"I know, I'll arrange it right away."

If you want to go to S country in Southeast Asia from Fengdu, you can't drive there, but take a plane.

For a behemoth like Consortium X, you don't have to wait for a plane to go anywhere, you can just take a private plane.

The reason why you have to go to S country in Southeast Asia (Wangmama) is because there is another plan that Jia Toushun is in charge of there.

Now it's a good time to go and see how the superpower soldier plan there is going.


Ming Hai Detective Agency.

Za Shotaro, who had just accepted the commission of the manager of Fengzhi Barber Shop, came back and was about to ask Philip to help him check the news or something.

As soon as he opened the door, he found that the whole house was already in a mess.

The house was a mess, and things were placed all over the place, feeling like they had just experienced a battle.


Za Shotaro was torn apart on the spot when he saw this scene.

"Hey! What the hell are you two doing at home?!"

The house is so messy that it would take almost a whole day to clean it up.

Ming Hai A Shuzi turned her head away with a guilty conscience and explained quickly.

"Uh...! This matter has nothing to do with me!"

The house looks a bit messy, but it was not caused by her, she just wanted to help Philip.

It is not directly related to her, but it is indirectly related to her a little bit.

At this time, hearing the sound from outside, Philip came out of the basement with a butterfly net.

"Shotaro, you are back, help us install the fang memory."

Seeing Philip so focused, Zuo Shotaro suddenly felt a headache.

"It seems that it is not the right time to search with you in this situation."

He also knew that once Philip focused on something, ten cows could not pull him back.

In this case, it is better to find it yourself than to expect him to help her search for information.

When Ming Hai A Shuzi heard Zuo Shotaro wanted to search, she immediately became energetic.

"Hey! Did you get a commission?"

As the director of the detective agency, she has all the financial power in her hands.

If the agency doesn't get a commission, she will have no money. When she heard that Shotaro Sa had a commission, she smiled.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket from renho..! Roar.

Chapter 104 The goal of the two, W Fang Ace!

Shotaro Sa nodded.

"It's to find someone. The owner of the barber shop I often go to asked me to do it."

Knowing that it was a commission to find a person, not a commission to find a cat or a dog, Narumi Akiko was obviously more energetic.

"Really? Then why don't you act quickly! Let's go, let's go!"

Compared to capturing the Fang memory, Narumi Akiko would rather complete the commission first.

After all, one can only make a mess in the house and need to clean up slowly, while the other can earn a commission fee.

In comparison, it is self-evident which one to choose.

As soon as he heard that they were all going out to do the mission, Philip immediately refused to do it and said hurriedly.

"No! We must find the fang memory as soon as possible!"

Since he can use the power of the fang memory freely, Philip no longer rejects the power of the fang in his heart.

It's not that he wants to control this power more, after all, the power of the fang is really strong.

With the power of the fang memory, it won't be so difficult to meet the cadres of the organization.

Especially they had just fought with the Nazca doping body before, and the opponent has become stronger.

With the current W, it is difficult to win.

The high-speed movement of the Nazca doping body is not something that the current W can handle.

"The capture plan is temporarily suspended, and work is the most important thing."

At Ming Hai Ya Shuzi, only work can make money and support them.


Looking down at the butterfly net in his hand, Philip was entangled for a while.

Seeing that Philip couldn't let go of this matter, Ming Hai Aki suddenly noticed the time on the clock.

"Wait, Philip, Princess Wakana's broadcast time has come."

As long as Philip's attention can be distracted, they will have time to deal with the commission first.

As expected, Philip was instantly attracted by the broadcast.

He didn't know where the butterfly net in his hand was thrown. He came to the recorder and listened to the content quietly.

Taking this opportunity, Ming Hai Aki and Zuo Xiangtaro immediately left the detective agency.


On the street.

Sudo Kirihiko put his hands in his pockets and walked on the road. He seemed to be thinking about something.

When fighting before, he suddenly felt palpitations in his heart, as if the energy was going out of control.

"Why... did this happen?"

No matter what, he couldn't think of what was going on. It was obviously fine before.

Taking out the Nazca memory in his pocket, Sudo Kirihiko didn't see anything different from usual.

640 is no different from usual.

It was hard to describe the feeling, and he wanted to try again.

However, he was not sure what the consequences of doing so would be.

