Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Can't escape its sheath

Chapter 558

Emperor Wind.

Thiels chewed the word for a while.

A genre style that can stand against the "temple".

Is it the wind of the empire or the wind of the emperor?

"Now, do you understand."

Mallos gently stroked the hilt of his sword, his eyes were complicated and difficult to distinguish.

"Emperor Wind, what is the meaning of this martial art inherited from the imperial era, for the Kingdom of Stars, the Royal Family of Stars, and especially for you?"

There were few people on the training ground, and there was silence in the deep courtyard. Only the main hall behind the stone building stood tall, still under the dark sky.

It took him a long time to think before he spoke.

"So, 'Emperor's Wind' not only represents martial arts, but also represents history, which is of extraordinary significance, and is equivalent to the family tradition of the Royal Star ..."

So this is another story that reads history and reads the world so that I "learn well" ...

Thinking of this, Taylor's words stifled.

and many more.

The lineage of the royal family ...

Taylor's expression changed slightly, while Mallorce on the side remained silent.

"Doyle of the Mirror River ..."

The prince suddenly said the last name without a thought.

"Last night, D.D played with Bailar ..."

Tyers looked at the watchman and uttered in surprise and doubt:

"Although the weapons and styles are different, I have the impression that D.D's swordplay style also belongs to the imperial style?"

Majoros squinted slightly.

A few seconds later, the watchman nodded.

"Danny Doyle was the last attendant to be recruited under the Joaquin Knights. Before Joaquin Knights died, he was a private soldier on the territory of the Royal Star Family. Master class character. "

Canstar personal training of swordsmanship.

When the question was confirmed, Tyers turned his eyes and asked:

"What about the others?"

"Apart from Toledo and D.D? Glover? Bastia? And you?"

Taylor fixed his eyes on Mallorse.

The watchman smiled slightly, affirming his guess:


"Glover, Morgan, Vlaatten, Oscarson in the vanguard wings ..."

"Bastia, Franzuc, Ferri, Kusta in the guard wings ..."

"Including Her Majesty Tang Xin and Trifanov."

The palm of Mallorse still rested on the hilt, and seemed to sigh:

"More than that, your Xinghu Guard is, to be precise, the entire Royal Guard establishment. Most of them are emperor-style trainers."

Most of the royal guards.

Thiels first realized something, then frowned.

"As for me, the teachers who taught me Wuyi are also knights of Emperor Feng."

Just listen to the watchman slowly:

"The blessing of Tuo Chanxing's personal soldiers has even become a standing royal family who has not been organized for decades, and is more or less affected by it. Many people from officers to soldiers practice.

Thiers was silent for a while.

He quietly pondered the truth.

Mallos didn't rush him, just waiting patiently for the prince's response.


A few seconds later, Thales opened his mouth quietly, a little hesitant:

"You say, between the temple and the emperor's wind, is there anything particular about people choosing their genre?"

At that moment, Majoros' eyes were dim.

He lightly released his hilt.

"I think that in the era when the mighty bee rose and the world was in chaos, the skills taught by the Tower of Termination tended to be popular for a while, spreading out and becoming the obvious science in the eyes of the world.

The watchman got rid of the confusion in his eyes and became calm again:

"And in the heyday of the Taiping and Guotai Min'an, the orthodox style of the empire became the trend of people chasing after each other."

Majoros looked at Thales with the same calmness, except that the pause between words was exceptionally different:

"You understand?"

Tyers took a deep breath.

He was sitting upright, facing his own guard captain and martial arts teacher.


"What do you want to say in this class today?"

The arc of Mallos' mouth widened a little, but he shrugged, looking innocent and helpless:

"Of course, the two representative schools in the world ..."

But Thiels interrupted him.

"You can be straightforward and don't have to be so obscure," the Duke of Xinghu stared at him seriously:

"I don't do keyword review."

Mallos was slightly delayed.

He snorted softly.

"That cleverness is like you. What do you think I want to say?"

The two looked at each other quietly.

Until Tyres took a deep breath, closed his eyes gently, and opened again.

