Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 88: Your blood, compare and make up

Chapter 88 Your Blood, Compare

Taylor's brain paused for three seconds before he resumed thinking.


A magician?

What a joke!

Thinking of the enchanted magician and his "human ball", Tyres had a lingering sigh of relief and said: "Fortunately, it was sealed..."

Cortiana Corleone looked at Tyres's reaction and frowned.

The smiling face of Serena licked her lips and shook her head: "You misunderstood."

Taylor raised his head in confusion.

"This magician is not being "sealed" - but "detained."

"The seal is permanent."

"And ‘detained’...” Serena looked at Tyres’ ugly face and pointed to the black squat under his ass, chuckling:

"It can be released at any time."

The voice just fell.

Tyres bowed his head in disbelief, looking at the black shackles under his body and feeling the cold temperature.

Release it?

The next moment, he was full of horror, and he was able to pick up like a catapult seat with lightning speed!

If Ginny is here, she will probably be very pleased, and her training has finally worked.

He hurriedly jumped out of the black scorpion and fell on the snow, just want to be farther away from the black cockroach!

"Are you crazy!"

Thales is puzzled and resentful, and screams at Selena:

"Put a magician who can come out at any time... for a whole month!"

Serena smiled in disapproval:

"What is this, this secret, the Corleone family has been guarding for more than six hundred years."

"Otherwise, you think that our Queen of the Night, why do you want to travel across the sea? And bring the elite blood of the Holy Blood Corps?"

"This is the Corleone family, the father's promise to the Queen of the Bloodthorns, and the life and death of the Corleone family and the night country!"

Tyres listened to these words in a dull manner.

His brain automatically starts to work.

More than six hundred years - suspicious numbers.

Bloodthorn Queen? A familiar title.


On the mainland, the heads of almost all countries, from Archduke to King, but those who can be called emperors, only the ancient empire and the emperor of the final empire (Emperor)?

Why are there still people who are "Queens"? Is it the ancient emperor?

It is also possible, after all, the life of the blood family...

and many more.

Taylors is a spirit.

He is not the first time to hear this title.

The brain of Taylors opened up a long memory.

That is the most terrible enemy he has ever met - the magical master of the gas muttered to himself.

[Occasionally, by chance, huh, huh-- I began to understand the power of the Queen of Blackland. 】

Bloodthorn Queen.

Queen of the Black Orchid.

Their title is "Emperess".

And – the life and death of the Corleone family?

Tyres frowned and thought.

At this time, Cortina interrupted: "Enough."

"These are the top secrets that cannot be declared in the family."

"Yes," Selena smiled happily, leaning towards Tersnunu: "But now he knows, what should I do?"

Taylor's scalp numb, watching Cortella turn to his purple binocular.

Pure, crystal, moving, and - killing eyes.

"You seem to know what the magician is," Her Majesty said coldly. "It’s unfortunate."

Taylors trembled.

"Wait!" Tyres looked at Selena, who was smiling and sullen, and looked at Catherine, who was full of killings.


No way.

"The secret must be kept conservative." Just listen to Cortlina.

The brains of Thales began to run wildly at a rate that was several times faster than usual!

The night queen looked at him quietly, and his right hand began to form a pure white claw.

"Wait a minute!" Anxious Tyres struggled with the hands that were tied.

The next moment, Cortella's figure disappeared in sight.

When you are in Telston, you will be born!


Two dark and huge giant wing monsters face the air without buffering.


At that moment, even the air seemed to be shocked!

The smaller one suddenly trembled, trembled and trembled, and flew backwards.

The larger monsters have the upper hand. He uses a fist full of bone spurs and fierce claws, with a thousand strengths, slamming the opponent's left chest!

Blood splash!

"Do you want to be stronger than me? Empire?" Hasta screamed with a voice.

Chris angered, licking the wound on his left chest, flapping the giant wing and retreating quickly.

But Hasta did not want to let him go.

The true shape of Hista is brownish black, which is more fierce and huge than his opponent. The bone spurs and claws are sharper. The dark skin is covered with a hard shell, which looks like a heavy armor. Black fighter.

His thick wings drove the wind and rushed to Chris.

True Chris clenched his teeth and lifted his arms to block.

"Hey!" Sharp fingers, tearing Chris's black right arm.

The blood is shining again.

