He is one of the twin thieves, Kurata Kenji.

He put his hands in his pockets and said confidently.

"Don't worry, I'm just pretending to be someone, it's easy, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Sonosaki Saeko interrupted him.

"Don't worry, I don't just ask you to pretend to be him, anyone can pretend to be him.

I hope you can help me catch W. Don't worry, I will assign people to you. "

What Sonosaki Saeko wants is not just to capture W, but more importantly, to lure out Philip behind him and bring him back.

Lu Li did not tell Sonosaki Saeko about the fact that he could freely enter and leave the Earth Library.

The main reason is that he doesn't want to stay in the Earth Library every day and get bored to death.

He is not Philip. He is full of curiosity about everything. He wants to read all the books in the Earth Library, or even study them all.

Kurata Ken'er lightly shrugged and patted his chest confidently.

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

"Okay! I'll leave it to you then."

After finishing her words, Sonosaki Saeko turned around and walked towards the company.

As for Cang Tian Jian'er, he left on a motorcycle nearby.

Seeing Saeko Sonosaki walking toward the company, Kirihiko Sudou hurriedly greeted her.

"President, who was that man just now...?"

Glancing at Sudou Kirihiko, Sonosaki Saeko's eyes were full of disgust.

"Sudou Kirihiko, what does this have to do with you? When will I need you to take care of my affairs? Just do your own thing.

Don't be passive and slow down your work, otherwise... don't blame me for being rude. "

After leaving these words coldly, Sonosaki Saeko passed Sudou Kirihiko and continued walking towards the company.

Sudou Kirihiko was left with a stunned look on his face.

He really couldn't figure out what on earth he had done to make Sonosaki Saeko hate him so much.

Apart from failing the mission before, I shouldn't have offended Sono Sakiko.

How could he have imagined that Sonosaki Saeko now controls half of the museum's power and is on par with Sonosaki Ryubei.

And he, Sudo Kirihiko, was a member of Sonosaki Ryubei, and Sonosaki Saeko naturally became more and more disgusted with him.

As the relationship between the two father and daughter gradually deteriorated, Sudo Kirihiko became even more unpopular.

Return to your president's office.

As soon as Sonosaki Seiko came in, she saw someone sitting on the seat by the window.

Since Sono Saki Saeko's back was turned, she didn't recognize who it was right away.

"Who asked you to come in? Didn't I say that no one can enter my office casually? Get out!"

Now Sonosaki Saeko has become more and more majestic as a queen.

The seat slowly turned around, and it was none other than Lu Li.

"Huh? Honey, when did you come?"

Completely opposite to the cold attitude just now, Sonosaki Saeko quickly came to Lu Li's side with a smile on her face.

He hugged Sonosaki Saeko and brought her into his arms.

"It's nothing, I just came here to take a look. I happen to have nothing to do."

Since sending the Awakening Sword and other weapons to be adjusted, Lu Li really didn't have much to do.

The distance adjustment should be finished soon, and then you can test it out with the completed Awakening Sword.

Just now, Lu Li was at the window and saw Sonosaki Saeko talking to a man while being condescending.

But because it was from a bird's eye view, Lu Li didn't see clearly who the man was.

Sonosaki Saeko didn't hide anything, and honestly explained her plan.

"Dear, that guy just now was arranged by me this time, and I plan to recover the test subject this time.

Now the company needs to produce more Gaia memories, and in order to expand the number of types, test bodies are necessary. ‖. "

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded.

After listening to Sonosaki Saeko's plan, Lu Li already knew who the man was.

Kurata Kenji, the user of the weapon memory, is a very despicable guy who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

In other words, it’s time for Fang Memory to appear again.

Compared with other memories, W in Fang Ace form has the greatest increase in power, and its fighting style will also completely change.

After all, Philip is taking the lead. In this case, the fighting style will naturally not be the same as that of Zuo Shotaro.

However, Lu Li was still waiting for the Ultimate Memory to appear, so Sonosaki Saeko's plan was destined to fail.

"Is W's other half? I might have to disappoint you, Zizi. That guy... I have other uses, and I can't let you bring him back for the time being."

Lu Li bluntly told Sonosaki Saeko that this plan was destined to fail.


Even Sonosaki Saeko didn't understand what Lu Li had planned at this moment.

