Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 559: All

Chapter 559: All

The Fuxing Palace is the same as before.

Cold and dead, clear and kill.

Pedal, pedal, pedal ...

Taylor followed behind Baron Quentin, the head of the court, listening to his footsteps echoing, and again felt the impenetrable depression.

It was a dim light that could not be illuminated without the lights on.

Behind the Duke, Mallorse was decent as usual. In fact, there were many people who guarded Taylors out of the Minds Hall, but only those who were allowed to accompany him into the palace were Mallorse.

This is not a good sign.

But unlike the last (quietly paid attention) treatment, everyone along the way—regardless of the guard ’s servants and noble vassals—was respectful and saluting him.

I don't know why.

So, how much will he pay for his choice last night?

Thiels was in a mess.

The court director in front of him gave a light cough, and the prince instinctively supported his chest and abdomen with perfect manners.

After absconding, they did not go to the previous chamber, but came to a higher level.

The corridors on this level are flanked by portraits of the kings of all ages in various periods, which made Tyers' eyes wide open:

The son of the King of Renaissance, John I, who built the nine-star crown, was glamorous. Although his nickname was "Black Eyes", he gave birth to a pair of clear and touching blond hair, which was quite intriguing and handsome.

Martial arts, the "King of the Blade" Tommond II who kept the blade's collar in a word kept the sitting image, covering up the five short statures contained in his history books (tried to tamper with many times).

The orthodox controversy is the most severe. The "Cutter" Tomond IV who relied on the palace changed his grim expression and gloomy eyes. The artist successfully used light and shadow to make his face look eerie and uncomfortable.

Su Mei III looks modest and stable, and with carefully modified stubble, it is definitely a middle-aged handsome uncle sought after by other people in this world. It is hard to believe that this is a cunning and insidious star "Hulang".

On the second day of adult pro-government and the day before the wedding, the regretful death of Bancroft II, King of Regrets, looked awkward, and his grievance was unawakened, which complemented his nickname. .

The portrait of the "surviving king" Elland IV, who had been ill-willed and unwilling to fight for power since he was a child, married eight times and became wealthy and worry-free. The portrait at the coronation ceremony looked frightened and helpless. This may have been his 55 It was told to change back to Canxing's surname, inherit the throne, and by the way return all the huge property (inherited from the seven widow wives) to the royal family.

The Queen of the North, shrouded in solemn and bloated to deformed Chinese clothes, was solemn and aggressive, and she could not see the characteristics of women. She said that in the history of the eunuchs, "the beauty of the country was overwhelming, and all nations were overwhelmed. "Double Ten Colors" has a long history.

"The King of Sands" Kessel IV looked up from the sky, mighty and sunny, but this can't hide the mediocrity and cowardice that he passed along with his nickname as a joke: after the fierce defeat of the expedition to the desert, he left the army in fright. He buried himself in the sand with a thunderbolt, and finally escaped, leaving the famous phrase "Hide is equal to invincibility."

Obviously, the three giant portraits combined with the historical background in the Mindice Hall are even more impressive, but the portraits here also have their own characteristics, reflecting the techniques and habits of different artists, including the artistic style of different periods.


Thiels looked at them quietly, suddenly thinking of something strange.

Regardless of these court portraits or the legendary three kings in Mindice Hall, all the people in the paintings look ...

Not sincere.

Eventually, they stopped in front of a tightly guarded stone room, and the Royal Guard's chief commander, Lord Adrian, appeared before them, gentle but not dignified.

"Baron Quentin," Adrian first saluted the lead court director:


The court director shook his hands and looked indifferent.

"Okay, okay, forgive me for now, I'm going to pay the tailor's tailor fees."

Baron Quentin has a sloppy attitude, with a little bit of resentment between the lines:

"You still have to stare at the purchase of royal wine glasses, you know-glass, glass, wine, glasses! What a big expense, sloppy!"

Wine glass.