"We are too familiar with each other, and we all know how this battle will end!" Hasta screamed openly, and the offensive continued: "Our fight in front of the throne ended in my victory." !"

He clawed through Chris's right shoulder, and the other side screamed in pain, and the black blood flowed out, soaking in the palm of Nesta.

Nesta fanned the wings and clamped Chris, who was unable to move, and fell to the ground with amazing momentum!

Then, his right paw clenched his fist and punched it mercilessly!


He took the giant fist and put Chris off the ground!

Under the terrible force, a huge cracked texture broke out on the snow.

Snow and dust all dissipated, revealing two sinister blood-like figures, huge figures, and the smaller one, pressed to death on the ground.

Strong Hasta reached Chris with his fist and said coldly: "Look, that's the end."

"No one can stop my strength, no one can break my armor - the perfect balance between attack and defense."

"How can you have a chance?"

Chris seemed to be very hurt, and his chest was swelled by Nesta.

But he was dying, actually shook his cheek and smirked: "Yeah, I still remember that the night wing king appreciates your ability."

"The strength, speed, hardness, and simpler ability are more deadly."... He said so."

Chris coughed up a black blood, haha ​​laughed.

"'Warrior's Nesta Corleone and 'Flashwing' Simon Coleon," the old butler closed his eyes and scorned: "Leading the Swords of the Holy Blood Corps and the Scouts, respectively, under the joint force Almost no one can compete on the frontal battlefield of the mainland war..."

The look of Mysta gradually changed.

"And you are the ‘dark wing’ Chris Corleone, who is his most trusted military officer and deputy, remember?” Hasta’s face was cold and interrupted him.

"With the addition of the logistics officer 'Redwing', Le Corleone, we are the horror of the night princes - our reputation is shocking to the East and the East!"

Hasta gritted his teeth and trembled to look at Chris, and he hated it:

"Three hundred years ago, we were the most powerful wing of our Majesty, following him across the sea of ​​the end, and marching to the other side of the world!"

"In that era, we accounted for 20% of the end of the sea and the Yongshi oil quota! One-and-a-half of the Donglu lithi mine!"

"The five clan of the feast will come to the letter every month, and hope to maintain their status and join the sire of the night wing king! The silver wolf of the wild mountain, the red wolf of the Seri grassland, and the three major deserts, glaciers and Montenegro The orc tribes sent people to bow down to their majesty!"

When he heard this, Chris sighed, and Nesta gritted his teeth, and his face was chilly:

"In the mainland war, even the East and the West poles like the night and the night, Hanbul, did not dare to ignore the night country, neglect the power of the majesty, with fear and flattery, and regard him as the supreme commander of the coalition!"

"We have worked together to crush the army of Exeter, together with their pride, under the battle of Aaron Fort! Your Majesty took the head of the King of Wrath!"

"In those days, we tore the dwarf's armor weapons into rotten iron, and trapped the elf army of the sacred tree kingdom in the city!"

"We are in Arendtburg, and the stars and Commas's helpers are killed, and the film is not left!"

Chris, who was beaten in the chest and gasped, just closed his eyes tightly.

"In the Welwyn snowfield, after we gathered in the banner of our Majesty, with Sarah, Kaipeng and Midier - these Western continents, and even the three most outstanding heroes in human history - began the battle of the end After that, the most magnificent epic battle in the world!"

"From the end of the battle, the hellish battlefield began, until the eve of the fourth continental war... We died with our Majesty... Four hundred years!"

Chris bowed his head and sighed.

"And you **** imperial man!" Hasta's red screaming anger and hatred: "But after leaving, he betrayed the Corleone family."

"how dare you!"

"Chris Corleone!"

"There is no rebirth given to you by your majesty, giving your surname, giving you strength..."

"You are just the last empire, a little deputy who will close his eyes and die in the dead!"

"Christamur Linka!"

"Nothing, you are nothing!"

"How dare you betray him and rely on killing the murderer!"

"how dare you!"

The two true-blooded blood races were rude and hurriedly breathing, silent for a while.

At this point, Chris on the ground suddenly coughed up a blood, laughing and laughing.

"Ah, since you mentioned the tyrant, there is one thing you don't know yet," Chris licked the blood of his mouth, raised his dark head, and ridiculed his face: "You know why we fight each time, the night wing." Will the king stop when you have the upper hand?"

