The reawakening gun shone with dazzling golden light, and Lu Li's emerald green eye armor also glowed with emerald green light at this moment.

Unfolding the bracket in front of the reawakening gun, Lu Li aimed the muzzle at the new life form in the deep pit.

"It's over."

"Royal. Straight. Flush!"

The next second, five card shadows suddenly fell between Lu Li and the new life form.

And the shadows of these five cards represent the five golden awakening cards that were just inserted into the reawakening gun.

Lu Li pulled the trigger, and the golden energy attached with red lightning instantly ejected from the muzzle of the reawakening gun.

The new life form, which was still stubborn, only felt a flood of destructive power rushing over crazily.

Seeing that it could no longer avoid this devastating attack, the new life form let out the last scream of its life.


The terrifying golden energy turned into a ray of light and instantly hit the body of the new life form.

Under this terrifying and huge energy infusion, the new life form did not even last for three seconds and exploded on the spot.


The flames of the explosion shot up into the sky, and the flames covered the entire deep pit.

After releasing the Royal Flush, Lu Li was pushed nearly one meter away by the powerful reaction force, leaving two long scratches on the ground.

It is worthy of being the strongest ultimate move in the King.form state, and its power is indeed extraordinary.

The muzzle of the reawakening gun was emitting white smoke, and Lu Li quietly watched the deep pit covered by flames.

Whether it is a new life form or a virtual doping body, it is impossible to survive in this terrifying energy explosion.

As for Robert Shidao, who was transformed into a virtual doping body, he was also annihilated in this explosion.

The game is over.

This battle collected enough combat data, and it also included the combat data of King.form.

After returning, you only need to make corresponding adjustments to each weapon, and you should be able to complete the final King.form.

In this battle, Lu Li must always control his strength, otherwise, if he accidentally bursts out his energy, he will also cause the transformation to exit.

Since the battle is over, Lu Li naturally does not intend to stay here any longer.

There are still many knights here, and he does not want to stay and fight with many knights.

Some of these guys are inevitably overpowered, and Lu Li will not ask for trouble.

The wings behind him spread again, and Lu Li turned into a golden streamer and rushed straight into the sky.

W and Emperor, who were not far from here, saw the golden streamer disappearing in the sky, and they also recovered from their shock.

Patting the dust on his butt, Emperor said to himself.

"Sure enough, it's right to watch the show and eat melons. It's great that a problem has been solved without fighting."

The next second, the transformation was lifted, and Wang Xiaoming appeared again.

At this time, W had already lifted the transformation.

Zuo Xiangtaro looked at the horizon in the distance, with a strong unwillingness in his eyes.

He deeply felt the insufficiency of his own strength. It was not easy to defeat Lu Li.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket and urging ticket from 俿梁丶!

Thank you for the monthly ticket from 花成empty! .

Chapter 97 The little cotton jacket is leaking, undercurrents are surging, and finally adjusted

With the end of this battle, the knights led by Haidong Dashu also returned to their respective worlds through the dimensional wall.

Only Kadoya Shi and Zuo Xiangtaro were left at the scene.

At this time, Kadoya Shi suddenly thought of a gray card in his hand.

"This is for you. This card... should be held by you."

As he said, he handed the card in his hand to Zuo Xiangtaro.

There was a capital S on the back of the card, but Zuo Xiangtaro was not unfamiliar with the pattern on the front of the card.

Although it was gray, it could be clearly recognized. Isn't this an uncle?

"Then... see you later."

As soon as the voice fell, Kadoya Shi had already left here through the dimensional wall.

Looking at the card in his hand, Shotaro Sa wanted to ask why Kazushi Kado would give him such a card.

But everyone had left, and he had never been out.

Ming Hai Ya Shuzi and Philip also rushed over at this time.

Seeing the gray card, Ming Hai Ya Shuzi asked in confusion.

"What is this?"

The next second, the card that was supposed to be gray suddenly attached color, clearly restoring the appearance of Skull.

On the cliff in front of them, a gray aurora curtain suddenly appeared.

Then, a knight walked out from it.

Kamen Rider Skull!

After seeing the other party's appearance clearly, Shotaro Sa's face was immediately full of vigilance.

After all, he had just encountered an uncle simulated by a virtual dopant before, and he didn't want this to happen again.

Skull, standing on the cliff, suddenly took off the hat on his head, and the bare skull suddenly turned into fragments and disappeared, revealing his original appearance.



