empire was not born, the world was not peaceful."

"In the days of barren and wild horses, the weak people were attached and surrendered to His Majesty, who were powerful and powerful, and had land to seek protection."

"And the protected people, in exchange, they must go to the land belonging to the king and lead their family and friends to graze, work and produce for their service in exchange for safety."

Jahn turned his gaze and watched the team of guests approaching the King:

"Savannah, Northland, Rocky Ridge, Ludor, Far Mountain, Thornland ... all the ancient kingdoms of mankind were established with no exceptions."

Jon narrowed his eyes and looked at King Kessel in the distance:

"Safety is an obligation of the king and a right of vassal."


Thales suddenly remembered the vows made in the Palace of Spirits when King Chaman was crowned:

[As a Northlander, I will assume this heavy responsibility. As the king of the whole territory, relying on my mind and wisdom, I will be at the forefront of the kingdom. 】

As the king of the whole territory.

Stand at the forefront of the kingdom ...

Is it.

Thales remembered that day, Charman put on the **** crown, and looked down at the crowd who chanted long live.

"Labor is an obligation of a vassal and a right of the king."

Jon smiled slightly, with disdain:

"Look, the essence of the monarchical order is really just a transaction."

"I work for you, you take good care of me."

He stared at the guests who were sizzling under the ballroom.

"If the vassal is no longer able to work, serve, and pay taxes, the king has the right to expel the vassal and recover the land."

He turned his head again, looking at the highest point of the banquet, and looked down at Kaiser V indifferently.

"If the king can no longer defend against foreign enemies and ensure security, the vassal has the right to abandon the king and seek another master."

Tyers frowned fiercely.

He knew what the other party was about to say.

Jahn turned back, staring silently at the prince.

"This right is a matter of righteousness and convention."

Thales had the illusion that the Duke of the South Bank, who was originally friendly and approachable, seemed sharp at this moment.

"This is true of vassals and their vassals, lords and their people. This is the cornerstone of our rule, the contract, and even the covenant."

Jayne whispered:

"Dual, two-way, two-way, both sides of the balance, both ends of the road."

"But the balance is tilted."

"You have to overweight on one side and return to balance."

Jon stared at Taylor, his tone was calm and his eyes calm, but for some reason, Taylor still felt locked.

The prince looked at the lively banquet hall, listening to the extravagant voice in his ear, slowly inhaling.

"I can't say you are wrong."

Tyers looked back at Jane and said seriously:

"At least, not all wrong."

Jen looked at him for a few seconds before chuckling, not knowing if he was joking or whether he was joking about Taylor.

The rigorous and reputable Duke of Kevin Dill turned his head. He raised his glass, slowly and casually:

"Interestingly, compared with us, in many parts of the East, from Humble to Yeye, from Ligour to Dacheng Khanate, the rulers there are truly monopoly powers, saying that there is one, the monarch, the supreme.

"Nearly god."

He took a sip of wine and said quietly:

"Better empire."

Tyers exhaled:

"I remember, you said that you used to travel to Donglu."

Well, it's a returnee.

Jon hummed and shook the glass.

Tyers raised his eyebrows as he looked at Janne's unusually casual look:


Jen's eyes were shining, and he continued:

"From what I have seen and heard, the subjects there are simple and kind, but they are numb and forbearing, and they are trembling with supreme power from top to bottom, full of awe, and even worship and admiration."

"From before life to after death, they believed that the king who ruled them was extremely sacred and believed that obedience to the traditions of their ancestors was essential, and that they, as servants, had only the obligation of obedience to obedience throughout their lives-or is it glorious?"

Jayne's fingers squeezed tightly into the glass:

"Among them, the highly respected morality is the hope of the superior monarchs, virtues and benevolence, and they hope that the bureaucrats who rule the world will be discerning. For their inhumanity, their subordinates will at best die with each other and move their hearts to change their minds. -Their books are full of such stories, thinking they are exemplary. "

"Someone told me that this is determined by their history and traditions, nature and habits, and it makes sense. Although I think most of the time, it's just helpless self-deception."

Taylor didn't speak.

Jahn turned his head.

This time, he left from a long memory and looked at Prince Taylor in front of him seriously:

"In the days I traveled, I couldn't help thinking, in that kind of place, once the king went backwards to the extreme, and once the darkness of the government became tarnished, the dissatisfaction of the civil servants was due to tradition and the reasons were not good. Mild and weak, without threat? "

His tone chilled:

"Or has it become more violent and bloody, leaving no room for long-term depression?

Thales froze.

At this moment, he seemed to be back at the Ghost Prince Tower, and the person in front of him was the abominable Falkenhaus.

[Liema will not succumb to the iron whip, nor will the controller give up the whipping. 】

"Is it better than us?"

"Or worse?"

Jon stared at him as if he had to answer the prince:

"We, and them."

"Which is more in line with the future of the world?"

Thiels was silent for a long time.

In the meantime, he even forgot that he was still at the banquet, and the king was still at the table. His faithful subordinates were still trying to investigate a possible assassin, and thousands of miles away, he once lived and died with the girl. May also be behind bars.

Jen was just waiting for him quietly, his eyes were deep, his intentions were unknown.

Finally, Tyers took a deep breath and slowly spoke:

"I think we are neither qualified nor necessary to judge and compare."

"Not to mention the future."

Jon frowned, seeming a little disappointed.