Taylor stood behind him with a faint expression.

Captain Adrian just squinted and smiled.

Thiels finally sighed and sincerely apologized:

"I am sorry, Baron."

Baron Quentin turned back and stared.

"Oh, Your Highness, you better be!"

The court director was rude, raised the volume, fluttered, and righteous:

"For the sake of your ancestors, do you think that the royal family's money fell from the sky? It's all fat and anointed, so generous!"

Baron Quentin gave him a last glance, and left angrily.

There was a terrified Taylor with a narrow neck.

"Please understand that Baron Quentin has been managing court affairs for thirty years. He is pragmatic and meticulous, but also stubborn," Adrian explained with a smile:

"In the past, Weilai was launched, even His Majesty Eddie would let him make three points."

Thiels forced himself into an understanding smile.

"His Royal Highness, Lord Majorus," Adrian then formally saluted the two:

"Welcome to the Mizen Conference Room."

The captain of the guard turned back and raised his hand, showing a two-foot-high stone gate to Taylor:

"Alias ​​'Ballard Room'."

In the dim light from the narrow stone windows in the distance and the illumination of two immortal lights, there were at least ten royal guards on both sides of the gray stone gate, all of them were serious and unsmiling.


Thiers narrowed his eyes and looked at this special stone gate, recalling the royal genealogy of these days:

"You mean the King of the Stars who ended the third century,‘ believer ’Ballard I?”

Adrian smiled.


"Four hundred years ago, Kane led the all-out insane 'mad soldiers' to invade, and the tide swept the kingdom until it was under the Eternal Star City-coincided with the reign of King Ballard."

The captain looked back at Shimen, his words sighing.

Taylor groaned for a moment:

"I've heard this story from the north, Grand Duke Kahn Trudeda of Exeter, and his 'Giant Spirit Crusade', which the North Nobles are proud of to this day."

"So, Ballard, was he born here or succeeded here?"

Captain Adrian hummed and shook his head:

"Under the city, when the mountains and rivers were broken, Ballard I summoned the courageous courtiers into the palace, gathered in the same room, regardless of their origin, and gave them a long table to determine the country."

Adrian was quite agitated:

"It was the first imperial conference in the history of the kingdom, and it was held regularly afterwards to deal with national politics and gradually become a system that has been passed down for four hundred years."

"So there is the 'Ballard Room' of Mizen."

Thiers was musing, not saying anything.

The captain of the guard suddenly realized his malady, and he laughed at himself, giving way.

"His Majesty's meeting with several adults is ongoing, Your Highness, please come in."

Taylor frowned:

"The conference before the Imperial Palace? Now?"

"Maybe I should wait until ..."

But Lord Adrian interrupted him.

"His Majesty sees Her Majesty, and you are the Duke of the Kingdom's Xinghu," the captain of the Guard was modest and polite, but with a different strength:

"The court prelude is right, please pay attention to manners."

Adrian whispered:

"You don't have to be too 'Northern.'"

Tyers frowned.

Adrian said quietly, and the guard's subordinates who approached the goalkeeper:

"Open the door, Marico, remember to lightly."

Thiers took this opportunity to organize his dress and did not forget to tilt his head, and calmly asked Mallorce behind:

"Any suggestions?"

Somehow, Mallos, standing in front of Ballard's room, was expressionless at this moment:


His reply is like Wubo Gujing:

"do not ask me."

Thiels turned back.


It is indeed his favorite guard captain.

This suggestion is sincere and in place, it is simply too useful.

Thiels thought sarcastically.

But when he remembered the portrait of the king that he had seen on the road, he found that he had no impression of Ballard I.

Either it was missed, or it was in a humble corner.


In the soft opening of the stone door, Taylor's lips remained motionless.

With a frown on Mallorce behind him, he quietly moved forward:


Tyers looked at the larger and larger stone gates, and murmured with a murmur:

"Four hundred years ago, King Ballard first took over as his elder brother, only seventeen years old, facing a crisis.

