Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 556: Eight veins

Chapter 556 Eight Pulses

Mallos slowly raised his gaze, but seemed to be watching everyone present.

The air seemed to be tightened invisibly, leaving no gaps.

"You only choose to sacrifice if you believe that through sacrifice, you can get more precious things-reputation, actual benefits, the safety of others, or pure self-satisfaction."

Mallos' words grew more solemn:

"In other words, you have the right to choose, to sacrifice what is right, such as your life, only after you know what you believe, what you value more, and what you want to trade."

Thiersmo was silent, and he seemed to have the illusion that Mallorse had been staring at himself.

The next second, Mallorce turned back quickly, Patterson also raised his arms, and the two of them were another whip--


This time, Toledo's response was too late, and the report could only catch up.

"Otherwise, your so-called glorious sacrifice," Majoros looked blankly at the two men breathing on the ground:

"It's just the urge to get a hot head, the folly to be manipulated and incited, and even to belittle and belittle you."


Another whip.

Glover drew his chest off the ground, braced his teeth and died, and Doyle simply knelt back on his calf.

"I punish you, Doyle, not because you made the wrong choice."

Mallorse Cold Lane:

"When your father was abducted and the situation was tense, you seemed so brave and tossed everything to the back of your head, drew a sword in your hand, and rushed to save your father.

Doyle took a moment and looked at the watchman.

"But what do you want to sacrifice in exchange for? Father? Your Highness? Yourself? Justice? Loyalty?"

"Do you know, do you know?"

Majoros stopped looking at the confused Doyle.

"And you, Glover!"

The zombie stiffly straightened his waist and listened quietly.

"Whether you sympathize with Doyle, secretly let him go to save your father, or you want to stop him from dueling, so you propose a sneak attack afterwards ... it feels very kind, noble, and considers fellowship."

"But what are you going to sacrifice, and in exchange for? Fellowship? Friendship? Conscience? Responsibility? Mission?"

"Do you know again! Have you thought about it?"

Majoros showed his rare seriousness:

"What do you believe in the end? Why fight? What is sacrificed? Who is saved?"

Doyle and Glover was all together, somehow.

But they do n’t need to answer, because they are greeted by--


In the tragic cry, the thoughts of the two were interrupted again by severe pain.

"No, you can't even tell me, you can't tell me in good faith, because you two don't know."

Mallorse's voice calmed down, but it didn't feel loose, it was still the kind of tense tension.

All the guards were lost in thought.

"No, I punish you not because you made the wrong choice, but because you don't see the choice at all!"

"You only resort to animal instincts when you are unclear and confused, and you move forward blindly and impulsively. After that, you will regret it, and then pretend to mouth hard, wipe your tears and say 'necessary price' And then stupid. "

"And you call that sacrifice?"

Mallos chuckled, shaking the blood on his whip.

"Like two sad pawns, subconsciously taking their own steps."

"Until His Royal Highness mercifully fishes you out of the mortal chessboard-with the enemy's pieces."

Taylor, who had been silent for a long time, trembled.

He felt that many people's eyes turned to themselves.

D.D and the zombies breathed snorting, as if at this moment, the severe pain of whipping could no longer affect them.

"The result is that your unclear behavior is both negative and threatening to your mission. It hurts your colleagues and threatens the bigger picture."

"Either side can't go well, nothing can be done anywhere."

There was pain in Mallor's eyes:

"It's stupid."

The wind whistled, and the whip shadow flashed.


The hissing sounded, the shadows of the two prisoners pulled out indefinitely on the ground.

"If you are the assault fighters, the cannon fodder of the battle, and the daredevil team on the battlefield, then I may give you promotion and awards to inspire the ministry to continue to die at your own expense. Whether you want it or not, promote it. ' Sacrifice ', "Mallorce's voice faded with his gaze:

"But you are not."

Mallos looked at everyone, and said with a loud voice:

"You are the Royal Guard."

"Thousands of years ago, Ruming-the Imperial Guard."

The whip rang again.


But this time, Doyle and Glover were just snoring sternly, their figures shook together, but they did not fall.

Majoros watched Paterson silently put away his leather whip and handed it to Pezzarossi, and then saw Toledo winking at him frantically, indicating that the quantity was enough.

"You guys like this are not sacrificing."

"You guys like this are not qualified to sacrifice."

The watchman was faintly authentic.

"I'm tired, your last whip is left," he turned and handed the whip to Capone:

"Guard Doyle."

As soon as the voice fell, the two of them stiffened and let out a last breath, and fell straight.

Only the **** back was left in the air, telling the previous story.

A small commotion broke out in the guard, as if many people were relieved.

The logistics officer Shi Tuo sighed and waved his hands. Several people who had been prepared to catch up, stretcher, disinfection, cleaning, medicine, bandages, and extremely skilled.

