Souzo Saeko was about to ask Lu Li in detail, but she saw Lu Li shook his head slightly.

The two had lived together for quite some time, and Sono Saeko understood instantly that Lu Li did not want her to discuss this matter at the dinner table.

In any case, Sono Saeko was not aware of some things at the moment, so it was better not to tell her for the time being.

They did not continue to discuss this matter, and planned to discuss it slowly when they rested at night.

Sono Saeko, who was opposite her, pouted her lips slightly. She could see that Lu Li and his sister were hiding something from her.

But she was also very face-saving, so she naturally could not take the initiative to ask.

So she kept poking the food on the plate with the cutlery in her hand, looking unhappy.

[What! Is there something you can't tell me? That's too much! ]


Late at night, Lu Li hugged Sono Saeko and lay on the bed.

With her head resting on Lu Li's chest, Sono Saeko looked up and asked.

"Dear, what happened during the day? Did your father attack you?"

She was a little nervous. What she really wanted to know was whether her father had already started to attack.

If her father had already started to attack, then don't blame them for fighting back.

Seeing a hint of nervousness on Sonozaki Saeko's face, Lu Li smiled slightly.

He gently stroked her soft hair and explained.

"During the day..."

He told Sonozaki Saeko everything that happened during the day. Lu Li did not hide anything about the battle with the new life form.

There was no need to hide these things in their relationship.

After learning about everything, Sonozaki Saeko's face changed slightly.

There was a chill in her eyes. She didn't expect that her father would be unable to sit still so soon.

He had already started to make arrangements to deal with Lu Li. Wouldn't she be the next one?

Sure enough, Sonozaki Saeko took away half of the old man's territory. He didn't seem angry on the surface, but in fact, he had been furious in his heart.

He has not taken action, but he may be planning something in secret, and now he has started to set a trap.

It's a pity that the first wave of plans against Lu Li ended in failure.

Sonosaki Saeko couldn't help but pat her chest with relief, and said with a firm look.

"Fortunately, you are fine. No, we can't just sit there and wait for death. I must take control of the museum as soon as possible."

She thought that if she took control of half of the museum, she would be able to be on an equal footing with her father.

She wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore, but she didn't expect that this situation would happen instead.

It seems that losing half of the museum won't make her father give up on making trouble.

Only when she really takes control of the museum can she clamp down on her father.

Looking at the energetic Sonosaki Saeko, Lu Li didn't say much.

She would do it if she wanted to, and Lu Li didn't object.

It's just that it's not easy to completely control the museum.

Besides, Sonosaki Ryubei's so-called targeting is actually nothing at all.

In addition to increasing Lu Li's combat data, nothing can be done.

Early in the morning of the next day.

After breakfast, Lu Li went to his research room as soon as possible.

It was very late yesterday when he came back, and Lu Li did not have time to calibrate the weapons such as the awakening sword.

Besides, calibration also takes time, and it is impossible to complete it in minutes. It will take at least two or three days.

When he came to the laboratory, Lu Li took out the awakening gun, awakening sword, and awakening stick to adjust the data and conduct the final calibration.

It took Lu Li almost a whole morning to adjust the data and conduct the final calibration.

After finishing the things at hand, Lu Li could finally let go and let the instrument run automatically for automatic calibration.

After Lu Li finished the things at hand, he also found that the memory production equipment had produced a new pure memory.

The purple memory, the pattern in the middle is an S-shaped skull.

That's right, the memory produced this time is Skull.

After testing, it is exactly the same as the memory produced before, and it has reached the best state.

After making the skull memory into the corresponding awakening card again, Lu Li started making the next memory.

The memory data is slightly more complicated than the previous one, and the production time this time is also slightly longer.

Input the relevant memory data into the instrument and start to automatically make the corresponding memory.

And Lu Li does not need to stay here any longer, and leaves the laboratory.

He just experienced the battle yesterday, and now it is time to have a good rest.

Lu Li will not push himself too hard.

Even if he has eternal life, Lu Li still does not feel bored every day.

There are so many things to do, why do you feel bored?


Two days have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the morning, Sonosaki's house.