There was no trace of blame in her eyes, but she asked with concern.

"This... dear, how about I let that guy come back? If he disrupts your plan, wouldn't I have done something wrong?"

Even though Sonosaki Yueko wanted to increase the company's memory types, she didn't want to disrupt Lu Li's plan.

Even if she stopped her own plan, she would still let Lu Li's plan go forward.

If it were the old Sonosaki Saeko, she would have a very strong personality and would never give up in this situation.

But this issue involves Lu Li, and Sonosaki Saeko would rather postpone her plan.

Seeing that Sonosaki Saeko's face was full of tension, Lu Li gently kissed her on the corner of her mouth.

"It doesn't matter, since that guy has gone, let him go, don't worry, he... can't deal with W.

Don't forget the form that night."

Lu Li's words reminded Sonosaki Saeko of the starting night a year ago.

The half-black and half-white W had extremely strong combat power and eliminated many employees of the company.

"That special memory?"

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko didn't know the name of the Fang memory.

She only knew one thing, that special memory was very powerful.

If it weren't for that special memory, W would never have escaped.

"I see. Since you have a plan, my dear, I will put my plan on hold for now."

For Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko would rather give up her carefully prepared plan.

The number of Gaia memories that the museum can produce is actually not small. Increasing the types of memories is also for the purpose of enriching diversity, and it is not necessary.

And Sonosaki Saeko already has a full-power forbidden memory, which is already very powerful, and she doesn't care if there are more memory weights.

At most, it will be a little later, which will not have much impact.

Since returning a few days ago, Philip has been thinking about a problem.

How can the fang memory appear?

In this case, W needs the power of the fang memory very much.

As long as he thinks of the King.form displayed by Lu Li, the unparalleled sense of oppression gives him and Zuo Xiangtaro great pressure.

If they meet Lu Li again in the next battle, I am afraid they will not even have the power to fight back.

The gap between the two sides is gradually widening, and Philip can't watch this happen.

W can become stronger, and must become stronger.

In the past two days, Philip has been immersed in the Earth Library, trying to find books related to fangs.

But unfortunately, he did not get what he wanted.

Without enough keywords, he almost flipped through books one by one in the process of searching.

But this is completely like looking for a needle in a haystack. Even Philip is powerless in the face of a huge amount of Earth memory.

Once again exiting the Earth Library, Philip walked out of the basement with the blank book in his hand.

His expression was a little tired. He had not had a good rest in the past few days, so he naturally felt tired.

Seeing Philip coming out with a tired face, Zuo Xiangtaro saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

The other party is his unique partner. The two are close collaborators, two-in-one Kamen Rider.

In any case, he doesn't want his partner to torture his body like this.

Walking forward, putting his hands on Philip's shoulders, Zuo Xiangtaro said loudly.

"Philip! Enough, enough! Stop thinking about yourself like this!"

If he continues like this, Philip will be exhausted sooner or later.

Akiko Narumi took out her green slippers again and slapped Philip on the head.

"It hurts!"

Philip covered the back of his head.

"Philip, even if you want to look for it, you have to pay attention to rest.

You and Shotaro are unique partners. What if a client comes to the firm and you are not there? Wouldn't it be troublesome at that time?

Take a break, we all understand your feelings."

The concern of the two made Philip feel warm in his heart for some reason.

He didn't understand why he felt this way, but...it always felt good.

A smile appeared on his face. Although he was hit on the back of the head, he was not angry about it.

It felt like family. Only family would really care about themselves.

"I know."

As soon as the voice fell, Philip suddenly saw a shadow flashing in the corner.

The shadow looked very familiar. Wasn't it the Fang Memory?

But when he blinked, he found that the fang memory disappeared again.

He didn't care too much, thinking that he had seen it wrong, too tired, so he had an illusion.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Ming Hai Ya Shuzi immediately put her slippers in her pocket and went to open the door for the client happily.

"` ˇ Oh wow! Business is coming!"

After all, the three of them rely on the commissions of the detective agency to make a living. No clients come to the door, which means no business.

No business means going hungry.

"Shotaro, you go, I'll take a rest first, I'm really a little tired."

After that, Philip went directly to the small bed beside him and lay down.

Looking at Philip who was already lying down, Zuo Shotaro shrugged helplessly and followed to greet the client.

Then, they welcomed today's client.

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