Aso Fuyumi.

The other one of the twin thieves, of course, she concealed her identity today.

As a thief, she naturally did not want to reveal her identity.

And the purpose of her coming here today was to learn that the Minghai Detective Agency often handles some commissions related to doping.

She pretended to be a bank clerk, hoping that Zuo Xiangtaro and others could find Kurata Kenji who pretended to be Kamen Rider.

Zuo Xiangtaro was full of doubts when he learned that someone pretended to be Kamen Rider.

Not only him, even Philip, who was resting, had a strong curiosity about this commission.

Who would choose to pretend to be Kamen Rider?

Even if you don’t know who the other party is, you can probably guess that it should be some kind of doping.

This time the incident is not just an ordinary commission, but also related to their own honor, Zuo Xiangtaro took it up without hesitation.

For this commission, Philip always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t say it.

What are the benefits of pretending to be Kamen Rider? Is it just to damage the honor of Kamen Rider?

It shouldn't be that simple, but for a moment, Philip couldn't figure out the other party's purpose.

The next step is to find the guy pretending to be Kamen Rider, where is he.

After a hard search, Shotaro Sa finally found the weapon doping body.

But what he didn't know was that all this was a conspiracy against W.

With the reminder of Sonosaki Saeko, the weapon doping body left a very obscure clue, deliberately allowing Philip to find himself.

And what awaits W will be a roundup.

Just as W and the weapon doping body were fighting fiercely, the members of the organization who had been ambushing around for a long time appeared one after another.

All of them were mass-produced (Wang Le Zhao) makeup doping bodies, but there were a lot of them.

The clients Aso Fuyumi and Narumi Akiko who came with them were all caught by the makeup doping body.

The two were just ordinary people facing the mass-produced makeup doping body, and they had no power to resist at all.

"Hey! Let go! Let me go!"

Akiko Narumi was held by her hat and kept struggling, but it was useless.

Faced with this situation, Philip finally knew what was wrong.

"Could it be that... all this is a conspiracy of the organization?!"

If you think about it this way, everything can be connected.

The weapon-doped body left the half-apple-shaped sign in the first battle to guide them here.

And a net has been laid here for a long time, waiting for their arrival.

The weapon-doped body laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha! That's right, you two, you reacted very quickly.

I didn't expect you to really find it according to the hint I left. Just like the rumors, you are really sharp."

This was the plan from the beginning, and he thought that this plan might not succeed.

If it weren't for the employer, Saeko Sonosaki, who said very confidently that he would definitely find it, he would choose other methods.

His left hand changed into a machine gun weapon and aimed at Akiko Narumi.

Obviously, the weapon-doped body is not a person who likes to talk about martial ethics.

In order to achieve his goal, he can use any means.

"You bastard!"

Zuo Xiangtaro was full of anger and wanted to rush up and knock the other party to the ground.

But in the current situation, he dared not act rashly.

Once there is any abnormal movement, as long as the other party shoots, Ming Haiya will definitely be shot into a sieve in an instant.

That kind of situation is what W doesn't want to see anyway.

"Haha! Now... you should understand what kind of request I will make next?"

As he said, the weapon-doped body pointed to his head with his finger.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of ————Ji Yi Li Sha Duan Chen! .

Chapter 99 Premeditated arrest, eternal reappearance! I can't stand it!

"Cancel the transformation!"

This is the current situation.

If W does not cancel the transformation, he will shoot Ming Haiya without hesitation.

After becoming a doped body, many things that he dared not think about or do, under the influence of Gaia's memory toxin, he dared to do them boldly.

W had no doubt about this.

Now, there were only two ways in front of him.

One was to cancel the transformation and surrender.

The other was to pretend to cancel the transformation, take the opportunity to switch to the Moon Goddess memory, and find a way to rescue Ming Hai Ya Shuzi.

If he canceled the transformation and surrendered, everything would be over.

In the face of this situation, there was only one choice, that was to take a risk.

[Philip, while I pretend to cancel the transformation, you immediately switch to the Moon Goddess memory, and we will use the Moon Goddess ace form to turn the tide. ]

Since the two of them have now become W, they can communicate through consciousness.