Today, Sonosaki Wakana's working time is not in the morning, but near noon, so she naturally does not need to run to the Wind Dance Radio Station early.

I don't know what he is thinking, Sonosaki Ryubei asked Sonosaki Wakana to play chess with him.

After a fight, Sonosaki Wakana was no match for the old fox and lost completely.

Shaking her head helplessly, Sonosaki Wakana was a little frustrated.

"Sure enough, I still lost. My father is really powerful."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Ryubei smiled slightly, but there was no smile in his eyes under the amber glasses.

"Wakana, do you know what we are?"

Suddenly, they were talking about a sensitive topic, and Sonosaki Wakana felt a little nervous.

She immediately sat up straight, and when she faced her father, she was also full of awe in her heart.

"Father, we are the tribe chosen by the earth."

For Sonosaki Wakana's answer, Sonosaki Ryubei nodded very satisfied.

He stood up and walked to the window sill with a glass of red wine.

"That's right, Wakana, you are the second daughter of our family, and now your sister Saeko is gradually moving towards the opposite side of me.

Do you know what this means? Her willful behavior will sooner or later... bring her destruction."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana became even more nervous.

Why did her father suddenly say this?

Could it be... that the conflict between father and sister has become so deep?

At first, she just thought that there was a little conflict between her father and sister, and at most they were just making a fuss and being unhappy.

But now that she heard her father say this, she also clearly realized that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Her father and sister now seemed to be on opposite sides, and her father would not let a disobedient person continue to stay at home.

Even though the relationship between her and her sister was not particularly good, Sonozaki Wakana did not want the family to have conflicts because of this.

Since they were a family, was there anything that could not be made clear directly?

"Father, why do you and your sister have such a deep conflict?"

This was something that Sonozaki Wakana could not understand.

She pondered and thought hard, but she couldn't figure it out. She felt that the organization was developing well, and there seemed to be no problem.

But now seeing that her father and sister were gradually moving towards the opposite side, and it was irreversible, Sonozaki Wakana felt a headache.

Both of them were her family members, and it was not justifiable for her to favor either of them.

She also didn't want the relationship between the two to get worse.

She wanted to find a way to save it and resolve the conflict between her father and sister.

However, how could this matter be so simple?

After taking a deep look at Sonosaki Wakana, Sonosaki Ryubei shook his head and continued to explain.

At the company.

In the office of the head of the sales department, Sudo Kirihiko was injured last time and it took some time for him to recover.

Today, he began to perform his duties again.

Even though there were still some scars on his face, he could not continue to rest.

If he continued to rest, he might not be worthy of the name of the cadre of the organization and might be replaced by others.

He did not want that kind of situation to happen. He had finally come to this point and did not want to be replaced by others anyway.

Even if he was injured, he still had to work hard.

Even if there was no credit, there was hard work, so that people would not gossip about him.

Although he had successfully upgraded the Nazca memory to LV2, his combat effectiveness had increased greatly.

But in his opinion, it was still not enough.

Even after being injured, he worked hard to train himself and make himself stronger.

He was eager to let Lu Li train him again.

Even though he knew he would be seriously injured, he still looked forward to it.

PS: Thank you for the silent monthly ticket! .

Chapter 98 Unwelcome, Impersonated Knight

But his current injuries have not fully healed, and if he rashly conducts the next training, he may die.

He wants to become stronger, not to die.

Only after seeing Lu Li's powerful strength will you know that the gap between the two sides is not a little bit.

Just when Sudo Kirihiko was about to go out, he found that somewhere outside the company, Sonosaki Saeko was meeting someone.

"Remember, the task I gave you, rob me as a Kamen Rider, you should understand what it means, right?"

Sonosaki Saeko folded her hands and said in a flat tone.

She was going to let the researchers at the institute study more new Gaia memories, but they lacked the necessary Earth memory.

In order to create new Gaia memories, you must have Earth memory.

That is, you must take back the test product!

One half of Kamen Rider W is her brother who has escaped, isn't he?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, why not just take it back and save time?

In order to create a more powerful memory, you must have the memory of the Earth.

No matter what, you must get the person back!

The man opposite Sonosaki Saeko is wearing a coat and has long black hair.

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