After Sudo Kirihiko left, the man in a black suit with white stripes appeared where he was just now.

He slowly took off his hat, revealing his true face.

Insaka Shinkuro!

"Use it quickly, I can't wait to see how powerful the enhanced power is." He murmured alone.

He couldn't wait to see how strong the Nazca memory he had enhanced could become.

This is also a process of collecting data.

As long as he can collect more data, he can use the corresponding data to strengthen the weather memory and make his weather memory stronger.

For so long, he has been committed to the research of Gaia memory, just to become stronger.

Since he obtained the weather memory until now, his strength has become very strong.

But even if he has become stronger, he still doesn't have the courage to face the man who once showed his strength in front of him, Sonosaki Ryubei, alone.

The gap in strength between the two is still large, and it can't be made up in a few moves.

The current Nazca memory is his chance to become stronger, so he is naturally very concerned.

What Sudo Kirihiko doesn't know is that he has become the target of two people.

One is Inosaka Shinkoro, and the other is naturally Lu Li.


After leaving the company, Lu Li went directly to find Sudo Kirihiko.

This guy is not in a good state, and Lu Li must find out what the situation is.

It is not difficult for Lu Li to find Sudo Kirihiko.

After defeating the Nazca doping body last time, Lu Li touched the Nazca memory and left a special mark on it.

This is also to facilitate Lu Li's search for Sudo Kirihiko.

After all, the Nazca memory is what Lu Li likes, and he doesn't want any unexpected situation to happen.

When he asked him to find Sudo Kirihiko according to the special mark, he found that this guy was secretly observing the battle between W and the bird doping body.

A group of junior high school students are taking turns using the bird memory.

Regarding this matter, Sonosaki Saeko also mentioned it to Lu Li before.

At present, the museum has no way to produce new Gaia memory, so it can only turn to research and find ways to make the memory evolve.

According to the museum's research, compared with mature adults, simple-minded children have more special potential.

It can make the bird memory evolve faster and exert more powerful power.

This is also a special experiment.

He himself thinks it's nothing, but Sudo Kirihiko is different.

Sudo Kirihiko's purpose of becoming a cadre at the beginning was to help build Fuuto and to protect Fuuto.

These children represent the future of Fuuto, and he will never allow anyone to hurt these children.

In the past, it was fine to sell Gaia memory to those scumbag adults, but now it is suddenly sold to children. He can't accept such a thing.

He must figure out what is going on, whether it is a problem of the company or a problem of a few salesmen.

Before that, he thinks it is still necessary to recycle the bird memory first.

And there is another problem, that is, these students do not have special memory interfaces, and rashly using Gaia memory may cause serious consequences.

Sudo Kirihiko hesitated for a moment after taking out the Nazca memory and Gaia drive, but still transformed.

He didn't know why his power went out of control before, so he took this opportunity to fight W to test it out.

At this time, W was using the metal form of the Moon Goddess.

The bird hybrid fighting him was a student transformed after all, and was still evolving rapidly, but his combat experience was very poor.

Facing W, who had rich combat experience, this battle was almost a foregone conclusion, and he was easily suppressed.

Pull out the metal memory and insert it into the metal iron rod.

"Metal.Maximum.Drive (Metal Extreme Drive)!"

Under the influence of the power of the Moon Goddess memory, the metal iron rod turned into a whip and was swung into a circle by W.

In the next second, several yellow disc-shaped energy light wheels were generated, which quickly bounced the bird hybrid.

These several yellow energy light wheels attacked from all sides, besieging and attacking the bird hybrid.


There was only a loud bang, and the bird hybrid exploded instantly.

The male student Tongma, who had transformed into a bird hybrid, also turned back into a human.

There were thick dark circles under his eyes, giving a feeling of being poisoned.

But since he was not the real user of the bird memory, even if he was hit directly by W's ultimate move, the bird memory was not damaged, but fell to the side.

"The matter is finally resolved."

Looking at Tongma who had exited the transformation, Zuo Shotaro's voice of relief sounded.

Fortunately, they stopped it in time and did not make a big mistake, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

But Philip did not think so, just because he saw the bird memory falling to the side.

"No, Shotaro, the matter is not over yet. We just used the trick of crushing the memory, but why was the memory not destroyed?"

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