Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 555: penalty

Chapter 555

"As mentioned last time, elf language has gone beyond what we can understand. Most of its effective meaning lies in the tacit and resonance of interlocutors. The senses are close to the instinct of the ethnic group. Even if they are only words, they can use pronunciation or even brush strokes to reproduce the context by reading aloud or touching them. ... "

In the study room of Mindith Hall, the bachelor of Bona, as always, shook his head and explained his grammar class slowly.

Sitting at his desk, Thiers quietly transcribed the ancient elf letters, as well as the five to fifteen phonetic symbols of each letter, in an elegant and meticulous manner.

As if nothing happened last night.

"So in written language, elven texts are often concise and capable to the extent that they are outrageous: the grammatical structure of the ancient Elven texts is often simple and tense, and even pronouns, and the word order of the ancient Elven texts is often incomprehensible-- There is a little joke, a fairy-tale romantic novel about love triangle is translated into a universal human text, but after reading the ending, the readers were divided into three factions, which were too noisy, because the three factions felt that they liked the pair The characters finally stayed together until the original author couldn't help but jump out and say that he wrote Hexagon Love ... "

The bachelor's voice buzzed, but Taylor remained focused.

The Xinghu Guards who are close at the door are still a partner configuration of a vanguard officer and a guard officer (preferred by Mallos), but not the previous Glover and Doyle, but Taylor Unfamiliar young man Nehy and the strong man Bastia-they all showed last night. The former used iron fist to subdue the father's heart-stricken DD, and the latter taught Taylor the stiffness of his abdominal muscles. .

So Glover and Doyle, they changed shifts.

Teres said silently.

"In light of this, when the Ludors of the Empire and the obscured era created letters from the antique elves, they had to add a lot of grammatical standards, such as tense, voice, subject-predicate object order, etc. To clarify things that the ancient elves can perceive without much description, and then go to the other extreme, and then there are ancient and complicated ancient empires that are complicated and rhetorical. Then, when we are reading or even translating the elven Be extra careful ... "

There is no sun today, the cold wind is roaring, the cold and bitter.

The Mindice Hall also seemed lonely and silent.

In previous years, at this time, Yongxing City has cooled down to winter, but this autumn seems to be particularly long, looking gloomy, dull and cold.

The Duke of Xinghu moved his wrist silently, watching each letter faint on the paper.

After a night, his back was stiff, his forehead was sore, and his legs were cold.

All this reminded him that the corner of the bedroom was not sleeping well.

"Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why different ethnic groups have different languages, and how different languages ​​shape different ethnic groups-language is a tool, a result, but also a master, a cause, it is mainly anti-customer, and is profound in the changes Best practices to influence users ... "

Listening to the whisper of the bachelor of Bona, Taylor's gaze focused on the letters in front of him, and the nib moved like a machine delicately, stroke by stroke, meticulous and meticulous.

Other than that, nothing more.

Those "others" he hates to face.

"... far away."

The bachelor Bona's voice became awkward, with strange tones and high and low.

The young duke didn't respond, he changed a piece of paper blankly and turned the next page to be copied.

Next page.

Next page.

But the volume of the Bona bachelor suddenly increased:


The tip of Taylor's nibbleed, and a drop of ink fainted on the paper.

He turned back and looked up in surprise.

"Ah? Sorry?"

In front of him, the bachelor of Beaune, who was full of time, was holding his hands together and watching him with interest.

The Bona bachelor smiled and explained patiently:

"It was just an ancient Hijab elf. If all the information contained in the pronunciation was annotated, it would probably be translated into—"

The bachelor returned to his seat with a playful tone:

"Your heart is not with me, not in class, or even in the letters you write, Your Highness."

Thiels froze for a second.

Although he quickly thought about a few excuses, he finally sighed and sincerely apologized:

"I, I'm sorry, Bonne."

"Oh no, I should be sorry," said the bachelor Bona, raising his tea cup, without any hint:

"My explanation is obviously not interesting enough to keep you focused and forget your worries."

Thiels shook his head:

"It's not your fault. You are a very good teacher. It's just me ..."

But Bona interrupted him:

"I heard about last night."

Taylors meal.

