Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 545: Do not die by enemy (middle)

Chapter 545: Do Not Kill The Enemy (2)

"Are you ok?"

Jon looked puzzled.

Thiers tried to adjust his disordered breathing so that no clue was revealed.

"Yes," Taylor smiled reluctantly, pushing away the plate of lettuce used to support the scene:

"It's just full, it's a bit overwhelming."

Jahn was silent for a moment, his eyes sharpened.

"So in your opinion, a vassal like me is still the culprit? Is it the source of the trouble of the country by lust?"

Thales did not acknowledge, nor did he deny.

He looked at the Duke, trying to forget what he had seen in his mind:


"But that's not to blame, because you are powerless."


Jahn tasted this sentence for a while.

He said blankly:

"As you say, everything is inevitable, and there is no room for us?"

Thiels looked at the Duke for a long time.

He suddenly remembered the first time they met, when they all encountered the killer sent by Aaronde-according to Zhizi, that was the shield of the ghostly shadow.

If the hidden assassin jumped out at this time, wouldn't Jen be the one to block him again?

Thiels shook off the boring thought, and for a while, shook his head:

"Who knows."

"But the crisis is coming, and new demands must arise from it."

Thiels was a little bit surprised:

"I think when history is tired of repetition, when people are tired of disputes, when the country is tired of internal fighting ... when the time comes, the absolute, sole, supreme power of the monarch may be called, needed, pushed The protagonist of history. "

Jon frowned.

"It was like before, after saying that the two kings were extremely prosperous," Taylor pointed to the other side and smiled:

"The vassals divided the territory and opened up territories to become the protagonists of history."

Jain groaned for a few seconds.

"That said, the protagonist of history is the king first, then the vassal, and then back to the king?"

He looked at King Kessel in the distance and looked back at the prince:

"Only these two, nothing else?"

Tyers snorted.

"King or vassal, one or more, gathering or scattered, exclusive or whole, central or block, bureaucracy or squire, unified or divided, centralized or autonomous, hierarchical or absolute power, various names, different performances And foot, whatever you call it. "

He shrugged:

"But like you just said: binary, bidirectional, bipartite, on both sides of the balance, at both ends of the road."

Jon hummed coldly:

"It looks like it's spinning around and back to where it started."

Thiels shook his head in disapproval:

"Like spinning around ... maybe because you are standing in the wrong place and choosing the wrong angle?"

Jayne looked at him.

"If you're just standing in front of or behind history, yes, it does look like it's going back and forth: Taylor forgets the sight he just saw in his mind, and his tone becomes relaxed:

"Up and down, go back and forth, rise from low to high, and then fall back from high to low."

"But if you are three-dimensional and three-dimensional-I mean, move your noble ass, climb to a higher place in history, and then look down."

Tyres slowly said:

"Maybe you will find: in this perspective, in countless factors, in unknown details ..."

"History is always moving forward, making new choices."

"Never spin around."

Jon frowned, thinking for a long time.

Just as Thales sighed, when he was about to continue, Jane suddenly said:

"Like waves at sea?"

"When you look up and down, when you look up and down, when you look up and down, but you always move forward?"


Taylor was surprised, and then laughed.


He was going to talk about the "spiral ascent" of Bad Street, but since the other party's awareness is so high ...

Thiers leaned into his seat, silently watching the king and duke on the steps and the guests below.

"Either the king or the vassal, except for one go, one go, one go, one history, every time they fight, every time they alternate, every time they collide, there may be a new spark."

Taylor's words became clearer:

"From the rise of the ancient Shawen to the division of the kings, from the city-state juxtaposition to the empire conquest, from the heroes to the final empire, and then from the end of the war to the establishment of the stars, from the restoration of the King of Revival to the reform of the monarchs—under the sun, Everything is new.

He thought of the old crow with emotion.

Jahn pondered the words of Taylor:

"History advances like a wave, and we are like small boats on the waves. Most of the time we follow the waves, and we can occasionally break the waves?"

Tellston took a moment.

"Boats on the waves, interesting statement."

"But it's a pity, I think, this metaphor is both self-righteous and arrogant."

Facing this contradictory answer, Jane cast a puzzled look on him.

Thiels turned and smiled.