Hasta pulled the other side closer to her own face and smiled: "I am afraid that you are a weak person, broken by my fist?"

"No," Chris’s face is now:

"I am afraid that I will fight again, you will..."

"I was killed by me."

Hasta stunned, and then opened the **** mouth, using the unusually strong voice of the real type, haha ​​laughed: "kill me? How, use your special corrosion ability?"

He raised the palm of Chris's blood: "Your strong acid... It is very effective against other people, but unfortunately, it does not penetrate my true armor."

"This is the absolute defense!"

Chris was clamped by Nesta, not talking back, just laughing.

There is some cold in the heart of Haysta.

what happened.

What card does he have?

But Nesta still raised her fist and pointed at Chris's head.

Hundreds of years of military career, let Nesta Corion decide not to hesitate for the old feelings of the same robe, ready to take away the other's life.


How long is the zero-second time?

Taylors will tell you enough to close his eyes and draw a word!

So, in the moment when the murderous Cortina disappeared, the passer closed his eyes and shouted:

"Kevin Deere!"

The rush of wind struck his face.

Taylor closed his eyes and breathed violently.


He opened his eyes gently.

I saw Cortina's black horrible claws, one inch from his face.

"What are you talking about?" Cortina started the man's eyes and slowed down.

Escape... I escaped.

Tyres gasps uncontrollably and nervously:

"It's Kevin Deere! Is Jon Kevindir telling you, is Selena's news in the team?"

"I know a lot." Cortina snorted and said: "It’s even more dead."

Seeing his life in a moment of Tyres, his scalp is numb, and he can’t keep up with the stagnation. If he just thinks good, he is invincible and fluent without a pause.

"He must have told this team that it is actually the important kingdom of Exeter in the Star Kingdom. Then there is the only blood heir in the Star Royal Family. Then if you kill me, you will get a bunch of troubles right?"

Tyres sprayed this sentence, still breathing, and sat down with sweat.

Cortina screams!

"The comet royal it not... twelve years ago..." she muttered, but then she figured out what.

The Queen of the Night slowly retracted the claws.




There was applause from the side.

"It’s my ally," Selena, who had been watching for a long time, applauded enthusiastically: "Just oh..."

Serena smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, how are you so sure, she is not a special trip to kill you?"

Cortella's eyes reappeared, turning to Selena, who looked like Lori.

"To keep my safety, from the second day I started, I will no longer wear any of the nine-star badges and logos. - Yes, you can find a nine-star in my left jacket pocket. The pin." Taylor sighed:

Catherine pulled the pin out of his pocket and frowned.

"And this...the Queen, she has never revealed anything to kill someone - she is talking about 'killing them', even the two sides are fighting, it is also Catherine you provocative." Wry smile:

"I just figured out - you are twenty people, a group of sensitive and powerful people who come across the sea. Without the support of local forces, how can they easily enter the country? It is related to the Corleone family and can provide families. The star aristocrat of the ship..."

"There is only Kevin Deere."

When Cortarina heard this, she slowly spit out a sigh of relief and looked at the nine-pointed star in her hand, looking at the cold: "Damn Kevin Deere."

"The friendship between Corleone and Kevin Deere, **** teeth and tri-color irises, is finally here." She slowly said.

Taylors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that in front of this powerful queen, life is temporarily saved.

Catherine clasped her hand in her hand and said:

"The people of Kevin Deere only told us that the renegade of the Corleone family is in the northbound team, only that it is the supply and transportation team of the stars to the north, but did not say that it is the second prince's mission - it seems It is intentional."

"After we got off the boat, we have been in their place, and even the stars have no new heirs."

Tyres changed his face and angered:

"With such a big thing, the whole star is clear! Don't you confirm it yourself!"

But Cortina didn't answer, just turned her head and stopped looking at him.


Taylors wonders for a while - she seems to be... I am sorry?

"They can't confirm it!" Selena on the side laughed and laughed: "The forces and supporters of Corttina are all in the Holy Blood Corps - she is a 100% military queen!"

"The contact between Corleone and Kevin Deere, the dark line in the Western continent, and the communication channel have always been handled by Chris... but when he suddenly reversed, he fell to me..."

Under the ugly face of Cortlina, Serena opened her hand happily:

"For all the news of the stars, Cortina became a blind man and a blind man."

