No matter who the person opposite him is, he always has such a cold expression.

However, when Kato Shun saw the charming Sonosaki Saeko, he actually felt a throbbing feeling in his heart.

It was like... love at first sight!

He was not sure if he felt this way now, but he felt that as long as he could see Sonosaki Saeko, he would be in a good mood.

After noticing Kato Shun's eyes, Sonosaki Saeko frowned slightly.

She didn't like the way Kato Shun looked at her just now, and always felt that this man was coveting her.

In any case, the other party was always the representative of the Gaia Collective Research Project of Consortium X, and she didn't get angry about it.

The company still needs the financial support of Consortium X, and she doesn't want to lose the support of a sponsor.

"Mr. Kato, I wonder what you came here for today?"

Coming back to his senses, Kato Shun looked away, leaned on the sofa, and crossed his legs.

"Ms. Saeko, I think you should know the purpose of our consortium X.

We are not particularly satisfied with the research progress of Gaia memory.

So I was sent here to inquire about your research progress and understand the specific situation."

When she learned the purpose of the other party's visit, Sonosaki Saeko said in her heart, "As expected."

Just as Lu Li had judged before, Consortium X would at most urge the museum to speed up the research progress, and it would not be possible to withdraw the investment directly.

So much money has been invested, and only a simple mind would know that it should continue to invest.

Besides, the current technology of Gaia memory is mature, but it has not yet produced more types of memory.

As an arms dealer, Consortium X also hopes to obtain more Gaia memory technology and produce more Gaia memory that can be used for militaryization.

Investing so much money, they have to rely on these things to make a profit, and they are not investing for free.

Saiko Sonosaki sat upright and said seriously.

"I'm currently working on this problem, but the previous experimental subject escaped. Otherwise, we won't be able to produce more new memory for the time being.

But please rest assured that everything is still under control. Please don't be too nervous, Consortium X. There is no problem with Gaia memory research."

She also understood that Consortium X would at most urge the progress, and there would be no other actions.

Hearing this, Jia Toushun nodded slightly.

"I see. If that's the case, then it's naturally the best. It's best not to affect our cooperation.‖"

For some reason, when facing the woman in front of him, he felt that he couldn't say the word "no".

The original purpose of Consortium X sending him here was to obtain the latest Gaia memory research technology.

But he didn't take the initiative to mention this matter.

Even he himself didn't understand why he didn't take the initiative to mention this matter.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while.

Jia Toushun left the company near noon, and when he walked into the elevator, he just passed by Lu Li who had returned.

Perhaps because he simply looked down on others, Jia Toushun didn't even look at Lu Li.

And when Lu Li saw the other person's white clothes and familiar slicked back hair, he already knew who the other person was.

Jia Toushun!

The last big boss of W, the user of Utopia Memory.

Utopia Memory, with the power of hope, is even called the king of memory.

It can transform the opponent's ability into its own ability, and can freely manipulate the power of air and nature.

It is definitely a very powerful memory.

Compared with the old man who uses the fear memory, Utopia Memory is obviously stronger in combat power.

However, when the two passed by just now, Lu Li clearly felt that Jia Toushun still had human breath on him.

In other words, Jia Toushun is not dead now, which means that he has not been transformed into Never Undead.

According to the time, Consortium X is also carrying out another plan, superpower soldiers.

By training those who have acquired special abilities into biological weapons for combat, it is the superpower soldier plan.

The person in charge of this plan is also Jia Toushun.

I just don't know if Jia Toushun has obtained the Utopia Memory.

As a high-level golden memory, the power of the Utopia Memory is absolutely top-notch.

Perhaps even the taboo memory that is currently used by Sono Saeko to fully release the power will be slightly inferior.

Lu Li naturally wants to get such a memory.

The ability to transform the opponent's ability into one's own ability is the most powerful ability of the Utopia Memory.

Of course, the Utopia Memory is not without limitations.

This peculiar ability of transforming the target's ability into one's own ability is not applicable to some targets.

For example, Never, as an undead, is no longer a living person, and the Utopia Memory has no effect on such a being.

Not only the Utopia Memory, but even the power of the Fear Memory has no effect on Never.

The undead do not have to fear mental attacks at all.

In the movie, the biggest reason why Jia Toushun's transformed Utopia hybrid was unable to defeat Brother E was that he was unable to use the opponent's abilities for his own benefit.

At the same time, when Yongqi uses the ultimate driver, he can invalidate the opponent's memory.

One was ebbing and the other was ebbing, and then he was killed.

Moreover, there is no limit to the ability of Utopia Memory to transform the other party's abilities for its own use.

Once the opponent is too powerful, it will also cause the powerful force to backfire on itself, which is also related to the user of the memory.