"Respect and understanding is a good thing, Your Highness, it is even more commendable not to neglect the value and connotation of everyone-even the enemy-as 'people.'

"Really." The Prince reluctantly smiled when he heard the words, suppressing the chaos.

The bachelor of Bona closed his teaching materials and said quietly:

"But don't forget too often: you are alone."

Hearing this, Tyles froze for a moment.

The prestigious old bachelor smiled:

"So I think we might as well leave class in advance."

Thiels put down his pen.

He had just discovered that the page of elf text he had copied was all wrong.

The teenager sighed:

"Thank you for your understanding, Bonne, I am grateful."

The Bona bachelor smiled slightly.

"And the reason why we need to improve our grammar and study the language, not just stop talking and writing letters, Your Highness."

He stood up, not without deep meaning:

"Because we, as people, value each other's values ​​and feelings, because we want to better communicate and understand each other, and dig out and express what is deep inside."

"Instead of superficial behaviors and reactions, blind consciousness and misunderstanding, stubborn speculation and suspicion, and indifferent nature and rules."

"We are different from animals and beasts, Your Highness, not because 'we' will make fire ..."

The old-fashioned Bonne bachelor carefully put away his textbooks:

"It's because some of us are going to make a fire, and some are not."

This was quite meaningful, and Taylor was silent.

He could only stand up and salute respectfully.

After the bachelor Bona had left, Tyers looked at the gloomy weather outside the window and summoned Nesi and Bastia.

"Is there anything from the Fuxing Palace?"

"No, Your Highness."

As a trainee vanguard, Nehsi was obviously the first time to receive the task of accompanying the prince. This young man, who was a few years older than Taylors, seemed excited and looked forward to the prince's eyes eager to try.

"In fact, I think the palace is very busy, for ... last night."

last night.

Thiels sighed, feeling depressed.

Older Bastia glanced at Nehy, but the young man was unaware and still interested:

"Will you send someone to the Revival Palace to ask? I can—"

"No, it's not necessary."

Taylor stood up.

"I want to change clothes. The martial arts class is next, before Mallos arrives," the Duke stood up, unbuttoned his cuffs. After last night, he had an urgent desire to wave his weapon:

"I want to go to the training ground to warm up."

Nehsi flirts:

"Of course, I'll tell the servants--"

"But, Your Highness," the older Bastia hesitated, her voice rough, like a bellow in a blacksmith's shop:

"About the training ground ..."

He stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Tyers looked at the guard who was as big as a hill. He recalled the strength of the other side when he surrounded him last night. He wondered whether every royal guard had such a figure.

"D.D just came back."

Taylor unbuttoned his hands.

Bastia watched Taylor's expression and said very quickly:

"I mean, Doyle, he and Glover's vanguard officer, who is on the training ground at the moment ... with Major Mallorce."

Thiels turned back in doubt:


They looked at each other and did not answer him.

He won't have to wonder soon.

When Taylors came to the training ground, most of the Star Lake Guards were here, divided into teams according to seniority responsibilities, and surrounded a semicircle-just like last time "testing" Taylors.

Nehsi wanted to remind everyone to salute, but Bastia quickly stopped him.

Thiels felt the atmosphere was wrong.

Under the gloomy sky, everyone was silent and silent, no one whispered, and no one dared to do extra moves.

Taylor's eyes crossed the crowd and saw Mallorce standing in front:

He was carrying his hands on his back, his expression still calm, his eyes calm, but the whole man exuded a disturbing breath.

Penalty officer Patterson, logistics officer Shi Tuo, and banner officer Forbes. These special senior guard members stood behind the watchman and looked serious.

In front of Mallos, the center of the training ground, the two kneeled on one knee and bowed their heads.

Bear the eyes of everyone.

That was Doyle and Glover.

Thales froze slightly.

The prince stood subconsciously on the side of the training ground and did not move forward.

His gut tells him that he shouldn't come any closer.

Someone still noticed the coming of the Duke, but apparently, the atmosphere in front of them did not dare to salute loudly, and many people just bowed slightly and focused on their chests.

Mallos also quickly saw Thales, and with a slight glance, he returned to the matter in front of him indifferently:

"Patterson, work."