The prince narrowed his eyes:

"At that time, the person who really had the right to hold an imperial conference and made a decision to resist the" giant madness "was a woman.

Thiels turned back and smiled at Mallorce:


"Mrs. Iron Spike, Eleanor."

Majoros frowned.

"And this place should actually be called 'Eleanor Room'."

The next second, Thiels turned forward, and in the respectful eyes of the guards on both sides, he passed over the stone gate and plunged into darkness.

Look calm.

Walk calmly.

With a light sound, the stone door closed, completely covering the figure of the Duke of Xinghu.

Mallos looked at the deep stone door, and then pursed his lips, his voice almost obscure:

"Is it."

Outside the stone gate, Adrian walked towards Mallorse and patted him on the shoulder.

The watchman nodded:

"Is there anything I need to worry about last night?"

"Like the assassin, how did he enter the king's banquet with weapons?"

Adrian smiled:


Mallorce frowned.

But before he thought about it, the captain wrapped his arms around him and half dragged him away from Ballard's room:

"So, what about Mindith Hall, Tomond?"

The captain of the guard kindly asked the nephew he had grown up watching all the way, as if pulling home:

"Compared to this?"

Mallus became indifferent again:

"Very good, pretty bright."

Adrian nodded.

"Yes," the captain of the guard flashed:

"Only Liangtang?"

"Time is still short," Mallorse said in an unusual tone:

"Wait a little longer, I'll tell you."

Adrian laughed, and he let go of Mallorse.

"When do you plan a holiday for yourself?"

The elder captain who was quite old pressed his own waist: "You know, my wife recently met a couple of good unmarried girls and shouldn't mind ..."

But Mallos suddenly interrupted him:

"team leader."

He didn't say anything, just expressionless.

Adrian stared at him for a long time before nodding.

"His Royal Highness is not coming out so soon," the captain said lightly:

"Old rules, wait in the guard room."

Mallos was slow.

Lord Adrian smiled at him:

"You know, paperwork."

Mallos was silent for a second.

"Of course," the watchman said with a grin, and smiled:



Thiels walked into the imperial conference room and found that it was actually smaller than he thought (after all, there is a contrast between the Hall of Stars and the Chamber, including the bright star tomb room). The dome is low, the walls are narrow, and the revival is inherited. The palace hall is uniquely cold and dim.

Really a little black house.

The prince spoke silently.

Under the light of the eternal light, there was a long table surrounded by many people, and there was a faint voice.

Tyers took a deep breath, not thinking about the unhappy future, moving forward slowly.

As he approached, the voices around the long table gradually weakened, and most people turned back to look at the newcomers to the Imperial Conference.

Thiels noticed that none of the people present at the long table were ordinary people:

The belly-bellied Prime Minister of the Kingdom, Bob Cullen, Duke of the East China Sea, still smiled, as if everything was as good as ever.

His familiar foreign minister and teacher, "Foxy Fox," Gilbert, was worried and restless.

There is also a military adviser to the Wang family, who has a wealth of experience throughout his life, and Sotho Reid, nicknamed "Big Soldier," including Juke Mann, the treasurer of the Kingdom who is said to be able to "draw money from his crotch."

Viscount Conney, who had been to Exeter to see the prince and had just been promoted to minister of commerce at the beginning of the year, was also here and smiled at him kindly; the dormant was the Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husband, Lord Crappen; and almost Became an ad hoc counselor of faith in the Thessalist of Thessalonians, and the young and promising Sunset Church Associate Bishop of the Central Diocese, Stilinedes.

Taylor also noticed that there was another person standing under the long table, far away from the nobles. It was a scary-looking man with a scar on his face, and a pair of sharp eyes stabbed at Taylor. As if with bad intentions.

The prince wondered: Who is that? Why is he the only one standing?