Hugo Forbe, the chief of the banner, put away a small book that had been written and recorded during the execution.

"On the days of your injuries, there will be someone for the class."

"And those who haven't been whipped," Yuguang of Majoros glanced at the crowd, letting the remaining twenty or so people all together:

"learn a lesson."

The watchman took his weapon from Toledo, and said indifferently:

"Now, dissolve."

The next moment, the entire Xinghu Guard, like Panasonic's bowstrings, dispersed separately.

But just then.

"Lord, I don't understand." Lying on a stretcher, Doyle paled against Piloja's resistance, holding his upper body hard, his voice exhausted: "Sacrifice is wrong, it is not right to sacrifice."

"Sir, what should I do?"

Many people stalled.

Mallos also gave a light meal.

He looked at Taylor in the distance and let the latter know.

"Since sacrifice is a deal."

The watchman spoke quietly:

“Then do n’t misjudge the value of the two ends of the balance when trading. Too many things in the world — false tales of empty space, sinister conspiracies, and unconscious habits — can confuse them and trick you into making them. Unfair deal. "

Majoros turned his head and looked at everyone.

"So, when you decide to trade," Watchman said quietly, but with a tone that Taylor couldn't recognize:

"Make sure it's your own balance."

He slowly said:

"The ones that stay on it must not be the weights and scales that you can't even understand yourself."

With that said, many people lost their thoughts.

Teres kept silent.

A few seconds later, the guards on the training ground performed their duties and left.

Thiels turned back and walked forward towards the two prisoners.

On the stretcher, Doyle, who felt something, lifted his head hard, and saw a dying smile after seeing it was Tyres:

"His Royal Highness."

Thiels was in a heavy mood and didn't know what to say, but could only say:

"How is your father?"

D.D on the stretcher showed a bitter but stubborn smile:

"You know his ... not scared."

"It should be honest for a while."

Thales was silent. A few seconds later, he patted Doyle's arm, and nodded to Glover on the other side:

"Get well."

Doyle and Glover were carried away.

Many people in the Xinghu Guard also passed by him, saluting Taylor.

The old Piroga who compared him with the sword, Zone Verde with the left-handed sword, the former security officer Commuto, the high-ranked Franzuk in the guard wings, and the foolish Ferri, just followed him Styria and the young Neh ...

"His Royal Highness."

"Good day."

"May you be well."

For months, each familiar face flashed from the stranger.

I don't know if it was an illusion. After a night, the sense of strangeness and discord that the Star Lake Guards initially gave to Taylor seemed to dissipate a lot.

At least, their salutation seemed more respectful, but more natural.

Except for one person.

"You're early, Your Highness."

Mallos came calmly to him:

"The martial arts class is still a while away."

Tyers sneered.


It seemed that Mallorse did not hear the wrath of the Duke of Xinghu, and turned leisurely:

"Just right, warm up."

Tyers took a deep breath.

"I said, every time I feel like I'm getting better with you, Mallor ..."

He looked at the two stretchers far away and said coldly:

"You have to destroy it, don't you?"

"My most hated guard captain?"

Behind him, Bastia and Nehsi looked at each other, and retreated distantly from the distance.

Mallos carelessly picked out a practice sword and threw it to Taylor.

"So, how many guard captains have you had?"

Tyers grunted, came to the training ground, waved his sword, and started warming up:

"Only you."

"Hmm--" Mallos hummed a sharp tone from his nose:

"I can rest assured that."

Thiels laughed ironically.

"By the way," he looked unhappyly at the watchman:

"How do I always feel that when you say the phrase 'those who have not been beaten', do you mean something?"

With a slight smile, Mallorce was as relaxed as ever:

"Maybe you misunderstood?"

Thales pulled out several swords, accelerated his breathing, and stretched his body out:

"Or not?"

Mallos shrugged and laughed:

"Then no."

His lackluster, lukewarm, and chilly look stunned Taylor.


Tells badly said:

"How do I feel that you are telling them not to sacrifice impulsively? Don't be blindly loyal to the royal family?"

While gesturing that Taylor's action is bigger, Mallorce said lightly:

"I said it, you misunderstood."

Tyers sneered:

"Or not?"

Majoros didn't answer that.

"Warm up and be more serious," the watchman seemed to be turning back to a dedicated martial arts teacher, he said seriously: "After all, it is your own health."

"You have to take care of yourself."

Tyers snorted.

But then he remembered something less pleasant.

"Are there anyone in the Fuxing Palace?"

"Last night after all ..." Taylor didn't say anything.

This topic seems to bring down the temperature.

Mallos was silent for a while:


"But I assure you, they will come, sooner or later."

In a complicated mood, Thales warmed up, feeling hot and sweating slightly.

"Well, what is it today? Target shooting? Sword frame? Or being beaten?"

