Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro was stunned for a moment. Thinking about it this way, it seemed to be true.

"What on earth is going on?"


Tongma, who had just released his transformation, suddenly screamed.

He was almost fainting, and he only felt a heart-wrenching pain on his left arm.

He pulled open his sleeves and found that it was the specific location where he had just inserted it, and it had begun to rot.

"Philip, do you know what's going on?"

Faced with Zuo Xiangtaro's doubts, even Philip had never encountered such a situation.

"I don't know."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"This is because they take turns to use the memory, which should not work."

When he heard this familiar voice, W suddenly turned his head.

A blue figure flashed past him quickly, and the bird memory on the ground was taken away instantly.

"It's you!"

When he saw the Nazca doped body, W was suddenly startled and immediately took a fighting stance.

But he suddenly remembered that Sudo Kirihiko had said before that he also loved this city.

Thinking of this, W was immediately furious and pushed him forward.

"You guy! Don't use such a tone of indifference! It's obviously you who sold some of your own to the children!"

Perhaps an adult like Zuo Xiangtaro could understand and accept it, after all, adults have their own thoughts.

But selling memory to teenagers, what a sinister intention!

Facing this situation, how could he not be angry.

After being pushed, Nazca took two steps back and did not rush to fight back.

"Don't talk nonsense, we have never sold memory to minors."

He just knew about this matter, so how could he know who sold memory to teenagers.

Hearing this, W pointed at Tongma who was lying on the ground and crying.

"If that's the case, then what's going on now? Why did this happen?!"

This happened right under his nose, how could W tolerate it.

"I will investigate this matter, so you don't have to worry about it! But before that, I have to compete with you first."

As soon as the voice fell, the Nazca doped body quickly pounced on W.

The last battle did not go to the end, this time, the winner must be determined.

He wants to rely on defeating W to show his achievements and avenge his previous shame.

Then, the two started a fierce battle.

W was obviously at a disadvantage in the battle with the Nazca doped body after the power was enhanced.

In particular, the Nazca doped body can also use super high speed, can quickly dodge all attacks of W, and attack W in an instant.

W, who was attacked continuously, was fortunately provided with a strong defense by the metal body, otherwise he really couldn't bear it.

W, who was continuously repelled, waved the bendable metal iron rod and attacked the Nazca doped body directly from a long distance.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

But every attack of his seemed to be predicted in advance by the Nazca doped body.

Every attack was blocked by the Nazca sword.

"Shotaro, we can't defeat him in our current form."

"Then what do you say? The tusk memory can't be found, and we can't use the tusk ace!"

"I already have a guess! Immediately, wait for me!"

W continued to deal with the swift attack of the Nazca doping body in a panic, and was at a disadvantage for a time.

Lu Li, who had been observing from behind, noticed that a huge car was gradually driving towards this side.

Roundabout Sprint!

"Are you going to use the tusk ace?"

Lu Li's eyes were quite interested.

Lu Li was still quite interested in W in the tusk ace form.

Although there was a gap in combat power with the final form of CJX, it was still a good opponent for now.

"Here it comes!"

The Nazca doping body, who was concentrating on the battle, was still a little confused after hearing this voice.

As a result, he heard the sound of a car speeding behind him.

"Super high speed!"

There was no time to think so much, and he used super high speed to dodge instantly.

As expected, the Sprint Car instantly hit the place where he was just now.

If he hadn't used super high speed to dodge, he would have been knocked out now.

Then, the Sprint Car slowly opened, and the person lying in the car was Philip.

"Philip, what's going on with you? Why did you bring your body out?"

Facing Philip's outrageous operation, Zuo Xiangtaro was also confused at the moment, and didn't understand what was going on.

"Don't worry, I have already made an assumption. The Fang Memory should not watch me fall into danger.

As long as I fall into danger, the Fang Memory will protect me at all costs."

"Are you sure you are not kidding?!"

Zuo Xiangtaro still couldn't accept such a setting for a while.

The main reason was that it was too risky. Philip was his companion after all. How could he watch him get into danger?

"Don't worry, I am very confident."

At this time, the Nazca doping body that had just dodged instantly threw out two balls of energy, targeting the Sprint Car.


How could Shotaro Zuo remain indifferent in the face of this situation? He immediately prepared to block the attack of the energy ball.

But before he could rush over, a swift figure quickly appeared on the Sprint.

"Shua shua!!"

The figure quickly passed through, and the two energy balls attacking the Sprint exploded immediately.

"Boom boom!!"

After the explosion, the swift figure appeared next to Philip intact.

It was the Fang Memory.

"Shotaro, you see, I am right, as long as I encounter danger, the Fang Memory will take the initiative to protect me."

Covering his face, Shotaro Zuo was really speechless about his partner.

"Philip, can you not do such a dangerous experiment next time? What if there is a problem?"

And Philip obviously chose to do such an experiment only when he was very sure, otherwise wouldn't it be a joke with his own life?

Ever since he was able to control the power of the Fang Memory, Philip was eager to fight.

"Okay, Shotaro, leave the rest to me."

"...Okay, then the next battle is up to you."

After saying that, W went directly to the side of the Sprint.

After canceling the transformation, Philip successfully took the Fang memory in front of him.

"No choice, let you do it."


The two voices rang out at the same time.

"Fang (Fang)!"

"Joker (Ace)!"

Countless data enveloped Philip, and dark stripes appeared on his face.

The next second, these data turned into armor and attached to Philip.

The half-black and half-white knight, Kamen Rider W, Fang Ace form, appeared!

After the transformation was completed, the left Shotaro standing next to him fell straight to the ground like Philip before.

"Sh! Let's count your sins!"

Before he finished speaking, W rushed directly to the Nazca doped body.

"Fang Ace Form? This time... I can finally compete with you!"

He wanted to fight W's Fang Ace Form before and decide the winner.

But it was delayed due to some uncontrollable reasons.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Qiongqi Mo!

Thank you for the monthly ticket of Diaomin! .

Chapter 105 Feeling that the body is hollowed out, the LV3 evolution by accident

This time, he must decide the winner with W.

On the way to rush forward again, W quickly flicked the sharp corner of the Fang memory once.

"Arm.Fang (Fang Arm Blade)!"

A sharp arm blade appeared on the white right arm.


The white arm blade and the black sword blade collided with each other, splashing sparks.

Different from the frequent hits in the previous battle.

W, who has become the Fang Ace Form, can completely fight against the Nazca Doped Body.

All the attacks of the Nazca dopant were easily blocked by W~.

"How could it be?!"

This time it was Nazca dopant-'s turn to be shocked.

He knew very well how fast and strong he was now.

He could have suppressed W before, but now facing the tusk ace form, all his attacks were ineffective.


The arm blade and the sword blade collided again, and the two sides were evenly matched.

"As long as I sense the murderous intent, my body can react quickly."

He flicked the Nazca sword blade away and slammed his dark fist into his chest.

The powerful fist knocked Nazca dopant- off a few steps.


The Nazca dopant, who had regained his balance, looked at W in disbelief.

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