"Leader of the South Bank, the silly big of the Karabyan family ... Hehe, I mean, respectful Master Cohen."

Tyers stared at Mallorse, muttering:

"As far as I know, he is a student of the Tower of Termination."

"In your words, a learner of the 'Temple'."

Mallorce raised an eyebrow and made no comment.

"Northbound, Miss Miranda of Allende."

"And last night, West Wild, Anke Bailar in Crow's Town."

"And Nehsi, as you said, he lived in the blade collar before moving to the central collar."

Thiels's tone was positive, step by step:

"By the way, and Exeter."

Taylors remembered what Wyah had said to him:

"As far as I know, Kaslan Rumba, who was famous at the time, learned skills from the Tower of Termination when he was young.

Hearing the name, Mallorce moved slightly and thoughtfully.

He looked up and responded leisurely to the prince:

"You do know a lot, Your Highness."

Taylor frowned:

"And last night, when you said that the assassin's martial arts originated from the Tower of Termination, your old enemy-sorry, I mean Lord Guard Vogel-the first reaction was: that was a nobleman in the field."

Tylston took a moment, but Mallorse remained calm.

"As for Emperor Wind ..."

Thiels felt that he had caught that line, and he was pulling it tighter, until he approached the key:

"In my guard, D.D and Glover are both from the central collar, to be precise, the Seven Stars of the Star."

"And you said, Toledo is a descendant of the Seven Servant family."

"Even your own, Tomond Mallorce, is a descendant of the Seven Waitresses."

Mallos breathed slightly.

"Also, the" most "others in the Royal Guard."

Tells seriously:

"Temple and Emperor Wind."

"It's a coincidence that their practitioners are so different?"

But Mallorse still did not answer his question and asked:

"what do you think?"

Tyers frowned, and said that this guy at this time regretted the word as gold, is definitely a revenge before revenge on the prince.

"I guess……"

Thiels tried to extrapolate:

"At least in the Kingdom of Stars, local nobles tend to send their children to the Tower of Termination to practice the martial arts in the temple?"

"Central lords, follow the tradition of emperor style more, to be closer to the preference of the royal family?"

"Is that right?"

Mallorce smiled, not at all.

Tyers exhaled.

"Dive deeper ..."

The prince frowned:

"The skills of the Tower of Termination have spread to all parts of the kingdom, especially local families with a long history and customary division."

"Emperor Wind is based in the center of the stars, with Yongxing City as its foundation, and is highly respected by the knights around the throne."

Taylor's eyes brightened.

"Temple and Emperor Wind, martial art genre, I seem to understand."

Thiers no longer cares about Mallorce's reaction, thinking about himself:

For thousands of years, especially in the empire, the temple and emperor's winds faced each other, competing with each other.

But this is not the difference between different genres and swordsmanship in previous martial arts novels.

"It's like the power of termination," Taylor recalled subconsciously, remembering what Ricky had said in the dungeon:

"They are not just themselves, they are the fighters themselves."

Mallorce frowned slightly.

Tells said faster:

"The Knights Sanctuary originated from the ancient Northland, and its martial arts were spread by the rangers and spread across the world."

"Their opponent, Emperor Wind, started from the ancient empire, benefiting from the orthodox power of the imperial power, inherited from the Legion Knights, and benefited from the central court.

"From the beginning, the two were born in different people, and they developed and became stronger in the struggle between these people."

Teresa authentic:

"Until the millennium, they changed their face and formed two major martial arts around the throne inside and outside the throne."


"Imperial Wind."

Mallorse stared at the prince.

Thales didn't bother him.

At this moment he is immersed in thinking:

Yes, as Ricky said:

The power of ending is closely related to the warrior himself, reflecting the experience and personality of everyone ...

The martial art genre is closely related to the real world, reflecting the tendencies and choices of everyone.

Thales is idyllic:

"Because they are not just two major schools, their competition is not only a dispute over honor and disgrace, a dispute over fame, but also a bare reality politics."

"In ancient times, the people who used them were entangled between the central and local empires."