"I think we are water and more waves."

Taylor's expression was extremely serious:

"We are history itself."

Jon's face changed slightly.

This time, he turned back and remained silent for a long time.

Not far away, Mallorse, who had been busy for a night, and Glover, who had returned from the outside, just met:

"Or nothing?"

Glover turned his frosty hands and shook his head while putting on his gloves:


"The guests were carefully searched before entering, and nothing was found to be a weapon or poison in the gift storeroom."

"I have approached Her Majesty and a few Duke's guests tonight-that's two or three hundred people-and they've been checked. They're all identified people.

Mallorce's expression grew tighter.

"Outside the hall, the police officers blocked the road for one night and found nothing."

"In the hall, the Royal Guards-whether they were from the Revival Palace or us-also watched for hours, and no assassins were found."

"And," Glover said, hesitating, and said:

"I ... listen to my acquaintances in the vanguard wing, even the people from the kingdom's secret department have come and used some taboo methods to detect threats."

Kingdom Mystery.

Taboo means.

Mallus blinked.

Glover continued:

"But the entire Mindith Hall has neither high-energy leaching resonance nor high-level refined eternal oil reaction."

"At least, no one in the guests hid an unknown alchemy or magic gun."

But Mallos suddenly reached out and took his shoulders!

Glover was startled, and saw Mallorce lower his voice, his expression serious:

"What about other indicators?"

"Array interference? Spells fluctuate? Principles are out of order? Mutual exclusion? Balance phenomenon? Traces of alienation? Are there other indicators of magic detection? What does the secret section say?"

Glover was smashed by several strange words:


"I, my friend didn't say so much ..."

Majoros frowned.

Unexpectedly, another voice came from behind and answered him.

"None," in the guarded eyes of the two, the deputy captain, Vogel Tarron, came coldly behind them:

"There is no such thing as a long-lost mage."

"At least not magical assassination."

Glover looked worriedly at his two bosses.

But Mallorse was still thinking, saying nothing.

"Hah, in the empty room in the side hall, Patterson caught a couple of love birds with shabby clothes ..."

D.D yawned and looked exhausted, coming from the other side to report:

"Also, Shi Tuo caught a few men and women who were" chat "naked in some carriages. Bastia caught a few lazy guys from the servant channel, and a few sneaked in the kitchen. ... but it's not a big deal, and the basement and fireplace are empty. "

"In addition, two men were caught in the bathroom, and they acted as 'four-legged beasts' in a single room. You know, hey ... Lao Pi wanted to report, but I stopped him ... Ahem, anyway, We have an extra money this month to improve food ... "

Doyle grinned and shook his head with a snoring noise.

Until he saw Vogel, in a shock, he tightened his body like an electric shock:

"Ah! Tower, Captain Tarun-sir!"

Vogel glanced at him, covering his disdain.

Doyle coughed hard and became serious again:

"Reporting sir! Many older and important guests have left the scene one after another: Count Cassow is overwhelmed, Baron Garth and his widow lover return home early, and Duke Aaronde will be taken back to his cell soon. Ask the court director if you can leave ... "

He turned his head and watched the guests in the center of the hall getting more and more crazy:

"There are only these young people ..."

Majoros frowned, watching a guest take away the minstrel's Lute, sang a love song, and confessed to a girl with a difficult face:

"Eating, drinking, singing and dancing all night, aren't you tired?"

Doyle narrowed his eyes and watched that guest was stopped by another angry young man. After they put a few harsh words in the air, they fought and staged a show of jealousy between the brothers ("Don't fight again! "——Birth-faced girl) until they were successfully stretched by their sweethearts waving a handkerchief (" What I really love, it is actually your father! "— Girl with a deep-faced affection):

"It depends on who jumps."

Vogel snorted softly:

"So we have to be ready for the night? Come and wait for your assassin to appear?"

Both Glover and Doyle looked at Mallorse, but the latter did not respond.

"You should be glad that Your Majesty has not done much tonight, and all have been completed," Vogel said unhappyly:

"Captain Adrian is advising to push away the minor arrangements and leave early."

"Can we end this farce?"

For a moment, Mallos groaned, his eyes brightened:

"Maybe, maybe the assassins are still waiting for the time."