Tyres suddenly realized: "So you will choose to take refuge in the stars."

But he suddenly thought of something and turned to Cortina.

"Keltina," he used the honorific saying: "Jane - I mean the Duke of Kevin Deere, when did you reveal the whereabouts of Serena?"

Catherine stared at him coldly. After a while, she still said: "We just arrived in Westland more than a week ago and entered Yongxing City six days ago."

"And at noon four days ago, Kevin Deere informed us that I found a trace of the Corleone traitor." Cortlin's face was gloomy, but it was a pitiful look, so that she was sulking. Lovely beauty:

"Their condition is that in order not to leak the news, it will endanger the reputation of the iris..."

"We must kill the colleague of Serena."

"From child to old man, one does not stay."

Selena was shocked: "Oh, I knew you had such an agreement, then I wouldn’t have to pay much..." But she suddenly became stunned. "But it’s also true. If there is a woman in the polar world, I must have you. I can't kill him either."

Taylors bowed his head and sighed.

When did the Duke of Iris, did you kill your heart?

Obviously at this time, even if you can make a clear cut with the Corleone family after the event, it will inevitably leave clues, and the endless trouble is not it?

Jane – why did he do this obviously unwise act?

That morning, Jen met with himself, after a few temptations - now it seems that in order to find Serena's whereabouts - the attitude suddenly became very violent, and he brought...

Tyres shines.

"It's the veteran, isn't it?" Taylors raised his head and asked slowly:

"He probably was unconsciously, and he had some sort of tracking."

"You don't need to chase our team, because Jen knows that Jenard will try his best to follow behind me, and you only need to chase after this veteran."

"The distance is so far, so even if my guards put on more scouts and sentries, they will not notice your presence."

"As long as you are far away from the central collar, you are far away from the lord fortress that meets every other three, and enters the sparsely populated birch forest," Taylors sighed and said: "You can start."

Cortina shines:

“For short-lived species, especially short-lived species of this age, you are smart and respond quickly.”

"Yeah, I think so too." Serena interjected with a smile, but she was glaring at both Corttina and Tells.

"Well, since I can't achieve my goal," Serena said helplessly, and then revealed a small fang: "I only have it myself."

The next moment, Serena's little hand turned into a red claw, opened his teeth, and rushed toward Tyres!

Tyres was agitated, but his hands were tied, and he could only squat his legs and step back in the snow.


Snowflakes burst!

The cold snow fluttered over the face of Tyres, and he stabbed him to close his eyes.

Tyres opened his eyes and saw Serena's little red paws, a few feet in front of him.

This time, she was caught by Cortina.

"Since the beginning, you have been trying to lure me to kill him," Cortina said coldly: "Even at this point, do you still have fantasies about the throne?"

Little Serena grinned: "Why, can't you?"

"My inheritance is the first, and the second one is better than you!"

"Very good," Cortina raised her other hand and said coldly: "I don't have any hope of catching you anyway."

"Then I will put my own position directly..."

Cortina roared, and the claws went to the heart of Serena!

"Become first!"

And Lorana, next to Serena, just looked at it coldly, without any intention of intervening.

But it is in the next moment.

It was a great shock to let Taylors happen.

Sally, who saw Lori's appearance, suddenly grew up, her body swelled, tearing off all the clothes on her body, turning into a fascinating beauty with almost the same height as Cortella. Silver hair, very tempting.

This glamorous beauty, with a charming smile at this time, easily hold Cotlinna's pure white claws!

Cortina opened her teeth and screamed angrily, and the other claw was sent out instantly.

But her attack, also by this fascinating beauty, predicted the general position, hold tight!

"It's still so weak, love crying." The glamorous beauty giggled, and the flowers trembled.

Tyres jerked!

"Ugly face!" Cetrina is angry and hatefully said: "You are a natural pretender!"

"You...when are you, restore your strength!" Taylor looked at him, the glamorous beauty of the red-haired silver hair, screaming in shock:

"This is impossible! You, you only sucked my blood twice!"

"Hey, about this," in the eyes of Cortiana, the adult version of Serena, red-naked, but not ashamed, with a fascinating look, sent him a tempting smile:

"Your blood, compare it."

Today, I wrote to me: "For the results of this book, let's set a small goal first!"

An ominous premonition came to life.

(End of this chapter)

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