Mallos smiled and waved to the distance:


In the distance, Neil Pioneer first pointed at himself accidentally, and after being confirmed, he came forward flattered.

Taylor rolled his eyes, and similarly went to find his shield, ready to face it-cough, fight.

But this time, Mallos was unexpected.

"No, Your Highness, you don't need to end up," the watchman said with a smile, and stretched his finger to the seat: "Come, sit."

"Today is demonstration teaching, theory class."



Theory class?

Thiels froze.

He looked at the heavy practice sword in his hand, stupidly saying:

"Why just warmed me up?"

Mallos laughed more and more:

"To ... keep good habits?"

Taylor looked at him blankly.

"Toledo," Mallorys didn't notice the murderous look of His Royal Highness the Duke, and happily drew his own herder:

"You go up and practice with Nehsi."

Tyers threw down the practice sword angrily, and sat down on the chair with an ass, raising Erlang's legs indecently.

In the field, Nehsi and Toledo looked at each other, glanced at Taylors, and both walked towards the weapon rack.

"Wait," Mallos said lightly:

"Use your own weapons, true swords."

"I said, we don't want to be caught by Ms. Ji Ni anymore, right?"

The watchman said, consciously or unintentionally, to Tyers.

Having been together for so long, knowing that he was taking the opportunity to ridicule and protest, Taylor did not continue, and sneered a few times.

A few seconds later, Nesi and Toledo both stood on the training ground.

"Your qualifications and level are higher than mine. Would you please?"

The young Nehsi couldn't help glancing at Taylor and Mallorse, eager to try.

The long sword in his hand is light and smart, and of extraordinary quality.

"No, I'm not used to being in the lead."

Toledo, one of the oldest trusted subordinates in Majoros, just smiled humblely:

"It's up to you."

Toledo's weapon was a machete. Strangely, his knife was wrapped in a sheath, but tied behind his waist, looking awkward.

Nehsi also smiled and no longer humbled:

"it is good--"

But as soon as his voice fell, Nehsi's blade came out.

Jianguang flashes like a lightning strike!

Taylor was still yawning with the palms of his hands-the guilt of Hell in his body was suddenly awakened!


There was a muffled sound and the metal collided.

At that moment, Toledo was worthy of a sword and made a blast, blocking the lightning-fast sword with an awkward posture.

Taylor looked at Nech in astonishment, soothing the power of termination in his body.

He thought about the first sword just now.

This is too fast.

To such a great distance, only through sight, the crimes of Hell River felt threatened and forced to instinctively react.

But Nech's offensive did not end.

His blade reflects a strange light, and he wins and chases in the shortest route, straight to the middle!


Forced Toledo to be embarrassed and difficult to defend.

"His Highness, remember I told you that there are different martial arts schools in the kingdom?"

Mallorse laid his hands on his back, watching the two men fight with each other with real swords.

"Of course, the offensive and defensive factions in the north, the tactical factions in the southeast, and the new trend-oriented faction."

"You're not just 'said'."

As Taylor replied, he looked at Nehy's fast sword offensively in surprise, and found that it was not only the opponent's sword speed, but also his skill and pace that made him phantom fly in battle, which can appear every time In the place where Toledo is most uncomfortable.

Mallos nodded:

"And I also said that after your sword target practice is qualified, I will introduce you to the other two mainstream schools."

"It's time."

The watchman narrowed his eyes.

"Seriously take some effort, you two!"

Mallos snapped:

"His Royal Highness is not here to see you juggling."

The words fell, Nehxi Jianguang flashed again!

His pace and speed were like being pulled up several times in an instant, and the last sword even rubbed over Toledo's shoulder armor!

Toledo's defense became more and more difficult, and he had to retreat to dodge, so the battle gradually became one side chasing after the other side, and the other side ran away in horror.

Tyers frowned as he watched Toledo in an absolute downwind.

If you are ...

Thiels shook his head secretly: No, he couldn't avoid it, losing would only be uglier than Toledo.

But how big is Nehsi looking?

"In the kingdom, there is a special class of fighters."

The voice of Mallorce came from one side:

"They learn martial arts from the same source, but their styles are strange and different."

The watchman looked serious:

"Historically, there are scholars who specialize in the martial arts genre, and they are collectively referred to as-temple disciples."

Thales froze.


Temple disciples?

Mallos nodded, watching the sword shadow flutter in the field, the sword light flickered, but he was still in a hurry:

"But today, because the name is too crepe and too old, no one calls it."

But his tone was very serious:

"But in reality, they are not only spread over the stars, but also throughout the western land. They have prospered for thousands of years and have not faded."

"Nate Nesch is one of the best."

Thiels stared at Neah, who was about to visualize his avatar.

His sword is fast, fast and direct.

In one hit, the effect is amazing.

