W, who was in the air, seemed to have become a human sandbag, and completely became the target of Nazca's venting.

"Die! Die! Go to hell!" Nazca roared hoarsely.

He was venting his dissatisfaction and frustration in his heart during this period of time.

He was obviously doing his job very diligently, but there were a lot of embarrassing things.

And the initiator of all this was almost all W.

Facing such a guy, Nazca would naturally not let him go.


Another fierce sword passed.

A lot of sparks splashed from W's chest.


This time, W finally fell to the ground.

White smoke rose from all parts of his body, all of which were the places where he was hit just now.

"Philip! How are you, are you okay?"

The Fang Ace form uses Philip's body. If he is injured in the battle, it will not be Shotaro Sa who is injured.

"I... I'm fine."

Even though he was injured so much, Philip could still hold on.

The tusk ace form not only enhances strength, speed and attack power, but also defense.

Although it may not be as good as the defense brought by the metal body, it is still stronger than other forms.

...... .... 0

"No, we can't defeat him with our current strength. If we continue to fight, I'm afraid..."

Even if Philip didn't say the second half of the sentence, Zuo Xiangtaro could probably guess what the second half of the sentence was.

They... might die.

The terrifying power of the Nazca dopant completely exceeded their expectations.

It's really hard to imagine why the Nazca dopant that could be dealt with before can burst out with such terrifying power.

Zuo Xiangtaro remembered the previous forbidden dopant, and the energy that burst out was very similar to the current situation.

"Could it be that Lu Li did it again?!"

But Philip couldn't answer this question at the moment.

"I don't know, the two situations are more similar."

Looking at the Nazca dopant that was emitting light like a weak sun, Zuo Xiangtaro said firmly.

"It must be that guy! Who else could it be but that guy?

But this guy is also a cadre of the organization after all. Didn't Lu Li let him go?"

If Lu Li knew that Zuo Xiangtaro had slandered him, he might have slapped him directly.

This matter has nothing to do with him at all, and he hasn't figured out what happened yet.


The Nazca dopant, whose energy is still in an explosive state, has mysterious runes on its body.

The power represented by the Nazca memory is itself the Nazca super-ancient civilization.

The runes that emerged on his body are the symbol of the Nazca super-ancient civilization.

I knew that even Sonosaki Ryubei didn't completely understand everything about the Nazca memory.

A very mysterious memory.

This is why Sonosaki Ryubei asked Sudo Kirihiko to be his guinea pig, just to help the Nazca memory evolve.

But this evolution process will cause some irreversible effects on Sudo Kirihiko's body.

As the memory is used more deeply, Sudo Kirihiko's body will become more and more unable to bear it.

Sudo Kirihiko didn't know from the beginning to the end that he was just an experimental subject.

Whether he becomes stronger or not, the final outcome has already been determined.

However, Sonosaki Ryubei only thought that Sudo Kirihiko could evolve the Nazca memory to Lv2 at most.

Unexpectedly, now he accidentally broke through to Lv3.


In the distance.

Insaka Shinkuro, dressed in a black suit, is looking at this side with a telescope.

It's not that he doesn't want to get close to this side, but he has noticed Lu Li.

Even though he has never seen Lu Li in person before, he has obtained detailed information about Lu Li from Sonosaki Ryubei.

He knew in his heart that Lu Li's strength was not simple, but as for who was stronger than Sonozaki Ryubei, he didn't know.

After all, Sonozaki Ryubei couldn't say such an embarrassing thing that he couldn't beat Lu Li.

Was he going to tell Inosaka Shinkoro that he couldn't beat his son-in-law?

Can this be said?

Obviously not!

If he really said that, where is the imperial majesty of his museum?

PS: Thank you————for the 1000 VIP points and urging tickets of the blue and white stripes!

Thank you————for the monthly ticket of life!

Thank you————for the monthly ticket of my DIO Dayou!

Thank you————for the monthly ticket of Xiao Wu!

Chapter 106 The ultimate drive of fangs! Rampage! Power-type plum blossom Jack.form!

Looking at the Nazca doped body that was bursting with terrifying energy, Inosaka Shinkoro naturally felt the powerful force.

Even if it was not as shocking as fear, it was still quite good power.

"Haha! Let me see how powerful the Nazca memory can be.

Lu Li, will you help solve this problem?"

Originally, Izaka Shinkoro simply wanted the information of the Nazca memory, but now he happened to see Lu Li here.

He naturally became more active, hoping that Lu Li would make a move.

He would also like to see how powerful Lu Li is.

Even Sonosaki Ryubei had to be wary of this man, but his true strength was still unclear.

If he could know Lu Li's true strength in advance through the Nasca doped body, he could also be mentally prepared in advance.

Facing the Nasca doped body Lv3 that had already entered the rampage state, W in the tusk ace form could do nothing but passively take the beating.

Even counterattack seemed like a luxury now.


The purple light wings spread out behind the Nasca doped body, flashing in an instant.

W felt a strong threat coming, and before he could think too much, he immediately flicked the corner of the tusk memory twice.

"Shoulder. Fang (Fang shoulder blade)!"

A sword blade grew on the right white shoulder armor.

He took it down and hurriedly responded to the attack of the Nasca doped body.


The collision between the shoulder blade and the sword blade produced dazzling sparks.

W, who was slightly inferior in strength, was instantly suppressed by the Nazca doping.

The fang shoulder blade in his hand was bounced out in an instant.

A cold light came.

W had no time to dodge and was chopped on the chest by a sword.


With only a scream, W retreated and staggered to the ground.

"Philip! It's no use to use "640" like this. We are not his opponent at the moment."

Satoro Zuo clearly realized the problem.

That is, even if the two of them turned into the fang ace form, they could not beat the Nazca doping at all.

"Other forms are even worse. They are too fast and we can't keep up at all." Philip's voice was a little frustrated.

I thought that after obtaining the fang ace form, W would become stronger and be able to deal with stronger enemies.

But I didn't expect that they were so struggling to face the Nazca doping now, and they might even lose.


Philip was right. Shotaro Zuo couldn't think of any effective way to make up for the gap between the two sides.

Even if you see an enemy that is too fast, it will be useless if your body can't keep up.

If you continue to fight, you will be defeated sooner or later.

"W, I will personally send you to hell!"

The Nazca doped body held the Nazca blade with his right hand, and a ball of orange-red energy condensed on his left hand.

He covered the energy on the blade and rubbed it fiercely.


The originally silver-black Nazca blade suddenly lit up with an orange-red light.

He held the hilt with both hands and chopped it down at the position where W was.

"Go to hell!!"

Accompanied by his roar, an orange-red energy blade slashed out from the Nazca blade.

Facing the fast-moving attack, W could only bite the bullet.

He quickly flicked the sharp corners on the fang memory three times with his right hand.

"Fang! Maximum.Drive!"

Another sharp blade appeared on W's right ankle.

The energy of the memory rushed into his right leg crazily.

W squatted slightly, jumped up, and shouted the name of the special move loudly.


He kicked in the air, and the powerful force made W's body spin rapidly under the influence of this force.

Behind him, the blue head of the dinosaur-like Fang memory appeared.

It spun rapidly under the powerful force.

The blue energy of the Fang foot blade spinning kick suddenly collided with the orange-red energy blade.

When the two powerful energies collided, what would happen was almost foreseeable.


The intertwined red and blue energies exploded instantly.

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