And Katherel V, the host who can't be ignored here, sits at the top of the long table, with a casual attitude, he enjoys the stone window light behind him. Depressed inky silhouette.

With a little sip, Tyers swallowed his throat and approached respectfully.


He saluted gracefully:

"My lords, good night."

Gilbert first stood up and saluted him:

"Duke Taylor, good night."

The emperors before the long table moved one after another, and the foreign minister rose to greet him.

But the king's voice sounded, interrupting this perhaps irrelevant greeting:

"Find a chair yourself."

The ministers were silent.

They looked at Thales first, then looked at the king, and finally did not complete the greetings, but returned to the place in succession.

Gilbert intimately shifted to the seat next to him, taking the initiative to make way for Taylor.

Thales nodded gratefully, stepped forward and sat down, greeting the appointor of Bishop Stilianides on the other side.

At least, they reserved a seat for themselves.

At least, they didn't directly confess their teachers.

At least, they didn't just throw a sword over him and let him "cut your own throat."

Heading on the long table, the man against the light changed his supporting arm, knocked on the long table, and said indifferently:

"Continue, Thoreau."

It seemed that the frost had plummeted, and the solemn atmosphere that had thawed a little because of the prince's arrival was frozen again.

On the other side, military consultant Soto Red cleared his throat, he stood up, and the imperial conference resumed.

"In any case, the Elite Maine was secretly withdrawn from Fort Liberty in advance, and the ambush in the wild, this decision of the Liberal Alliance was extremely bold," a sorcerous sartor knocked at the long table, spreading a huge map on it, Black and white chess pieces:

"It should be noted that if the defense of the city is not favorable because of the internal emptiness, the fall of Liberty Fortress will end the war."

Thoreau's face was serious. He reached for the castle sign marked "Fort Liberty", withdrew one of the three or four black pawns inside, and dropped it out of the map.

Only then did Taylor notice that the subject of the Imperial Conference was not him, at least not the assassination last night.

But ...

"Master Souduo has just returned from the Wild West along with the standing army," Gilbert whispered in the prince's ear:

"You can get front-line intelligence about the Exeter battle earlier."


The prince's mood was tense-this was a feeling he had never walked into Ballard's room alone.

Thiers frowned, recognizing the contents of the map on the long table: Fort Liberty was on one side, Qiyuan City was on the other, and there were countless mountains and rivers and villages and castles in the middle.

At this moment, more than a dozen white pawns began to pray for the far city, and they were almost imposing, occupying most of the important points on the map.

They are powerful, as opposed to Liberty Fort, which appears to be isolated with only two or three black chess pieces.

Just like a sleepy rat in a cage.

And there-Tyres was looking at a dozen white chess-with his friends.

"However, the previous Lien Chan battles have promoted the arrogance and arrogance of the Northlanders."

"They thought that their opponents would be as strong as they were 20 years ago, and they would stick to the strong city with the help of geographical fortifications. They would only keep scattered troops to maintain the rear. . "

Zorduo's words were dignified. He moved the pieces and pushed a dozen white chess along the line forward until he surrounded Black's Liberty Castle on three sides, leaving only a suspicious gap.

It's like a trap left by a mousetrap.

"They didn't even spend much energy to confirm, to see if the occupied area behind them was foolish, and to check whether the real main force was hidden among the scattered enemies that fled along the way."

Compared to Exeter's absolute superiority on the map, the military director rubbed a handful of pawns behind White, looking heavy and serious.

The king was silent.

Gilbert sighed and interjected:

"After all, the strength of Exeter's footsteps is strong, and it is unparalleled in the world."

"If there is no strong city iron rider as a cricket, who encounters in the wild, who would dare to attack it?"

Thiers remembered the black sand collar soldiers who had forgotten their lives under the Broken Dragon Fortress.

Sodor nodded, but whispered:

"That was the first mistake they made."

This remark was astonishing, and tightened everyone's hearts.

Sodor looked up:

"News from the mystery department?"