The first meeting was just passing by each other in such a hurry that even Jiatou Shun didn't see Lu Li's face.

When the elevator closed, Jia Toushun suddenly felt a little fuzzy in his heart.

Looking at the figure outside the elevator, he felt keenly that this man... seemed unusual.

The elevator closed slowly, and the first meeting between Lu Li and Jiatoushun ended in a hurry.

Arriving at the office, as soon as Lu Li walked in, he saw Sonosaki Saeko who had just sat down.

"My dear, why are you here now?"

She remembered that Lu Li said he was going out this morning, but she didn't expect Lu Li to come back so soon.

Hearing this, Lu Li walked directly behind her, lay down on the chair and gently hugged Sono Saki Saeko.

"Zezi, that guy with the big back just now is from Consortium X, right?"

Sono Saki Saeko was quite surprised. She didn't expect Lu Li to recognize him at a glance.

Nodding slightly, Sonosaki Saeko told Lu Li everything about the conversation between her and Katou Jun.

"My dear, you are indeed right. Consortium X is just here to speed up our research progress."

Raising her neck, Sonosaki Saeko raised her arms and gently touched Lu Li's neck, and her flaming red lips were printed on Lu Li's face.

But suddenly, Sonosaki Saeko thought of Kato Jun's eyes that made her very uncomfortable when he first saw her.

"However, that guy named Ga Tou Shun, I always feel that he looks at me in a strange way, an indescribable feeling."

After hearing this, Lu Li remembered that Katojun became an undead in the later period, but even so, he still fell in love with Sonosaki Saeko.

It's a pity that Sonosaki Saeko has no interest at all in the cold, dead-looking Katojun.


Lu Li couldn't help but laugh.

This guy Ka Tou Shun actually targeted his own woman.

And Lu Li was obviously not a generous person.

Jiatoushun...must die!

Not only did he have to die, but Lu Li also wanted the Utopia memory in his hands.

Lu Li smiled calmly and said confidently.

"Don't worry, you won't see him again."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko didn't know why, but felt that there was not only confidence in Lu Li's tone, but also a hint of something else, like... murderous intent.

"Dear, do you want to...?"

Even if she didn't say it clearly, she could probably guess what Lu Li wanted to do.

She couldn't help but feel a little worried. If she really killed Ga Tou Shun, would she offend Consortium X?

Consortium X is a behemoth shrouded in fog. No one knows exactly how powerful it is.

But it is certain that the forces behind it are very strong and hidden in secret.

If I offend the other party by killing Ga Tou Shun, will it cause the other party to cancel funding for the museum?

Once the other party's financial support is lost, even if the museum can continue to maintain its existence, it may not have the extra energy to promote Gaia memory technology.

Now, Sonosaki Eko has control of the company, and she doesn't want this to happen.

After all, she worked so hard to seize half of the museum from her father, not just to destroy it with her own hands.

Noticing the worry in Sonosaki Saeko's eyes, Lu Li smiled slightly.

"`ˇDon't worry, what I want to do will naturally not be known to anyone, let alone affect the cooperation between Consortium X and the museum."

He already knew in advance that Consortium

Even if he was killed later, Lu Li would find a way to destroy his body and eliminate all traces, instead of leaving his body for Consortium X to resurrect.

After hearing what Lu Li said, Sonosaki Saeko felt relieved.

"In that case, then just do what you want."

And Ga Toushun, who had just left the company, sat in a car with two other people wearing white clothes.

These two people are Ga Tou Shun's assistants, helping him deal with some problems or collect some information.

Leaning on the seat, Katojun couldn't help but recall the appearance of Sonosaki Saeko just now.

He has never felt like this before. Is this what it feels like to like someone?

He couldn't help but secretly curse, he never thought that someone could make his heart beat.

But his heart was beating, but he didn't show any other abnormalities.

Their faces were still cold, and the two assistants in the group were completely unaware of the problem with Gaitoushun.

One of the assistants couldn't help but ask.

"Lord Kato, regarding the research progress of Gaia's memory..."

Hearing this, Ka Tou Shun glanced at him with a cold gaze.

"The research progress of Gaia memory is currently a little slow, but there is no big problem."


The assistant responded quickly and quickly recorded the information into the computer and passed it back to the consortium.

It's like they came for a field trip to determine what's going on here at the museum.

After figuring out the situation at the museum, we will report the situation to the foundation and consider whether to continue investing.

At this time, another assistant asked cautiously.

"Master Jiatou, are we going to Southeast Asia now?"

Nodding slightly, Jiatou Shun did plan to do so.

The assistant understood instantly and immediately began to make arrangements.

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