Majoros took out the storytelling shelf and continued:

"The place where their martial arts are taught is ancient and special. It has gathered the most powerful and powerful martial arts inheritance and ending power for thousands of years. It has continued to advance in different times, preached and taught, and became famous-

But at this point, Taylor interrupted him suddenly:

"Knight's Temple."

Mallos froze.

The prince took a proper sitting posture and seriously said:

"So historically, they have been called 'temple disciples', haven't they?"

Majoros frowned at the teenager, unhappy with a few interruptions:

"You, you know?"

Thiels looked back at him and smiled slightly:

"know a little."

a little……

Majoros took a deep breath, watching Nehsi, the endless attack, and tried to return to his previous tone:

"Well, you may not know, these people, they were earliest--"

But Taylor's words were inserted again:

"They were the first knights that originated in the north before the age of the Empire, and were the first to awaken extraordinary powers."

The young duke carefully watched the fierce battle between the two in the field.

Mallorse was speechless again.

The watchman had to cough:

"Speaking of extraordinary powers—"

"Extraordinary power circulates among humans through them." Taylor took his word quietly:

"In the battles with other races, such as the battle for sanctification and even the battle for survival, they shine, win victory, expand the extraordinary power of being immature in their fashion, and explore the boundaries and future of human potential.

Tyers turned his head and looked at the sad face of Mallorse.

"So they gathered the elites and formed groups, building their creeds and organizations."

"It's for 'Knight's Temple.'"

Tyers took a deep breath, as if scenting the ink from a book:

"For thousands of years, it was a lofty holy place for human martial arts and a sacred source of chivalry."

Mallos stunned for a few seconds, somewhat surprised.

"Where did you hear that?"

Teres Mimi smiled:

"The North, to be precise, is the collection of the Walton family of Longxiao City," The Light of Mankind-The Knight Temple's End and End "."

Mallos pursed his lips.

Yankee's collection.

The beginning and end of the temple.

Well, since only to the temple ...

The watchman interrupted again cleared his throat unpleasantly:

"Okay, but the Knight Temple is glorious and glorious, but time has changed, until--"

"Until the end."

Taylor's voice sounded again out of place:

"Seven hundred years ago, the knights' temple was all out to fight the calamity. In the end, the casualties were heavy and none existed."

"Even the temple itself was destroyed and difficult to rebuild."

With the incredible expression of Mallos, the prince's words were full of nostalgia:

"Finally, the survivors of the Knights Templar went away and built a legendary tower."

"In that tower, they inherited the legacy of the knight's ancestors, collected, refined, and taught extraordinary powers-after that they were called the power of the end, spreading various martial arts and guarding human hope.

"That's what it is today ..."

"Tower of Termination."

Having said this, Taylor sighed with relief and looked at Mallorce who was interrupted several times by him:

"So Nehsi should be a student of the Tower of Termination."

Mallorse didn't speak.

Taylor blinked:

"what happened?"

Mallus looked at him gloomily:

"I'm waiting."

"Look what else do you say?"

Taylor raised his eyebrows:

"Well, it should be gone."

The prince happily looked at Mallorus's expression:

"If I am wrong, please correct me?"

Majoros took a deep breath. He seemed to have exhausted his whole body and controlled himself to turn into the field.

"Did you eat?"

The watchman shouted coldly, showing the majesty of the guard captain:

"Play harder!"

The two in the field fought endlessly, but heard the words a little delayed.

With a look of eating a fly, Mallorce turned back.

"Ahem-you were right."

"Nate Nech recently returned from the Tower of Termination."

Mallos paused subconsciously and glanced at Taylors.

Only after confirming that His Royal Highness had obediently listened, and had no intention of robbing him, the watchman coughed:

"In the Kingdom of Stars, the" holy temple "that worships the Tower of Termination as Guiyu is a" significant school "in the eyes of many people. It has a long history and a long history."


Thiels frowned slightly, remembering many acquaintances he had learned from the Tower of Termination.

"Many kingdom aristocrats, if they are looking forward to accomplishing martial arts military achievements, will choose to send their descendants to the Tower of Termination, on the one hand to accept inheritance, improve their skills, and on the other hand to expand their horizons and study the world.

It can also accumulate fame.

Or avoid trouble.

Mallos said in his heart.

The watchman pointed at the field:

"Unlike other martial art genres, which are positioned according to style, the swordsmen coming out of the Tower of Termination have different styles and skills, and they are quite different."

"As the successor of the ancient knight temple, the Tower of the End advances with the times, summarizes the various martial arts, sorts the inherited skills, and then refines them, eventually deciding the eight major schools."

Thales froze.

He has long been known for the Tower of Termination, but so many branches?

"Eight sticks?"

Mallos nodded.

He spoke slowly with dread and respect, just like a small poem:

"Tianma is guilty, blood is shining. Rose storm, miracle dust."

He straightly said:

"Yes-to end the eight pulses."

(End of this chapter)

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