In front of the crowd, Sentencer Paterson took a cold step forward, crossed Mallorz, and came to the two kneeling.

"First Guard, Danny Doyle."

D.D kneeling on the ground trembled slightly.

The prisoner's voice was calm, but cold, with an unquestionable attitude.

"As the best and most highly anticipated security officer in the Mindice Hall, your boldness last night jeopardized the safety of your Highness, hindered the work of your colleagues, jeopardized the responsibility of the Guard, and even violated your mission."

Bystander Tyers closed his eyes, he knew what it was about to do.

But last night ...

Taylor thought of Baroness Doyle, the baroness of hysteria, and D.D.

Think of Ank Bailar again in a desperate smile.

And countless pairs of gazes.

He felt a moment of discomfort.

"Ru Jian should be sharp and use its light to its front."

Patterson said an antique word, lowered his eyes, and stared coldly at D.D:

"Do you have anything to appeal?"

D.D looked pale, his eyes flushed, and apparently he did not sleep all night.

At this moment, he had a messy outfit and a messy hairstyle, which was far from the usual image of the rich man who was lazy and slippery.

"No, Patterson's jailer," Doyle took a deep breath, and he looked up, bitter and sad, only when he saw Tyers did he flash his eyes:

"My recklessness has affected Your Highness and everyone, and I am willing to take responsibility for my mistakes."

He put his hands on his knees, dropped his knees, and lowered his head deeply:

"My sword is sharp, and its front is ready."

No one on the sidelines of the guard spoke, and everyone watched them silently, killing the atmosphere.

Patterson glanced at Mallorse, who was silent.

"Good, then," the penal officer nodded, speaking indifferently:

"Nine whip."

The verdict was issued, and finally a small wave appeared in the guard, but it was quickly suppressed.

Behind Patterson, Carpenter and Pezza Rossi, who were punished by the DD-the former was always teased by DD as "Patterson's padded jacket" and the latter was a member of the temporary sniper squad last night-stepped forward ,Poker face.

Doyle, who was kneeling on the ground, was well prepared. In the eyes of everyone, he quietly took off the weapon and gave it to the other party. Then he took off his equipment clothing one by one: coat, mule, wrist, armguard. , Leather armor, armed belt, bib, lining ...

Until his muscular and well-proportioned upper body was exposed, he shivered slightly in the cold autumn wind.

The prison officer did not stop and turned to another person.

"Gallen Glover, First Pioneer."

Glover, nicknamed the zombie, did not answer, and remained as it was.

As if it wasn't his name that was evoked.

"As the most senior and most advanced pioneer in Mindice Hall, you have never paid attention to the emotional state of your partner, and after realizing it, you are out of sympathy, ignore responsibility and even violate orders, and condone his boldness."

D.D on one side clenched his lower lip, but was afraid to say anything.

Compared to just now, Patterson's rebuke to Glover is more severe in tone:

"Ru Jian should be sharp and use its light to its front."

"Any objections?"

Glover was slowly raising his head, as if the statue that had been sealed for thousands of years came into contact with the air and dropped dust.


The zombies were hoarse and quiet, their voices were calm and undulating:

"My sword is sharp, and its front is ready."

Patterson looked at him for a long time before he said:

"Seven Whips."

Needless to say, Glover was swift and swift. He knelt down on his knees, consciously removed his arms, took off his armor, and exposed a strong but dark and rough muscle. His body was covered with old scars. DD is just the contrast.

The two were naked, kneeling on the training ground, facing the eyes of their peers.

Mallorse remained silent, but watched coldly.

Thiels became more complicated.

Capone of the Wings of Punishment silently opened the equipment bag, took out two small sticks of the size of a spindle, handed them to Doyle and Glover, and let them bite in their mouths.

"You all have experience," Carpenter let go of the stick clenched by Glover, and whispered between the two:

"I only have one piece of advice: bite, don't drop it."

On the other side, Pezarosi methodically pulled out two fist-sized objects tied with brown leather like bows, and slowly untied them until they turned into the appearance of two leather whips.

The two whip were slender and strong, and Pezarosi tried to poke two in the air, making a squealing wind.

Many guard members frowned.

D.D took a deep breath, and Glover was even more serious.

