Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 560: Cause and effect

Chapter 560: Causes and Effects

In the long repression, the Duke Coulomb sighed for the first time:

"I think, division, is that their second mistake?"

Thoreau Reid's face was tight and he kept silent.

Heading on the long table, King Kessel sat upright, and for the first time revealed his grim face from the darkness:


The long-speaking foreign minister, Gilbert the "Foxy Fox" had a solemn expression and nodded gently.

"Perhaps in thinking, the Exeters understand the pros and cons of this matter, but they can't do it ..."

Taylor's teacher was sharp-eyed and began to analyze the situation:

"Qi Yuancheng has vital interests and the most motivation is to seek progress."

"It is not your own responsibility to guard the city, you must be cautious and naturally seek stability."

Gilbert murmured:

"As for Longxiao City, one of them has a profound heritage and is dreadful.

"It's the most awkward position and the dilemma."

Thiels had a heavy heart.

"They tend to outrageously win prestige, and that's normal."

Gilbert sighed slowly:

"I think the consideration behind this choice is not the military, but the politics."

"A hundred stubborn wise men are not as good as a hundred fools who work together."

Thiels looked at the split white chess on the map with a mixed mood.

Do not.

Selma, what did you think then?

"When it comes to politics ..."

Joco Man interrupted this little dignity, listening only to the financial director's doubts:

"This war was provoked by my loved ones. The battle was going on, and Rumba didn't tamper with it? For example, prices and food, intelligence, and public opinion? To provoke the Grand Dukes of the Three Cities?"

Thoreau looked at the Scarface Man in Mystery.

The latter gathered the information in his hand and nodded:

"Since Charman's coronation, the black sand collar has been stumbling the archduke who does not respect the king's order. This is normal."

But the tone of the shameful man turned:

"But this time it was strange. From declaring war to conscription, from promotion to receiving war, from undercover investigation to officials, Heisha collar stopped almost all the internal and external means of harassment and obstruction. He did not interfere in the tri-city war, but focused on his own Resolve internal affairs. "

The monarchs at the Imperial Conference were all together.

The king's eyes were on the foreign minister.

Seeing that Kilber nodded, he was worried:

"Yes, in terms of diplomacy, King Chaman even issued a circular, called for solidarity, condemned the Liberty League, and fully supported the three cities' westward expedition to seek justice.

As soon as this remark was made, everyone was stunned.

Only Thales bit his lower lip.

"So this time," Prime Minister Cullen rubbed his chin, thoughtfully:

"Not only is Rumba untouched, but more than ever, a good and generous king?"

The princes looked at each other, very puzzled.

Until the king's words broke the doubt, as if throwing a piece of ice on the lake:

"He moved."

King Kessel clenched his hands, his eyes flashed coldly:

"In a motionless way."

The words fell and many still didn't understand.

"Move it? Move your hands and feet? In a motionless way?"

Viscount Conny wondered:

"Sir, I don't understand."

"You mean, Rumba has an undisclosed private deal with them?"

The king did not answer, but raised his eyes.


On the long table, the only teenager clenched his knees subconsciously.

But King Kessel's voice still sounded coldly, and penetrated his ears unhindered:

"Tell me why King Chaman moved."

"How did he move?"

Taylor was cold in his heart.

Why did Charman move?

With all his eyes in one shot, he looked up hard.

Thiels met the king's gaze.

On the other side, Gilbert gave a cough, despite his worries, and encouraged him with his eyes.

Therefore, the words of Duke Xinghu Dale sounded for the first time at the Imperial Conference.

"After Nunn's death, the only motivation that allowed Walton, Ronnie, and Lecco to unite is the only way that King Chaman did not speak rules and show mercy, which made them feel threatened.

The second prince took a deep breath and tried not to think about the other, slowly speaking:

"But when King Chaman made it clear that he did not want to blend in with them ..."

Thiers didn't go on.

The ministers looked at each other with a slight enlightenment.

But the king's words murmured again, with the meaning of inspection and even interrogation:

"anything else?"

Tyls tightened his knees.

He worked hard to release the palm of his knee.

"Originally, Long Xiao, Qi Yuan, and the three cities combined to seek the Free Alliance were a move against the king."

The Duke of Xinghu spoke again, and this time everyone listened carefully to his analysis:

"But after the day of the political day, Rumba's surprise visit to Longxiao City, Exeter knew the whole country: the king won a great victory in the political battle."

Political Day.

Thiers worked hard to dispel the shadow of that day:

"The three cities would not make much sense again against King Chaman through this war."

