Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 629: I was dumped before licking my face and putting it on the hype

Looking at the contemptuous face of the other party, Ye Shengge was very calm: "Miss Cheng is sure you want this position?"

Cheng Xinyue sneered contemptuously: "Are you kidding me?"

The assistant beside her said triumphantly: "Some people have been dumped and licked and posted on the hype, which is ridiculous! Now our Xinyue sister is Mr. Ji's person, you better be more interesting, otherwise, we Xin Sister Yue, you can kill you directly!"

"What? Mr. Ji's people? Blocked?" Lin Ranqi smiled, preparing to sneer, but Ye Shengge reached out and dragged her.

She knew what Lin Ran wanted to say, but she didn't want to involve Ji Shiting in such a boring battle of words.

"Since you want this position so much, let it be for you." Ye Shengge said as he stood up, glancing at Lin Ran, "let's go next door."

Ye Shengge's retreat was very simple, disappointing the onlookers, and at the same time, they looked at Cheng Xinyue with a little more awe.

Cheng Xinyue bit his lip and looked at Ye Shengge's figure, but his heart was intertwined with jealousy and uneasiness.

She didn't believe that this woman had really been with Mr. Ji... she had just been provocative rather than probing.

She hasn't done anything successful so far, she doesn't believe that Ye Shengge, a woman, has this ability. Speaking of resources... She also received a lot of resources from T.S. She even has more endorsements than Ye Shengge.

However, this woman was too calm, which made her very confused.

"Today's H brand's brand activities, in fact, you want to find a spokesperson?" Cheng Xinyue suddenly said, "So, today's scene are all fresh faces in this year's circle, it seems that the H family is also looking for a rising artist Cooperation."

"Yes." The agent answered immediately. "Today, your biggest competitor is Ye Shengge."

Cheng Xinyue smiled secretly: "Relax, she is not my opponent. Mu Xiaoya told me that this woman really has a big birthmark on her face, but she is very careful. Every time she goes out, she will first cover it with makeup, never Will not let others see."


Lin Ran was mad at the dressing room next door.

"Sister Sheng, why don't you let me talk? That Cheng Xinyue is so abominable!"

"Do you believe it or not, she may have never seen Shi Ting at all, but she got an important resource for TS investment." Ye Shengge suddenly smiled, "So, she mostly thinks that Shi Ting is interesting to her, so she wants to find opportunities High-ranking. Seeing online that I am Ji Shiting's ex-girlfriend, she couldn't help but come over to find out the truth."

Lin Ran was stunned and suddenly clapped his hands hard: "Yes! It must be so!"

"What's more, even if she is really Ji Shiting's new love, it has nothing to do with me." Ye Shengge spit out this sentence.

Lin Ran's smile collapsed immediately.

"Don't let your head down, we still have to try our best to win the H family's endorsement today." Ye Shengge smiled. "Shang Tianyi aimed at Valentino and didn't have a cold for the H family, but he was too good to be too far away."

"Relax, as long as you want, the H family's endorsement is yours!" Lin Ran patted his chest.


Brand activities are boring. Basically, the artist's task is to take the red carpet for the cameraman to take pictures, and to be interviewed by reporters.

The previous link was very smooth. When it came to the interview, I didn't know whether the brand was intentional or unintentional. She even arranged her and Cheng Xinyue together.

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