"Stop it, boys," Patterson's penal officer said coldly:

"Trust me, I've seen the barbed whip used by the northerners, which is thicker than the twine hanging from the city gate. That's worse."

Doyle looked openly accepting, and he turned his head, looked at Taylor, and bowed his head deeply at the prince.

Thiels sighed and nodded silently to him.

Seeing this, Mallorce frowned.

The next second, Patterson waved.

Capone and Pezzarossi came behind them, shaking off the whip skillfully.

But at that moment, the prisoner's shoulder was held down.

It's Majoros.

"Gray, you're in charge of Glover," the watchman looked at the surprised Patterson, walked forward, and signaled Carpent to give him his whip:

"As for Doyle, I'm here."

There was a lot of talk in the guard.

Doyle and Glover were also very surprised.

Patterson frowned:

"Let's come in person? Actually, we don't have to ..."

But Majoros quickly interrupted him:

"Since there are noble people in the audience, you have to be serious, don't you?"

The watchman glanced sideways and glanced at Thales.

The guard's argument was quickly suppressed.

The prince was cold in heart, and cast a stern look on Mallorce:

"but I--"

"Although this is the guard's house, Your Highness," Mallorse gave Tyles no chance to speak, and he saluted the prince with a smile:

"But you are still welcome to watch and witness."

"Or, would you like to report for us?"

Thales was unbelievable and he was speechless.

Patterson sighed. He walked behind Glover and pushed away the sounding Pezalassi, taking the whip from his hand.

After Mallorius came behind D.D, he shook his whip, smiled at Taylors, and did not wait for the latter to respond:

"Well then, since Your Royal Highness is unwilling, Toledo, please count."

Toledo in the crowd, Mallorse's Herald, staggered.

He looked at his boss and then at the prince, a little at a loss.

Until Majoros looked unhappy:

"right now!"

Toledo didn't dare to hesitate anymore, he stepped forward and raised his head:


The voice fell.

Under Taylor's frightened eyes, Mallorce and Patterson swayed at the same time.

Whisper ...

They are proficient in movement and smooth in their movements. The arcs of the two whips are almost synchronized, and the sound of wind breaking is almost in no order!

Tyres was breathing slightly.

In the next second, the leather and the skin are shaken in high-speed contact, making the sound of tearing air—


Crisp, harsh, and cold, heartbreaking.

In the field, D.D shuddered!

He subconsciously put his hands together and arched forward, but quickly reacted, lowering his hands and straightening his back.

On the other side, Glover was biting on the short stick, his face remained the same, his body was like steel, and he only shook slightly at the moment of the whip and his body.

But both were short of breath.

Taylor soon saw that the upper and lower backs of the prisoners, whether rough or smooth, showed a fine and scary red line from the upper right to the lower left, exuding bright red from it and spreading to other skins.

"That power," Tyers heard Bastia sighing consciously or unintentionally:

"It has to be scarred."

The spectators all had uneven breathing and complicated eyes.

Mallos extended his left hand, stopped Toledo, and slowly spoke:

"Guard Officer Danny Doyle, did you know what was your biggest mistake last night?"

D.D was still immersed in the pain of the first whip. He didn't speak, but clenched his short stick, his face twisted.

Mallos was silent for a while, and he turned to Toledo.

Toledo did not dare to delay anymore, and hurriedly counted:


Mallos and Patterson's whip swings again.


Doyle and Glover were trembling again.

Thales turned his head subconsciously, as if he could feel the unbearable pain by watching.

"answer me."

Mallos showed his usual calm smile:

"Guard Doyle ..."

"do you know?"

D.D panted, now struggling.

But in the end, Doyle took a breath!

He vomited his short stick decisively, and said with pain:

"Because of my choice, reckless and selfish, endangering His Highness and everyone!"

Mallos hummed and motioned to Toledo.


The whip shadow reappeared, both tearing apart the air.


This time, without the stick in his mouth, D.D groaned in pain, and the whole person fell forward, and it took a few seconds to get back on his knees.

On the other side, Glover looked at him, only biting the stick more and more tightly.

"The answer is wrong."

Said Mallos indifferently.

"Tell me, D.D, when individual and collective interests conflict," the watchman shook his whip:

"How would you choose?"

