Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 87: Blood type true (bottom)

Chapter 87 The True Type of the Blood Family (Part II)

The blood family was surprised to find that Wye closed her eyes tightly.

Is this waiting to die?

It seems that there is no way to know his ability - the young attendant sighs silently.

There is only one solution left.

"Don't always consider the weakness of the other side, Wyah. That's what the military commander should do." The teacher's words echoed in my ear.

Wyatt endured pain, and her right hand turned a single-edged sword into a reverse grip.

"More importantly, take control of your own strongest point."

Wyatt breathed steadily, and her sharp force like a gossamer gathered on his right arm.

His pores were provoked by the end of this kind of power, and suddenly burst like a spike.

"The powerful swordsman in history is all self-centered and has only his own sword in his eyes."

For a moment, the blood family only felt that they were staring at Wyatt's eyes, and it seemed to be staring at a sharp blade.

Is this the power of the end?

The **** face changed greatly.

Before he formed an momentum...

Kill him.

"Swing out your own Supreme sword - this is far more important than winning and losing, more important than life and death!" In the memory, the teacher smiled.

Wye took a deep breath, like a million-dollar practice in the tower, and the power of the end was like a blade.

He saw it.

In the pain of intolerable pain, he saw the sharp sword that was radiated and gave him feedback in this world.

That is the killing of the enemy.

Like a beam of fire in the dark.

So dazzling.

He saw it.

The **** family is squatting, the figure is swift, and the claws are skyrocketing!

Go to hell, short-lived with a sword.

You have no chance to use your final power.

"Wai Ya, understand your power to end."

No matter what the other party is.

No matter the enemy is strong.

Do not care about the gains and losses.

"It's the power to swim on the edge of madness." I remember that the teacher sighed.

I only need to make sure that my strongest blow is enough.

"There is another unlucky name..." She picked up the sword and wrote a few words.

The **** family laughed and instantly attacked him.


"There is no return to the front." Teacher, she is lonely.

Wye slammed her eyes.

The sword in his hand has already been thrown out.

The sword did not return.

Sharp and unmatched.


Blood smashed.

Wyatt stumbles in pain!

The blood family shattered Wye's right shoulder clothing and landed on the ground.

The blood family is puzzled and looks at his own claws.

Didn't kill him?

Why... is it biased?

But he soon knew the answer.

The **** family trembled and looked at their arms carefully, where a blood line appeared.

Do not.

This is impossible.

With my ability...

He can't cut me!


His arms, from below the upper arm, fell smoothly to the ground.

The blood family was shocked and opened his mouth.

This is the degree of sharpness?

He looked up and looked at the single-edged sword.

Obviously just an ordinary sword.


Then, with the **** upper arm in a flush position, a blood line appeared in his chest.


A blunt sound.

His upper body left his torso and fell.

The incision is smooth.

Why - the blood family desperately thought, he wanted to breathe out and scream.

But he can no longer speak out.

The black heart unique to a blood group is divided into upper and lower parts, which are weakly beaten twice in the upper body and the lower body.

Then, the two torso, connected with the **** family's unremarkable expression, became black, small, and shrinking.

"Sorry." After the robbery, Wyatt Kasuo, breathing and breathing, said to the body: "I am not the 'seed' of the Tower of the End... at least not the 'seed' in the traditional sense."

It’s dangerous.

It is actually the ability to reverse the refraction of local light.

Wyatt sighed: No wonder I can't get him - because the part I'm aiming at is the partial illusion that he reflects.

Just as I clearly saw the lower fork, I couldn’t help the newcomer of the river fish.

A footstep came from behind!

Wyah clenched her teeth and turned her sword in a vigilant manner.

I saw Putility supporting the blood-stained Chora, followed by three comets, and squatting out of the bushes.

"Have you seen your Highness?" Putile asked with a frown.

"I have the same problem." Wyatt sighed, slowly sat down, endured severe pain, and used the wild survival method learned in Tali to stop bleeding, and said hard: "We must find him right away!"

"You have to do the worst."

Several private soldiers took over Chora, and Putilai patted the snow on his body and sorted out the collar. He indulged for a while and looked at the sunset that was about to go down.

"The prince is in danger, and we only have these people in front of us."

"It's dusk now, the smoke from the alchemy ball is too big, we can't position the prince."

"Lord Lord," Chora struggled: "Let me down, go to your Highness..."

"I have a younger sister and I am a secretary at the Xicheng Police Hall... If I am dead..."

"You won't die! At least not here!" Putilie interrupted him violently.

The experienced deputy in the group made a slight decision and made a decision.

"Now, in the face of such an enemy, nothing can be done at all!"

"But fortunately, the Broken Dragon Fortress is not far from here."

"Our carriage was frightened in the explosion just now, and it was gone," Puttier looked up and looked at the three private soldiers.

"You three, divided into three different directions, go to the rut to find each carriage, don't hesitate to find it, and the letter crow will first fly the letter to the Broken Dragon Fortress, using the most urgent seventh-order emergency report. ""

"Then solve the horse and use the fastest speed to go to the fortress and ask for help!"

"For the safety of the prince, the task is first, if you encounter a vampire, you can avoid it!"


"Are you finally ready to take out the cards?"

Edda smiled indifferently and shook his ears.

The opposite side of the gate bites his teeth and takes off his coat.