"In contemporary times, the practitioners of the two are surrounded by the division between the rule of the stars and vassals."

Thiels looked up, looking at Mallus with certainty:

"This is not just martial arts."

"It's politics and power, it's history and change."

"This is the truth and significance of the two major schools."

"That's what you really want to tell me, right?"

Mallorce smiled, reassuringly.

He looked at the barren courtyard that was sparse in the distance due to the fall and winter:

"To be honest, I'm not good at reading politics, and I don't want to mislead Your Highness ..."

Thiels shook his head to interrupt him:

"Nonsense, you are as bright as a mirror in your heart, very thorough."

The prince no longer looked at Mallorse, his eyes were gloomy.

Thousands of years ago ...

The trend is rolling and converging into a tide.

The people will prosper, and they will shine in the temple.

There is something good on the top, and it's very bad on the bottom.

The imperial power was directed by the imperial wind.

Majoros looked silently into the thoughtful prince.

Thiels glanced into the distance. After the war, Nesi and Toledo, who were sweating and drinking, seemed to be worried, but the latter did not care.

The talented swords of the two of them fought, as if it sounded in his mind again:


Thiels froze.

Nesi's speed sword light, Toledo's tenacious defense.

It's not just a confrontation between two people, it's not just a confrontation between two major schools.

In that battle, he glimpsed the landscape thousands of years ago:

Emperor and princes.

Empire and Ranger.

Unity and chaos.

Jagged blood and publicity.

And now after the millennium ...

Taylor's thoughts drift away:

Divided rule in troubled times makes melee difficult.

So the tower was over, all over the place.

The stars are restored, and the kings are upright.

Inherited by its own knights, the imperial wind has a long history.

The local aristocracy chose the tower of termination, and the bright star Qishou chose to be close to Emperor Feng.

Central and local.

Centralization and division.

King and vassal.

Thiers thought about it all the more and realized.

There is no existence in this world, it is a void tower that descends from the sky.

Even martial arts and swordsmanship, which seem innocent and independent, are only foreign objects or tools related to personal interest choices.

The emergence of the temple and the emperor's style are closely related to the times. Their competition with each other is by no means a standstill, but a result of the combined action of history and politics, reality and power.

The opposition between the two is a more faithful reflection of the relationship between people and in the inheritance of martial arts and realistic violence.

Time has made them.

They reflect the times.

Martial arts is so, people are even more so.

Thinking of this, Taylor sighed:

"It seems that Gray Sword Guard is right."

"An ancient sword cannot escape its sheath."

Gray sword guard?

Hearing this sentence of evaluating the previous generation of masters, Majoros looked at it, puzzled.

But Thiels just shook his head.

"For each martial art and each genre, no matter how powerful and beautiful it was, how powerful and prominent it was ..."

Tyers breathed a sigh of relief:

"The background of the times and the soil of society, and even the people who use them, are their 'sheaths' that are truly inescapable."

Mallorse lost his thoughts and nodded slightly.

Speaking of which, Thales suddenly remembered the words of the bachelor, the bachelor in the grammar class:

[Language is a tool, it is the result, but it is also the master, it is the cause. It is the best example of anti-customers, which profoundly affects users in the changes ...]

Thales froze subconsciously.

Either martial arts or language.

They are not just tools of ignorance.

On the contrary, they were used by people who joined their scabbards and branded them, giving the characteristics of the times and society. Since then, they have become one, indivisible, and even possessed human nature.

They are more anti-customer-oriented, influencing more people in inheritance and practice, and continue to strengthen and advance the trend of the times.

[Theology, after all, is the study of man. 】

The words of Megan's sacrifice sounded in his mind.

"Just like the Temple and Emperor Wind."

Thales subconsciously said:

"The meanings of their opposition to each other have been passed down from thousands to thousands of practitioners from ancient times to the present.

They are constantly changing and entangled in countless realities and politics.

They screamed in each round of blade-to-blade strikes, and their voices were melodious.

In this second, Taylor thought of the confrontation between the talented Nessi and Toledo.