Under the eyes, the man with the scar face who had been standing under the long table all the time finally came forward.

Thiels reacted: it was the spy of the kingdom's secret branch.

"According to the intelligence of various parties on the front line," In the face of many nobles, the scarfaced man took out a stack of papers, and spoke fluently, without tension:

"While the Northlanders were attacking the city and the battle was fierce, the Liberal Alliance withdrew secretly, and the ambush troops suddenly launched, boldly attacking the back road.

His voice is cold:

"Within a week, Exeter's supply points along the Shanliu River were scorched and transportation efficiency fell sharply."

Following his words, Thoreau Reed calmly moved the black knight off the map back into the field, firmly seated behind the White front.

"Maybe I'm too old to remember ..."

Prime Minister Cullen adjusted the position of his stomach.

"But it's a little familiar."

As soon as this remark was made, all the juniors in this room moved together.

Soto nodded, but did not answer directly, but signaled the secret section to continue.

Scarface man coughed and changed a piece of paper:

"Supply cannot be stabilized. In just one week, the northerners relied on siege, and the proud Epee regiment and heavy armored swordsmen were affected. Several sieges were about to succeed, and all fell short when they saw success.

"Their group cavalry is powerful, but they have not been able to find enough food and grass in the Free League of the strong walls and clear fields. They can only stay in place and wait for the results of the siege."

There was a silence around the long table, and the king remained motionless.

It was Gilbert who spoke first and broke the silence:

"So Exeter was so defeated? So simple?"


Thoreau Red snorted softly, staring at the numerous white chess pieces on the map, revealing his dread:

"Of course not."

The military adviser looked at the man in the secret department.

The scarfaced man didn't panic, he cried:

"According to our information, in the first few weeks after the supplies were attacked, the Exeters still retained more than 90% of their absolute combat power, enough to complete several decisive field operations or siege, far beyond the Free Alliance's ability to resist."

But his voice changed:

"But at this time, Exeter's commanders were divided on what to do next."

"Divergence ..."

Gilbert groaned.


Thiels felt ashamed of the battle report Gilbert had told him last night.

Thoreau Red was still serious, and he nodded.

"Qiyuan city forces dominated the entire army, and the total attack was determined."

"The watchtower city wants to reshape the front and slowly erode."

Speaking of which, Sodor's complexion slowly condensed:

"The leader of Longxiao City, the one-armed Kierkegur, advocated blocking the main road and besieging without attacking, while deploying a small number of manpower to form a rare and elite but equally mobile and flexible task force. One after the other, they tracked and annihilated the Freedom League's only remaining trump card in the wild. "

"Once it succeeds, as long as the enemy's head is thrown into Liberty Fort, the city will break without attack, and it will be difficult to solve."

Hearing the familiar name, Taylor thought of the one-armed earl who was quiet in the day of listening to politics, but finally hammered out.

But others don't think so.

"Ah, Kierkegor, that one-armed bastard, I remember him."

The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Kingdom Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husband, who had been dozing off, nicknamed "The Ghost", suddenly woke up and had a lingering fear:

"Eighteen years ago, under his command, the Yankees rushed forward swiftly, besieged and aided, and eventually conquered the cold fortress, causing the northern border to fall."

"Sure enough, his strategy is the most poisonous."

Prime Minister Cullen scratched his head:

"So, three ways, which one is better?"

The kings were silent for a while.

"I think it should be a long stream of water, and it should be slowly," Viscount Connie, the Minister of Commerce and Trade, was in his prime, but his choice was different:

"Big fights and small ones, the most jealous of quick success and shortcomings, not to mention the Liberty Alliance is already a trapped beast, it does not matter to take risks."

But an old treasurer, Joco Man shook his head and disapproved:

"No no no, the North's biggest advantage is that the Thunder can't be stopped by a single blow,"

"What's more, Chen Bing is out, that burden and expenses ... Believe me, the sooner the war ends, the better, once and for all is the most advantageous."