"The small enemy is the first step to take the death," he said coldly. "Not to mention the eternal life like you."

"Look at your skin color," Simon's face suddenly showed the shape of a blood vessel. "Are you a holy elf, a white elf? Or a high elf in the Eastern continent?"

The blood vessels on his face are getting denser, more and more red, and getting darker.

Then, the whole person of Sai Men began to expand and deform, and his life was elevated by seven or eight inches.

White skin peels off into ash, revealing hard, grayish horny.

Simon was groaning in pain, as if he was undergoing torture.

His shoulders gave birth to spurs, and the dark gray bones smashed his back and stretched into a pair of giant wings.

His hair roots became thicker, harder and whiter.

Compared to Hesta and Chris, Simon's face did not become too horrible, but in addition to a pair of bat ears, leaving a strange beauty.

Turned into a "true" gate, coldly open the wings and claws, gray-white eyes to see Edda.

"With the short-lived state of the blood, it can greatly improve the physical fitness of the blood, including endurance, resilience, regenerative power, agility, senses, strength, and even the instinct of combat, and the unique characteristics of each blood. Ability." Edda sighed:

"I just didn't expect it, but I can still make you handsome."

"See how ugly you were before."

Edda’s voice just fell.

The true type of the door has a double wing.

He instantly appeared in front of the elves at a speed that transcended almost all sensory cognition.


First, the sound of the air tearing almost bursting the eardrum!


A huge sharp sound is born out of thin air!

The thick and powerful dark gray giant claws slashed a sharp spark on Edda's blade.

Edda's figure was hit by his claws!

Due to the extreme speed of the gate, the huge wind whistling, this is late.

The elf fell on the snow a dozen meters away and rolled a few laps before hitting a tree and stopping.

"The nonsense can't make you stronger." The real-style gates are more sturdy and hoarse voices, watching the elves who are dying of life on the ground.

The next moment, Simon once again stepped on the speed of the vocal explosion, and immediately rushed to the top of Edda.

He clawed down and pierced Edda's body!

"Speed, speed, and speed," the real game facade is expressionless: "This is my whole and the only ability."

Before Istrian Corleone was promoted to the extreme, before the avatar was true, no one could match the speed of his voice beyond the whole night country.

Even the blues of the past will not work.

But Simon immediately changed his face, his face ugly raised his huge fingers, and provoked Edda's cloak, and a branch inside.

What he realized, the momentary spin, the rapid explosion, brought a huge wind!

But at the moment he turned, a delicate elf scimitar, straight into his left chest.

It seems that it is like Simon himself sent his chest to the front of the blade.

Simon unbelievably looked at the scimitar piercing the heart on his chest, and the pretty and small elf in front of him, who showed a lot of skin, only wearing a delicate platter.

"I don't understand." The real type of Simon sighed.

"The only way to beat the speed is."

Edda pulled out the scimitar coldly and turned handsomely:

"That is an impeccable prejudgment."

Simon's knees fell over his knees.

"No," Simon's body returned to normal, his face was gray: "Impossible."

"There is no perfect prejudgment in the world."

Simon was staring at her.

Edda also looked back at him for a long time.

Finally, in the opposite direction, the elf still sighed and lost.

"It’s hard to play once."

"Don't expose me so quickly."

"Yes, I will not prejudge at all."

"Including the previous dodge, it is not how agile I am..."

Edda pouted and dissatisfied:

"It's 100% confirmation of your next move."

The gate was shocked.

Next action...

One hundred percent...

How did you do it?

But he could only open his mouth and then fell to the ground with powerlessness.

Edda pulled up her cloak and suddenly her face changed. She slammed her head and thought of something.

She was crying and sulking, frowning and muttering: "Do I still have to protect the kid?"



Taylor's brain is empty and looks at Serena.

The second prince recalled what she said when she first met:

[Sister who loves to cry, illegally took advantage of the inheritance of the monarch, the boat of the night wing, stealing the blood sea throne...]

Do not.

So to say.

"Someone can explain the cause and effect to me?" Tyres sighed and looked at the pair of blood sisters in front of him.

"I will know," he said bitterly: "The Queen of a country will not be in danger for no reason, to pursue several political refugees."

More importantly, the so-called allies...

"Hey," Serena smiled, interrupting his mind and waved at Lorana.

Lorana squinted and threw the tays on the black scorpion.

Tyres heads down painfully and squats on the stone coffin.

"More than this, dear Teres." Serena said softly.

In front of her, the Queen of the Night, Catherine's look suddenly changed!

Just listening to Serena smiling, word by word:

"The purpose of her personal coming here is for this coffin."

"This is the only weapon that can deal with the magician."

Tyres jerked!

Just listen to Serena and laugh:

"The legendary anti-magic armed."

"The night is dark."

Tyres stunned and looked at the black coffin under his ass.

This mouth - the coffin that I have climbed into.

Actually it is...

The only weapon that can deal with the magician?

Legendary anti-magic armed?

But Serena hasn't finished yet.

Staring at Cotlina’s murderous gaze, she exclaimed with a word:

"In this, in the seemingly seamless deep black slate, but holding one..."

"Thousand years ago..."

The pupil of Tyres began to shrink and his breathing accelerated.

Until Serena spits out the last words:

"...the magician."

The creation of the world is over 100! Celebrate a hair!

(End of this chapter)

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