"They lost their greatest motivation to fight the king, but they were too embarrassed to say that their promises could not be recovered, and they had to be mobilized to fulfill the covenant.

The princes of the meeting whispered and nodded to each other.

Tyers breathed a sigh of relief.

"anything else."

The king's words sounded again, and he seemed unwilling to let him go.

Taylor was silent for a moment.

At that moment, he knew faintly what King Kessel wanted him to say.


With an expressionless face and a chaotic mood, Thales spoke instinctively:

"On the day of the alliance, the prince of stars who was a hostage of Longxiao City secretly linked with King Chaman ..."

The ministers looked back and forth, meaning at that moment was unknown.

Tyers breathed in a stun:

"Later he was abducted and disappeared."

"That not only disrupted the situation, it also made the three cities that had made the covenant lose trust ... suspicion of each other."

Speaking of which, Thales was completely empty.


Everything is connected.

It was his choice of listening to politics that affected the battle at Fort Liberty, thousands of miles away.

Perhaps this is what King Kessel asked him to say.

Among the factors that caused the three cities to centrifuge and caused the small slider to fail ...

Have him.

Thiels felt a stun for a while.

"That's it. For this expedition, Longxiao City is the name, Qiyuan City is for the benefit, and the Guarding City is swinging in the meantime, seeking fishing.

Thiers tried to open and close his lips, as if talking about something unrelated to him:

"They have lost the biggest foundation of sincere cooperation, and only have their own ghostly appearances."

"Either division or division is doomed."


Each has a ghost, and looks divorced.

Isn't this his biggest experience in the North in recent years?

Isn't it his strongest weapon against Rumba on the night of Dragon Blood?

The prince said nothing, and looked stiff, leaving a long silence on the long table.

It took a while before Kessel hummed.

Rarely, perhaps for the first time in his life, he praised his son:


On the other side, Gilbert sighed and took the chance.

"The throne is far away, and the enemy destroys the ghosts."

The Foreign Minister's words were filled with emotion:

"In the far-flung border of the West, King Chaman just deliberately stayed still. Before things were slowly fermenting, the northerners forgot: why they stood together and why they fought side by side."

In Ballard's room, everyone was immersed in the unspeakable atmosphere at this moment.

Until Soto was too long.

"His Highness is right, and Earl Casso is right."

"It's not war, it's not military, it's not chess," exhausted the eyes of the military adviser:

"It's politics."

"Maybe at the negotiating table and in the banquet room, facing the king's step by step, with a common purpose, the alliance of the three cities can be as close as brothers."

"But in this case, when the army went to the battlefield to meet each other, when the stakes involved life and death, the three cities had their own calculations, they did not belong to each other, and there was no strong man like King Nuen ...

Sodor looked sore:

"So it ’s unavoidable to have a trance, to work together, or even to diverge ideas.

Taylor closed his eyes gently.

At that moment, what flashed in his mind was a piece of memory from a long time ago, which seemed to be a few ancient poems:

[Military forces are uneven, and the geese are walking. 】

Viscount Connie coughed:

"I felt when I walked in the north. I felt that when I took a strong risk, when I stepped back, every move of the pro-King's king went straight, I saw everything clearly and sat down. There must be a master plan. "

On the other side, the man with a scar face in mystery nodded.

"'Night Squad' and Lhasa Kambida have been on the secret list of the mystery department," he replied cautiously:

"We are paying full attention to his every move, whether he meets the king or returns home for vacation."

Viscount Connie nodded with satisfaction.

The king knocked on the desktop:

"carry on."

After experiencing the feelings and sighs just now, the Imperial Conference returned to the previous atmosphere, and Thoraud Reid's voice sounded again:

"After the division, Kelkegur of Longxiao City led the army personally, attacked day and night along the Shanliu River, and bite the only elite of the Freedom League."

He picked one of the three white moves and placed it on the side of the black knight.

Feeling uncomfortable, Tyers watched the war on the long table, and suddenly remembered that he and Ehida first met in Hongfang Street many years ago.

That was also a chess room.

The Qi Demon Master also plans and moves the pieces.

It's just that time has changed and things are different.

"It went well at first, but as the battle progressed ..."

The next moment, Sodor's pupils shrank, and several of his white chess fell down.

"One arm was captured."

The crowd froze for a moment.

Including Thales.

The next second, there was an uproar in the conference room:

"How did you do it?"

"That's Kierkegaard!"

"Long Xiaocheng's elite ..."

"Even without the assistance of the other two cities, you should not lose to such an opponent?"

