Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 628: Ji Shiting's new love

The old man looked at him for a while and determined that he really thought so, finally letting go.

Moreover, after Ye Shengge returned to Yangcheng, the old man closely monitored Ji Shiting's itinerary. For these ten days, he really did not go to Ye Shengge.

"It seems that you really put it down!" The old man was very happy. "Then hurry up, did you not say that you want to get married some time ago! Do I need to make arrangements for you."

"No." Ji Shiting smiled faintly. "You can rest assured that I will take care of the marriage. After all, it's really hard to be single."

"Yes, you are young, how can you do without a woman by your side!"

The old man is very satisfied, very satisfied. Since Ye Shengge left, this kid's performance has become more and more appetizing for him, he feels that he is expected to see the shadow of great grandson within this year!

The old man is happy and happy.

Ji Shiting glanced at the old man, then lowered his eyes to cover up the dark emotions in his eyes.


Two days later, the popularity of this scandal on Weibo finally faded.

During this period, Ye Shengge countless times opened the number of Ji Shiting, but in the end did not dial out. He couldn't miss the news on Weibo. Since he didn't shoot, it means he didn't care. Then, she had to call and explain.

Sometimes when she passed the T.S Group or Qianfan Villa, she would suddenly be in a trance, obviously they were so close, but once she lost contact, she was really close to the horizon. She even wondered if she would never have the chance to see him again.

Ye Shengge stared blankly at the familiar number. This time, instead of blacking it, she deleted it directly — as if this was the case, she could prove that she never wavered and regretted it.

After the deletion, she put away her mobile phone. At this time, she was in the dressing room in the background, and she was about to participate in the brand activities of the H family.

As the top luxury brand, the H family invited many stars, but Ye Shengge, as the most popular actress recently, received the most attention.

Ye Shengge ignored them all. At this moment, an artist came in the dressing room.

The other party was very crowded, followed by seven or eight people, and the dressing room, which was not too small, immediately appeared crowded. She walked over to Ye Shengge, looked at her condescendingly, and suddenly snorted: "Sorry, this is my position, please let go of the trouble."

Ye Shengge froze for a moment before looking sideways. The other person has a sweet baby face, but his eyes are contemptuous, and his expression is full of Ling Ren's spirit, which is not consistent with her appearance.

"The location of the dressing room only comes first and then arrives. There is no one to say." Before Ye Shengge spoke, Lin Ran had already gone back.

"Of course you don't have exclusive qualifications." The female artist smiled lazily. "But it doesn't mean that I don't. I just want to take your seat, and don't hurry to let me go!"

So arrogant.

Ye Shengge was surprised, but soon she learned the identity of the female artist from the discussion behind her.

"Ah, is Cheng Xinyue here today?"

"Yeah, she has also been in the limelight recently. She is the female lead of the new film "Feng Sheng He Zhu" invested by TS. It is said that she was hand-picked by Ji Shi Ting. Her recent resources are all related to TS and it seems that Ji Shi Ting's new joy. "

"No wonder she provokes Ye Shengge when she comes and old love, this time is lively."

Ji Shiting's new love... Although she believes that Ji Shiting will not have an affair with this woman, Ye Shengge's heart hurts.

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