The opponent was able to knock him back with just one punch, which caught him off guard.

Originally, he thought that he could handle even the Fang Ace now.

Unexpectedly, he underestimated W's Fang Ace form.

"Don't be happy too soon! Super high speed!"

The Nazca doped body disappeared instantly, causing W's attack to miss.


Before he could react, he felt a pain in his back.


The sharp blade slashed on his back, and W staggered and rolled forward.

"Too fast! I can't keep up with the speed!"

Even the Fang Ace form couldn't keep up with the super-fast Nazca doped body.

After continuous back and forth attacks, the Nazca doped body completely took the upper hand, but the Fang Ace form was always in a passive position.


The Nazca doped body, which was about to launch the next wave of offensive, suddenly paused.

After staggering back a few steps, he knelt on the ground.

"What's going on? Is my body unable to adapt?"

He felt as if his strength was drained away.

Although super-speed would accelerate the body's energy consumption, it shouldn't be to this extent.

As the power of the Nazca dopant weakened, the power that was originally suppressed by him finally broke out at this moment.

The surging power in his body broke out instantly, and the Nazca dopant suddenly roared to the sky.


He felt that the surging power in his body was constantly pouring out.

Lu Li, who had been observing him, couldn't help but frowned after seeing this situation.

He didn't prepare such power for the Nazca memory.

But why could the Nazca memory suddenly burst out with such a powerful force?

Could it be that... someone had adjusted the Nazca memory? !

This is the only conclusion Lu Li can draw at present.

There is only one possibility to burst out such a powerful and terrifying power.

The Nazca memory has been transformed and strengthened, and the power after this transformation and strengthening is not controlled by Sudo Kirihiko.

His face was slightly gloomy, and Lu Li currently did not know who did it.

It might be done by the old fox, of course, it could also be someone else.

At the beginning, the old fox gave Sudo Kirihiko the Nazca memory, just to make him a guinea pig to help the Nazca memory evolve.

It should be impossible to do such a thing, but who else could it be except the old fox?

Strengthen the memory and make the power of the memory stronger.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Lu Li's mind.

"Isaka... Shen Honglang?"

That's right, Lu Li suddenly thought of Isaka Shen Honglang.

You know, Isaka Shen Honglang has very powerful experience in strengthening or weakening memory.

It's just that Lu Li doesn't understand why there is contact between Isaka Shen Honglang and Sudo Kirihiko.

The two of them should be people who have no intersection.

Lu Li probably never thought that the person who facilitated the connection between the two was not someone else, but himself.


Here, a powerful energy burst out from the body of the Nazca doped body.

The power surged, and a pair of orange-red light wings appeared behind the Nazca doped body.

As his power grew stronger, the orange-red light gradually turned purple.

At the same time, not only the pair of light wings changed, but also his body was changing.

The blue body and the black stripes on the body were changing in color. The blue body was gradually turning orange-red, and the black stripes on the body were gradually turning silver-white.


Without suppressing the energy burst, the Nazca doped body actually broke through to Lv3 directly.

The color of the body had completely changed. The Nazca doped body felt the powerful power surging from the body and was very excited.

Looking at his hands that had turned orange, the Nazca doped body laughed immediately.

"Hahahaha! W, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to evolve to Lv3 so quickly!"

When he learned that he had evolved to Lv3, the Nazca doped body was very excited.

At this moment, he still regretted why he had suppressed the energy in his body before.

If he hadn't suppressed the power in his body before, he might have broken through to Lv3 before.

W was very alert and could clearly feel the surging energy of the Nasca doped body.

"This guy! He has become stronger again!"

It has only been a short time, and the other party has become so strong.

At this time, Philip suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

"It feels that this guy's current situation seems to be a bit similar to the forbidden doped body that Tsumura Marina transformed into at that time."

He just felt that this feeling was a bit familiar, and he was not sure whether the Nasca doped body in front of him had gone berserk.

"W, let me bury you here with the strongest power!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Nasca doped body disappeared instantly.


W didn't react at all, and was hit in the chest by a powerful force.


Only W's scream of pain was heard.

In just a moment, he felt as if his body was about to be beaten to pieces.


Gnashing teeth in pain!

His brain seemed to stop functioning at this moment, with only two words in his mind.

So fast!

W was knocked out more than ten meters away.

Looking at his own stage, the Nazca dopant said excitedly.

"Hahaha! W, can you feel my powerful strength now? Even your current tusk ace is not my opponent!"

This was the first time he experienced such a powerful force, which made him feel comfortable and couldn't help wanting to indulge in it.

Even with the help of the Gaia drive, the Nazca dopant still couldn't resist the temptation of this powerful force.

The final form of the Nazca dopant is indeed very powerful, and even CJX is quite difficult to deal with.

The target moves too fast and the attack method is too agile, so it is reasonable that it is difficult to deal with.

"Ha... uh! What is this...?! Uh!!"

While being excited about the powerful power in his body, the Nazca dopant couldn't help but take two steps back.

He felt that this power seemed to be out of his control.

Orange-red energy burst out from him, and a powerful energy tide spread.

Even W, who was more than ten meters away, was repelled by this powerful energy burst.

"How could it be?! Impossible! This is the power after my breakthrough, how could I not control it?! Absolutely impossible!"

The Nazca doped body felt that it could not control this powerful power, and there was a hint of panic in its tone.

He felt very uneasy, why couldn't he control the power after the breakthrough?


Looking at the Nazca doped body with crazy energy bursting at this time, Lu Li's originally frowned brows finally relaxed.

Even though the current Nazca doped body seemed uncontrollable, it had achieved its own requirements.


Lu Li wanted the Nazca doped body to break through to Lv3, and now it has been achieved.

The current energy has been bursting and is in an unstable state, but this does not affect Lu Li's subsequent adjustments.

As long as there is accurate data, stable adjustments can be made, just like the previous taboo memory.

"Isaka Shinkoro, I hope it's not you who did it this time, otherwise... hum!"

Lu Li has already regarded the Nazca memory as his own property, so naturally he doesn't want others to covet it.

He knows that the guy, Isaka Shinkoro, has always wanted the power of fear, but his own power is not strong enough, so he has been trying to strengthen himself.

How to strengthen it, of course, is to import the data of other memories into the weather memory.

Doing so can enhance the power of the weather memory.

It is natural that the Nazca memory, such a powerful golden memory, becomes his target.

It is just that it is not clear how he knows that Sudo Kirihiko has the Nazca memory.

It is also unknown how he modified the Nazca memory without letting Sudo Kirihiko know.

All this, Lu Li plans to consider after recovering the Nazca memory.


The Nazca doped body, which has completely entered the eruption state, can no longer control its own power.

It is not him who controls the power, but he is controlled by the power.

Now, his body seemed to be about to explode, and he needed a target to vent his anger.

And this target was naturally the current W.

"Go to hell!"

A dazzling orange-red light burst out from the body of Nazca's doped body, and his body accelerated instantly.

The super high speed he used at this time was faster than the previous Lv2 super high speed.

"So fast!"

Earlier, W could still see the opponent's accelerating figure.

But now, W could only see a residual image, and then he was beaten out.

0 ······Please give me flowers· ·········

A fierce punch hit the chest, and even though W had already felt a lot of murderous aura, he still didn't react.


With a scream of pain, W's figure flew backwards and before he could land, he felt a burst of murderous intent coming again.

A sharp pain came from his back, and it turned out that the sharp sword blade hit his back.


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