Facing the tide-like doubts, Soduo also looked dignified, he shook his head:

"Without intelligence, we only know: coincidence or luck, it just happened."

The mysterious Scarface man nodded, confirming the answer from the military adviser.

Taylor's complexion was cloudy, and he remembered Kierkegaard.

The "best man under King Nunn."

It's hard to believe that he will lose to a little-known lone army in a head-to-head match, and he will be captured.

Scarface man turned out information:

"All we know is that after the coach was captured, the hearts of the army of Long Xiaocheng were lost."

"They are losing ground under the aggression of the enemy's flexible attack, and even once failed to command.

"Even the granddaughter herself was separated from the chaos and her whereabouts are unknown."

"The dragons are headless, and they are walking dead."

Dispersed army.

Little slider.

The prince took a deep breath, trying to keep his expression unchanged.

Thiels felt Kilbert's hand pressed against his palm, begging him to be calm.

Sodor's words resounded, replaying the war a thousand miles away:

"At the same time, in the front battlefield, Qiyuan City's troops were on the front line, and they wanted to take advantage of the emptiness inside Fort Liberty and the entire army to overtake and storm the city.

But the next moment, Sodor's face was gloomy, and his fingers kept pounding beside the fortress on the map, shaking the disparate black and white chess pieces on it.

"The Exeters suffered more than expected damage-this time, the Freedom League soldiers and civilians forgot to die, their will was strong, and their resistance was very tenacious."

"Qiyuan City cannot be attacked repeatedly."

The words are dignified, and the meaning behind them is even more disturbing.

"Available repeatedly ..."

Kilbert repeated this sentence silently, feeling.

Amidst the doubts of the ministers, Sodor coughed, moved the last wave of white to the flank, and continued to explain:

"As for the last guards of the city, they went to the surrounding area to consolidate the front line, and by the way collected grain and grass to maintain law and order."

"But instead of gaining a lot, they were met with the resistance of countless bitter people, and the morale of the army was low, like a mire."

The king at the end of the long table frowned and looked at the foreign minister:

"Bitter people?"

Gilbert held up his glasses and opened a record at hand:

"Most of the Liberal League, the eastern part of the Kingdom of the North Sea, including the western part of Qiyuan City. These areas were originally part of the empire's Xitao province, and the aboriginal people of the area were called Xitao 'Bitter People'.

"Although at the end of the Golden Corridor, most of them live in poverty and have a low status. For hundreds of years, whether it was Exeter and the Comas, or the Freedom Senate established by the nobles in compromise, Are quite harsh on them. "

When Taylor moved, he remembered the story of Qi Tao ’s heir, Ian the “hate ghost” Ian told him.

"I do not understand."

The Minister of Commerce and Trade, Viscount Connie opened his mouth and asked everyone's questions:

"It's hard to resist but also strong-willed ... In my visit to the Golden Corridor, the soldiers and the people of the Liberal League should not be so powerful? Not to mention the Yankees?"

Thoreau shook his head:

"No, it's because they're facing northerners."

This time, Sodor looked at the sly fox of the stars.

Gilbert sighed and reopened the record:

"Twenty years ago, Surin Walton, the son of Nunn, led the army to defeat Fort Liberty."

"After breaking the city, in order to avenge the dead subordinates, he slaughtered the city for three days without any plunder, resulting in ten rooms and nine empty rooms, and the people were starving."

Tyler frowned.

This information ...

Exeter records ...


Treasurer, Joco Man nodded gloomily:

"I remember it. It is said that the Northlanders wanted to block the news at the beginning-even better people, compared the non-human beast with Prince Horace, and laughed away."

Gilbert frowned and continued:

"The Governor of the Alliance was severely cut off by ten fingers, dragged around the city for twenty miles and died. The corpse showed the public, embodying the example of the emperor, its shape was terrible, and it scared the surroundings."

The foreign minister lowered his glasses and covered his logbook:

"The current Governor of the Alliance is the grandson of the previous Governor."

Thiels looked at Gilbert's logbook.

The history on paper is an understatement, and the past of the reality is heavily suppressed.

"So they have to fight."

At this, Prime Minister Cullen sighed deeply:

"The tyranny is at the head. Nowhere is the people naturally weak and slaughtered."

Maybe it was the point of this sentence, the Yuqian meeting was silent for a while, and no one answered.

Only Gilber nodded and said with emotion:

"Causes and consequences. What this war looks like today is actually doomed two decades ago."

"Now, the Northlanders are just for their cruel atrocities before ..."

"It's just a debt repayment."

There is another chapter, which can be changed at about three or four.

(End of this chapter)

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