But Thales looked up, looking at the shadows in front of him, and the endless banquet hall, seriously said:

"But I believe that everything happens."

"I also believe that all things change."

"I also believe that everything is different."

Jen's eyebrows grew more and more tight.

"I believe more, no matter when and where, who," Taylor looked at him with a firm gaze:

"History itself will choose the future that suits you best."

Jon thought for a moment, then laughed.


"You speak as if it's personal and you can decide for yourself."

Thiers raised an eyebrow:

"Isn't it?"

Jon seemed puzzled.

But Thales just picked up a lettuce and looked at it:

"The era of obscurity is over, and the kings and empire calendars are long gone."

He seemed to inadvertently say:

"When there are more and more vassals attached to it, the ruling land is getting wider and wider, and basic government affairs are becoming more and more complicated. No matter how powerful a king is, it will be beyond reach, let alone everything.

Thiels suddenly remembered King Nunn.

But it's not the powerful king who grows up fiercely.

But after the duel, the old man sitting with him on the steps, holding a glass of old wine, ruined his home, and lonely and frustrated.

"So for many things on the land, the vassal had to lay down his **** and take his own idea."

Teres silently said:

"And after the death of the vassal, the king did not have the energy to reclaim every land, large and small, and seal it again."

The prince looked up, and gradually became serious:

"So, the land that was originally entrusted to the vassals gradually became a father and son, and passed down from generation to generation. The affairs on the vassals were decided by themselves and became a tradition."

"Finally, the property became the property of the lord, and should not be easily stripped by the monarch and seized by others."

Thiels looked at the Duke of Iris:

"A vassal lord like you, then stepped onto the stage and became the protagonist of history, winning and forging ahead."

"So the kingdom develops, its subordinate jurisdictions expand, civilization expands, and rule gains."

Thales said positively:

"So there are stars today."

Jon's expression also became serious.

But the Duke of the South Bank did not know. At this moment, it was not the Kingdom of Stars that Taylor was thinking of.

He remembered Exeter.

If the hero Nikaru did not have the power to rule the country when he founded the country, the remaining nine knights who were both heroic and ambitious, but also ambitious, would let them raise their flags and set out on their own. Jiang Tuotu, famous for the North ...

Will the Exeter Kingdom still have today's vast territory?

Is there even a kingdom?

Jayne gave a light noise.

"Interesting, so do you think that the self-government and self-reliance of our vassals are natural and natural?"

He looked at Taylor with interest.

Thiels turned back and smiled.

"I haven't finished talking yet."

"When the private ownership of the land became a consensus, the rights of the vassals reached their peak," Taylor slowly said:

"Which of them is more worthy of standing against the king of a country and the court."

In front of his eyes, there was the appearance of King Chaman when he was crowned. The pro-king king stood upright, his eyes were like ice, but the fire was burning inside.

The dragonscale crown stands firmly on his head.


Taylor raised his head, and lightly pursed his lips.

In that picture, it was not King Nunn who stood quietly in front of Charman Rumba.

It's the towering towering Longxiao Mountain, which has survived thousands of years of rain and hardships. It is deep and dark, magnificent ...

Palace of Heroes.

Thales felt only a slight stagnation of breathing.

In front of it, King Chaman, who was once extremely terrible, looked lonely, thin and insignificant.

Tyers gritted his teeth:

"But because of this trend becoming more powerful, authority is gradually disintegrating, tradition is slowly getting easier, and the fiefdom is no longer a rigid entrustment in the hands of the king. It is liberated, becomes a deed of paper, and it can circulate changes in the hands of different people. To influence the livelihoods of countless people, and to bring about endless disputes around power and interests. "

"So the vassals kept their own privates, the people had their own lords, and the lords fought against each other. It was easier to go back and forth between the borders of the territory, and all came from here."

He flashed in front of him, both Lord Peffert, who had his neck broken in a duel, and King Nunn's head in a pool of blood.

There were those twinkling eyes of Charman Rumba.

"When the land disputes in the kingdom intensified, when the boundaries between kings and vassals gradually blurred, when the contract of security and labor gradually lapsed, and when the traditional last point of dignity disappeared, the kingdom on land was on the verge of danger.

He took a deep breath and continued:

"In this way, what you said is that the traditions and institutions that were originally born for security are too late to harm themselves ..."

"... Ends security."

In the imagination of his mind, Taylor looked at the terrible king facing the Palace of Spirits alone.

He walked with fortitude, never wavering, let alone weakness.

But ah, Charman Rumba.

What you have to face ...

But the next moment, Taylor was shocked!

For a moment, it seemed as if the scene before him had changed.

The figure standing in front of him was no longer King Charman.

It was another young man who he had never seen before but was extremely familiar with.

The young man was erect but solitary.

Thiels froze.

He saw that the other side wore a silvery crown, dotted with nine stars.

And in front of the youth ...

Taylor turned his eyes hard.

He saw it, pressing like a dome before the youth ...

It's a black pyramid that rises from the ground and ends in silence, quiet but dead, vast but heavy, spectacular but cumbersome.

Taylor's breathing stopped for a moment.

It was the one who was dormant and dormant under the stars, took root in the setting sun, and was tough under the storm ...

Revival Palace.

Sword of Rigen, reset and return! Lords, salute your king! Monthly Pass Gift!

(There is another chapter, missing the end, and get up tomorrow morning.)

(End of this chapter)

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