But compared to them, Taylor noticed:

Gilbert frowned, silent.

At this moment, the king raised his head, exposing sharp eyes in the dark outline:

"Sodor, what's your opinion?"

The eyes of everyone looked at the military adviser.

Soto didn't answer immediately, only to see him dignified, his fingers swept from one end of the map to the other, as if playing a game with people in the battlefield.

"When it comes to fighting, the Northlanders are unambiguous."

Thoreau looked at the white pawns full of pictures.

"Not to mention that they have advantages everywhere and have the upper hand."

"I think from the rear attack, they have seen through the Free League's calculations, knowing that the other party is taking risks to disperse their forces, and they know that the enemy is flawed at this moment.


"Big Soldier" punched hard and hit the table.

With a big wave, he first pushed a large number of white chess pieces to the position of Liberty Fort, and then knocked down all the black chess in the Fort:

"Regardless of deaths and injuries, attack with full force, the Liberty League cannot stop it."

Sotho scattered the white evenly, covering every key point on the map, until the black knight who fell behind had nowhere to go, and eventually fell:

"Consolidate the defense area and occupy it steadily. The Free Alliance cannot stand it."

In the end, the military adviser shook his fist and slowly recovered the battle. Then he also picked two knights from White, placed them with the black knight, and pushed the latter down:

"Count on the enemy's attack, and use the singularity, the Free Alliance cannot prevent it."

Thoreau took a deep breath and looked up at the monarchs present, his gaze paused as he passed by Thales.

"Whether it's a forcible attack, Xu Tu or Qi Bing, all three are good strategies."

Thiels nodded slowly, Yu Guang glanced at Viscount Connie and Juco Mann, and found that they both nodded with satisfaction.

Well, to say the least, no one is guilty.

But the words of the military adviser turned:

"But when three great options are put together ..."

Thoreau's tone changed, and his anger was high.

He nodded to the scar face man in the secret department:

The latter cleared his throat:

"Our intelligence is limited and the exact decision in Exeter's military tent is unknown."

"But the siege was long, and the northerners who were impatient with the delay finally chose-the soldiers divided into three paths and attacked long."

With this remark, most people at the Imperial Conference were taken aback.

Not even Tyers frowned.

Among the crowd, only Gilbert sighed.

"Division? Or three?"

Viscount Conney was puzzled, apparently unable to understand:

"The small people of the Free Confederacy are weak, ten dead are dead, and the risk of division is still understandable, but the Northlanders clearly have an army and dominate their advantages ... Are they crazy?

Suddenly groaned amongst the questions.

"The commanders' explanations are: first, to ease the logistical pressure brought about by the army's concentration in one place, to rationally allocate supplies for the total attack, and to protect the rear supply line of the rumbling crane, and then, to chase the attack around the rear Finally, the Ghost Force will expand and consolidate the occupied area to facilitate the collection of on-site forage. "

Thiels froze.


Each reason is extremely legitimate, well-founded, and even thoughtful and irrefutable.

It covers the assault, Xu Tu, and Qi Bing just mentioned.


Thoreau hummed.

"Kids know that you can only choose one of multiple choice questions," he stared at White's chess on the map, reached out his hands, and divided them into three sets:

"As an adult, I want everything?"

At this moment, the military adviser was in contradiction. On the one hand, he despised and on the other hand, he was filled with distress and pain to his colleagues in the line:

"Insufficient greed."


"It's not bad to die."

Among the horrified monarchs present, Taylor looked at one of the three sets of white chess in a mixed mood.

No one here, like him, has spent so long in the North and had such close contact with the people of the North.

Disagreement-he knows the answer behind.

But he was even more frightened, panic-stricken.

Is that right?

Happy Women's Day.

Not only for women, but also for all those who are struggling in the social structure.

(Make a sleep first, there will be a second chapter in the evening, probably around twelve.)

(End of this chapter)

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