But the next moment, what he saw was the banquet hall last night, where D.D and Anke's angry fight.

No, not only them.

Majoros, Doyle, Glover ...

Caslan, Cohen, Miranda ...

"They live in every warrior, every weapon, every battle."

Thales is idyllic:

"Since then, one after another, the competition has not been successful for thousands of years."

"Until now."

Never leave, never diminish, never decline.

It's just that people are among them.

Daily use.

I don't know for a long time.

Can't escape its sheath.

Mallos tasted for a moment, then suddenly smiled:

"It seems that I don't need to say anything more."

Taylor also laughed.

He looked at the weapon rack on the training ground, raised his head, and looked at the gloomy sky.

At that moment, he just felt that everything was in the air.

Perhaps this is the string of the times.

Thiers is heartfelt:

It is the syllable that it plays in every detail of history.

Tiny without trace, but with endless shadows.

It seems that it is absent, but it is heavy and difficult.

"Malos, the genres you said before ..."

Taylor sighed slowly.

"I went back and checked the information."

Majoros looked at the Duke of Xinghu and felt the latter's weight.

Just listen to Tyres slowly:

"The offensive and defensive faction, or the northern faction, began in successive years of star-to-Exeter conflict at the border."

"The guerrillas are inherited from the empire-era church armies and were once the guardians of the temple of faith."

"New trend, it is reflected in modern mercenaries and adventurers."

"These martial arts have their origins, right."

Thiels stared at Mallorse:

"Like today, the Temple and the Emperor Wind."

Majoros looked back at him for a long time, and then he said quietly:

"War and chaos, peace and prosperity, can give birth to different martial arts and warriors, or colorful and incredible, or uniform style."

The watcher looks at the horizon into the distance:

"I heard that in the Eastern Lands, the farther away we are, the more different Wuyi is."

Thiels chuckled, relieved.

"The changes of the times have influenced and shaped everything," the prince said with affection:

"Cause and effect are successive, connected one after the other, no one can do anything, nothing can be taken off."

As for those technological means that can go beyond history and can develop smoothly ...

Beyond the times, you can also kill the secret recipes of the Quartet ...

Thiels sighed.

Sure enough, it can only appear in rebirth and transcendence novels.

"But there is one thing that will never change."

Mallores stood up, his face solemn and cold.

"All martial arts are, in the final analysis, violent."

"All violence, without the mask, can kill someone."

The watchman is profoundly authentic:

"Your Highness, be careful."

Tyers frowned.

Power comes from violence.

Is it?


Thiers lowered his eyes:

"Why do you tell me this and demonstrate teaching?"

Majoros took a breath and spit it out slowly.

"Because, this is the class you are going to take today."

He looked at the main building of Mindith Hall with a dim look, and he didn't know what to expect.

"Are you ready?"

Are you ready?

Taylor didn't answer immediately.

What he thought of at the moment was another thing.

Since the martial arts style is so, the power of the end is also so, with the imprint of the people, engraved with the traces of the times, reflecting the changes in power in the real world.

Then ...

Taylor's eyes sharpened.

In the era when the magic tower has not collapsed, the mages have not yet become extinct, and those times when knowledge has not been listed as taboo or worldly supremacy ...

What does magic look like?

How is it intertwined with people, closely related to the times, and entangled with reality?

At the time when Thales was enthralled.

"Sir, Your Highness!"

In the distance, with the sound of footsteps, was the intense voice of the security officer Bastia, ringing through the training ground:

"Here comes the Fuxing Palace!"

At that moment, Taylor and Mallorse were silent.

Bastia's strong body stepped onto the ground of the training ground and stirred up endless dust:

"Her Majesty the King!"

"Call the Duke of Xinghu urgently, and see you in the palace immediately!"

Thiers was silent for a while.

Mallorse was also motionless.

They ignored the anxiety of the security officer.

Finally, when Bastia couldn't help repeating it, Taylor stood up slowly.


"Yeah, Majoros."

Tyers took a deep breath.

He smiled slightly and answered the watchman's question just now: "Warm up."

"I'm ready."

(End of this chapter)

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