After seeing the other person's true appearance, the three of them were shocked and confused.

Philip already knew the power that Kazushi Kadoya and his friends had, which allowed them to travel to other worlds.

He guessed immediately.

"Shokichi Narumi from another world?"

Each different world may have a different timeline, and Narumi Shokichi obviously has no evidence.

I am Kamen Rider Skull. See you in a certain world. "

After saying that, he rode his skull hero into the dimensional wall.

However, Zuo Shotaro, who was still in a very heavy mood, now had a smile on his face.

"He said... I would be a good fit for this hat."

Suddenly I felt like I was recognized, and the excitement and joy in my heart was beyond words.

Although Narumi Asukiko knew that the other person was not his real father, being able to see someone who looked exactly like his father was fulfilling a wish.

She also knew in her heart that it was impossible for her father to come back.

But his father left behind an outstanding disciple, Shotaro Zuo.

Although he is still just a half-assed person at the moment and sometimes quite unreliable, she believes that under her care, Shotaro Zuo will become a real tough guy detective sooner or later.

The time came at night.

Sonosaki's house.

Sonosaki Ryuhei sat in his seat, his eyes slightly gloomy.

Just because to his right, there was a person eating a lot of food, completely ignoring him.

This person was naturally Lu Li, who had experienced a hearty battle during the day.

Originally, Sonosaki Ryubei thought that leaving the matter to Robert Shijima this time would not be a big problem.

No matter who you are, there will always be people who feel deeply guilty deep down in their hearts.

As long as you can capture this person's heart, you have a chance.

Unexpectedly, the news he was waiting for was not that Robert Shijima had completed the task he assigned.

On the contrary, Lu Li came back safely and confidently.

Such a result certainly made Sonosaki Ryubei feel very bad.

Only then did he realize that he...maybe still underestimated Lu Li.

The power of virtual memory may be special, but it does not mean that it is a very powerful memory.

Failure is not unacceptable, he has another card to use.

If you failed to eliminate Lu Li this time, you can't say for sure next time.

Sitting opposite Lu Li, Sonosaki Wakana was taking a small bite. After noticing the look in Sonosaki Ryubei's eyes, she wondered.

"Father, why have you been staring at Lu Li?"

How could Lu Li not know that the old fox was always watching him.

I just see through it without saying anything, so as to save some face for this old fox.

Unexpectedly, Sonosaki Wakana exposed it directly.

It seems that the little cotton-padded jacket has air leakage!

Only then did Sonosaki Ryubei look away, with a fake smile on his face.

"Hahaha! It's nothing. I just saw that Lu Li had a good appetite. He must have encountered something happy."

Hearing this, Lu Li wiped his mouth with a napkin and smiled.

"Haha! I'm in a good mood, but today there happened to be a blind guy who set his target on me.

So...I blasted the guy to ash. "

He said chilling words with a smile on his face.

Sonosaki Wakana was slightly stunned. She suddenly recalled the Saeki Motoko she had killed before. Didn't it just explode into ashes?

Although Sonosaki Wakana didn't know who the guy Lu Li was talking about was, she just thought he was some kind of scumbag.

Nodding thoughtfully, Sonosaki Wakana echoed.

"Since it was Lu Li who killed him, he must not be a good person."

As for Sonosaki Ryuhei, who was smiling but not smiling, he could only nodded with a stiff face.

He hadn't eaten much of the dinner on the table, but he was so full at the moment that he couldn't think of eating.

"You guys eat slowly, I'm going to rest first."

After finishing his words, Sonosaki Ryubei turned around and walked upstairs.

Sonosaki Saeko didn't know what exactly happened to Lu Li during the day, but she could probably guess that it might have something to do with her father.

There was a hint of danger in her eyes, and she was keenly aware that this matter was definitely not that simple.

Maybe the father couldn't hold it anymore and wanted to take action against them.

During this period of time, Sonosaki Saeko knew exactly what she had done, and she snatched half of the country from her father.

It is natural to attract the hatred of his father.

In any case, the museum was built by her father, and she was cultivated by her father.

Now that his daughter had suddenly taken away half of his kingdom, how could he be reconciled to it?

Some time ago, my father had been quiet, as if it was the calm before the storm.

Now Lu Li is suddenly in trouble. If he says it has nothing to do with his father, Sonosaki Saeko doesn't believe it.

"Dear, you..."

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