[Understood. ]

Then, W slowly pulled out the hot memory on the right and was about to insert the Moon Goddess memory immediately.

"Don't even think about it!"

But the weapon doped body had already seen through his thoughts, and immediately sprayed a ball of silver metal liquid from the muzzle of his left hand.

The metal liquid just happened to stick to the right side of the dual drive, blocking the socket.


Seeing that the drive of the Luna Memory could not be inserted, W was also stunned.

Why did the other party know what I was thinking?

The other party was obviously not the kind of doped body that could read minds, but why did he guess what I was planning?

"I knew you would do this a long time ago, but fortunately I had already prepared in advance."

The weapon doped body had previously learned from Sonosaki Saeko that W was very cunning.

It was very likely that he would immediately switch the memory to counterattack while pretending to cancel the transformation.

Therefore, he was more cautious.

The moment W took out the right memory, he directly blocked the dual drive.

"Bang bang bang...!!"

The machine gun on his left hand fired a large number of bullets and hit W directly.


W, who was already in a semi-transformed state, was completely unable to resist this attack and was instantly knocked out.

He canceled the transformation in mid-air, and Shotaro Zuo fell heavily to the ground.

Earlier, the Sprint was controlled to provide support, and Philip happened to be in it.

"When facing Kamen Rider, you really can't be careless at all. Okay, okay, is our target inside the car?"

As he said this, the weapon-doped body set his sights on the Sprint Car beside him.

When they heard this, Shotaro Sae and Akiko Narumi opened their eyes instantly.

How could they not understand after hearing this? The other party's target was obviously not W, but Philip.

640 "Could it be... your goal from the beginning was to catch Philip?!"

The tone was full of disbelief, and Akiko Narumi couldn't believe it.

The other party started planning so early, not for W, but for Philip.

"Absolutely correct, but unfortunately there is no reward."

At this time, Philip just walked out of the Sprint Car.

Seeing this scene, Shotaro Sae covered his injured arm and shouted hoarsely.

"Run! Philip! Run!"

He had no chance to escape now, but he didn't want Philip to be caught by the other party.

"Go! Catch him!"

As the weapon-doped body gave an order, all the makeup-doped bodies moved at the news.

Faced with so many makeup dopants, Philip had no choice but to run away.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind the crowd.

"You are really unscrupulous, but... your style of doing things is quite good. You do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. I admire you."

Zuo Xiangtaro, who had heard this voice many times, opened his eyes slightly and turned his head immediately.

"Lu Li?!" Zuo Xiangtaro exclaimed.

He knew Lu Li, but the weapon dopants and others did not know him.

Seeing Lu Li who suddenly appeared, the weapon dopants were immediately alert.

"Who... are you?"

Facing his question, Lu Li put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly to his side.

Pulling out a hand and patting his shoulder, Lu Li smiled.

"Me? You can just treat me as your employer."


A hint of doubt flashed in the eyes of the weapon dopants. He had seen Sonosaki Saeko before.

How could he not know what his employer looked like?

In addition to the disguised dopants who went to capture Philip, some of the disguised dopants were left at the scene.

They were to guard Ming Hai Ya Shuzi, Aso Fuyumi and Zuo Xiangtaro who had quit the transformation.

After seeing Lu Li, the disguised dopants immediately stood up straight.

The next second, they heard them shouting in unison.

"Mr. Lu!"

The weapon dopants did not know Lu Li's identity, but as employees of the organization, how could they not know.

The man in front of them was the husband of their queen, an extremely terrifying person.

"Mr. Lu?"

Seeing how respectful they were, the weapon dopants knew that Lu Li must be a member of the organization even if they did not know Lu Li's identity.

And... his identity was not low!

Thinking of this, the weapon dopants who originally wanted to slap Lu Li's hand away did not dare to act rashly.

He also knew that there were some very powerful guys in the organization, who were cadres of the organization.

He was very strong, and the man in front of him was probably one of the cadres, otherwise these guys would not be so respectful.

Although he didn't know whose ocean Lu Li belonged to, he shouted in the same manner.

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