"Wait?" Vogel said dismissively:

"After both Her Majesty and the Duke leave ..."

Mallos looked up:

"Then it will take away a large number of guard forces and let the rest relax."

The watchman looked up at the prince's seat, where the Duke of Iris and Prince Taylor seemed to be speculating, and they were in a heated conversation.

He frowned:

"It also brings the target closer."

Behind Taylor, Jane raised his glass again and watched the romantic incident that caused everyone to watch in the banquet hall:

A blue-faced old baron was arguing with an old friend he had known for many years, accusing the other of ignoring his age and integrity, and of the friendship between the two, seduced his daughter-he had planned to marry her to his son.

Jayne looks back:

"King, vassal, and then the king."

"Earl Cassau just told me proudly that your teacher north is Merri Hicksor."

"Is this his teaching?"

When he heard the familiar name, Tyles hesitated for a while.

"Half of it," he missed:

"The old crow provided me with a lot of historical materials and details, but I also want to thank him for his persistent questioning, forcing me to think about every possible or impossible answer."

As if the last life was not enough.

Jahn raised his glass to him:

"What about the other half?"

Thiels shook his head.

"That's another person's ... a way of thinking."

Jon looked puzzled.

"Three-stage," Tyres said with a little loss of mind:

"Affirmation, negation, negation of negation."

Looking at the other person's confused expression, Taylor smiled:

"Or you just understand it like this: king, vassal, and then the new king."

Jahn understood immediately, but he still frowned.

"Method of thinking? Who said?"

Thiels sighed:


"Unimpressed, who is he?"

Thiels shook his head: "You wouldn't know, if you really want to say it, he's a long, long, long ago ..."

The prince thought for a moment and laughed:


Jon froze.


He looked at Thales with even more serious eyes.

"So it is," said the Duke of Iris lightly:


Jon's eyes were frozen, wondering what he was thinking.

Thiels looked at the other side thinking hard, wanting to get something, and suddenly smiled.

"You know, according to this logic ..."

Thiels felt something:

"You have an apple, and I have an apple. We exchange, and each one is an apple."

Jon was puzzled.

Thiels raised his finger:

"But you have a thought, and I also have a thought, when we exchange ..."

Zhan En realized a little, then said:

"Two thoughts?"

But Thiels shook his head.

"No, more than that."

He said slightly: "That way ..."

"We will have an unprecedented third ..."

"New thought."

Jahn was silent for a long time.

At this moment, Thales suddenly saw: King Kessel got up from his seat, and the accompanying Guardian of Staley put on his cloak.

The ranks of the attending king acted.

Some guests noticed the king's move and bid farewell, but King Kessel didn't seem to want a high profile. He just waved his hands casually and disappeared from the side door under the royal guard.

Queen Keya and Ginny are not there, and Kassel's back is even more lonely and cold.

The royal guards around him are like enemies.

Thiels was tight-hearted: if the assassin were to do it, now was the last chance.

He couldn't care about Jen's gaze and looked around alertly.

However, a minute passed, until the king's huge contingent walked out of the banquet hall, and no one jumped out with a weapon, shouting the slogan Assassin to kill the driver.

Tyers breathed a sigh of relief as the last person in the king's line disappeared.

Well, he didn't expect the other party to say hello, "Shit, I'm gone."

The prince subconsciously broke the perfect sitting position, stretched himself, and sat upright before someone corrected him.

Somehow, without the presence of the King, Taylor felt much more relaxed, as if offloaded.

Obviously, Thales is not the only person who feels that way--the biggest evidence is that after the king left, the music in the banquet hall was not weak but strong, and the restlessness of the crowd increased.


If the assassin's target is not the king?

Tyres touched the knife on the table, turned his eyes, and confirmed with Mallos.

Fortunately, the Xinghu Guards kept the main points around him very well.

"Your Majesty is leaving now?" Jon frowned.


Thiels turned back, and the absurd idea of ​​Jane blocking his sword came back to him:

"There are other guests present, I think it's time for you too ..."

But Jen interrupted him.

"Your opening toast is good."

"Toast for God, for kingdom, for king, for others, for conviction," Jane's eyes focused on Taylor, apparently did not want to leave:

"But few people will say: respect yourself."