As soon as this remark was made, both Taylor and Doyle and Glover were included, including the guards present.

"Or I'll be straightforward. One day, your family members will conflict with your duties and responsibilities," Mallos glanced at the counted Toledo and said indifferently:

"How do you choose?"

Toledo sighed:


Double whip dance.


Doyle hummed painfully from the gap between his teeth. Glover was obviously unable to bear it, and his body began to shake.

They gasped, their backs began to seep blood.

"If someone holds your family's life and threatens you against your highness?"

Mallorse's voice was raised:

"Even, it is your dearest family that wants you to betray your Highness?"

Thiels's mind was tight.

He suddenly remembered the once prison of bones, the old royal guard.

Doyle took a sigh of relief, and he straightened up again, but was already sweating and embarrassed.

Just listen to his painful hissing:

"I, I had a mission last night, Lord!"

Majoros frowned.

This time, without waiting for Toledo to count, he lifted his arms and waved a much more terrible explosion than before!


D.D screamed and fell to the ground, shaking.

The guards also shuddered.

On the other side, Patterson took a moment and immediately reacted, and a whip pulled Glover into a twitch.

Toledo hurried to keep up, reporting the numbers:


Taylor couldn't bear to look any further. He looked away, only feeling heavy inside.

Breath exhaled, he watched Doyle trembling and turned to look at the other person:

"You, Pioneer Officer Garron Glover."

"You answer me."

"How do you choose?"

The same sweaty, dusty Golova took a few deep breaths, his eyes straightened firmly.

The zombie spit out his short stick and hoarsely spoke:

"We have all made vows, sir! I have devoted my throne in this life and will always serve the imperial power."

Mallos paced and pouted:

"and so?"

Under the double torture of pain and shame, Glover was exaggerated:

"So we have to make sacrifices, and the mission precedes the relationship."

Tyres listened to him, breathing faster.

Mallos suddenly turned around and whip up again!


After the terrible blast, Glover screamed and fell on his back!

Patterson, holding his whip, frowned. He looked at Glover, who was supposed to be his task, and looked at Mallorus, who had a gloomy look.

"Give him five whip."

Before Toledo followed the report, Mallorce gave his chin to Golovnu and said to Paterson:

"Also, this whip just didn't count."

The penal officer appeared suspicious.

"Because your last whip stayed strong, Gray," Mallos said lightly without waiting for the other side to speak:

"You know, I trust you."

Patterson looked pale.

The punishment officer clenched the whip handle, did not speak, and did not dare to show mercy.

On the other side, D.D, who was slowing down, looked at Glover, who was trembling, and said quickly:

"Lord, sir! This has nothing to do with zombies, it was me last night ..."

He gritted his teeth and didn't care about his face running across the stream:

"I made the wrong choice! I dare not make a sacrifice!"

Mallorce frowned, his arms swinging.


With the whip, Doyle also lay on the ground, dripping with blood on his back and breathing intermittently in his mouth.

"This, plus five lashes." Mallorce said quietly, but did not explain why.

Toledo did not dare to hesitate to continue counting.

Seeing that Thales wanted to speak, he thought that his situation had worsened the situation and aggravated their punishment, so he had to force himself to calm down and hold back everything.

Mallos looked up and looked at the guards.


The watchman spoke softly, but made everyone stand upright.

"It always seems easy when the word comes out, right?"

"Holy, glorious, great, exciting, and feel like I'm sublimated."

Mallorce started off and did not continue to whipping.

"But many people forget."

Majoros looked into the gloomy sky, his eyes narrowed, as if looking up at a distant god.

"The essence of sacrifice ..."

"It's a transaction."

In full view, the watchman slowly bowed his head.

Doyle and Glover re-gritted their teeth and straightened their backs.

"In ancient times, when the belief in the gods was still in vogue, mortals offered sacrifices in front of the altar in exchange for the eyes of the gods to protect them.

The words fell, Toledo resumed counting, and took the next whip


The two tortured fell down, with their elbows on the ground.

Taylor's pupils shrank fiercely.

"So it's exactly the opposite of what it sounds like-sacrifice is selfish."

Mallos has a deep tone:

"It's a profit-making deal."

(End of this chapter)

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