Jahn said lightly:


Taylor frowned slightly.

He felt that Jen's mood had changed.

As the king left, there were more guests who wanted to squeeze into the Duke of Xinghu, but they were stopped by the Xinghu Guard, for the reason that was readily available and obvious: His Royal Highness Taylor was talking with Duke Jan Do not disturb.

"Tell me, Taylor."

Zane called the prince's name again, turning the glass in his hand and whispering softly.

"Have you thought about ..."

The Duke of Iris raised his head on his seat and looked at the huge gallery in the hall with a serious look:

"At that time, if that Serena was not surprised, he would take you to Mancao Manor and make you and me an enemy from the beginning ..."

"Later, if she didn't mix into your convoy, it would lead to the pursuit of the Queen of the Night ..."

"What about us today?"

Tyers stared at Jane with a serious expression.

"What do you mean?"

But the Duke of Iris smiled slightly:

"The bright stars and Kevin Deere, the nine stars and the iris, we don't have to be enemies."

"You and me, we can donate our former suspects and stand together ..."

Jon watched him, his eyes rolling:

"In the future, in this crumbling world ..."


Tyler's eyes moved.

Jen slowly approached him and raised his glass for the third time, revealing his signature smile that made people feel like a spring breeze:

"As long as you are willing to accept peace-no longer hostile to me."

Thiels froze.

Jon raised his eyebrows, moved his wrists, and gestured at Thales's wine glass on the table.

The two stared at each other for several seconds.

At that moment, it seemed that Taylor was back years ago.

At that time, in the army of the Northland, another man who was much rougher did the same. He pushed his wine glass to the prince at the time and invited him to drink.

Taylor quickly returned to his senses, looking at Jon's expression and smiling.

"Donounce the suspect and stand together ..."

"That sounds familiar," the prince said playfully:

"Six years ago, when I was in Exeter, did you say something similar?"

Jon sank.

Thiels looked at each other's expression, remembering the words of the Duke of Valkenhaus in the ghost prince's tower:

[But you have to be more careful and alert. 】

[Powerful aristocratic lords will scramble to come to you, draw the prince who has not returned to the country, use every means to fight you to their side, and turn you into a vanguard against the Revival Palace. 】

Tyers stared at Jon's face and chuckled:

"Sorry, but maybe you should say: Can Xing and Kevin Deere, we will simply marry and become a family. In the future, we will be in the same bloodline, go forward and backward, and share the star throne?"

At that moment, the prince saw clearly: Jane's expression cooled down and his breathing intensified.

Like a mild spring breeze, it suddenly hit the air-conditioning mass.

Outside, Doyle, who came back, yawned, pushing the honest guard Ferri next to him:

"His Highness and Kevin Deere's family, what did they talk about? The relationship is so good? It won't end for so long ..."

"Speaking of Ferry, don't you think that although many girls are trying to approach tonight, Your Highness, he, prefers to stay with men?"

Maybe I didn't expect D.D to answer him, and stared at the guests Ferri for a second:

"Um, it seems like that?"

Doyle looked suspiciously:

"Why do you say this?"

Ferry replied without hesitation:

"Because Your Highness is also a man."


Doyle was born a moment, thinking something was wrong, and he thought for a while, but I didn't find the flaw in this sentence.

In front of Taylors, the Duke of the South Bank lowered his glass.

"Our past conflicts were caused by accident or by circumstances, but that was by no means intentional or personal."

Taking a deep breath, Jahn seemed to be adjusting his mood:

"But this time, I was serious."

"It's just me and you this time. It has nothing to do with the family behind us. You don't have to involve them."

The Duke of Iris had a stiff tone, and seemed to endure it.

Only me and you have nothing to do with the family ...

This time, I was serious ...

Thiels smiled in his heart:

What is the meaning of this full scum line?

This chapter represents the total number of words in "Kingdom of the Kingdom" and officially exceeds 3 million words.

Sometimes I'm very shy: it's been so long.

When is it head?

Tyler Canstar.

Stubborn as you, stupid as you, clever as you, how long can you persist in this **** world?

(The next chapter is being revised and will be issued at night.)

(End of this chapter)

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